


在.Net Framework中在三个地方有定时器类分别是System.Timers.Timer, System.Threading.Timer和System.Windows.Form.Timer。与了个程序分别对这三个类进行了测试,精度的确差得不能用,三个定时精度都差不多,最好可以到15ms左右,但很不稳定,定时间隔误差比较大,五般在15个ms左右,甚至更多,经过MATLAB画出的曲线看,误差还是有规律的,下面是定时间隔为40ms时,定时器中断服务函数相临两次响应之间的时间间隔采样数据连线图。






/// Pointer to a variable that receives the current performance-counter value, in counts. 
/// If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. 
private static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(out long lpPerformanceCount);


/// Pointer to a variable that receives the current performance-counter frequency, 
/// in counts per second. 
/// If the installed hardware does not support a high-resolution performance counter, 
/// this parameter can be zero. 
/// If the installed hardware supports a high-resolution performance counter, 
/// the return value is nonzero. 
private static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(out  long lpFrequency);

另一篇就是介绍在C#中使用这两个函数的方法了,也就是上面的代码。QueryPerformanceFrequency 函数是读取系统所支持的硬件定时器计数频率,也就是每秒的计数值,QueryPerformanceFrequency 应该是从开机时的计数值。这样通过读取两次计数值之差,再除以计数频率也就是两次读取时钟间隔的秒数。然后通过查询两次的间隔来确定是否响应服务函数,封装了如下类:


    /// ManualTimer
    /// A simulated timer by loop 
    /// It creates a new thread in Thread Pool using ThreadPool class
    /// Nocky Tian @ 2008-3-16
    /// The timer starts a new thread using  object,
    /// and the value of the property Priority is set to 
    /// so that the accuray could be kept 1ms around.
    public class UltraHighAccurateTimer
        public event ManualTimerEventHandler tick;
        private object threadLock = new object();       // for thread safe
        private long clockFrequency;            // result of QueryPerformanceFrequency() 
        bool running = true;
        Thread thread ;

        private int intervalMs;                     // interval in mimliseccond;

        /// Timer inteval in milisecond
        public int Interval
            get { return intervalMs; }
                intervalMs = value;
                intevalTicks = (long)((double)value * (double)clockFrequency / (double)1000);
        private long intevalTicks;
        private long nextTriggerTime;               // the time when next task will be executed

        /// Pointer to a variable that receives the current performance-counter value, in counts. 
        /// If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
        private static extern bool QueryPerformanceCounter(out long lpPerformanceCount);

        /// Pointer to a variable that receives the current performance-counter frequency, 
        /// in counts per second. 
        /// If the installed hardware does not support a high-resolution performance counter, 
        /// this parameter can be zero. 
        /// If the installed hardware supports a high-resolution performance counter, 
        /// the return value is nonzero.
        private static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(out  long lpFrequency);

        protected void OnTick()
            if (tick != null) {

        public UltraHighAccurateTimer()
            if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(out clockFrequency) == false) {
                // Frequency not supported
                throw new Win32Exception("QueryPerformanceFrequency() function is not supported");

            thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadProc));
            thread.Name = "HighAccuracyTimer";
            thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;

        /// 进程主程序
        private void ThreadProc()
            long currTime;
            GetTick(out currTime);
            nextTriggerTime = currTime + intevalTicks;
            while (running) {
                while (currTime < nextTriggerTime) {
                    GetTick(out currTime);
                }   // wailt an interval
                nextTriggerTime = currTime + intevalTicks;
                if (tick != null) {

        public bool GetTick(out long currentTickCount)
            if (QueryPerformanceCounter(out currentTickCount) == false)
                throw new Win32Exception("QueryPerformanceCounter() failed!");
                return true;

        public void Start()
        public void Stop()
            running = false;

            running = false;

  本来上面的类是用线程池创建的定时器线程,使用的ThreadPool类,但是精度不高,只能到5ms,或4ms,不是很满意,改用Thread类,将其优秀级提到最高,精度可以达到1ms. 可能是操作系统调整优先级顺序问题,采样200次,发现到四十几次以后精度才能到1ms,一开始采样间隔有2~3ms,尝试一开始先运行一段空程序,使线程进入正常以后才开始定时器的工作,可基本没有什么改善,也有可能等待的时间不够。






using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;

namespace UltraHighAccurateTimer
    /// ManualTimer
    /// A simulated timer by loop
    /// It creates a new thread in Thread Pool using ThreadPool class
    /// Nocky Tian @ 2008-3-16
    /// The timer starts a new thread using  object,
    /// and the value of the property Priority is set to
    /// so that the accuray could be kept 1ms around.
    public class UltraHighAccurateTimer
        public delegate void ManualTimerEventHandler(object sender);

        public event ManualTimerEventHandler Tick;

        private long clockFrequency;            // result of QueryPerformanceFrequency()
        private bool running = false;
        private Thread timerThread;

        private int intervalMs;                     // interval in mimliseccond;

        /// Timer inteval in milisecond
        public int Interval
            get { return intervalMs; }
                intervalMs = value;
                intevalTicks = (long)((double)value * (double)clockFrequency / (double)1000);

        private long intevalTicks;

        /// Pointer to a variable that receives the current performance-counter value, in counts.
        /// If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
        private static extern bool QueryPerformanceCounter(out long lpPerformanceCount);

        /// Pointer to a variable that receives the current performance-counter frequency,
        /// in counts per second.
        /// If the installed hardware does not support a high-resolution performance counter,
        /// this parameter can be zero.
        /// If the installed hardware supports a high-resolution performance counter,
        /// the return value is nonzero.
        private static extern bool QueryPerformanceFrequency(out long lpFrequency);

        public UltraHighAccurateTimer()
            if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(out clockFrequency) == false)
                // Frequency not supported
                throw new Win32Exception("QueryPerformanceFrequency() function is not supported");

        /// 进程主程序
        private void ThreadProc()
            long currTime;
            long nextTriggerTime;               // the time when next task will be executed
            GetTick(out currTime);
            nextTriggerTime = currTime + intevalTicks;
            while (running)
                while (currTime < nextTriggerTime)
                    GetTick(out currTime);
                }   // wailt an interval
                nextTriggerTime = currTime + intevalTicks;
                if (Tick != null)

        public bool GetTick(out long currentTickCount)
            if (QueryPerformanceCounter(out currentTickCount) == false)
                throw new Win32Exception("QueryPerformanceCounter() failed!");
                return true;

        public void Start()
            running = true;

            timerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadProc));
            timerThread.Name = "HighAccuracyTimer";
            timerThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;


        public void Stop()
            running = false;

            running = false;


using System;

namespace UltraHighAccurateTimerPractice
    internal class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            UltraHighAccurateTimer.UltraHighAccurateTimer uhat = new UltraHighAccurateTimer.UltraHighAccurateTimer();
            uhat.Interval = 100;  //定时间隔100毫秒
            uhat.Tick += new UltraHighAccurateTimer.UltraHighAccurateTimer.ManualTimerEventHandler(uhat_Tick);

        private static void uhat_Tick(object sender)

