Blockchain Nanodegree 预修知识之一:HTTP & Web Servers (2)


HTTP & Web Servers

Lesson 2: The Web from Python

Python’s http.server

In the exercises in this lesson, you’ll be writing code that runs on your own computer. You’ll need the starter code that you downloaded at the end of the last lesson, which should be in a directory called course-ud303.

Servers and handlers

  • the HTTPServer class
    • built in to themodule and is the same for every web service
    • knows how to listen on a port and accept HTTP requests from clients
  • request handler
    • different for every web service

What Python code needs to do:

  • Import http.server, or at least the pieces of it that you need.

  • Create a subclass of http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler. This is your handler class.

  • Define a method on the handler class for each

    HTTP verb you want to handle.

    • The method for GET requests has to be called do_GET.
    • Inside the method, call built-in methods of the handler class to read the HTTP request and write the response.
  • Create an instance of http.server.HTTPServer, giving it your handler class and server information — particularly, the port number.

  • Call the HTTPServer instance’s serve_forever method.

Exercise: The hello server


from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
class HelloHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_GET(self):
        # First, send a 200 OK response.

        # Then send headers.
        self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')

        # Now, write the response body.
        self.wfile.write("Hello, HTTP!\n".encode())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    server_address = ('', 8000)  # Serve on all addresses, port 8000.
    httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, HelloHandler)

Exercise: The echo server


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This is the solution code for the *echo server*.

from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler

class EchoHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_GET(self):
        # First, send a 200 OK response.

        # Then send headers.
        self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')

        # Now, write the response body.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    server_address = ('', 8000)  # Serve on all addresses, port 8000.
    httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, EchoHandler)

Queries and quoting

The query part of the URI is the part after the ? mark. Conventionally, query parameters are written as key=value and separated by & signs.

Python library: urllib.parse

>>> from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
>>> address = ''
>>> parts = urlparse(address)
>>> print(parts)
ParseResult(scheme='https', netloc='', path='/search', params='', query='q=gray+squirrel&tbm=isch', fragment='')
>>> print(parts.query)
>>> query = parse_qs(parts.query)
>>> query
{'q': ['gray squirrel'], 'tbm': ['isch']}

URL quoting:urllib.parse.quote

"Quoting" in this sense doesn’t have to do with
quotation marks, the kind you find around Python strings. It means translating a string into a form that doesn’t have any special characters in it, but in a way that can be reversed (unquoted) later.

Exercise: HTML and forms

If you need a refresher on HTML forms, take a look at the MDN introduction (gentle) or the W3C standard reference (more advanced).


Exercise: Form up for action

Let’s do another example! This HTML form has a pull-down menu with four options.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Search wizardry!</title>
<form action="" method=GET>
  <label>Search term:
    <input type="text" name="q">
    <select name="tbm">
      <option selected value="">Regular</option>
      <option value="isch">Images</option>
      <option value="bks">Books</option>
      <option value="nws">News</option>
  <button type="submit">Go go!</button>


GET methods are good for search forms and other actions that are intended to look something up or ask the server for a copy of some resource. But GET is not recommended for actions that are intended to alter or create a resource. For this sort of action, HTTP has a different verb, POST.


Exercise: Be a server and receive a POST request


ncat -l 9999

A server for POST

pip3 install requests

  • The do_POST method:

    • read the request body by calling the method
    • needs to be told how many bytes to read. The browser sends the length of the request body in the Content-Length header
  • Headers

    • the instance variable self.headers

    • keys are case-insentive

    • the values are strings, needs to be converted to an integer

    • if the body is empty, content-length can be missing. Therefore we’ll use the .get dictionary method to get the header value safely

    • code in do_POST find the length of the request body and read it:

      length = int(self.headers.get('Content-length', 0))
      data =

Exercise: Messageboard


  • Find the length of the POST request data.
  • Read the correct amount of request data.
  • Extract the “message” field from the request data.
  • Run the server.
  • Open the MessageboardPartOne.html file in your browser and submit it
  • Run the test script with the server running.


Post-Redirect-Get (PRG)

  • A client POSTs to a server to create or update a resource
  • On success, the server replies not with a 200 OK but with a 303 redirect
  • The redirect causes the client to GET the created or updated resources.


  • In the do_POST method, send a 303 redirect back to the root page (/).
  • In the do_GET method, assemble the response data together out of the form template and the stored messages
  • Run the server and test it in your browser.
  • Run the tests in with the server running.

Making requests

The requests library is a Python library for sending requests to web servers and interpreting the responses.

pip3 install requests

the quickstart documentation for requests

Response objects

When you send a request, you get back a Response object.

  • r.text read the content of the server’s response
  • r.content access the response body as bytes

Handling errors

  • accessing a nonexistent site raises a Python exception
  • accessing a nonexistent page on a real site gives you an object r where r.status_code is an error code.

Using a JSON API

If you call r.json() on a Response that isn’t made of JSON data, it raises a json.decoder.JSONDecodeError exception. If you want to catch this exception with a try block, you’ll need to import it from the json module.

Exercise: Use JSON with


  • Decode the JSON data returned by the GET request
  • Print out the JSON data fields in the specified format
  • Test your code by running
  • Run the test script in

Exercise: The bookmark server

Like the messageboard server, this bookmark server will keep all of its data in memory. This means that it’ll be reset if you restart it.

Your server needs to do three things, depending on what kind of request it receives:

  • On a GET request to the / path, it displays an HTML form with two fields. One field is where you put the long URI you want to shorten. The other is where you put the short name you want to use for it. Submitting this form sends a POST to the server.

  • On a POST request, the server looks for the two form fields in the request body. If it has those, it first checks the URI with


    to make sure that it actually exists (returns a 200).

    • If the URI exists, the server stores a dictionary entry mapping the short name to the long URI, and returns an HTML page with a link to the short version.
    • If the URI doesn’t actually exist, the server returns a 404 error page saying so.
    • If either of the two form fields is missing, the server returns a 400 error page saying so.
  • On a GET request to an existing short URI, it looks up the corresponding long URI and serves a redirect to it.


  • Write the CheckURI function. This function should take a URI as an argument, and return True if that URI could be successfully fetched, and False if it can’t

  • Write the code inside do_GET that sends a 303 redirect to a known name.

  • Write the code inside do_POST that sends a 400 error if the form fields are not present in the POST.

  • Write the code inside do_POST that sends a 303 redirect to the form after saving a newly submitted URI.

  • Write the code inside do_POST that sends a 404 error if a URI is not successfully checked (i.e. if CheckURI returns False).

