Apache Hivemall 0.5.2 发布,可扩展的机器学习库


Apache Hivemall 0.5.2 发布了,Apache Hivemall 基于 Hive UDF/UDAF/UDTF,是一个可扩展的机器学习库,运行基于 Hadoop 的数据处理框架,特别是 Apache Hive、Apache Spark 和 Apache Pig。


New Feature


  • [HIVEMALL-24] - Fix the prediction logic of Field-aware Factorization Machines more scalable

  • [HIVEMALL-46] - Make it more simpler to upgrade Spark versions

  • [HIVEMALL-172] - Change tree_predict 3rd argument to accept string options

  • [HIVEMALL-179] - Support Spark 2.3

  • [HIVEMALL-180] - Drop the Spark-2.0 support

  • [HIVEMALL-191] - Add Kryo serialization tests and remove existing workaround lazy instantiation code

  • [HIVEMALL-193] - Implement a tool for generating a list of Hivemall UDFs

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  • [HIVEMALL-201] - Evaluate, fix and document FFM so Hivemall produces comparable accuracy to LIBFFM

  • [HIVEMALL-203] - Relocate Jackson package for to_json/from_json

  • [HIVEMALL-212] - Fix Classifier/Regressor not to forward zero weighted values

  • [HIVEMALL-215] - [DOC] Add step-by-step tutorial on the document

  • [HIVEMALL-222] - Introduce Gradient Clipping to avoid exploding gradient to General Classifier/Regressor

  • [HIVEMALL-223] - Add `-kv_map` and `-vk_map` option to to_ordered_list UDAF



