HTML Character Codes – ASCII Entity and Unicode Symbols

How to use special HTML character codes

There are only so many keys to a keyboard, and you can see from the lists below that there are quite a few characters knocking around! No keyboard could possibly fit them all on which is why we have to use ASCII tables.

An ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code is a number associated with a character which has been around since the early 1960's. Initially consisting of 127 characters, it has since been extended.

With the advent of the internet and XML standards, certain characters intended for presentation are not allowed within HTML or XML documents, for example < and > as they form part of the document structure and are processed as such. For this reason, you need to use the HTML name instead. &lt; and &gt; are processed as text, but shown on the screen as intended.

If you are not working on a web document, e.g. Microsoft Word or Windows, you can enter symbols directly by using the ALT Gr key. Make sure that Num Lock is ON, press and hold the ALT Gr key, then type the ASCII code on the numerical keypad. Using the numbers above letters will not work. Release the ALT Gr key and the character will appear. Users of laptops may need to hold Fn+ALT to get this to work.


Html Character Codes

  1. Standard Character Set
  2. Extended Character Set
  3. Latin Character Set
  4. Greek Set
  5. Punctuation
  6. Mathematical
  7. Fractions
  8. Arrows
  9. Stars
  10. Hearts
  11. Zodiac
  12. Games
  13. Numbers
  14. Religious & Political Symbols
  15. Musical
  16. Unicode Shapes and Symbols


Standard Character Set

The standard character set for early computers and the internet was ASCII. ASCII supports the numbers from 0-9, the uppercase and lowercase English alphabet, and some special characters. Codes 0 through 31 are non-printable control codes and are not listed here.

ASCII Symbol HTML Name HTML Number Unicode Description
32     &#32; \0020 Space
33 !   &#33; \0021 Exclamation mark
34 " &quot; &#34; \0022 Double quote
35 #   &#35; \0023 Pound (hash) symbol
36 $   &#36; \0024 Dollar
37 %   &#37; \0025 Percent
38 & &amp; &#38; \0026 Ampersand
39 ' &#039; &#39; \0027 Single quote
40 (   &#40; \0028 Opening parenthesis
41 )   &#41; \0029 Closing parenthesis
42 *   &#42; \002A Asterisk
43 +   &#43; \002B Plus sign
44 ,   &#44; \002C Comma
45 -   &#45; \002D Minus sign - Hyphen
46 .   &#46; \002E Period
47 /   &#47; \002F Forward slash
48 0   &#48; \0030  
49 1   &#49; \0031  
50 2   &#50; \0032  
51 3   &#51; \0033  
52 4   &#52; \0034  
53 5   &#53; \0035  
54 6   &#54; \0036  
55 7   &#55; \0037  
56 8   &#56; \0038  
57 9   &#57; \0039  
58 :   &#58; \003A Colon
59 ;   &#59; \003B Semicolon
60 < &lt; &#60; \003C Less than sign
61 =   &#61; \003D Equal sign
62 > &gt; &#62; \003E Greater than sign
63 ?   &#63; \003F Question mark
64 @   &#64; \0040 At symbol
65 A   &#65; \0041  
66 B   &#66; \0042  
67 C   &#67; \0043  
68 D   &#68; \0044  
69 E   &#69; \0045  
70 F   &#70; \0046  
71 G   &#71; \0047  
72 H   &#72; \0048  
73 I   &#73; \0049  
74 J   &#74; \004A  
75 K   &#75; \004B  
76 L   &#76; \004C  
77 M   &#77; \004D  
78 N   &#78; \004E  
79 O   &#79; \004F  
80 P   &#80; \0050  
81 Q   &#81; \0051  
82 R   &#82; \0052  
83 S   &#83; \0053  
84 T   &#84; \0054  
85 U   &#85; \0055  
86 V   &#86; \0056  
87 W   &#87; \0057  
88 X   &#88; \0058  
89 Y   &#89; \0059  
90 Z   &#90; \005A  
91 [   &#91; \005B Opening bracket
92 \   &#92; \005C Backslash
93 ]   &#93; \005D Closing bracket
94 ^   &#94; \005E Caret - circumflex
95 _   &#95; \005F Underscore
96 `   &#96; \0060 Grave accent
97 a   &#97; \0061  
98 b   &#98; \0062  
99 c   &#99; \0063  
100 d   &#100; \0064  
101 e   &#101; \0065  
102 f   &#102; \0066  
103 g   &#103; \0067  
104 h   &#104; \0068  
105 i   &#105; \0069  
106 j   &#106; \006A  
107 k   &#107; \006B  
108 l   &#108; \006C  
109 m   &#109; \006D  
110 n   &#110; \006E  
111 o   &#111; \006F  
112 p   &#112; \0070  
113 q   &#113; \0071  
114 r   &#114; \0072  
115 s   &#115; \0073  
116 t   &#116; \0074  
117 u   &#117; \0075  
118 v   &#118; \0076  
119 w   &#119; \0077  
120 x   &#120; \0078  
121 y   &#121; \0079  
122 z   &#122; \007A  
123 {   &#123; \007B Opening brace
124 |   &#124; \007C Vertical bar
125 }   &#125; \007D Closing brace
126 ~   &#126; \007E Equivalency sign - tilde


