Unity官方案例 - Tanks(二)—— 摄像机与游戏管理器脚本

Camera - CameraControl


using UnityEngine;

namespace Complete
    public class CameraControl : MonoBehaviour
        public float m_DampTime = 0.2f;                 // Approximate time for the camera to refocus.
        public float m_ScreenEdgeBuffer = 4f;           // Space between the top/bottom most target and the screen edge.
        public float m_MinSize = 6.5f;                  // The smallest orthographic size the camera can be.
        [HideInInspector] public Transform[] m_Targets; // All the targets the camera needs to encompass.

        private Camera m_Camera;                        // Used for referencing the camera.
        private float m_ZoomSpeed;                      // Reference speed for the smooth damping of the orthographic size.
        private Vector3 m_MoveVelocity;                 // Reference velocity for the smooth damping of the position.
        private Vector3 m_DesiredPosition;              // The position the camera is moving towards.

        private void Awake ()
            m_Camera = GetComponentInChildren<Camera> ();

        private void FixedUpdate ()
            // Move the camera towards a desired position.
            Move ();

            // Change the size of the camera based.
            Zoom ();

        private void Move ()
            // Find the average position of the targets.
            FindAveragePosition ();

            // Smoothly transition to that position.
            transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, m_DesiredPosition, ref m_MoveVelocity, m_DampTime);

        private void FindAveragePosition ()
            Vector3 averagePos = new Vector3 ();
            int numTargets = 0;

            // Go through all the targets and add their positions together.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Targets.Length; i++)
                // If the target isn't active, go on to the next one.
                if (!m_Targets[i].gameObject.activeSelf)

                // Add to the average and increment the number of targets in the average.
                averagePos += m_Targets[i].position;

            // If there are targets divide the sum of the positions by the number of them to find the average.
            if (numTargets > 0)
                averagePos /= numTargets;

            // Keep the same y value.
            averagePos.y = transform.position.y;

            // The desired position is the average position;
            m_DesiredPosition = averagePos;

        private void Zoom ()
            // Find the required size based on the desired position and smoothly transition to that size.
            float requiredSize = FindRequiredSize();
            m_Camera.orthographicSize = Mathf.SmoothDamp (m_Camera.orthographicSize, requiredSize, ref m_ZoomSpeed, m_DampTime);

        private float FindRequiredSize ()
            // Find the position the camera rig is moving towards in its local space.
            Vector3 desiredLocalPos = transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_DesiredPosition);

            // Start the camera's size calculation at zero.
            float size = 0f;

            // Go through all the targets...
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Targets.Length; i++)
                // ... and if they aren't active continue on to the next target.
                if (!m_Targets[i].gameObject.activeSelf)

                // Otherwise, find the position of the target in the camera's local space.
                Vector3 targetLocalPos = transform.InverseTransformPoint(m_Targets[i].position);

                // Find the position of the target from the desired position of the camera's local space.
                Vector3 desiredPosToTarget = targetLocalPos - desiredLocalPos;

                // Choose the largest out of the current size and the distance of the tank 'up' or 'down' from the camera.
                size = Mathf.Max(size, Mathf.Abs(desiredPosToTarget.y));

                // Choose the largest out of the current size and the calculated size based on the tank being to the left or right of the camera.
                size = Mathf.Max(size, Mathf.Abs(desiredPosToTarget.x) / m_Camera.aspect);

            // Add the edge buffer to the size.
            size += m_ScreenEdgeBuffer;

            // Make sure the camera's size isn't below the minimum.
            size = Mathf.Max (size, m_MinSize);

            return size;

        public void SetStartPositionAndSize ()
            // Find the desired position.
            FindAveragePosition ();

            // Set the camera's position to the desired position without damping.
            transform.position = m_DesiredPosition;

            // Find and set the required size of the camera.
            m_Camera.orthographicSize = FindRequiredSize ();

Managers - TankManager


using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Complete
    public class TankManager
        // This class is to manage various settings on a tank.
        // It works with the GameManager class to control how the tanks behave
        // and whether or not players have control of their tank in the 
        // different phases of the game.

        public Color m_PlayerColor;                             // This is the color this tank will be tinted.
        public Transform m_SpawnPoint;                          // The position and direction the tank will have when it spawns.
        [HideInInspector] public int m_PlayerNumber;            // This specifies which player this the manager for.
        [HideInInspector] public string m_ColoredPlayerText;    // A string that represents the player with their number colored to match their tank.
        [HideInInspector] public GameObject m_Instance;         // A reference to the instance of the tank when it is created.
        [HideInInspector] public int m_Wins;                    // The number of wins this player has so far.

