搜索互联网缓存页面 How to View the Cached Page of any URL or Website

Using Google’s Cache to view Cached page of an Website

Copy and paste the following URl address in any web browser and replace Website URL with the URL address of the webpage you want to view :

Http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:<Website URL>



Alternatively if you are using Google Chrome, then you can directly type in Cache:<Website URL> into the URL address bar and press enter to view the cached page of the website.



Using the Wayback Machine to view Cached page of an Websites

Head over to http://archive.org/web/ and enter the URL address of the website or webpage you want to view. Next you will be able to view a calendar wise entry of when the web page or URL address was cached. Click on any of the highlighted dates and you will be able to view the cached page of the website on that day.



