JanusGraph->Index Backends -> Search Predicates and Data Types

  1. Compare Predicate
eq (equal)
neq (not equal)
gt (greater than)
gte (greater than or equal)
lt (less than)
lte (less than or equal)
  1. Text Predicate

    Text search predicates which match against the individual words inside a text string after it has been tokenized. These predicates are not case sensitive.
            textContains: is true if (at least) one word inside the text string matches the query string
            textContainsPrefix: is true if (at least) one word inside the text string begins with the query string
            textContainsRegex: is true if (at least) one word inside the text string matches the given regular expression
    String search predicates which match against the entire string value
            textPrefix: if the string value starts with the given query string
            textRegex: if the string value matches the given regular expression in its entirety
  2. Geo Predicate

  3. Query Examples
    g.V().has("name", "hercules")
    // 2) Find all vertices with an age greater than 50
    g.V().has("age", gt(50))
    // or find all vertices between 1000 (inclusive) and 5000 (exclusive) years of age and order by increasing age
    g.V().has("age", inside(1000, 5000)).order().by("age", incr)
    // which returns the same result set as the following query but in reverse order
    g.V().has("age", inside(1000, 5000)).order().by("age", decr)
    // 3) Find all edges where the place is at most 50 kilometers from the given latitude-longitude pair
    g.E().has("place", geoWithin(Geoshape.circle(37.97, 23.72, 50)))
    // 4) Find all edges where reason contains the word "loves"
    g.E().has("reason", textContains("loves"))
    // or all edges which contain two words (need to chunk into individual words)
    g.E().has("reason", textContains("loves")).has("reason", textContains("breezes"))
    // or all edges which contain words that start with "lov"
    g.E().has("reason", textContainsPrefix("lov"))
    // or all edges which contain words that match the regular expression "br[ez]*s" in their entirety
    g.E().has("reason", textContainsRegex("br[ez]*s"))
    // 5) Find all vertices older than a thousand years and named "saturn"
    g.V().has("age", gt(1000)).has("name", "saturn")
  4. Data Type Support
  1. Geoshape Data Type
     //lat, lng
Geoshape.point(37.97, 23.72)
//lat, lng, radius in km
Geoshape.circle(37.97, 23.72, 50)
//SW lat, SW lng, NE lat, NE lng
Geoshape.box(37.97, 23.72, 38.97, 24.72)

"37.97, 23.72"
[37.97, 23.72]
//GeoJSON feature
  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [125.6, 10.1]
  "properties": {
    "name": "Dinagat Islands"
//GeoJSON geometry
  "type": "Point",
  "coordinates": [125.6, 10.1]
  1. Collections
mgmt = graph.openManagement()
nameProperty = mgmt.makePropertyKey("names").dataType(String.class).cardinality(Cardinality.SET).make()
mgmt.buildIndex("search", Vertex.class).addKey(nameProperty, Mapping.STRING.asParameter()).buildMixedIndex("search")
//Insert a vertex
person = graph.addVertex()
person.property("names", "Robert")
person.property("names", "Bob")
//Now query it
g.V().has("names", "Bob").count().next() //1
g.V().has("names", "Robert").count().next() //1

