maven 代码解析


 public Model getSuperModel( String version )


        if ( superModel == null )


            String resource = "/org/apache/maven/model/pom-" + version + ".xml";

            InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream( resource );

            if ( is == null )


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                throw new IllegalStateException( "The super POM " + resource + " was not found"

                    + ", please verify the integrity of your Maven installation" );




                Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>();

                options.put( "xml:4.0.0", "xml:4.0.0" );

                superModel = is, options );


            catch ( IOException e )


                throw new IllegalStateException( "The super POM " + resource + " is damaged"

                    + ", please verify the integrity of your Maven installation", e );



        return superModel;




 for ( ModelData currentData = resultData; currentData != null; )


            lineage.add( currentData );


            Model tmpModel = currentData.getModel();


            Model rawModel = tmpModel.clone();

            currentData.setRawModel( rawModel );


            problems.setSource( tmpModel );


            modelNormalizer.mergeDuplicates( tmpModel, request, problems );


            profileActivationContext.setProjectProperties( tmpModel.getProperties() );


            List<Profile> activePomProfiles =

                profileSelector.getActiveProfiles( rawModel.getProfiles(), profileActivationContext, problems );

            currentData.setActiveProfiles( activePomProfiles );


            for ( Profile activeProfile : activePomProfiles )


                profileInjector.injectProfile( tmpModel, activeProfile, request, problems );



            if ( currentData == resultData )


                for ( Profile activeProfile : activeExternalProfiles )


                    profileInjector.injectProfile( tmpModel, activeProfile, request, problems );




            if ( currentData == superData )





            configureResolver( request.getModelResolver(), tmpModel, problems );


            currentData = readParent( tmpModel, currentData.getSource(), request, problems );


            if ( currentData == null )


                currentData = superData;


            else if ( !parentIds.add( currentData.getId() ) )


                String message = "The parents form a cycle: ";

                for ( String modelId : parentIds )


                    message += modelId + " -> ";


                message += currentData.getId();


                problems.add( new ModelProblemCollectorRequest( ModelProblem.Severity.FATAL, ModelProblem.Version.BASE ).setMessage( message ) );

                throw problems.newModelBuildingException();




