








    其中 fi 就是第i轮迭代复原图像,对应贝叶斯公式中的p(x),g是退化函数,对应贝叶斯公式的p(y|x),c为退化图像(c(y)dy意为在退化图像上积分),如果满足等晕条件,即图像各区域的模糊函数相同,则迭代公式可化简如下:









%% Deblurring Images Using the Blind Deconvolution Algorithm 
% The Blind Deconvolution Algorithm can be used effectively when no
% information about the distortion (blurring and noise) is known. The
% algorithm restores the image and the point-spread function (PSF)
% simultaneously. The accelerated, damped Richardson-Lucy algorithm is used
% in each iteration. Additional optical system (e.g. camera)
% characteristics can be used as input parameters that could help to
% improve the quality of the image restoration. PSF constraints can be
% passed in through a user-specified function
% Copyright 2004-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.
%% Step 1: Read Image
% The example reads in an intensity image. The |deconvblind| function can
% handle arrays of any dimension.
%该示例读取一个灰度图像。| deconvblind |函数可以处理任何维数组。
I = imread('view.tif');
figure;imshow(I);title('Original Image');
%text(size(I,2),size(I,1)+15, ...
%    'Image courtesy of Massachusetts Institute of Technology', ...

%% Step 2: Simulate a Blur
% Simulate a real-life image that could be blurred (e.g., due to camera
% motion or lack of focus). The example simulates the blur by convolving a
% Gaussian filter with the true image (using |imfilter|). The Gaussian filter
% then represents a point-spread function, |PSF|.
Blurred=imfilter(I,PSF,'symmetric','conv');  %对图像I进行滤波处理;
figure;imshow(Blurred);title('Blurred Image');  


%% Step 3: Restore the Blurred Image Using PSFs of Various Sizes
% To illustrate the importance of knowing the size of the true PSF, this
% example performs three restorations. Each time the PSF reconstruction
% starts from a uniform array--an array of ones.
% The first restoration, |J1| and |P1|, uses an undersized array, |UNDERPSF|, for
% an initial guess of the PSF. The size of the UNDERPSF array is 4 pixels
% shorter in each dimension than the true PSF. 
%第一次复原,|J1|和|P1|,使用一个较小数组,| UNDERPSF |,来对PSF的初步猜测。该
UNDERPSF = ones(size(PSF)-4);
[J1 P1] = deconvblind(Blurred,UNDERPSF);
figure;imshow(J1);title('Deblurring with Undersized PSF'); 


% The second restoration, |J2| and |P2|, uses an array of ones, |OVERPSF|, for an
% initial PSF that is 4 pixels longer in each dimension than the true PSF.
%第二次复原,|J2|和|P2|,使用一个元素全为1的数组,| OVERPSF|,初始PSF每维比真
OVERPSF = padarray(UNDERPSF,[4 4],'replicate','both');
[J2 P2] = deconvblind(Blurred,OVERPSF);
figure;imshow(J2);title('Deblurring with Oversized PSF');  

% The third restoration, |J3| and |P3|, uses an array of ones, |INITPSF|, for an
% initial PSF that is exactly of the same size as the true PSF.
%第三次复原,|J3|和|P3|,使用一个全为一的数组| INITPSF |作为初次PSF,每维与真正
INITPSF = padarray(UNDERPSF,[2 2],'replicate','both');
[J3 P3] = deconvblind(Blurred,INITPSF);
figure;imshow(J3);title('Deblurring with INITPSF');  


%% Step 4: Analyzing the Restored PSF
% All three restorations also produce a PSF. The following pictures show
% how the analysis of the reconstructed PSF might help in guessing the
% right size for the initial PSF. In the true PSF, a Gaussian filter, the
% maximum values are at the center (white) and diminish at the borders (black).
title('True PSF');
title('Reconstructed Undersized PSF');
title('Reconstructed Oversized PSF');
title('Reconstructed true PSF');  


