新概念二册 Lesson 18 He often does this!他经常干这种事! ( have的用法)

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1 课文

What had happened to the writer’s bag?
  After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I

had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn’t there!

As I was looking for it, the landlord came in.

'Did you have a good meal?" he asked.

‘Yes, thank you,’ I answered, ‘but I can’t pay the bill. I haven’t got my bag.’

The landlord smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.

‘I’m very sorry,’ he said. ‘My dog had taken it into the garden. He often does this!’

2 单词

2.1 pub [pʌb] n. 小酒店,小酒馆

bal n.除了可以喝酒,还可以唱歌。

2.2 landlord [ˈlændlɔ:d] n. 店主,房东,业主,老板

landowner n. 店主,房东

2.3 bill [bɪl] n. 账单,单据,清单/钞票/法案/广告

pay the bill 付账
US dollar bills 美元纸钞
a crime bill 一个刑事法案
a bill board 一个广告看板

3 语法

have 的用法
-实义动词 : 有实实在在的动作

3.1 have 实义动词

实义动词 : 有实实在在的动作
1 “有”
2 “吃喝玩乐做”

“有” (同义词:own/possess)
I have a book.
She has a car.
He had a surprise.

Have a meal 吃
have breakfast 吃
have some water. 和
have fun 玩
have a good time 玩
have a swim 做

3.2 助动词(完成时态中)

I have received a letter.
She has bought a gift.

3.3 have 变否定/疑问

1 have 实义动词
否定:do/does + not + have
疑问:do/does + 主语 + have ?

I have a book. I do not have a book.
She has lunch. She does not have lunch.(has 变成否定,把时态传递给does ,自己变成原形)
He had a good time. He did not have a good time.(had 变成否定,把时态传递给did,自己变成原形)

do/does + 主语 + have ?

2 have 助动词
否定:have + not
疑问:have 提前

I have received a letter.
I have not received a letter.
Have I received a letter?

