
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/u010168781/article/details/84667601


//使用const char []代替宏定义字符串,我以前都是用const QString,想想好傻
const char SETTINGS_OPTION[] = "-settingspath";
const char INSTALL_SETTINGS_OPTION[] = "-installsettingspath";
const char PLUGINPATH_OPTION[] = "-pluginpath";
const char TEST_OPTION[] = "-test";
struct Options
    QString settingsPath;
    QString installSettingsPath;
    QStringList customPluginPaths;
    std::vector<char *> appArguments;
    bool hasTestOption = false;
Options parseCommandLine(int argc, char *argv[])
    Options options;
    auto it = argv;
    const auto end = argv + argc;
    while (it != end) {
        const auto arg = QString::fromLocal8Bit(*it);
        const bool hasNext = it + 1 != end;
        const auto nextArg = hasNext ? QString::fromLocal8Bit(*(it + 1)) : QString();

        if (arg == SETTINGS_OPTION && hasNext) {
            options.settingsPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(nextArg);
        } else if (arg == INSTALL_SETTINGS_OPTION && hasNext) {
            options.installSettingsPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(nextArg);
        } else if (arg == PLUGINPATH_OPTION && hasNext) {
            options.customPluginPaths += QDir::fromNativeSeparators(nextArg);
        } else { // arguments that are still passed on to the application
            if (arg == TEST_OPTION)
                options.hasTestOption = true;
    return options;

