情态动词Must 和 动词 have to_54


何时使用"must" 和 "to have to"动词



"to have to"动词

今天我们将学习 "must" 和 "to have to " 动词。

何时使用"must" 和 "to have to"动词

我们从学习何时使用 "must" 和 "to have to"动词开始。我们使用 "must"  和 "to have to"来表示为必要 或 具有责任做某事。通常当我们用来表达肯定句时,两者皆可使用。所以,说:

I must go to the bank before it closes.(我必须在银行关门之前去一趟)


I have to go to the bank before it closes.(我得在银行关门之前去一趟)

唯一的细微差别是 "must"  表示重要的责任。然而, "must" 和 "to have to" 在否定形式具有极大的差别。


我们在否定形式使用 "must not" 或缩写 " mustn't " 来表示一项不应该做的重要责任。例如:

You mustn't leave the gas on while we are on holiday.(当我们度假时,你不应该让瓦斯开着)

我们使用 "do not have to" 或 "does not have to" 或缩写为: "don't have to" 或 "doesn't have to" 来表示不具责任或某事不是必须的。

He starts work late, so he doesn't have to get up at 6.(他工作时间晚,所以不必六点起床)

所以 " mustn't " 和 "don't have to" 事实上有很不同的含义。


让我们更深入了解 "must" 情态动词。你还记得在第49文章所学习的情态动词吗?让我先从一个 "must" 的例子开始:

It's late, I must hurry.(很晚了,我得赶快)

"Must" 是情态动词。情态动词用来表示不同的事情,它放置在其他动词前面。第三人称单数的情态动词结尾不加 "s"。情态动词的不定式形式前面不带 "to",并且情态动词不需要使用 "do" 或 "does" 助动词来组织 疑问句 或 否定句。现在我们来看一些 "must" 情态动词的例子:

We must turn off the gas before we go on holiday.(我们去度假之前得关闭瓦斯)

We must phone them and tell them not to come.(我们必须打电话给他们叫他们别来)

If you have toothache, you must go to the dentist.(如果你牙痛,那就得去看牙医)

"to have to"动词

现在我们来看 "to have to" 动词。我们来看 "to have to" 动词的一个例子:

I have to go to the dentist at five o'clock.(我在五点整得去看牙医)

"To have to" 不是情态动词,因此第三人称单数必须变化。例如:

He starts early, so he has to get up at 6.(他工作时间早,所以得六点起床)

不定式形式是 "to have to" ,而使用 "to have to" 来表示疑问句或否定句时,需要使用 "do" 或 "does" 助动词。我们来看一些"to have to"动词的例子:

We have to answer the questions in the exam.(我们必须回答测试上的问题)

She has to look after three small children.(她得照顾三个小孩)

They have to work overtime to finish the job.(他们必须加班才能完成工作)

He has to wear glasses. His eyes are very bad.(他得用眼镜,他的眼睛很不好)


