

For example, if more power is transmitted amore powerful received echo is expected, all other things being equal.


In Chap. 2, models of the behavior oftypical measured signals that are relevant to the design of signal processorsare developed.


The radar range equation will give a meansof predicting signal power.


The Doppler phenomenon will predictreceived frequency.


It will be seen that the complexity of thereal world gives rise to very complex variations in radar signals; this willlead to the use of random processes to model the signals, and to particularprobability density functions that match measured behavior well.


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A (very) brief overview of the behavior ofthe variation of ground and sea echo with sensing geometry and radarcharacteristics will be given.


It will also be shown that measured signalscan be represented as the convolution of the “true” signalrepresenting the ideal measurement with the radar waveform (in the rangedimension) or its antenna pattern (in the azimuth or elevation dimension, bothalso called cross-range dimension).


Thus, a combination of random process andlinear systems theory will be used to describe radar signals and to design andanalyze radar signal processors.

1.5.3. 信号调理与干扰抑制

1.5.3. Signal Conditioningand Interference Suppression


The first several blocks after the antennain Fig. 1.18 can be considered as signal conditioning operations whose purposeis to improve the SIR of the data prior to detection, parameter measurement, orimaging operations.


That is, the intent of these blocks is to"clean up" the radar data as much as possible.


This is done in general with a combinationof fixed and adaptive beamforming, pulse compression, clutter filtering, andDoppler processing.


Beamforming is applicable when the radarantenna is an array, i.e., when there are multiple phase center signals, orchannels, available to the signal processor.


Fixed beamforming is the process ofcombining the outputs of the various available phase centers to form adirective gain pattern, similar to that shown in Fig. 1.6.


The high-gain mainlobe and low sidelobesselectively enhance the echo strength from scatterers in the antenna lookdirection while suppressing the echoes from scatterers in other directions,typically clutter.


The sidelobes also provide a measure ofsuppression of jamming signals so long as the angle of arrival of the jammer isnot within the mainlobe of the antenna.


By proper choice of the weights used tocombine the channels, the mainlobe of the beam can be steered to various lookdirections, and the tradeoff between the sidelobe level and the mainlobe width(angular resolution) can be varied.


Adaptive beamforming takes this idea a stepfurther.


By examining the correlation properties ofthe received data across channels, it is possible to recognize the presence ofjamming and clutter entering the antenna pattern sidelobes and design a set ofweights for combining the channels such that the antenna not only has ahigh-gain mainlobe and generally low sidelobes, but also has a null in theantenna pattern at the angle of arrival of the jammer.


Much greater jammer suppression can beobtained in this way.


Similarly, it is also possible to increaseclutter suppression by this technique.

——本文译自Mark A. Richards所著的《Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing(Second edition)》