Extended Character Set

Because the number of symbols used in common natural languages as well as in mathematics, programming languages and technical applications far exceeds the 96 (32-128) printable ASCII codes, many extensions to it have been added which resulted in the extended ASCII set.

ASCII Symbol HTML Name HTML Number Unicode Description
160   &nbsp; &#160; \00A0 Non-breaking space
161 ¡ &iexcl; &#161; \00A1 Inverted exclamation mark
162 ¢ &cent; &#162; \00A2 Cent sign
163 £ &pound; &#163; \00A3 Pound sign
164 ¤ &curren; &#164; \00A4 Currency sign
165 ¥ &yen; &#165; \00A5 Yen sign
166 ¦ &brvbar; &#166; \00A6 Broken vertical bar
167 § &sect; &#167; \00A7 Section sign
168 ¨ &uml; &#168; \00A8 Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169 © &copy; &#169; \00A9 Copyright sign
170 ª &ordf; &#170; \00AA Feminine ordinal indicator
171 « &laquo; &#171; \00AB Left double angle quotes
172 ¬ &not; &#172; \00AC Not sign
173 ­ &shy; &#173; \00AD Soft hyphen
174 ® &reg; &#174; \00AE Registered trade mark sign
175 ¯ &macr; &#175; \00AF Spacing macron - overline
176 ° &deg; &#176; \00B0 Degree sign
177 ± &plusmn; &#177; \00B1 Plus-or-minus sign
178 ² &sup2; &#178; \00B2 Superscript two - squared
179 ³ &sup3; &#179; \00B3 Superscript three - cubed
180 ´ &acute; &#180; \00B4 Acute accent - spacing acute
181 µ &micro; &#181; \00B5 Micro sign
182 &para; &#182; \00B6 Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183 · &middot; &#183; \00B7 Middle dot - Georgian comma
184 ¸ &cedil; &#184; \00B8 Spacing cedilla
185 ¹ &sup1; &#185; \00B9 Superscript one
186 º &ordm; &#186; \00BA Masculine ordinal indicator
187 » &raquo; &#187; \00BB Right double angle quotes
191 ¿ &iquest; &#191; \00BF Inverted question mark
192 À &Agrave; &#192; \00C0 Latin capital letter A with grave
193 Á &Aacute; &#193; \00C1 Latin capital letter A with acute
194 Â &Acirc; &#194; \00C2 Latin capital letter A with circumflex
195 Ã &Atilde; &#195; \00C3 Latin capital letter A with tilde
196 Ä &Auml; &#196; \00C4 Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
197 Å &Aring; &#197; \00C5 Latin capital letter A with ring above
198 Æ &AElig; &#198; \00C6 Latin capital letter AE
199 Ç &Ccedil; &#199; \00C7 Latin capital letter C with cedilla
200 È &Egrave; &#200; \00C8 Latin capital letter E with grave
201 É &Eacute; &#201; \00C9 Latin capital letter E with acute
202 Ê &Ecirc; &#202; \00CA Latin capital letter E with circumflex
203 Ë &Euml; &#203; \00CB Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
204 Ì &Igrave; &#204; \00CC Latin capital letter I with grave
205 Í &Iacute; &#205; \00CD Latin capital letter I with acute
206 Î &Icirc; &#206; \00CE Latin capital letter I with circumflex
207 Ï &Iuml; &#207; \00CF Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
208 Ð &ETH; &#208; \00D0 Latin capital letter ETH
209 Ñ &Ntilde; &#209; \00D1 Latin capital letter N with tilde
210 Ò &Ograve; &#210; \00D2 Latin capital letter O with grave
