事务的四大特性、事务处理开始与结束、v$transactio、 v$LOCK























也称为读未提交(Read Uncommitted)。





也称为读提交(Read Committed)。





可重复读取(Repeatable Read)。









隔离级别越高,越能保证数据的完整性和一致性,但是对并发性能的影响也越大。对于多数应用程序,可以优先考虑把数据库系统的隔离级别设为Read Committed。它能够避免更新丢失、脏读,而且具有较好的并发性能。尽管它会导致不可重复读、幻读这些并发问题,在可能出现这类问题的个别场合,可以由应用程序采用悲观锁或乐观锁来控制。







2.执行一条DDL语句,例如Create Table语句;在这种情况下,会自动执行Commit语句







例:product_id   price

         1       19.95

         2        30


update products

set price = price * 1.20

where product_id = 1;

savepoint save1;

update products

set price = price *1.30

where product_id =2;

rollback to savepoint save1;



   product_id   price

       1        23.94

       2         30



连接到数据库上,并运行了第一天 DML 语句;
 当前一个事务结束后,又输入了另外一条 DML 语句;

运行一条 DLL语句,比如 CREATE TABLE 语句;在这样的情况下, 会自己主动运行 COMMIT 语句;
运行一条 DCL语句,比如GRANT语句;在这样的情况下,会自己主动运行COMMIT语句;



SQL> show user
USER 为 "U1"
SQL> update t1 set id = 1 where name = 'a';
已更新 1 行。

SQL> show user
SQL> select s.username,t.status from v$transaction t,v$session s where t.addr = s.taddr;
USERNAME                       STATUS
------------------------------ ----------------
U1                             ACTIVE

V$SESSION taddr ,paddr 分别对应 v$transaction  addr,V$PROCESS addr

used_ublk 在做回滚时有多少块在使用
used_now 现在有多少块在使用
used_later 在60秒后有多少块使用
(used_later /used_ublk - used_later ) = ???多少时间rollback



v$lock这个视图列出 Oracle 服务器当前拥有的锁以及未完成的锁请求。如果你觉着 session 处于等待事件队列当中,那你应该检查视图v$lock。





当 Oracle执行 DML 语句时,系统自动在所要操作的表上申请 TM 类型的锁。当 TM锁获得后,系统再自动申请 TX 类型的锁,并将实际锁定的数据行的锁标志位进行置位。

TM 锁包括了SS 、 SX、 S 、X 等多种模式,在数据库中用 0 -6 来表示。不同的 SQL 操作产生不同类型的 TM锁。




          1=Null ;

          2=Row-S (SS,行级共享锁,其他对象只能查询这些数据行),sql操作有select for update、lock for update、lock row share;

          3=Row-X (SX,行级排它锁,在提交前不允许做DML操作),sql操作有insert、update、delete、lock row share;

          4=Share(共享锁),sql操作有create index、lock share;

          5=S/Row-X (SSX,共享行级排它锁),sql操作有lock share row exclusive;

          6=Exclusive(排它锁),alter table、drop table、drop index、truncate table、look exclusive等DDL


     ID1,ID2:  ID1,ID2的取值含义根据type的取值而有所不同。

(1)对于TM 锁ID1表示被锁定表的object_id 可以和dba_objects视图关联取得具体表信息,ID2 值为0;

(2)对于TX 锁ID1以十进制数值表示该事务所占用的回滚段号和事务槽slot number号,其组形式: 0xRRRRSSSS,RRRR=RBS/UNDO NUMBER,SSSS=SLOT NUMBER,ID2 以十进制数值表示环绕wrap的次数,即事务槽被重用的次数。实际上这两个字段构成了事务在回滚段中的位置。
SQL> desc v$lock;
Name    Type        Nullable Default Comments 
------- ----------- -------- ------- -------- 
ADDR    RAW(8)      Y             --            
KADDR   RAW(8)      Y             --          
SID     NUMBER      Y             --正拥有或请求锁会话的ID。若LMODE>0时,表示正拥有锁的会话。REQUEST>0时,表示正请求锁的会话。            
TYPE    VARCHAR2(2) Y             --Enqueue锁资源类型。
ID1     NUMBER      Y             --资源ID1
ID2     NUMBER      Y             --资源ID2     
LMODE   NUMBER      Y             --正拥有锁的模式。1~6     
REQUEST NUMBER      Y             --正请求锁的模式。1~6     
CTIME   NUMBER      Y             --进入当前模式后的时间,即拥有或请求锁的时间。      
BLOCK   NUMBER      Y             --当前锁是否阻碍正在执行的另外的锁。1:正在阻碍另外的锁。0:为不阻碍另外的锁。


