
Conflicts/jump to another layer/over expectation/creative way/roadblock
和老板unhappy的时候,how to handle; 工作中有没有过冲突?怎么解决的 / Describe a situation you jump to another layer to solve a problem. /有沒有完成某項任務但是結果超乎預期的經驗/描述一个你遇到了roadblock的项目,你是怎么解决的,最后效果是什么

Opening: Sure, let me tell you about the time when I had a disagreement with my manager in estimating velocity of our agile team in my current role.

Situation/Task: I'm in a product team, we follow agile development methodology. After I joined the team, the first issue I found was that our sprint planning meeting was not efficient. The meeting usually lasted for 1.30 hours, but it only took more than 30 mins to clarify the sprint goal and go through backlog items for the next sprint. Instead, we spent around 30 mins in closing the current sprint, because there were still a lot unfinished stories, and we have to go through each of them and ask each developer to decide what to do with these stories. We spent another 30 mins to determine the velocity and evaluate whether the commitment is realistic. If we get everyone prepared before the meeting and bring some report on the velocity, we will be able to make the meeting more efficient and make better informed decision with data. I suggested this, so my manager assigned this task to me as a side project.