211 Ó &Oacute; &#211; \00D3 Latin capital letter O with acute
212 Ô &Ocirc; &#212; \00D4 Latin capital letter O with circumflex
213 Õ &Otilde; &#213; \00D5 Latin capital letter O with tilde
214 Ö &Ouml; &#214; \00D6 Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
215 × &times; &#215; \00D7 Multiplication sign
216 Ø &Oslash; &#216; \00D8 Latin capital letter O with slash
217 Ù &Ugrave; &#217; \00D9 Latin capital letter U with grave
218 Ú &Uacute; &#218; \00DA Latin capital letter U with acute
219 Û &Ucirc; &#219; \00DB Latin capital letter U with circumflex
220 Ü &Uuml; &#220; \00DC Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
221 Ý &Yacute; &#221; \00DD Latin capital letter Y with acute
222 Þ &THORN; &#222; \00DE Latin capital letter THORN
223 ß &szlig; &#223; \00DF Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
224 à &agrave; &#224; \00E0 Latin small letter a with grave
225 á &aacute; &#225; \00E1 Latin small letter a with acute
226 â &acirc; &#226; \00E2 Latin small letter a with circumflex
227 ã &atilde; &#227; \00E3 Latin small letter a with tilde
228 ä &auml; &#228; \00E4 Latin small letter a with diaeresis
229 å &aring; &#229; \00E5 Latin small letter a with ring above
230 æ &aelig; &#230; \00E6 Latin small letter ae
231 ç &ccedil; &#231; \00E7 Latin small letter c with cedilla
232 è &egrave; &#232; \00E8 Latin small letter e with grave
233 é &eacute; &#233; \00E9 Latin small letter e with acute
234 ê &ecirc; &#234; \00EA Latin small letter e with circumflex
235 ë &euml; &#235; \00EB Latin small letter e with diaeresis
236 ì &igrave; &#236; \00EC Latin small letter i with grave
237 í &iacute; &#237; \00ED Latin small letter i with acute
238 î &icirc; &#238; \00EE Latin small letter i with circumflex
239 ï &iuml; &#239; \00EF Latin small letter i with diaeresis
240 ð &eth; &#240; \00F0 Latin small letter eth
241 ñ &ntilde; &#241; \00F1 Latin small letter n with tilde
242 ò &ograve; &#242; \00F2 Latin small letter o with grave
243 ó &oacute; &#243; \00F3 Latin small letter o with acute
244 ô &ocirc; &#244; \00F4 Latin small letter o with circumflex
245 õ &otilde; &#245; \00F5 Latin small letter o with tilde
246 ö &ouml; &#246; \00F6 Latin small letter o with diaeresis
247 ÷ &divide; &#247; \00F7 Division sign
248 ø &oslash; &#248; \00F8 Latin small letter o with slash
249 ù &ugrave; &#249; \00F9 Latin small letter u with grave
250 ú &uacute; &#250; \00FA Latin small letter u with acute
251 û &ucirc; &#251; \00FB Latin small letter u with circumflex
252 ü &uuml; &#252; \00FC Latin small letter u with diaeresis
253 ý &yacute; &#253; \00FD Latin small letter y with acute
254 þ &thorn; &#254; \00FE Latin small letter thorn
255 ÿ &yuml; &#255; \00FF Latin small letter y with diaeresis


Latin Extended Characters

The Latin Extended set is a block of the Unicode Standard, which encodes Latin letters from Latin Unicode character sets other than those contained in the standard character set.

