【Python实例第25讲】稳健的 vs 经验的协方差估计

机器学习训练营——机器学习爱好者的自由交流空间(qq 群号:696721295



极小极大协方差行列式估计量(Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator, MCDE), 通常被用来估计高度污染(contaminated)的数据集的协方差。数据集的受污染程度,可以达到
n s a m p l e s n f e a t u r e s 1 2 \dfrac{n_{samples}-n_{features}-1}{2} 个离群点。它的基本思想是,找到 n s a m p l e s + n f e a t u r e s + 1 2 \dfrac{n_{samples}+n_{features}+1}{2} 个观测,它们的经验协方差有最小的行列式。这样就产生了一个“纯”的观测子集,根据它计算标准的协方差估计量。为了弥补估计量仅从一部分原始数据得到的偏差,我们需要经过一个校正步,并与稳健的协方差估计作比较。



  • 完整数据集的均值和经验协方差,它受离群点的影响。

  • 稳健的MCDE误差较小,但需满足“样本数大于特征数”的条件。

  • 观测的均值和协方差是已知的,这里作为perfect估计,方便估计量的比较。


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager

from sklearn.covariance import EmpiricalCovariance, MinCovDet

# example settings
n_samples = 80
n_features = 5
repeat = 10

range_n_outliers = np.concatenate(
    (np.linspace(0, n_samples / 8, 5),
     np.linspace(n_samples / 8, n_samples / 2, 5)[1:-1])).astype(np.int)

# definition of arrays to store results
err_loc_mcd = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat))
err_cov_mcd = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat))
err_loc_emp_full = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat))
err_cov_emp_full = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat))
err_loc_emp_pure = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat))
err_cov_emp_pure = np.zeros((range_n_outliers.size, repeat))

# computation
for i, n_outliers in enumerate(range_n_outliers):
    for j in range(repeat):

        rng = np.random.RandomState(i * j)

        # generate data
        X = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features)
        # add some outliers
        outliers_index = rng.permutation(n_samples)[:n_outliers]
        outliers_offset = 10. * \
            (np.random.randint(2, size=(n_outliers, n_features)) - 0.5)
        X[outliers_index] += outliers_offset
        inliers_mask = np.ones(n_samples).astype(bool)
        inliers_mask[outliers_index] = False

        # fit a Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) robust estimator to data
        mcd = MinCovDet().fit(X)
        # compare raw robust estimates with the true location and covariance
        err_loc_mcd[i, j] = np.sum(mcd.location_ ** 2)
        err_cov_mcd[i, j] = mcd.error_norm(np.eye(n_features))

        # compare estimators learned from the full data set with true
        # parameters
        err_loc_emp_full[i, j] = np.sum(X.mean(0) ** 2)
        err_cov_emp_full[i, j] = EmpiricalCovariance().fit(X).error_norm(

        # compare with an empirical covariance learned from a pure data set
        # (i.e. "perfect" mcd)
        pure_X = X[inliers_mask]
        pure_location = pure_X.mean(0)
        pure_emp_cov = EmpiricalCovariance().fit(pure_X)
        err_loc_emp_pure[i, j] = np.sum(pure_location ** 2)
        err_cov_emp_pure[i, j] = pure_emp_cov.error_norm(np.eye(n_features))

# Display results
font_prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=11)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
lw = 2
plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers, err_loc_mcd.mean(1),
             yerr=err_loc_mcd.std(1) / np.sqrt(repeat),
             label="Robust location", lw=lw, color='m')
plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers, err_loc_emp_full.mean(1),
             yerr=err_loc_emp_full.std(1) / np.sqrt(repeat),
             label="Full data set mean", lw=lw, color='green')
plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers, err_loc_emp_pure.mean(1),
             yerr=err_loc_emp_pure.std(1) / np.sqrt(repeat),
             label="Pure data set mean", lw=lw, color='black')
plt.title("Influence of outliers on the location estimation")
plt.ylabel(r"Error ($||\mu - \hat{\mu}||_2^2$)")
plt.legend(loc="upper left", prop=font_prop)

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
x_size = range_n_outliers.size
plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers, err_cov_mcd.mean(1),
             label="Robust covariance (mcd)", color='m')
plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers[:(x_size // 5 + 1)],
             err_cov_emp_full.mean(1)[:(x_size // 5 + 1)],
             yerr=err_cov_emp_full.std(1)[:(x_size // 5 + 1)],
             label="Full data set empirical covariance", color='green')
plt.plot(range_n_outliers[(x_size // 5):(x_size // 2 - 1)],
         err_cov_emp_full.mean(1)[(x_size // 5):(x_size // 2 - 1)],
         color='green', ls='--')
plt.errorbar(range_n_outliers, err_cov_emp_pure.mean(1),
             label="Pure data set empirical covariance", color='black')
plt.title("Influence of outliers on the covariance estimation")
plt.xlabel("Amount of contamination (%)")
plt.legend(loc="upper center", prop=font_prop)