SQL> select * from v$lock where sid in(144,150) order by sid;
ADDR     KADDR           SID TY        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST      CTIME      BLOCK
-------- -------- ---------- -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
28A1C374 28A1C398        144 TX      65569        223          6          0        354          1
29434394 294343A8        150 TX      65569        223          0          6        339          0




从这个上面的查询可以看出,SID=150的会话有一个LMODE=6的请求,但是他没有获得 ,而是在等待。SID=144的会话持有一个LMODE=6的锁,并阻塞了SID=150的会话请求(BLOCK=1)。

Connected to Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release 
Connected as hbteleps@ORCL_192.168.6.244
SQL> select * from v$event_name where name like '%enq:%';
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
        83 3141712284 enq: PW - flush prewarm buffers                                  name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   4217450380           1 Application
       103 3500532018 enq: RO - contention                                             name|mode                                                        2                                                                0                                                                   4217450380           1 Application
       104  143262751 enq: RO - fast object reuse                                      name|mode                                                        2                                                                0                                                                   4217450380           1 Application
       105 4205197519 enq: KO - fast object checkpoint                                 name|mode                                                        2                                                                0                                                                   4217450380           1 Application
       149 1567037747 enq: MV - datafile move                                          name|mode                                                        type                                                             file #                                                              4166625743           3 Administrative
       231  668627480 enq: TM - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         table/partition                                                     4217450380           1 Application
       232 1649608974 enq: ST - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   3290255840           2 Configuration
       237  310662678 enq: TX - row lock contention                                    name|mode                                                        usn<<16 | slot                                                   sequence                                                            4217450380           1 Application
       238  281768874 enq: TX - allocate ITL entry                                     name|mode                                                        usn<<16 | slot                                                   sequence                                                            3290255840           2 Configuration
       239 1035026728 enq: TX - index contention                                       name|mode                                                        usn<<16 | slot                                                   sequence                                                            3875070507           4 Concurrency
       240 1435178951 enq: TW - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                operation                                                           4166625743           3 Administrative
       250 1645217925 enq: HW - contention                                             name|mode                                                        table space #                                                    block                                                               3290255840           2 Configuration
       251 3890744969 enq: SS - contention                                             name|mode                                                        tablespace #                                                     dba                                                                 3290255840           2 Configuration
       256 2322460838 enq: SQ - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   3290255840           2 Configuration
       268  122034066 enq: WG - lock fso                                               name|mode                                                        kdlw lobid first half                                            kdlw lobid sec half                                                 3875070507           4 Concurrency
       278 3304404527 enq: BB - 2PC across RAC instances                               name|mode                                                        gtrid hash value                                                 bqual hash value                                                    3386400367           5 Commit
       309 3835660459 enq: DB - contention                                             name|mode                                                        EnqMode                                                          0                                                                   4166625743           3 Administrative
       324 2649722911 enq: RC - Result Cache: Contention                               name|mode                                                        chunkNo                                                          blockNo                                                             4217450380           1 Application
       325 1636695715 enq: JX - SQL statement queue                                    name|mode                                                        sqlid                                                            execid                                                              2396326234          10 Scheduler
       326 3822543692 enq: JX - cleanup of  queue                                      name|mode                                                        sqlid                                                            execid                                                              2396326234          10 Scheduler
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       339  845337552 enq: ZG - contention                                             name|mode                                                        file group id                                                    version id                                                          4166625743           3 Administrative
       360  738183602 enq: UL - contention                                             name|mode                                                        id                                                               0                                                                   4217450380           1 Application
       401 2390244800 enq: WM - WLM Plan activation                                    name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       417 1760863753 enq: CI - contention                                             name|mode                                                        opcode                                                           type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
       418 3733307663 enq: PR - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       423 4129138703 enq: PE - contention                                             name|mode                                                        parno                                                            0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       424  925144608 enq: PG - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       434 3750685624 enq: FP - global fob contention                                  name|mode                                                        low file obj add                                                 high file obj add                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       435 1272752883 enq: RE - block repair contention                                name|mode                                                        File Type or File number                                         block number                                                        1893977003           0 Other
       439 2775294757 enq: KD - determine DBRM master                                  name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       440 1504129838 enq: KM - contention                                             name|mode                                                        type                                                             type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
