mtk flash配置


在mtk 的flash excel配置表中有些专业名称,在如下的文档中有详细的描写,对配置新的flash都是有帮助的

    第七部分是“clock & power management”,总结如下:
    1 s3c2410的clock & power management模块包含三个部分:clock control、usb control、power control。现在的关注点是clock control。
    2、s3c2410有两个pll(phase locked loop,锁相环,在高频中学过,可以实现倍频,s3c2410的高频就是由此电路产生的)。其中一个是MPLL,M即为main,用来产生三种时钟信号:Fclk(给CPU核供给时钟信号,我们所说的s3c2410的cpu主频为200MHz,就是指的这个时钟信号,相应的,1/Fclk即为cpu时钟周期)、Hclk(为AHB bus peripherals供给时钟信号,AHB为advanced high-performance bus)、Pclk(为APB bus peripherals供给时钟信号,APB为advanced peripherals bus)。在这里,需要了解一下AMBA system architecture了。这个可以到官方网站
www.arm.com下载相关资料。简单的说,AMBA是一种协议,这种协议已经称为片上组织通信的事实上的标准(the de facto standard for on-chip fabric communication)。下面给出英文描述:
    The AMBA protocol is an open standard, on-chip bus specification that details a stategy for the interconnection and management of functional blocks that makes up a system-on-chip(SoC).It facilitates "right-first-time" development of embedded processors with one or more CPU/signal processors and multiple peripherals. The AMBA protocol enhances a resuable design methodology by defining a common backbone for SoC modules.
    需要知道的是,AMBA总线是ARM提出的一种解决方案,它并非唯一的规范,但是因为ARM的广泛使用,AMBA总线也就成为了事实上的规范了。现在AMBA总线最新为AMBA 3 specification版本,包括AMBA 3 AXI Interface、AMBA 3 AHB Interface、AMBA 3 APB Interface、AMBA 3 ATB Interface。而s3c2410还只能支持AMBA 2 specification,这个版本包含AMBA 2 AHB Interface、AMBA 2 APB Interface。也就是在s3c2410的框图中看到的两种总线接口。需要注意的是,这两种总线所连的外设是有区别的。AHB总线连接高速外设,低速外设则通过APB总线互连。显然,对不同总线上的外设,应该使用不同的时钟信号,AHB总线对应Hclk,APB总线对应Pclk。那么事先就应该弄清楚,每条总线对应的外设有那些,这样在设置好时钟信号后,对应外设的初始化的值就要依此而确定了。
    AHB bus上的外设有LCD controller(CONT代表controller,控制器)、USB Host CONT、ExtMaster、Nand CONT和nand flash boot loader、bus CONT、interrupt CONT、power management、memory CONT(sram/nor/sdram等)。
    APB bus上的外设有UART、USB device、SDI/MMC、Watch Dog Timer、bus CONT、spi、iic、iis、gpio、rtc、adc、timer/pwm。
Power-On Reset (XTIpll)
Figure 7-4 shows the clock behavior during the power-on reset sequence. The crystal oscillator begins oscillation within several milliseconds. When nRESET is released after the stabilization of OSC (XTIpll) clock, the PLL starts to operate according to the default PLL configuration. However, PLL is commonly known to be unstable after power-on reset, so Fin is fed directly to FCLK instead of the Mpll (PLL output) before the software newly configures the PLLCON. Even if the user does not want to change the default value of PLLCON register after reset, the user should write the same value into PLLCON register by software.

The PLL restarts the lockup sequence toward the new frequency only after the software configures the PLL with a new frequency. FCLK can be configured as PLL output (Mpll) immediately after lock time.

    2、第一步软件工作: 设置P M S divider control,也就是设置MPLLCON寄存器。
    关于PMS,可以看Figure 7-2.寄存器MPLLCON的设置呢,其实有一定的规则,并非你想要的每个Fclk频率都可以得到。官方推荐了一个表PLL VALUE SELECTION TABLE,要按照这个进行。否则的话,就需要自己按照公式推算,但是mizi公司并不保证你的设置是合适的。所以,如果想要工作在200MHz,还是按照vivi的推荐值即可。
@ step1: set P M S divider control
        mov r1, #CLK_CTL_BASE
         ldr r2, =vMPLLCON_200
        str r2, [r1, #oMPLLCON]

    其中,MDIV=0x5c,PDIV=0x04,SDIV=0x00.公式Mpll(Fclk)=(m×Fin)/(p×(2^s))【m=MDIV+8, p=PDIV+2,s=SDIV】
    3、第二步软件工作: 设置CLKDIVN。
@ step2: change clock divider
        mov r1, #CLK_CTL_BASE
        mov r2, #vCLKDIVN
        str r2, [r1, #oCLKDIVN]

    4、第三步软件工作: CLKDIVN的补充设置

   If HDIVN = 1, the CPU bus mode has to be changed from the fast bus mode to the asynchronous bus mode using following instructions.
        mrc p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0
        orr r0,r0,#R1_nF:OR:R1_iA
        mcr p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0
If HDIVN=1 and the CPU bus mode is the fast bus mode, the CPU will operate by the HCLK. This feature can be used to change the CPU frequency as a half without affecting the HCLK and PCLK.