% The PSF reconstructed in the first restoration, |P1|, obviously does not
% fit into the constrained size. It has a strong signal variation at the
% borders. The corresponding image, |J1|, does not show any improved clarity
% vs. the blurred image,.
% The PSF reconstructed in the second restoration, |P2|, becomes very smooth
% at the edges. This implies that the restoration can handle a PSF of a
% smaller size. The corresponding image, |J2|, shows some deblurring but it
% is strongly corrupted by the ringing.
% Finally, the PSF reconstructed in the third restoration, |P3|, is somewhat
% intermediate between |P1| and |P2|. The array, |P3|, resembles the true PSF
% very well. The corresponding image, |J3|, shows significant improvement;
% however it is still corrupted by the ringing.

%% Step 5: Improving the Restoration
% The ringing in the restored image, |J3|, occurs along the areas of sharp
% intensity contrast in the image and along the image borders. This example
% shows how to reduce the ringing effect by specifying a weighting
% function. The algorithm weights each pixel according to the |WEIGHT| array
% while restoring the image and the PSF. In our example, we start by
% finding the "sharp" pixels using the edge function. By trial and error,
% we determine that a desirable threshold level is 0.3.

%WEIGHT = edge(I,'sobel',.3);  
 WEIGHT = edge(Blurred,'sobel',.3); 
% To widen the area, we use |imdilate| and pass in a structuring element, |se|.
se = strel('disk',2);
WEIGHT = 1-double(imdilate(WEIGHT,se));  
% The pixels close to the borders are also assigned the value 0.
WEIGHT([1:3 end-[0:2]],:) = 0;
WEIGHT(:,[1:3 end-[0:2]]) = 0;
figure;imshow(WEIGHT);title('Weight array');  


% The image is restored by calling deconvblind with the |WEIGHT| array and an
% increased number of iterations (30). Almost all the ringing is suppressed.
[J P] = deconvblind(Blurred,INITPSF,30,[],WEIGHT);
figure;imshow(J);title('Deblurred Image');  

%% Step 6: Using Additional Constraints on the PSF Restoration
% The example shows how you can specify additional constraints on the PSF.
% The function, |FUN|, below returns a modified PSF array which deconvblind
% uses for the next iteration. 
% In this example, |FUN| modifies the PSF by cropping it by |P1| and |P2| number
% of pixels in each dimension, and then padding the array back to its
% original size with zeros. This operation does not change the values in
% the center of the PSF, but effectively reduces the PSF size by |2*P1| and
% |2*P2| pixels. 
%回零。此操作不会改变在PSF中心的值,而且有效地在各维减少了|2*P1|和| 2*P2|元
P1 = 2;
P2 = 2;
FUN = @(PSF) padarray(PSF(P1+1:end-P1,P2+1:end-P2),[P1 P2]);  
% The anonymous function, |FUN|, is passed into |deconvblind| last.
%该匿名函数|FUN|,最后传递给| deconvblind |。
% In this example, the size of the initial PSF, |OVERPSF|, is 4 pixels larger
% than the true PSF. Setting P1=2 and P2=2 as parameters in |FUN|
% effectively makes the valuable space in |OVERPSF| the same size as the true
% PSF. Therefore, the outcome, |JF| and |PF|, is similar to the result of
% deconvolution with the right sized PSF and no |FUN| call, |J| and |P|, from
% step 4.
[JF PF] = deconvblind(Blurred,OVERPSF,30,[],WEIGHT,FUN);
figure;imshow(JF);title('Deblurred Image');  


% If we had used the oversized initial PSF, |OVERPSF|, without the
% constraining function, |FUN|, the resulting image would be similar to the
% unsatisfactory result, |J2|, achieved in Step 3.
% Note, that any unspecified parameters before |FUN| can be omitted, such as
% |DAMPAR| and |READOUT| in this example, without requiring a place holder,
% ([]).
 %如果我们使用了没有约束的函数|FUN|的较大的初始PSF,| OVERPSF |,所得图像将类