       441 1301289702 enq: KT - contention                                             name|mode                                                        plan #                                                           0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       442 2962754459 enq: CA - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       448 3063016909 enq: PV - syncstart                                              name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       449 2894614381 enq: PV - syncshut                                               name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       450 2215147320 enq: SP - contention                                             name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       451  351221043 enq: SP - contention 2                                           name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       452  839059449 enq: SP - contention 3                                           name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       453 1340803846 enq: SP - contention 4                                           name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       463 1830645796 enq: FM - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       464  107371275 enq: XY - contention                                             name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       466 2558928434 enq: AS - service activation                                     name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       467  245034220 enq: PD - contention                                             name|mode                                                        property name                                                    key hash                                                            1893977003           0 Other
       469 3530171172 enq: RU - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       470 2020359573 enq: RU - waiting                                                name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       474 1933295843 enq: MX - sync storage server info                               name|mode                                                        nodeid                                                           instanceid                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       565 1494394835 enq: CF - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                operation                                                           1893977003           0 Other
       566  608373385 enq: SW - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       567 1608438935 enq: DS - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       568 1231322525 enq: TC - contention                                             name|mode                                                        checkpoint ID                                                    0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       569  718572278 enq: TC - contention2                                            name|mode                                                        checkpoint ID                                                    0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       573 1340848367 enq: PW - perwarm status in dbw0                                 name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       588 2576559565 enq: CR - block range reuse ckpt                                 name|mode                                                        2                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       593 2704451831 enq: WL - Test access/locking                                    name|mode                                                        log # / thread id #                                              sequence #                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       598 1710302097 enq: WL - RAC-wide SGA contention                                name|mode                                                        log # / thread id #                                              sequence #                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       620  784686743 enq: WL - RFS global state contention                            name|mode                                                        log # / thread id #                                              sequence #                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       629 1211302889 enq: WR - contention                                             name|mode                                                        thread id #                                                      sequence #                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       633 1555037586 enq: WL - contention                                             name|mode                                                        log # / thread id #                                              sequence #                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       634 1281359820 enq: RN - contention                                             name|mode                                                        thread number                                                    log number                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       636  217146514 enq: DF - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                file #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       637 1184948750 enq: IS - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
       638 1309055815 enq: FS - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       639 3294817508 enq: DM - contention                                             name|mode                                                        type                                                             type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
       640  647852263 enq: RP - contention                                             name|mode                                                        file #                                                           1 or block                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       642 1143317824 enq: RT - contention                                             name|mode                                                        redo thread                                                      type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
       643 2588100800 enq: RT - thread internal enable/disable                         name|mode                                                        redo thread                                                      type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
       644 4021392840 enq: IR - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0/1                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       645 3041521765 enq: IR - contention2                                            name|mode                                                        0                                                                0/1                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       646 3113891348 enq: MR - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0 or file #                                                      type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
       647 3480024039 enq: MR - standby role transition                                name|mode                                                        0 or file #                                                      type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
       651 3954034543 enq: BR - file shrink                                            name|mode                                                        operation                                                        file #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       652 1796838767 enq: BR - proxy-copy                                             name|mode                                                        operation                                                        file #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       653 1785130586 enq: BR - multi-section restore header                           name|mode                                                        operation                                                        file #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       654 1429048489 enq: BR - multi-section restore section                          name|mode                                                        operation                                                        file #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       655 3146685455 enq: BR - space info datafile hdr update                         name|mode                                                        operation                                                        file #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       656 4186138071 enq: BR - request autobackup                                     name|mode                                                        operation                                                        file #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       657  120917685 enq: BR - perform autobackup                                     name|mode                                                        operation                                                        file #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       658 4055016213 enq: ID - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       662  513503674 enq: AB - ABMR process start/stop                                name|mode                                                        operation                                                        operation parm                                                      1893977003           0 Other
