

我们知道,Android中规定了访问UI只能在主线程中进行,如果在子线程中访问UI的话,程序就会抛出异常Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.


void checkThread() {
    if (mThread != Thread.currentThread()) {
        throw new CalledFromWrongThreadException(
                "Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.");

我们来看下这个方法,其中mThread是一个final类型,赋值是在ViewRootImpl的构造方法中,指向mThread = Thread.currentThread();

final Thread mThread;

public ViewRootImpl(Context context, Display display) {
        mThread = Thread.currentThread();




Android Thread 的构造方法

涉及到的 Android 源码路径:


首先来分析 Android Thread,它实现了 Runnable 接口

// libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/Thread.java
public class Thread implements Runnable {

Runnable 只有一个无参无返回值的 run() 接口:

// libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/Runnable.java
 * Represents a command that can be executed. Often used to run code in a
 * different {@link Thread}.
public interface Runnable {

     * Starts executing the active part of the class' code. This method is
     * called when a thread is started that has been created with a class which
     * implements {@code Runnable}.
    public void run();

Android Thread存在六种状态,这些状态定义在枚举 State 中,源码注释写的很清晰

// libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/Thread.java
 * A representation of a thread's state. A given thread may only be in one
 * state at a time.
public enum State {
     * The thread has been created, but has never been started.
     * The thread may be run.
     * The thread is blocked and waiting for a lock.
     * The thread is waiting.
     * The thread is waiting for a specified amount of time.
     * The thread has been terminated.

Android Thread 类中一些关键成员变量如下:

// libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/Thread.java
volatile VMThread vmThread;
volatile ThreadGroup group;
volatile String name;
volatile int priority;
volatile long stackSize;
Runnable target;
private static int count = 0;
private long id;
ThreadLocal.Values localValues;
  • vmThread:可视为对 dalvik thread 的简单封装,Thread 类通过 VMThread 里面的 JNI 方法来调用 dalvik 中操作线程的方法,通过它的成员变量 threadvmata,我们可以将 Android Thread 和 dalvik Thread 的关联起来;
  • group:每一个线程都属于一个group,当线程被创建时就会加入一个特定的group,当线程运行结束,会从这个 group 中移除;
  • priority:线程优先级;
  • stackSize:线程栈大小;
  • target:一个 Runnable 对象,Thread 的 run() 方法中会转调该 targetrun() 方法,这是线程真正处理事务的地方;
  • id:线程 id,通过递增 count 得到该id,如果没有显式给线程设置名字,那么就会使用 Thread+id 当作线程的名字。注意这不是真正意义上的线程 id,即在 logcat 中打印的 tid 并不是这个 id,那 tid 是指 dalvik 线程的 id;
  • localValues:线程本地存储(TLS)数据,而TLS的作用是能将数据和执行的特定的线程联系起来。

接下来,我们来看Android Thread 的构造函数,大部分构造函数都是通过转调静态函数 create 实现的

// libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/Thread.java
public Thread() {
    create(null, null, null, 0);

下面来详细分析 create 这个关键函数:

// libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/Thread.java
private void create(ThreadGroup group, Runnable runnable, String threadName, long stackSize) {
    Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();if (group == null) {
        group = currentThread.getThreadGroup();


    this.group = group;

    synchronized (Thread.class) {
        id = ++Thread.count;

    if (threadName == null) {
        this.name = "Thread-" + id;
    } else {
        this.name = threadName;

    this.target = runnable;
    this.stackSize = stackSize;

    this.priority = currentThread.getPriority();

    this.contextClassLoader = currentThread.contextClassLoader;

    // Transfer over InheritableThreadLocals.
    if (currentThread.inheritableValues != null) {
        inheritableValues = new ThreadLocal.Values(currentThread.inheritableValues);

    // add ourselves to our ThreadGroup of choice

首先看下[create]❶部分的代码,通过静态函数 currentThread 获取创建线程所在的当前线程,然后将当前线程的一些属性传递给即将创建的新线程。这是通过 VMThread 转调 dalvik 中的代码实现的。

// android/libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/Thread.java
public static Thread currentThread() {
    return VMThread.currentThread();

VMThread 的 currentThread 是一个 native 方法,其 JNI 实现为

// dalvik/vm/native/java_lang_VMThread.cpp

static void Dalvik_java_lang_VMThread_currentThread(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)

来看下 dvmThreadSelf() 方法,每一个 dalvik 线程都会将自身存放在key 为 pthreadKeySelf 的线程本地存储中,获取当前线程时,只需要根据这个 key 查询获取即可