ASCII Symbol HTML Name HTML Number Unicode Description
338 Π&OElig; &#338; \0152 Latin capital letter OE
339 œ &oelig; &#339; \0153 Latin small letter oe
352 Š &Scaron; &#352; \0160 Latin capital letter S with caron
353 š &scaron; &#353; \0161 Latin small letter s with caron
376 Ÿ &Yuml; &#376; \0178 Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
402 ƒ &fnof; &#402; \0192 Latin small f with hook - function



The following list includes the HTML codes for Greek characters not in the standard character set. You can use the se HTML codes to put Greek characters on your web page.

ASCII Symbol HTML Name HTML Number Unicode Description
913 Α &Alpha; &#913; \0391 Greek capital letter alpha
914 Β &Beta; &#914; \0392 Greek capital letter beta
915 Γ &Gamma; &#915; \0393 Greek capital letter gamma
916 Δ &Delta; &#916; \0394 Greek capital letter delta
917 Ε &Epsilon; &#917; \0395 Greek capital letter epsilon
918 Ζ &Zeta; &#918; \0396 Greek capital letter zeta
919 Η &Eta; &#919; \0397 Greek capital letter eta
920 Θ &Theta; &#920; \0398 Greek capital letter theta
921 Ι &Iota; &#921; \0399 Greek capital letter iota
922 Κ &Kappa; &#922; \039A Greek capital letter kappa
923 Λ &Lambda; &#923; \039B Greek capital letter lambda
924 Μ &Mu; &#924; \039C Greek capital letter mu
925 Ν &Nu; &#925; \039D Greek capital letter nu
926 Ξ &Xi; &#926; \039E Greek capital letter xi
927 Ο &Omicron; &#927; \039F Greek capital letter omicron
928 Π &Pi; &#928; \03A0 Greek capital letter pi
929 Ρ &Rho; &#929; \03A1 Greek capital letter rho
931 Σ &Sigma; &#931; \03a3 Greek capital letter sigma
932 Τ &Tau; &#932; \03A4 Greek capital letter tau
933 Υ &Upsilon; &#933; \03A5 Greek capital letter upsilon
934 Φ &Phi; &#934; \03A6 Greek capital letter phi
935 Χ &Chi; &#935; \03A7 Greek capital letter sigma
936 Ψ &Psi; &#936; \03A8 Greek capital letter psi
937 Ω &Omega; &#937; \03A9 Greek capital letter omega
945 α &alpha; &#945; \03B1 Greek small letter alpha
946 β &beta; &#946; \03B2 Greek small letter beta
947 γ &gamma; &#947; \03B3 Greek small letter gamma
948 δ &delta; &#948; \03B4 Greek small letter delta
949 ε &epsilon; &#949; \03B5 Greek small letter epsilon
950 ζ &zeta; &#950; \03B6 Greek small letter zeta
951 η &eta; &#951; \03B7 Greek small letter eta
952 θ &theta; &#952; \03B8 Greek small letter theta
953 ι &iota; &#953; \03B9 Greek small letter iota
954 κ &kappa; &#954; \03BA Greek small letter kappa
955 λ &lambda; &#955; \03BB Greek small letter lambda
956 μ &mu; &#956; \03BC Greek small letter mu
957 ν &nu; &#957; \03BD Greek small letter nu
958 ξ &xi; &#958; \03BE Greek small letter xi
959 ο &omicron; &#959; \03BF Greek small letter omicron
960 π &pi; &#960; \03C0 Greek small letter pi
961 ρ &rho; &#961; \03C1 Greek small letter rho
962 ς &sigmaf; &#962; \03C2 Greek small letter final sigma
963 σ &sigma; &#963; \03C3 Greek small letter sigma
964 τ &tau; &#964; \03C4 Greek small letter tau
965 υ &upsilon; &#965; \03C5 Greek small letter upsilon
966 φ &phi; &#966; \03C6 Greek small letter phi
967 χ &chi; &#967; \03C7 Greek small letter chi
968 ψ &psi; &#968; \03C8 Greek small letter psi
969 ω &omega; &#969; \03C9 Greek small letter omega
977 ϑ &thetasym; &#977; \03D1 Greek small letter theta symbol
978 ϒ &upsih; &#978; \03D2 Greek upsilon with hook symbol
982 ϖ &piv; &#982; \03D6 Greek pi symbol



A list of extended punctuation marks which are commonly used on the web. You can use this table to add fancy quotes, currency symbols and other punctuation marks to your web page.