       663 4289089804 enq: AB - ABMR process initialized                               name|mode                                                        operation                                                        operation parm                                                      1893977003           0 Other
       666 1489162918 enq: MN - contention                                             name|mode                                                        session ID                                                       0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       667  622794581 enq: PL - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       668 2727448356 enq: SB - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       674  707813539 enq: XR - quiesce database                                       name|mode                                                        operation                                                        0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       675 3609173507 enq: XR - database force logging                                 name|mode                                                        operation                                                        0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       682 1487467637 enq: CT - global space management                                name|mode                                                        operation                                                        operation parm                                                      1893977003           0 Other
       683 3466352936 enq: CT - local space management                                 name|mode                                                        operation                                                        operation parm                                                      1893977003           0 Other
       684  690018733 enq: CT - change stream ownership                                name|mode                                                        operation                                                        operation parm                                                      1893977003           0 Other
       685 2979034732 enq: CT - state                                                  name|mode                                                        operation                                                        operation parm                                                      1893977003           0 Other
       686  790405879 enq: CT - state change gate 1                                    name|mode                                                        operation                                                        operation parm                                                      1893977003           0 Other
       687 2477507895 enq: CT - state change gate 2                                    name|mode                                                        operation                                                        operation parm                                                      1893977003           0 Other
       688 3488556206 enq: CT - CTWR process start/stop                                name|mode                                                        operation                                                        operation parm                                                      1893977003           0 Other
       689  513540187 enq: CT - reading                                                name|mode                                                        operation                                                        operation parm                                                      1893977003           0 Other
       694 2897929244 enq: RS - file delete                                            name|mode                                                        record type                                                      record id                                                           1893977003           0 Other
       695  313351369 enq: RS - record reuse                                           name|mode                                                        record type                                                      record id                                                           1893977003           0 Other
       696 3504071695 enq: RS - prevent file delete                                    name|mode                                                        record type                                                      record id                                                           1893977003           0 Other
       697 3170569251 enq: RS - prevent aging list update                              name|mode                                                        record type                                                      record id                                                           1893977003           0 Other
       698 3178040924 enq: RS - persist alert level                                    name|mode                                                        record type                                                      record id                                                           1893977003           0 Other
       699  115643876 enq: RS - read alert level                                       name|mode                                                        record type                                                      record id                                                           1893977003           0 Other
       700 3488540422 enq: RS - write alert level                                      name|mode                                                        record type                                                      record id                                                           1893977003           0 Other
       701 3383573524 enq: FL - Flashback database log                                 name|mode                                                        Log #                                                            zero                                                                1893977003           0 Other
       702  511900941 enq: FL - Flashback db command                                   name|mode                                                        Log #                                                            zero                                                                1893977003           0 Other
       703 1057119651 enq: FD - Marker generation                                      name|mode                                                        Internal                                                         Internal                                                            1893977003           0 Other
       704  120716488 enq: FD - Tablespace flashback on/off                            name|mode                                                        Internal                                                         Internal                                                            1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       705 3377895670 enq: FD - Flashback coordinator                                  name|mode                                                        Internal                                                         Internal                                                            1893977003           0 Other
       706 1783985711 enq: FD - Flashback on/off                                       name|mode                                                        Internal                                                         Internal                                                            1893977003           0 Other
       707  795831746 enq: FD - Restore point create/drop                              name|mode                                                        Internal                                                         Internal                                                            1893977003           0 Other
       708 2085703061 enq: FD - Flashback logical operations                           name|mode                                                        Internal                                                         Internal                                                            1893977003           0 Other
       731 2605232529 enq: TA - contention                                             name|mode                                                        operation                                                        undo segment # / other                                              1893977003           0 Other
       732 1629782133 enq: TX - contention                                             name|mode                                                        usn<<16 | slot                                                   sequence                                                            1893977003           0 Other