// dalvik/vm/Thread.cpp 中:
Thread* dvmThreadSelf()
    return (Thread*) pthread_getspecific(gDvm.pthreadKeySelf);

dalvik Thread 有一个名为 threadObj 的成员变量:

// dalvik/vm/Thread.h
/* the java/lang/Thread that we are associated with */
Object*     threadObj;

在之后的分析中我们可以看到,dalvik Thread 这个成员变量 threadObj 关联的就是对应的 Android Thread 对象,所以通过 native 方法 VMThread.currentThread() 返回的是存储在 TLS 中的当前 dalvik 线程对应的 Android Thread。

接着分析上面[create]❷部分的代码,如果没有给新线程指定 group ,那么就会指定 group 为当前线程所在的 group 中,然后给新线程设置 namepriority 等。最后通过调用 ThreadGroupaddThread 方法将新线程添加到 group 中:

// libcore/libart/src/main/java/java/lang/ThreadGroup.java
 * Called by the Thread constructor.
final void addThread(Thread thread) throws IllegalThreadStateException {
    synchronized (threadRefs) {
        threadRefs.add(new WeakReference<Thread>(thread));

ThreadGroup 的代码相对简单,它有一个名为 threadRefs 的列表,持有属于同一组的 thread 引用,可以对一组 thread 进行一些线程操作。

上面分析的是 Android Thread 的构造过程,从上面的分析可以看出,Android Thread 的构造方法仅仅是设置了一些线程属性,并没有真正去创建一个新的 dalvik Thread,dalvik Thread 创建过程要等到客户代码调用 Android Thread 的 start() 方法才会进行。

Android Thread 的start()方法

下面我们来分析 Java Thread 的 start() 方法:

// libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/Thread.java
public synchronized void start() {

    hasBeenStarted = true;

    VMThread.create(this, stackSize);

Android Thread 的 start 方法很简单,仅仅是转调 VMThread 的 native 方法

// dalvik/vm/native/java_lang_VMThread.cpp
static void Dalvik_java_lang_VMThread_create(const u4* args, JValue* pResult)
    Object* threadObj = (Object*) args[0];
    s8 stackSize = GET_ARG_LONG(args, 1);
    /* copying collector will pin threadObj for us since it was an argument */
    dvmCreateInterpThread(threadObj, (int) stackSize);

dvmCreateInterpThread 的实现

// dalvik/vm/Thread.cpp
bool dvmCreateInterpThread(Object* threadObj, int reqStackSize)
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    Thread* newThread = allocThread(stackSize); 
    newThread->threadObj = threadObj;
    Object* vmThreadObj = dvmAllocObject(gDvm.classJavaLangVMThread, ALLOC_DEFAULT);
    dvmSetFieldInt(vmThreadObj, gDvm.offJavaLangVMThread_vmData, (u4)newThread);
    dvmSetFieldObject(threadObj, gDvm.offJavaLangThread_vmThread, vmThreadObj);
    pthread_t threadHandle;
    int cc = pthread_create(&threadHandle, &threadAttr, interpThreadStart, newThread);
     * Tell the new thread to start.
     * We must hold the thread list lock before messing with another thread.
     * In the general case we would also need to verify that newThread was
     * still in the thread list, but in our case the thread has not started
     * executing user code and therefore has not had a chance to exit.
     * We move it to VMWAIT, and it then shifts itself to RUNNING, which
     * comes with a suspend-pending check.
    assert(newThread->status == THREAD_STARTING);
    newThread->status = THREAD_VMWAIT;
 * Alloc and initialize a Thread struct.
 * Does not create any objects, just stuff on the system (malloc) heap.
static Thread* allocThread(int interpStackSize)
    Thread* thread;
    thread = (Thread*) calloc(1, sizeof(Thread));
    thread->status = THREAD_INITIALIZING;

首先,通过调用 allocThread 创建一个名为 newThread 的 dalvik Thread 并设置一些属性,将设置其成员变量 threadObj 为传入的 Android Thread,这样 dalvik Thread 就与Android Thread 关联起来了;
然后创建一个名为 vmThreadObjVMThread 对象,设置其成员变量 vmDatanewThread,设置 Android Thread threadObj 的成员变量 vmThread 为这个 vmThreadObj,这样 Android Thread 通过 VMThread 的成员变量 vmData 就和 dalvik Thread 关联起来了。
最后,通过 pthread_create 创建 pthread 线程,并让这个线程 start,这样就会进入该线程的 thread entry 运行,下来我们来看新线程的 thread entry 方法 interpThreadStart,同样只列出关键的地方:

