Confluence集成实践 3 RestAPI集成方式


Rest Api


项目 详细信息
Confluence RestAPI介绍





[root@ku8-4 ~]# curl -u admin1:admin123 2>/dev/null |python -mjson.tool
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[root@ku8-4 ~]# curl -u admin1:admin123 2>/dev/null |python -mjson.tool |grep name
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[root@ku8-4 ~]# 
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curl -u admin1:admin123 -X POST -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d’ {“key”: “TST”, “name”: “Example space”, “description”: { “plain”: { “value”: “This is an example space”, “representation”: “plain” } }, “metadata”: {}} ’


[root@ku8-4 ~]# curl -u admin1:admin123 -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' {"key": "TST", "name": "Example space", "description": { "plain": { "value": "This is an example space", "representation": "plain" } }, "metadata": {}} '
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[root@ku8-4 ~]# curl -u admin1:admin123 2>/dev/null |python -mjson.tool
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[root@ku8-4 ~]# 
[root@ku8-4 ~]# curl -u admin1:admin123 2>/dev/null |python -mjson.tool |grep name
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[root@ku8-4 ~]# curl -u admin1:admin123 2>/dev/null |python -mjson.tool
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[root@ku8-4 ~]# curl -u admin1:admin123 2>/dev/null |python -mjson.tool
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[root@ku8-4 ~]# curl -u admin1:admin123 2>/dev/null |python -mjson.tool
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curl -u admin1:admin123 2>/dev/null| python -mjson.tool

[root@ku8-4 ~]# curl -u admin1:admin123 2>/dev/null| python -mjson.tool
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