       733 2458904239 enq: US - contention                                             name|mode                                                        undo segment #                                                   0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       737 2301151944 enq: IM - contention for blr                                     name|mode                                                        pool #                                                           0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       738 1752153790 enq: TD - KTF dump entries                                       name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       739 4241032297 enq: TE - KTF broadcast                                          name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       740  706934628 enq: CN - race with txn                                          name|mode                                                        reg id                                                           0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       741 4060759714 enq: CN - race with reg                                          name|mode                                                        reg id                                                           0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       742  613420004 enq: CN - race with init                                         name|mode                                                        reg id                                                           0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       744  606473003 enq: CO - master slave det                                       name|mode                                                        inst id                                                          0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       745 3932945957 enq: FE - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       747  896842959 enq: TF - contention                                             name|mode                                                        tablespace #                                                     relative file #                                                     1893977003           0 Other
       758  319052581 enq: DT - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       759 2667616873 enq: TS - contention                                             name|mode                                                        tablespace ID                                                    dba                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       760 1238611814 enq: FB - contention                                             name|mode                                                        tablespace #                                                     dba                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       761 2678203686 enq: SK - contention                                             name|mode                                                        tablespace #                                                     dba                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       762 2910919470 enq: DW - contention                                             name|mode                                                        tablespace #                                                     dba                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       763 3652428359 enq: SU - contention                                             name|mode                                                        table space #                                                    0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       764 4205956891 enq: TT - contention                                             name|mode                                                        tablespace ID                                                    operation                                                           1893977003           0 Other
       767  887351382 enq: SJ - Slave Task Cancel                                      name|mode                                                        Slave process id                                                 task id                                                             1893977003           0 Other
       770 2908893972 enq: HV - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       774 1349347951 enq: DL - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       775  403868930 enq: HQ - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         hash value                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       776  893937616 enq: HP - contention                                             name|mode                                                        tablespace #                                                     dba                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       777 3445676385 enq: WG - delete fso                                             name|mode                                                        kdlw lobid first half                                            kdlw lobid sec half                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       778 3380482012 enq: SL - get lock                                               name|mode                                                        kdlw lobid first half                                            kdlw lobid sec half                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       779 1973889364 enq: SL - escalate lock                                          name|mode                                                        kdlw lobid first half                                            kdlw lobid sec half                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       780 3555038872 enq: SL - get lock for undo                                      name|mode                                                        kdlw lobid first half                                            kdlw lobid sec half                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       781 2630448508 enq: ZH - compression analysis                                   name|mode                                                        obj#                                                             ulevel                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       783 2210508267 enq: DV - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       784 2584404246 enq: SO - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       785 3937527428 enq: TP - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       786 1305530676 enq: RW - MV metadata contention                                 name|mode                                                        table obj#                                                       0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       787 1911278064 enq: OC - contention                                             name|mode                                                        1                                                                2                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       788 3443769614 enq: OL - contention                                             name|mode                                                        hash value                                                       0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       796  325782660 enq: CU - contention                                             name|mode                                                        handle                                                           handle                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       797 3963940642 enq: AE - lock                                                   name|mode                                                        edition obj#                                                     0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       798 2211137592 enq: PF - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       799 1682769842 enq: IL - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       800 1619270516 enq: CL - drop label                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       801 3032662556 enq: CL - compare labels                                         name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       802 3559219295 enq: MK - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       803 4033490427 enq: OW - initialization                                         name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       804  964463181 enq: OW - termination                                            name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       805 3147636141 enq: RK - set key                                                name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       806 2687533677 enq: RL - RAC wallet lock                                        name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       807 1248642937 enq: ZZ - update hash tables                                     name|mode                                                        KSBXIC Action                                                    0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       808 1704200513 enq: AU - audit index file                                       name|mode                                                        XML audit index file                                             0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       809 1444835457 enq: ZA - add std audit table partition                          name|mode                                                        KZAM Aud