        private TankMovement m_Movement;                        // Reference to tank's movement script, used to disable and enable control.
        private TankShooting m_Shooting;                        // Reference to tank's shooting script, used to disable and enable control.
        private GameObject m_CanvasGameObject;                  // Used to disable the world space UI during the Starting and Ending phases of each round.

        public void Setup ()
            // Get references to the components.
            m_Movement = m_Instance.GetComponent<TankMovement> ();
            m_Shooting = m_Instance.GetComponent<TankShooting> ();
            m_CanvasGameObject = m_Instance.GetComponentInChildren<Canvas> ().gameObject;

            // Set the player numbers to be consistent across the scripts.
            m_Movement.m_PlayerNumber = m_PlayerNumber;
            m_Shooting.m_PlayerNumber = m_PlayerNumber;

            // Create a string using the correct color that says 'PLAYER 1' etc based on the tank's color and the player's number.
            m_ColoredPlayerText = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(m_PlayerColor) + ">PLAYER " + m_PlayerNumber + "</color>";

            // Get all of the renderers of the tank.
            MeshRenderer[] renderers = m_Instance.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer> ();

            // Go through all the renderers...
            for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++)
                // ... set their material color to the color specific to this tank.
                renderers[i].material.color = m_PlayerColor;

        // Used during the phases of the game where the player shouldn't be able to control their tank.
        public void DisableControl ()
            m_Movement.enabled = false;
            m_Shooting.enabled = false;

            m_CanvasGameObject.SetActive (false);

        // Used during the phases of the game where the player should be able to control their tank.
        public void EnableControl ()
            m_Movement.enabled = true;
            m_Shooting.enabled = true;

            m_CanvasGameObject.SetActive (true);

        // Used at the start of each round to put the tank into it's default state.
        public void Reset ()
            m_Instance.transform.position = m_SpawnPoint.position;
            m_Instance.transform.rotation = m_SpawnPoint.rotation;

            m_Instance.SetActive (false);
            m_Instance.SetActive (true);

Manager - GameManager

using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;

namespace Complete
    public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
        public int m_NumRoundsToWin = 5;            // The number of rounds a single player has to win to win the game.
        public float m_StartDelay = 3f;             // The delay between the start of RoundStarting and RoundPlaying phases.
        public float m_EndDelay = 3f;               // The delay between the end of RoundPlaying and RoundEnding phases.
        public CameraControl m_CameraControl;       // Reference to the CameraControl script for control during different phases.
        public Text m_MessageText;                  // Reference to the overlay Text to display winning text, etc.
        public GameObject m_TankPrefab;             // Reference to the prefab the players will control.
        public TankManager[] m_Tanks;               // A collection of managers for enabling and disabling different aspects of the tanks.

        private int m_RoundNumber;                  // Which round the game is currently on.
        private WaitForSeconds m_StartWait;         // Used to have a delay whilst the round starts.
        private WaitForSeconds m_EndWait;           // Used to have a delay whilst the round or game ends.
        private TankManager m_RoundWinner;          // Reference to the winner of the current round.  Used to make an announcement of who won.
        private TankManager m_GameWinner;           // Reference to the winner of the game.  Used to make an announcement of who won.

        private void Start()
            // Create the delays so they only have to be made once.
            m_StartWait = new WaitForSeconds (m_StartDelay);
            m_EndWait = new WaitForSeconds (m_EndDelay);


            // Once the tanks have been created and the camera is using them as targets, start the game.
            StartCoroutine (GameLoop ());

        private void SpawnAllTanks()
            // For all the tanks...
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Tanks.Length; i++)
                // ... create them, set their player number and references needed for control.
                m_Tanks[i].m_Instance =
                    Instantiate(m_TankPrefab, m_Tanks[i].m_SpawnPoint.position, m_Tanks[i].m_SpawnPoint.rotation) as GameObject;
                m_Tanks[i].m_PlayerNumber = i + 1;

        private void SetCameraTargets()
            // Create a collection of transforms the same size as the number of tanks.
            Transform[] targets = new Transform[m_Tanks.Length];

            // For each of these transforms...
            for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length; i++)
                // ... set it to the appropriate tank transform.
                targets[i] = m_Tanks[i].m_Instance.transform;

            // These are the targets the camera should follow.
            m_CameraControl.m_Targets = targets;

        // This is called from start and will run each phase of the game one after another.
        private IEnumerator GameLoop ()
            // Start off by running the 'RoundStarting' coroutine but don't return until it's finished.
            yield return StartCoroutine (RoundStarting ());

