Inheritance setUp() and tearDown() methods from Classsetup() and Classteardown

I have a general test class in my nosetests suit and some sub-classes, inheriting from it.

The config is likewise:

class CGeneral_Test(object):: """This class defines the general testcase""" def __init__ (self): do_some_init() print "initialisation of general class done!" def setUp(self): print "this is the general setup method" do_setup() def tearDown(self): print "this is the general teardown method" do_teardown()

Now, I have the subclasses which looks like this:

class CIPv6_Test(CGeneral_Test): """This class defines the sub, inherited testcase""" def __init__ (self): super(CIPv6_Test, self).__init__() do_some_sub_init() print "initialisation of sub class done!" def setUp(self): print "this is the per-test sub setup method" do_sub_setup() def test_routing_64(self): do_actual_testing_scenarios() def tearDown(self): print "this is the per-test sub teardown method" do_sub_teardown()

So, what I want to achieve would be that each test would invoke both the sub-class and the super class setUp methods. Hence, the desired order of test is:

Base Setup
Inherited Setup This is a some test. Inherited Teardown Base Teardown