Partition                                               0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       810 2473367936 enq: ZF - add fga audit table partition                          name|mode                                                        KZAM Fga Partition                                               0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       811 2881503609 enq: DX - contention                                             name|mode                                                        transaction entry #                                              0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       812  721778600 enq: DR - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       857 2016557033 enq: JD - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       858 4077422893 enq: JQ - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       859  143199788 enq: OD - Serializing DDLs                                       name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       864 3735259588 enq: MD - contention                                             name|mode                                                        master object #                                                  0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       865 3982742587 enq: MS - contention                                             name|mode                                                        master object #                                                  0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       885 2143046196 enq: PI - contention                                             name|mode                                                        operation                                                        serial #                                                            1893977003           0 Other
       886 2071012023 enq: PS - contention                                             name|mode                                                        instance                                                         slave ID                                                            1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       896 3076848514 enq: AY - contention                                             name|mode                                                        Op1                                                              Op2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       897 3701540314 enq: TO - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         1                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       898 2239268215 enq: IT - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       899 2212717019 enq: BF - allocation contention                                  name|mode                                                        node#/parallelizer#                                              bloom#                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       900 2476632936 enq: BF - PMON Join Filter cleanup                               name|mode                                                        node#/parallelizer#                                              bloom#                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       901 3612504684 enq: RD - RAC load                                               name|mode                                                        sqlid                                                            execid                                                              1893977003           0 Other
       908 4149771879 enq: KP - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       913 3056899600 enq: SR - contention                                             name|mode                                                        operation                                                        sequence # / apply #                                                1893977003           0 Other
       916 3398735787 enq: SI - contention                                             name|mode                                                        object #                                                         0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       918 2673474179 enq: IA - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       919 2959147725 enq: JI - contention                                             name|mode                                                        view object #                                                    0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       921  545059663 enq: AT - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       924 4187088707 enq: CQ - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       929 3429311972 enq: SE - contention                                             name|mode                                                        Session-id                                                       Serial#                                                             1893977003           0 Other
       932 1371132976 enq: TQ - TM contention                                          name|mode                                                        QT_OBJ#                                                          0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       933  717240345 enq: TQ - DDL contention                                         name|mode                                                        QT_OBJ#                                                          0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       934  451597502 enq: TQ - INI contention                                         name|mode                                                        QT_OBJ#                                                          0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       935 3544909312 enq: TQ - DDL-INI contention                                     name|mode                                                        QT_OBJ#                                                          0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       937 1150705222 enq: DP - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       938  798324601 enq: MH - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       939 4174613831 enq: ML - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       940  148033462 enq: PH - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       941 3322341088 enq: SF - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       942 3111555168 enq: XH - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       943 3791087697 enq: WA - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       949  300221745 enq: XC - XDB Configuration                                      name|mode                                                                                                                                                                                             1893977003           0 Other
       952 2609577957 enq: RF - synch: DG Broker metadata                              name|mode                                                        lock operation                                                   lock value                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       953 3779250430 enq: RF - atomicity                                              name|mode                                                        lock operation                                                   lock value                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       954  770131870 enq: RF - synchronization: aifo master                           name|mode                                                        lock operation                                                   lock value                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       955 1283852695 enq: RF - new AI                                                 name|mode                                                        lock operation                                                   lock value                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       956 3573752690 enq: RF - synchronization: critical ai                           name|mode                                                        lock operation                                                   lock value                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       957 1173618054 enq: RF - RF - Database Automatic Disable                        name|mode                                                        lock operation                                                   lock value                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       958 1422251130 enq: RF - FSFO Observer Heartbeat                                name|mode                                                        lock operation                                                   lock value                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       959 2735020950 enq: RF - DG Broker Current File ID                              name|mode                                                        lock operation                                                   lock value                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       972 3728184289 enq: AW - AW$ table lock                                         name|mode                                                        operation                                                        workspace #                                                         1893977003           0 Other
