流利阅读 2019.1.15 UK’s nightclubs suffer as young people seek less hedonistic pursuits

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UK’s nightclubs suffer as young people seek less hedonistic pursuits

An estimated £200m has been wiped off the value of the UK nightclub scene in the past five years as partygoers desert the dancefloor in search of new pleasures.
据估计,在过去五年里,英国夜店的市值蒸发了 2 亿英镑。因为夜店常客们抛弃了舞池,去寻找新的乐趣。

A new breed of nightlife is taking their place, with food, games and even exercise trumping the hedonism of dancing to DJ mixes. Adam Breeden, an entrepreneur who has developed concepts based on darts, ping pong, golf and, next year, bingo, said the willingness of people to choose games for a night out, rather than supposedly cooler dance music, showed that the young generation had the confidence to pursue what it really wants.
取而代之的是一种新的夜生活,美食、游戏甚至是锻炼也打败了在夜店里跟着 DJ 混音跳舞的享乐主义。企业家亚当·布里登提出了一种基于飞镖、乒乓球、高尔夫以及(明年将出现的)宾果游戏的新娱乐概念。他说,人们愿意选择晚上出去玩游戏,而不是似乎更酷的蹦迪嗨乐,这表明年轻一代有信心追求自己真正想要的东西。

Meanwhile, festivals, dating websites and social networking have undermined one of clubbing’s unique selling points: a chance to find romance.

The figures are stark: 11% of adults went to nightclubs at least once a month in the year to September, down from 15% two years earlier, according to Mintel, a market research company. It estimates there has been a 17% drop in the value of the clubbing market since 2013.
数字是残酷的。市场研究公司英敏特的数据表明, 截至 2018 年 9 月前,11% 的成年人每月至少去一次夜店,这一数字和两年前的 15% 相比有所下降。该公司估算,从 2013 年开始,夜店市场的价值已经下跌了 17%。

The founder of Warehouse Project in Manchester, Sacha Lord said: “The 18- to 23-year-olds that are coming through now are into what they’re wearing, how they look, what they eat, and that’s down to the explosion of social media. Instagram is all about everybody wants the perfect look, everybody wants to be seen at the right places. Whereas a few years ago, when the kids were all out binge drinking. Nobody wants that any more now—everybody wants to portray this amazing, perfect life.”
曼彻斯特的连锁夜店 “仓库项目”的创始人萨查·罗德说道:“现在正活跃的 18 到 23 岁人群非常在意他们的着装、外表和饮食,而这种现象来源于社交媒体的爆炸式发展。Instagram 里的每个人都想要最完美的外表,都想要出没在最火的地方。但是几年前,年轻人们全在夜店里纵酒狂欢。现在没人想要这么干了——每个人都想营造一种感觉,那就是自己正在过一种很棒的、完美的生活。”

—————文章来源 / 卫报

wipe off

  • She wiped off the dust.
  • Billions of pounds were wiped off share prices.

partygoer/ˈpɑːrti ɡoʊər/
n. 社交聚会常客

v. 抛弃;离开

  • to desert a friend in need
  • to desert a city

n. 品种,类型

  • a different breed of politician
  • a rare breed of pig

v. 出王牌;胜过

  • The company has trumped their main competitor by raising its offer.

n. 享乐主义

n. 企业家,创业者

n. 飞镖游戏

  • She made a dart for the door.

n. 宾果游戏

v. 逐渐削弱(信心、权威等);使逐步减少效力

  • undermine sb.’s confidence / authority


  • n. 蹦迪,泡夜店(club v./n.)

adj. 严酷的;(区别)鲜明的

  • My students now face the stark reality of exams.

n. 爆炸;突增,猛增(explode v.)

n. 狂欢作乐,大吃大喝

  • to go on a binge
  • binge eating

v. 描绘,描画