            // Once the 'RoundStarting' coroutine is finished, run the 'RoundPlaying' coroutine but don't return until it's finished.
            yield return StartCoroutine (RoundPlaying());

            // Once execution has returned here, run the 'RoundEnding' coroutine, again don't return until it's finished.
            yield return StartCoroutine (RoundEnding());

            // This code is not run until 'RoundEnding' has finished.  At which point, check if a game winner has been found.
            if (m_GameWinner != null)
                // If there is a game winner, restart the level.
                SceneManager.LoadScene (0);
                // If there isn't a winner yet, restart this coroutine so the loop continues.
                // Note that this coroutine doesn't yield.  This means that the current version of the GameLoop will end.
                StartCoroutine (GameLoop ());

        private IEnumerator RoundStarting ()
            // As soon as the round starts reset the tanks and make sure they can't move.
            ResetAllTanks ();
            DisableTankControl ();

            // Snap the camera's zoom and position to something appropriate for the reset tanks.
            m_CameraControl.SetStartPositionAndSize ();

            // Increment the round number and display text showing the players what round it is.
            m_MessageText.text = "ROUND " + m_RoundNumber;

            // Wait for the specified length of time until yielding control back to the game loop.
            yield return m_StartWait;

        private IEnumerator RoundPlaying ()
            // As soon as the round begins playing let the players control the tanks.
            EnableTankControl ();

            // Clear the text from the screen.
            m_MessageText.text = string.Empty;

            // While there is not one tank left...
            while (!OneTankLeft())
                // ... return on the next frame.
                yield return null;

        private IEnumerator RoundEnding ()
            // Stop tanks from moving.
            DisableTankControl ();

            // Clear the winner from the previous round.
            m_RoundWinner = null;

            // See if there is a winner now the round is over.
            m_RoundWinner = GetRoundWinner ();

            // If there is a winner, increment their score.
            if (m_RoundWinner != null)

            // Now the winner's score has been incremented, see if someone has one the game.
            m_GameWinner = GetGameWinner ();

            // Get a message based on the scores and whether or not there is a game winner and display it.
            string message = EndMessage ();
            m_MessageText.text = message;

            // Wait for the specified length of time until yielding control back to the game loop.
            yield return m_EndWait;

        // This is used to check if there is one or fewer tanks remaining and thus the round should end.
        private bool OneTankLeft()
            // Start the count of tanks left at zero.
            int numTanksLeft = 0;

            // Go through all the tanks...
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Tanks.Length; i++)
                // ... and if they are active, increment the counter.
                if (m_Tanks[i].m_Instance.activeSelf)

            // If there are one or fewer tanks remaining return true, otherwise return false.
            return numTanksLeft <= 1;
        // This function is to find out if there is a winner of the round.
        // This function is called with the assumption that 1 or fewer tanks are currently active.
        private TankManager GetRoundWinner()
            // Go through all the tanks...
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Tanks.Length; i++)
                // ... and if one of them is active, it is the winner so return it.
                if (m_Tanks[i].m_Instance.activeSelf)
                    return m_Tanks[i];

            // If none of the tanks are active it is a draw so return null.
            return null;

        // This function is to find out if there is a winner of the game.
        private TankManager GetGameWinner()
            // Go through all the tanks...
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Tanks.Length; i++)
                // ... and if one of them has enough rounds to win the game, return it.
                if (m_Tanks[i].m_Wins == m_NumRoundsToWin)
                    return m_Tanks[i];

            // If no tanks have enough rounds to win, return null.
            return null;

        // Returns a string message to display at the end of each round.
        private string EndMessage()
            // By default when a round ends there are no winners so the default end message is a draw.
            string message = "DRAW!";

            // If there is a winner then change the message to reflect that.
            if (m_RoundWinner != null)
                message = m_RoundWinner.m_ColoredPlayerText + " WINS THE ROUND!";

            // Add some line breaks after the initial message.
            message += "\n\n\n\n";

            // Go through all the tanks and add each of their scores to the message.
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Tanks.Length; i++)
                message += m_Tanks[i].m_ColoredPlayerText + ": " + m_Tanks[i].m_Wins + " WINS\n";

            // If there is a game winner, change the entire message to reflect that.
            if (m_GameWinner != null)
                message = m_GameWinner.m_ColoredPlayerText + " WINS THE GAME!";

            return message;

        // This function is used to turn all the tanks back on and reset their positions and properties.
        private void ResetAllTanks()
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Tanks.Length; i++)

        private void EnableTankControl()
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Tanks.Length; i++)

        private void DisableTankControl()
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Tanks.Length; i++)