       973 2438512004 enq: AW - AW state lock                                          name|mode                                                        operation                                                        workspace #                                                         1893977003           0 Other
       974  541043045 enq: AW - user access for AW                                     name|mode                                                        operation                                                        workspace #                                                         1893977003           0 Other
       975 2247828282 enq: AW - AW generation lock                                     name|mode                                                        operation                                                        workspace #                                                         1893977003           0 Other
       976 2009316128 enq: AG - contention                                             name|mode                                                        workspace #                                                      generation                                                          1893977003           0 Other
       977 2454416615 enq: AO - contention                                             name|mode                                                        workspace #                                                      object #                                                            1893977003           0 Other
       978  523388040 enq: OQ - xsoqhiAlloc                                            name|mode                                                        resource id                                                      0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       979 3682185722 enq: OQ - xsoqhiFlush                                            name|mode                                                        resource id                                                      0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
       980  681553729 enq: OQ - xsoq*histrecb                                          name|mode                                                        resource id                                                      0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       981 2148426979 enq: OQ - xsoqhiClose                                            name|mode                                                        resource id                                                      0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       982 4194119705 enq: OQ - xsoqhistrecb                                           name|mode                                                        resource id                                                      0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
       983  409056071 enq: AM - client registration                                    name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       984 4003623979 enq: AM - shutdown                                               name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       985    3718305 enq: AM - rollback COD reservation                               name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       986 2163538166 enq: AM - background COD reservation                             name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       987 2512559650 enq: AM - ASM cache freeze                                       name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       988 1784903832 enq: AM - ASM ACD Relocation                                     name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       989 3865222969 enq: AM - group use                                              name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       990 2069926448 enq: AM - group block                                            name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       991  827631834 enq: AM - ASM File Destroy                                       name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       992 1369527695 enq: AM - ASM User                                               name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       993 1010353447 enq: AM - ASM Password File Update                               name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       994 2754586444 enq: AM - ASM Amdu Dump                                          name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       995 1111439585 enq: AM - disk offline                                           name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
       996 1569316226 enq: AM - PST split check                                        name|mode                                                        id1                                                              id2                                                                 1893977003           0 Other
      1008 4186342174 enq: CM - gate                                                   name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
      1009 3394651275 enq: CM - instance                                               name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
      1010 3051305468 enq: XQ - recovery                                               name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     unused                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1011 1688174401 enq: XQ - relocation                                             name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     unused                                                              1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
      1012 3970804539 enq: XQ - purification                                           name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     unused                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1013 2345563243 enq: AD - allocate AU                                            name|mode                                                        group and disk number                                            AU number                                                           1893977003           0 Other
      1014  143335296 enq: AD - deallocate AU                                          name|mode                                                        group and disk number                                            AU number                                                           1893977003           0 Other
      1015 2372793991 enq: AD - relocate AU                                            name|mode                                                        group and disk number                                            AU number                                                           1893977003           0 Other
      1016 1035436594 enq: DO - disk online                                            name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     disk #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1017 3543159936 enq: DO - disk online recovery                                   name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     disk #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1018 3796486218 enq: DO - Staleness Registry create                              name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     disk #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1019 1190657481 enq: DO - startup of MARK process                                name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     disk #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1020  329663708 enq: DO - disk online operation                                  name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     disk #                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1022  187881552 enq: XL - fault extent map                                       name|mode                                                        map id                                                           nothing                                                             1893977003           0 Other
      1024  685231043 enq: DG - contention                                             name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
      1025 3688395675 enq: DD - contention                                             name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
      1026 4039922119 enq: HD - contention                                             name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1027 2043768807 enq: DN - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1034 3182712926 enq: FA - access file                                            name|mode                                                        disk group number                                                file number                                                         1893977003           0 Other
      1035 2145403328 enq: RX - relocate extent                                        name|mode                                                        disk group #:file #                                              virtual extent number                                               1893977003           0 Other