// dalvik/vm/Thread.cpp
 * pthread entry function for threads started from interpreted code.
static void* interpThreadStart(void* arg)
    Thread* self = (Thread*) arg;
     * Finish initializing the Thread struct.
     * Change our state so the GC will wait for us from now on.  If a GC is
     * in progress this call will suspend us.
    dvmChangeStatus(self, THREAD_RUNNING);
     * Execute the "run" method.
     * At this point our stack is empty, so somebody who comes looking for
     * stack traces right now won't have much to look at.  This is normal.
    Method* run = self->threadObj->clazz->vtable[gDvm.voffJavaLangThread_run];
    JValue unused;
    ALOGV("threadid=%d: calling run()", self->threadId);
    assert(strcmp(run->name, "run") == 0);
    dvmCallMethod(self, run, self->threadObj, &unused);
    ALOGV("threadid=%d: exiting", self->threadId);
     * Remove the thread from various lists, report its death, and free
     * its resources.
    return NULL;

 * Finish initialization of a Thread struct.
 * This must be called while executing in the new thread, but before the
 * thread is added to the thread list.
 * NOTE: The threadListLock must be held by the caller (needed for
 * assignThreadId()).
static bool prepareThread(Thread* thread)
    thread->handle = pthread_self();
    thread->systemTid = dvmGetSysThreadId();
    return true;
 * Explore our sense of self.  Stuffs the thread pointer into TLS.
static void setThreadSelf(Thread* thread)
    int cc;
    cc = pthread_setspecific(gDvm.pthreadKeySelf, thread);

在新线程的 thread entry 方法 interpThreadStart 中,首先设置线程的名字,然后通过调用 prepareThread 设置线程 id 以及其它一些属性,并调用 setThreadSelf 将新 dalvik Thread 自身保存在 TLS 中,这样之后就能通过 dvmThreadSelf 方法从 TLS 中获取它。然后修改状态为 THREAD_RUNNING,并调用对应 Android Thread 的 run 方法,运行客户代码:

// libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/lang/Thread.java
public void run() {
    if (target != null) {

target 在前面已经做了介绍,它是线程真正处理逻辑事务的地方。一旦逻辑事务处理完毕从 run 中返回,线程就会回到 interpThreadStart 方法中,继续执行 dvmDetachCurrentThread 方法:

// dalvik/vm/Thread.cpp
 * Detach the thread from the various data structures, notify other threads
 * that are waiting to "join" it, and free up all heap-allocated storage.
 * /
void dvmDetachCurrentThread()
    Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf();
    Object* vmThread;
    Object* group;
    group = dvmGetFieldObject(self->threadObj, gDvm.offJavaLangThread_group);
     * Remove the thread from the thread group.
    if (group != NULL) {
        Method* removeThread =
        JValue unused;
        dvmCallMethod(self, removeThread, group, &unused, self->threadObj);
     * Clear the vmThread reference in the Thread object.  Interpreted code
     * will now see that this Thread is not running.  As this may be the
     * only reference to the VMThread object that the VM knows about, we
     * have to create an internal reference to it first.
    vmThread = dvmGetFieldObject(self->threadObj,
    dvmAddTrackedAlloc(vmThread, self);
    dvmSetFieldObject(self->threadObj, gDvm.offJavaLangThread_vmThread, NULL);
    /* clear out our struct Thread pointer, since it's going away */
    dvmSetFieldObject(vmThread, gDvm.offJavaLangVMThread_vmData, NULL);
     * Thread.join() is implemented as an Object.wait() on the VMThread
     * object.  Signal anyone who is waiting.
    dvmLockObject(self, vmThread);
    dvmObjectNotifyAll(self, vmThread);
    dvmUnlockObject(self, vmThread);
    dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(vmThread, self);
    vmThread = NULL;
     * Lose the JNI context.
    self->jniEnv = NULL;
    self->status = THREAD_ZOMBIE;
     * Remove ourselves from the internal thread list.
 * Free a Thread struct, and all the stuff allocated within.
static void freeThread(Thread* thread)

dvmDetachCurrentThread 函数里,首先获取当前线程 self,这里获得的就是当前执行 thread entry 的新线程,然后通过其对应的 Android Thread 对象 threadObj 获取该对象所在 group,然后将 threadObj 这个 Android Thread 对象从 group 中移除;
接着清除 Android 与 dalvik 线程之间的关联关系,并通知 join 该线程的其它线程;
最后,设置线程状态为 THREAD_ZOMBIE,清除 TLS 中存储的线程值,并通过调用 freeThread 释放内存,至此线程就终结了。



if(Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) {
   // Current Thread is Main Thread.


if(Looper.getMainLooper().getThread() == Thread.currentThread()) {
   // Current Thread is Main Thread.


