harden linux了解一下


cfdisk /dev/hda




cpfos Introduction

The Crazy Packager From Outa Space (cpfos) package management tool is a tiny meta tool that runs all the underlying tools of our package system. All parts of the package system are written in the bash and are very tiny.

But the cpfos package system is powerful nevertheless! It is fast, provides secure online updates and support for dependencies.

Users only should use the cpfos tool itself and not the underlying tools like upkg (they are described in the cpfos(8) manpage).

How to use cpfos?

It is very easy to use cpfos:

Installing: cpfos install package.tgz

Removing: cpfos remove package (no .tgz needed)

Searching: cpfos search keyword (will also search the package descriptions for the given keyword and not only the package name)

Updating: cpfos update. This needs a checked out repository in /usr/src/hardenedlinux or /hardenedlinux. Updates are secure since we use HTTPS.

Creating a package from source: cpfos create (start this command in the directory of the package or port you want to create)

The Hardened Linux Ports and Packages System


To generate a package (either from a port or from a package) you need a checked out source/ repository on your disk.

For example, if you want to build the arpwatch port: change into source/packages/arpwatch and run cpfos create. The built package will be located in /tmp and namedarpwatch-version-architecture-build_number.tgz, for example /tmp/arpwatch-2.1a15-i486-1.tgz

# cd source/packages/arpwatch
# cpfos create
# cpfos install /tmp/arpwatch-2.1a15-i486-1.tgz

Note: The path /tmp may will change in future because of security reasons.

Files in Port directories

The file always needed for each port is called pkginf. It includes the name of the port, the version number, the build numer, the changelog, maybe a todo list, the path were the software archive can be downloaded from (if needed), the archive name to download (if needed), the md5sum of the archive file (if needed), the dependencies of the package, the maintainer contact information and some other information. See cpfos(8) (PKGINF section) for details.

