









Directions:Write an essay of 250-300 words to state your view after reading the following short paragraph. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. In the first part of your writing, you should supply an appropiate title for your essay. In the first part of your writing, you should state your main argument, and in the second part, you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last,  you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET.

    Wu Juping, a female worker in Hangzhou, is given the name of the "most beautiful mother" by netizens for risking her own life to save two-years-old girl falling down from the 10th floor of a building. She was offered a reward of 200,000 yuan and decided to keep the money. Her decision set off a debate. Some people think that, as a public role model, she should donate the money, while others believe that she has every right to keep the money. What is your opinion?

3.1 话题分析




(2)普通人有选择的权利。当这笔钱被奖励给Wu Juping之后,这笔钱就归她所有,她有权选择如何使用这笔钱。社会应当保证大家的合法权益。


3.2 话题作文内容

                                         Public Role Model Should Enjoy the Same Rights as Ordinary People

           With regard to the fact that Wu Juping decided to keep the reward of 200,000 yuan, different people have diffrent opinion. Some people say that Wu , a public role model, should donate the money, while others think that  she has every right to keep the money. In my opinion, public role model enjoy the same right with ordinary people. 

         Firstly, public role model are also ordinary people. Except for setting an example for everyone, public role model also ought to enjoy the rights of ordinary people. If they can't choose, who is willing to become public role model. Secondly, Ordinary people also have the rights to choose. Wu juping has the rights to how to use the money after she was offered a reward of 200,000 yuan. And our society should guarantee her legal rights. Thirdly, don't impose on others.  Everyone is in a different living enviroment and has different considerations and choices.Wu junping‘s choice is reasonable and we should respect it. Just imagine, if the person bing rewarded is ourselves, how will we choose? I think, most of people may accept the money.

        From discussion made above, we can easliy see that a public role model should enjoy the same rights as an oridinary person.

