
在创建新的自定义关键字时,可以选择生成用于Web、移动或API测试的示例自定义关键字。它们提供了一个很好的例子来学习如何在Katalon Studio中从头开始创建具有适当编码约定的自定义关键字。


Option Description
Generate sample keywords for Web 生成一些用于Web测试的示例函数
Generate sample keywords for Mobile 生成一些用于移动测试的示例函数
Generate sample keywords for API 生成一些用于API测试的示例函数


class sampleKeywords {
	 * Refresh browser
	def refreshBrowser() {
		WebDriver webDriver = DriverFactory.getWebDriver()
		KeywordUtil.markPassed("Refresh successfully")

	 * Click element
	 * @param to Katalon test object
	def clickElement(TestObject to) {
		try {
			WebElement element = WebUiBuiltInKeywords.findWebElement(to);
			KeywordUtil.logInfo("Clicking element")
			KeywordUtil.markPassed("Element has been clicked")
		} catch (WebElementNotFoundException e) {
			KeywordUtil.markFailed("Element not found")
		} catch (Exception e) {
			KeywordUtil.markFailed("Fail to click on element")

	 * Get all rows of HTML table
	 * @param table Katalon test object represent for HTML table
	 * @param outerTagName outer tag name of TR tag, usually is TBODY
	 * @return All rows inside HTML table
	def List<WebElement> getHtmlTableRows(TestObject table, String outerTagName) {
		WebElement mailList = WebUiBuiltInKeywords.findWebElement(table)
		List<WebElement> selectedRows = mailList.findElements(By.xpath("./" + outerTagName + "/tr"))
		return selectedRows

	 * Check if element present in timeout
	 * @param to Katalon test object
	 * @param timeout time to wait for element to show up
	 * @return true if element present, otherwise false
	def isElementPresent_Mobile(TestObject to, int timeout){
		try {
			KeywordUtil.logInfo("Finding element with id:" + to.getObjectId())

			WebElement element = MobileElementCommonHelper.findElement(to, timeout)
			if (element != null) {
				KeywordUtil.markPassed("Object " + to.getObjectId() + " is present")
			return true
		} catch (Exception e) {
			KeywordUtil.markFailed("Object " + to.getObjectId() + " is not present")
		return false;

	 * Get mobile driver for current session
	 * @return mobile driver for current session
	def WebDriver getCurrentSessionMobileDriver() {
		return MobileDriverFactory.getDriver();

	 * Send request and verify status code
	 * @param request request object, must be an instance of RequestObject
	 * @param expectedStatusCode
	 * @return a boolean to indicate whether the response status code equals the expected one
	def verifyStatusCode(TestObject request, int expectedStatusCode) {
		if (request instanceof RequestObject) {
			RequestObject requestObject = (RequestObject) request
			ResponseObject response = WSBuiltInKeywords.sendRequest(requestObject)
			if (response.getStatusCode() == expectedStatusCode) {
				KeywordUtil.markPassed("Response status codes match")
			} else {
				KeywordUtil.markFailed("Response status code not match. Expected: " +
						expectedStatusCode + " - Actual: " + response.getStatusCode() )
		} else {
			KeywordUtil.markFailed(request.getObjectId() + " is not a RequestObject")

	 * Add Header basic authorization field,
	 * this field value is Base64 encoded token from user name and password
	 * @param request object, must be an instance of RequestObject
	 * @param username username
	 * @param password password
	 * @return the original request object with basic authorization header field added
	def addBasicAuthorizationProperty(TestObject request, String username, String password) {
		if (request instanceof RequestObject) {
			String authorizationValue = username + ":" + password
			authorizationValue = "Basic " + authorizationValue.bytes.encodeBase64().toString()

			// Find available basic authorization field and change its value to the new one, if any
			List<TestObjectProperty> headerProperties = request.getHttpHeaderProperties()
			boolean fieldExist = false
			for (int i = 0; i < headerProperties.size(); i++) {
				TestObjectProperty headerField = headerProperties.get(i)
				if (headerField.getName().equals('Authorization')) {
					KeywordUtil.logInfo("Found existent basic authorization field. Replacing its value.")
					fieldExist = true

			if (!fieldExist) {
				TestObjectProperty authorizationProperty = new TestObjectProperty("Authorization",
						ConditionType.EQUALS, authorizationValue, true)
			KeywordUtil.markPassed("Basic authorization field has been added to request header")
		} else {
			KeywordUtil.markFailed(request.getObjectId() + "is not a RequestObject")
		return request