ASCII Symbol HTML Name HTML Number Unicode Description
8211 &ndash; &#8211; /2013 En dash
8212 &mdash; &#8212; /2014 Em dash
8216 &lsquo; &#8216; /2018 Left single quotation mark
8217 &rsquo; &#8217; /2019 Right single quotation mark
8218 &sbquo; &#8218; /201A Single low-9 quotation mark
8220 &ldquo; &#8220; /201C Left double quotation mark
8221 &rdquo; &#8221; /201D Right double quotation mark
8222 &bdquo; &#8222; /201D Double low-9 quotation mark
8224 &dagger; &#8224; /2020 Dagger
8225 &Dagger; &#8225; /2021 Double dagger
8226 &bull; &#8226; /2022 Bullet
8230 &hellip; &#8230; /2026 Horizontal ellipsis
8240 &permil; &#8240; /2030 Per thousand sign
8254 &oline; &#8254; /203E Overline, a.k.a. spacing overscore
8364 &euro; &#8364; /20AC Euro sign
8482 &trade; &#8482; /2122 Trade mark sign
10077   &#10077; \275D Heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament
10078   &#10078; \275E Heavy double comma quotation mark ornament


Mathematical Notation

Common math symbols and special characters for mathematics which you can use on your web page to represent mathematical or scientific notation.

ASCII Symbol HTML Name HTML Number Unicode Description
8704 &forall; &#8704; \2200 For all
8706 &part; &#8706; \2202 Partial differential
8707 &exist; &#8707; \2203 There exists
8709 &empty; &#8709; \2205 Empty set, null set, diameter
8711 &nabla; &#8711; \2207 Nabla, backward difference
8712 &isin; &#8712; \2208 Element of
8713 &notin; &#8713; \2209 Not an element of
8715 &ni; &#8715; \220B Contains as member
8719 &prod; &#8719; \220F n-ary product
8721 &sum; &#8721; \2211 n-ary sumation
8722 &minus; &#8722; \2212 Minus sign
8727 &lowast; &#8727; \2217 Asterisk operator
8730 &radic; &#8730; \221A Square root
8733 &prop; &#8733; \221D Proportional to
8734 &infin; &#8734; \221E Infinity
8736 &ang; &#8736; \2220 Angle
8869 &and; &#8869; \2227 Logical AND, or wedge
8870 &or; &#8870; \2228 Logical OR, or vee
8745 &cap; &#8745; \2229 Intersection, or cap
8746 &cup; &#8746; \222A Union, or cup
8747 &int; &#8747; \222B Integral
8756 &there4; &#8756; \2234 Therefore
8764 &sim; &#8764; \223C Tilde operator, or varies with
8773 &cong; &#8773; \2245 Approximately equal to
8776 &asymp; &#8776; \2248 Almost equal to, asymptotic to
8800 &ne; &#8800; \2260 Not equal to
8801 &equiv; &#8801; \2261 Identical to
8804 &le; &#8804; \2264 Less-than or equal to
8805 &ge; &#8805; \2265 Greater-than or equal to
8834 &sub; &#8834; \2282 Subset of
8835 &sup; &#8835; \2283 Superset of
8836 &nsub; &#8836; \2284 Not a subset of
8838 &sube; &#8838; 2286 Subset of or equal to
8839 &supe; &#8839; \2287 Superset of or equal to
8853 &oplus; &#8853; \2295 Circled plus, direct sum
8855 &otimes; &#8855; \2297 Circled times, vector product
8869 &perp; &#8869; \22A5 Up tack, orthogonal to, perpendicular
8901 &sdot; &#8901; \22C5 Dot operator
9642 ▪   &#9642; \25AA Black small square
9675   &#9675; \25CB White circle
9673   &#9673; \25C9/td> Fisheye
9678   &#9678; \25CE Bullseye
8723   \2213 Minus-or-plus sign
8724   \2214 Dot plus
8725   \2215 Division slash
8726   \2216 Set minus
8727   \2217 Asterisk operator
8968 &lceil; &#8968; \2308 Left ceiling, a.k.a. apl upstile
8969 &rceil; &#8969; \2309 Right ceiling
8970 &lfloor; &#8970; \230A Left floor, apl downstile
8971 &rfloor; &#8971; \230B Right floor
9674 &loz; &#9674; \25CA Lozenge



