注意后面的链接中System Requirements项中明确注明了Supported Operating System信息
Supported Operating System

Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, Windows Vista Service Pack 2

    • Node.JS Runtime 0.6 or 0.8
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client available in the SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack.
    • Any edition of SQL Server 2005 or later.

1、The following prerequisites are necessary prior to using the driver:

  • Node.js - use the latest version if possible, but it has been tested on node 0.6.10 and later

  • node-gyp - latest version installed globally (npm install -g node-gyp)

  • python 2.7.x - for node-gyp (make sure it is in the path)

  • Visual C++ 2010 - the Express edition is freely available from Microsoft

  • SQL Server Native Client 11.0 - available as Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client found in the SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack
2、命令行模式下,进入安装目录执行:npm install --registry msnodesql
3、进入安装目录\node_modules\msnodesql下,命令行执行:node-gyp configure
4、上述完成后,命令行执行:node-gyp build 或者 node-gyp build --debug

