

本文为布拉格捷克理工大学(作者:Jan Faigl)的博士论文,共182页。

本文研究多目标路径规划问题,主要涉及搜救行动中协作机器人的探测任务。考虑了连续和离散两种传感模型。我们假设环境是先验已知的,在两种方法中都用多边形域来表示。与移动成本相比较,连续感知的成本相对便宜,这样可以建模为观察者路由问题(Watchman Route Problem,WRP);离散感知将导致解耦方法的使用,其动机是感知成本占据主导的问题。解耦方法由两个问题组成:寻找最小感知位置集合的问题和多目标路径规划问题,以确定访问目标位置的路径。如果必须考虑额外的可见度约束,例如可见范围、入射角,则可以找到一组感知位置作为美术馆问题(Art Gallery Problem,AGP)或传感器布置问题的解决方案。多目标路径规划问题可以表示为旅行商问题(Traveling Salesman Problem,TSP),这样机器人需要穿越城市之间的路径。这三个问题(WRP、AGP、TSP)都是NP-hard问题,因此可以考虑用近似算法在合理的时间内进行求解。将多个机器人的协作表示为WRP的多机器人变体形式,即使用MinMax准则的TSP问题。






The thesis deals with the multi-goal pathplanning problem. The problem is studied in the context of the inspection taskof cooperating robots in a search and rescue mission. Two models of the sensingare considered: continuous and discrete. An environment is a priori known andit is represented by a polygonal domain in both approaches. The continuoussensing assumes relatively inexpensive cost of sensing in comparison to thecost of motion and can be formulated as the Watchman Route Problem (WRP). Thediscrete sensing leads to the decoupled approach that is motivated by problemswhere the cost of sensing is dominant. The decoupled approach consists of twoproblems: the problem of finding minimal set of sensing locations, and themulti-goal path planning problem to find a path visiting the found locations.The set of sensing locations can be found as a solution of the Art GalleryProblem (AGP) or sensor placement problem if additional visibility constraintshave to be considered, e.g. visibility range, incident angle. The multigoalpath planning problem can be formulated as the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)in which paths between cities have to be traversable by the robot. All threeproblems (WRP, AGP, TSP) are known to be NP-hard, thus approximate algorithmsare considered to find solutions in a reasonable time. The cooperation ofseveral robots is formulated as the multi-robot variant of the WRP, resp. theTSP, with the MinMax criterion. A new sensor placement algorithm, called theBoundary Placement is proposed to find a set of sensing locations withrestricted visibility range. The algorithm is compared with approaches based onconvex polygon partitioning and the randomized dual sampling schema. Theproposed algorithm outperforms both algorithms in the number of found locationsand also in the required length of the inspection path. The Self-Organizing Map(SOM) for the TSP is considered in a polygonal domain W in order to solve themulti-goal path planning problem. The SOM adaptation procedure modifies weightsof neurons according to city presented to the neural network. The weightsrepresent nodes that are organized into a ring of nodes and the ring representsa solution of the TSP. Computations of node–city paths and distances aresupported by three approaches: an approximation of the geodesic path based onthe convex partition of W, navigation functions, and a triangular mesh of W.The proposed algorithm is computationally feasible and it provides competitiveresults to the GENIUS heuristic. The SOM based algorithm with navigationfunctions is applied to the generalized multi-goal path planning problem wherea goal can be represented by a set of points instead of a single point. Theproposed algorithms are demonstrated in the inspection planning with segmentsensing locations, and in the problem of cooperative visits of convex areas ofinterest. A new adaptation procedure is proposed to solve the WRP withrestricted visibility range in a polygonal domain W. The computation ofcontinuous sensing is supported by a triangular mesh of W and a convex cover ofW. The procedure is also used to find solutions of the MWRP variants:independent patrolling routes, and closed routes starting from a common depot.The problem of the multi-goal path planning with respect to kinematic andkinodynamic constraints is considered as a trajectory generation based on thefound path. Moreover a new motion planner called RRT–Pathext is proposed. Theplanner is able to find a solution of the multi-goal motion planning problemand it is used to regenerate a ring of nodes in the SOM based algorithm for theWRP. A solution of the WRP is found as an inspection trajectory for one orseveral mobile robots satisfying kinematic and kinodynamic constraints.

1 引言
2 相关工作
3 问题描述与本文研究目标
4 寻找感知位置
5 协作机器人的多目标路径规划
6 一般的多目标路径规划问题
7 连续感知的探测规划
8 轨迹生成的多目标路径规划
9 结论
附录A 算法实验——AGP
附录B 算法实验——TSP/MTSP
附录C 算法实验——WRP/MWRP