Mathematical fractions represented as single characters consisting of to decimals and a divisor.

ASCII Symbol HTML Name HTML Number Unicode Description
188 ¼ &frac14; &#188; \00BC Fraction one quarter
189 ½ &frac12; &#189; \00BD Fraction one half
190 ¾ &frac34; &#190; \00BE Fraction three quarters
2155   &#8533; \2155 Fraction one fifth
2156   &#8534; \2156 Fraction two fifths
2157   &#8535; \2157 Fraction three fifths
2158   &#8536; \2158 Fraction four fifths
2159   &#8537; \2159 Fraction one sixth
215A   &#8538; \215A Fraction five sixths
215B   &#8539; \215B Fraction one eighth
215C   &#8540; \215C Fraction three eighths
215D   &#8541; \215D Fraction five eighths
215E   &#8542; \215E Fraction seven eighths



You can use these ASCII and entity names to add fancy bullet points or navigation symbols to your web page.

ASCII Symbol HTML Name HTML Number Unicode Description
8592   &#8592; \2190 Leftwards arrow
8593   &#8593; \2191 Upwards arrow
8594   &#8594; \2192 Rightwards arrow
8595   &#8595; \2193 Downwards arrow
8596   &#8596; \2194 Left right arrow
8597 ↕   &#8597; \2195 Up down arrow
8598 ↖   &#8598; \2196 North west arrow
8599 ↗   &#8599; \2197 North east arrow
8600 ↘   &#8600; \2198 South east arrow
8601 ↙   &#8601; \2199 South west arrow
8602   &#8602; \219A Leftwards arrow with stroke
8603   &#8603; \219B Rightwards arrow with stroke
8604   &#8604; \219C Leftwards wave arrow
8605   &#8605; \219D Rightwards wave arrow
8606   &#8606; \219E Leftwards two headed arrow
8607   &#8607; \219F Upwards two headed arrow
8608   &#8608; \21A0 Rightwards two headed arrow
8609   &#8609; \21A1 Downwards two headed arrow
8610   &#8610; \21A2 Leftwards arrow with tail
8611   &#8611; \21A3 Rightwards arrow with tail
8612   &#8612; \21A4 Leftwards arrow from bar
8613   &#8613; \21A5 Upwards arrow from bar
8614   &#8614; \21A6 Rightwards arrow from bar
8615   &#8615; \21A7 Downwards arrow from bar
8616   &#8616; \21A8 Up down arrow with base
8617 ↩   &#8617; \21A9 Leftwards arrow with hook
8618 ↪   &#8618; \21AA Rightwards arrow with hook
8619   &#8619; \21AB Leftwards arrow with loop
8620   &#8620; \21AC Rightwards arrow with loop
8621   &#8621; \21AD Left right wave arrow
8622   &#8622; \21AE Left right arrow with stroke
8623   &#8623; \21AF Downwards zigzag arrow
8624   &#8624; \21B0 Upwards arrow with tip leftwards
8625   &#8625; \21B1 Upwards arrow with tip rightwards
8626   &#8626; \21B2 Downwards arrow with tip leftwards
8627   &#8627; \21B3 Downwards arrow with tip rightwards
8628   &#8628; \21B4 Rightwards arrow with corner downwards
8629   &#8629; \21B5 Downwards arrow with corner leftwards
8630   &#8630; \21B6 Anticlockwise top semicircle arrow
8631   &#8631; \21B7 Clockwise top semicircle arrow
8632   &#8632; \21B8 North west arrow to long bar
8633   &#8633; \21B9 Leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar
8634   &#8634; \21BA Anticlockwise open circle arrow
8635   &#8635; \21BB Clockwise open circle arrow
8636   &#8636; \21BC Leftwards harpoon with barb upwards
8637   &#8637; \21BD Leftwards harpoon with barb downwards
8638   &#8638; \21BE Upwards harpoon with barb rightwards
8639   &#8639; \21BF Upwards harpoon with barb leftwards
8640   &#8640; \21C0 Rightwards harpoon with barb upwards
8641   &#8641; \21C1 Rightwards harpoon with barb downwards
8642   &#8642; \21C2 Downwards harpoon with barb rightwards
8643   &#8643; \21C3 Downwards harpoon with barb leftwards
8644   &#8644; \21C4 Rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
8645   &#8645; \21C5 Upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
8646   &#8646; \21C6 Leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
8647   &#8647; \21C7 Leftwards paired arrows
8648   &#8648; \21C8 Upwards paired arrows
8649   &#8649; \21C9 Rightwards paired arrows
8650   &#8650; \21CA Downwards paired arrows