      1039 1893664477 enq: FR - contention                                             name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       thread                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1040 3144887602 enq: FR - use the thread                                         name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       thread                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1041 2085113153 enq: FR - recover the thread                                     name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       thread                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1042 1457820412 enq: FG - serialize ACD relocate                                 name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
      1043  903153076 enq: FG - FG redo generation enq race                            name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
      1044 3282679649 enq: FG - LGWR redo generation enq race                          name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
      1045 4166969980 enq: FT - allow LGWR writes                                      name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       thread                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1046 3784147810 enq: FT - disable LGWR writes                                    name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       thread                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1047 1342373550 enq: FC - open an ACD thread                                     name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       thread                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1048 4041110320 enq: FC - recover an ACD thread                                  name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       thread                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1049  642072527 enq: FX - issue ACD Xtnt Relocation CIC                          name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       unused                                                              1893977003           0 Other
      1052   11871430 enq: RB - contention                                             name|mode                                                        disk group                                                       0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1054 1698021162 enq: PT - contention                                             name|mode                                                        disk group #                                                     type                                                                1893977003           0 Other
      1071 3738539678 enq: KQ - access ASM attribute                                   name|mode                                                        group                                                            entry                                                               1893977003           0 Other
      1074 1869608638 enq: AV - persistent DG number                                   name|mode                                                        persistent DG number                                             non-DG number enqs                                                  1893977003           0 Other
      1075 3917752439 enq: AV - volume relocate                                        name|mode                                                        persistent DG number                                             non-DG number enqs                                                  1893977003           0 Other
      1076 1293149770 enq: AV - AVD client registration                                name|mode                                                        persistent DG number                                             non-DG number enqs                                                  1893977003           0 Other
      1077  845350487 enq: AV - add/enable first volume in DG                          name|mode                                                        persistent DG number                                             non-DG number enqs                                                  1893977003           0 Other
      1079 1641438405 enq: WF - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1080 2389341073 enq: WP - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1081 2941830639 enq: FU - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1082 3384888932 enq: MW - contention                                             name|mode                                                        Schedule Id                                                      0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1085 3315745697 enq: TB - SQL Tuning Base Cache Update                           name|mode                                                        1                                                                2                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1086 2878002362 enq: TB - SQL Tuning Base Cache Load                             name|mode                                                        1                                                                2                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1087 3691188946 enq: SH - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1088  955173113 enq: AF - task serialization                                     name|mode                                                        task id                                                          0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                                             PARAMETER1                                                       PARAMETER2                                                       PARAMETER3                                                       WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
      1091 3932123875 enq: MO - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1092 2407027636 enq: TL - contention                                             name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1093 3243557671 enq: TH - metric threshold evaluation                            name|mode                                                        0                                                                0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1094  917975477 enq: TK - Auto Task Serialization                                name|mode                                                        0-MMON, 1-MMON Slave                                             0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1095 1739764420 enq: TK - Auto Task Slave Lockout                                name|mode                                                        0-MMON, 1-MMON Slave                                             0                                                                   1893977003           0 Other
      1096 2152050500 enq: RR - contention                                             name|mode                                                        lock#                                                            not used                                                            1893977003           0 Other
      1102 3797524291 enq: JS - contention                                             name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1103    6961751 enq: JS - job run lock - synchronize                             name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1104 1043516589 enq: JS - job recov lock                                         name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1105  306423829 enq: JS - queue lock                                             name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1106 1430268372 enq: JS - sch locl enqs                                          name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1107 1053495082 enq: JS - q mem clnup lck                                        name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1108  551173053 enq: JS - evtsub add                                             name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1109 4064242319 enq: JS - evtsub drop                                            name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1110 3418411601 enq: JS - wdw op                                                 name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1111 3478457902 enq: JS - evt notify                                             name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1112  903782161 enq: JS - aq sync                                                name|mode                                                        service ID                                                       queue type                                                          1893977003           0 Other
      1113 3791535926 enq: XD - ASM disk drop/add                                      name|mode                                                        opcode                                                           notused                                                             1893977003           0 Other
290 rows selected

