
本文为美国罗切斯特理工学院(作者:Ming Li)的硕士论文,共101页。




The increasing availability of high resolution airborne imageryincreases the accuracy of building modelling of urban scenes. This highaccuracy of building modeling offers a strong reference for disaster recoveryand asset evaluation. With the advantage of having more facade information,this thesis builds on previous efforts in building reconstruction from airborneoblique imagery. Based on previous work, this thesis presents two schemes toconstruct building models from point clouds derived from oblique imagery. Withthe assumption that buildings are in a cubic-shape, the first scheme consistsof three different steps. Plane estimation aims at identifying dominantsurfaces; edge extraction helps in detecting and simplifying in-plane edges ineach identified surfaces; model construction finishes the job of assembling thesurfaces and edges together and producing a model in a universally acceptedformat. We find this scheme works well with complete point clouds that coverall sides of the building. A second method is proposed to handle thecomplications when the point clouds do not cover all sides of the building. Themain structure of the building is estimated using minimum bounding box on the dominantplanes. The rest of the estimated planes are then attached to the main structure.The process can produce a water-tight building model. The schemes are tested onpoint cloud data sets from multiple sources, including both image derived andlidar derived point clouds. The surface based approach and minimum bounding boxbased approach both show the capability of reconstructing models, while both ofthem have disadvantages. The limitations such as density of point clouds;fitting accuracy; and future work, including increasing efficiency and robustness,are also discussed.

1 引言
2 项目背景
3 已有研究工作回顾
4 实验数据
5 基于单表面的方法
6 基于最小包围盒的方法
7 结果与讨论
8 结论与未来工作展望