8651   &#8651; \21CB Leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon
8652   &#8652; \21CC Rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon
8653   &#8653; \21CD Leftwards double arrow with stroke
8654   &#8654; \21CE Left right double arrow with stroke
8655   &#8655; \21CF Rightwards double arrow with stroke
8656   &#8656; \21D0 Leftwards double arrow
8657   &#8657; \21D1 Upwards double arrow
8658   &#8658; \21D2 Rightwards double arrow
8659   &#8659; \21D3 Downwards double arrow
8660   &#8660; \21D4 Left right double arrow
8661   &#8661; \21D5 Up down double arrow
8662   &#8662; \21D6 North west double arrow
8663   &#8663; \21D7 North east double arrow
8664   &#8664; \21D8 South east double arrow
8665   &#8665; \21D9 South west double arrow
8666   &#8666; \21DA Leftwards triple arrow
8667   &#8667; \21DB Rightwards triple arrow
8668   &#8668; \21DC Leftwards squiggle arrow
8669   &#8669; \21DD Rightwards squiggle arrow
8670   &#8670; \21DE Upwards arrow with double stroke
8671   &#8671; \21DF Downwards arrow with double stroke
8672   &#8672; \21E0 Leftwards dashed arrow
8673   &#8673; \21E1 Upwards dashed arrow
8674   &#8674; \21E2 Rightwards dashed arrow
8675   &#8675; \21E3 Downwards dashed arrow
8676   &#8676; \21E4 Leftwards arrow to bar
8677   &#8677; \21E5 Rightwards arrow to bar
8678   &#8678; \21E6 Leftwards white arrow
8679   &#8679; \21E7 Upwards white arrow
8680   &#8680; \21E8 Rightwards white arrow
8681   &#8681; \21E9 Downwards white arrow
10136   &#10136; \2798 Heavy south east arrow
10137   &#10137; \2799 Heavy rightwards arrow
10138   &#10138; \279A Heavy north east arrow
10139   &#10139; \279B Drafting point rightwards arrow
10140   &#10140; \279C Heavy round-tipped rightwards arrow
10141   &#10141; \279D Triangle-headed rightwards arrow
10142   &#10142; \279E Heavy triangle-headed rightwards arrow
10143   &#10143; \279F Dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow
10144   &#10144; \27A0 Heavy dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow
10145 ➡   &#10145 \27A1 Black rightwards arrow
10146   &#10146; \27A2 Three-d top-lighted rightwards arrowhead
10147   &#10147; \27A3 Three-d bottom-lighted rightwards arrowhead
10148   &#10148; \27A4 Black rightwards arrowhead
10149   &#10149; \27A5 Heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow
10150   &#10150; \27A6 Heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow
10151   &#10151; \27A7 Squat black rightwards arrow
10152   &#10152; \27A8 Heavy concave-pointed black rightwards arrow
10153   &#10153; \27A9 Right-shaded white rightwards arrow
10154   &#10154; \27AA Left-shaded white rightwards arrow
10155   &#10155; \27AB Back-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow
10156   &#10156; \27AC Front-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow
10157   &#10157; \27AD Heavy lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
10158   &#10158; \27AE Heavy upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
10159   &#10159; \27AF Notched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
10161   &#10161; \27B1 Notched upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow
10162   &#10162; \27B2 Circled heavy white rightwards arrow
10163   &#10163; \27B3 White-feathered rightwards arrow
10164   &#10164; \27B4 Black-feathered south east arrow
10165   &#10165; \27B5 Black-feathered rightwards arrow
10166   &#10166; \27B6 Black-feathered north east arrow
10167   &#10167; \27B7 Heavy black-feathered south east arrow
10168   &#10168; \27B8 Heavy black-feathered rightwards arrow
10169   &#10169; \27B9 Heavy black-feathered north east arrow
10170   &#10170; \27BA Teardrop-barbed rightwards arrow
10171   &#10171; \27BB Heavy teardrop-shanked rightwards arrow
10172   &#10172; \27BC Wedge-tailed rightwards arrow
10173   &#10173; \27BD Heavy wedge-tailed rightwards arrow
10174   &#10174; \27BE Open-outlined rightwards arrow



An assortment of star characters from Unicode and extended character sets that you can include in web pages and other documents.

ASCII Symbol HTML Name HTML Number Unicode Description
10018   &#10018; \2722 Four teardrop-spoked asterisk
10019   &#10019; \2723 Four balloon-spoked asterisk
10020   &#10020; \2724 Heavy four balloon-spoked asterisk
10021   &#10021; \2725 Four club-spoked asterisk
10022   &#10022; \2726 Black four pointed star
10023   &#10023; \2727 White four pointed star
10025   &#10025; \2729 Stress outlined white star
10026   &#10026; \272A Circled white star
10027   &#10027; \272B Open centre black star
10028   &#10028; \272C Black centre white star
10029   &#10029; \272D Outlined black star
10030   &#10030; \272E Heavy outlined black star
10031   &#10031; \272F Pinwheel star
10032   &#10032; \2730 Shadowed white star
10033   &#10033; \2731 Heavy asterisk
10034   &#10034; \2732 Open centre asterisk
10035 ✳   &#10035; \2733 Eight spoked asterisk
10036 ✴   &#10036; \2734 Eight pointed black star
10037   &#10037; \2735 Eight pointed pinwheel star
10038   &#10038; \2736 Six pointed black star
10039   &#10039; \2737 Eight pointed rectilinear black star
10040   &#10040; \2738 Heavy eight pointed rectilinear black star
10041   &#10041; \2739 Twelve pointed black star
10042   &#10042; \273A Sixteen pointed asterisk
10043   &#10043; \273B Teardrop-spoked asterisk
10044   &#10044; \273C Open centre teardrop-spoked asterisk
10045   &#10045; \273D Heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk
10046   &#10046; \273E Six petalled black and white florette
10050   &#10050; \2742 Circled open centre eight pointed star
10051   &#10051; \2743 Heavy teardrop-spoked pinwheel asterisk
10053   &#10053; \2745 Tight trifoliate snowflake
10054   &#10054; \2746 Heavy chevron snowflake
10055 ❇   &#10055; \2747 Sparkle
10056   &#10056; \2748 Heavy sparkle
10057   &#10057; \2749 Balloon-spoked asterisk
10058   &#10058; \274A Eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk
10059   &#10059; \274B Heavy eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk



HTML entity codes and names for hearts which you can use to include in your web projects.

Please note: These characters may be dependent on CSS font selection and/or available fonts on users web browser so cannot be guaranteed to work.

ASCII Symbol HTML Name HTML Number Unicode Description
9825   &#9825;   Empty Heart
9829   &#9829;   Full Heart
10083 ❣   &#10083;   Exclamation Heart
10084 ❤   &#10084;   Big Heart
10085   &#10085;   Rotated Heart
10086   &#10086;   Floral Heart

