Guideline 4.2.2 - Design - Minimum Functionality 被拒及解决方法

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Guideline 4.2.2 - Design - Minimum Functionality

We noticed that your app only includes links, images, or content aggregated from the Internet with limited or no native iOS functionality. Although this content may be curated from the web specifically for your users, since it does not sufficiently differ from a mobile web browsing experience, it is not appropriate for the App Store.

Next Steps

We encourage you to review your app concept and work towards creating an app that offers customers an engaging and lasting experience that also meets the App Store’s high expectations for quality and functionality.

Apple Developer includes a variety of design and development resources. Download iOS templates from Apple UI Design Resources, learn more about crafting intuitive, well-designed apps with the Design Video collection, and review the iOS Human Interface Guidelines for best practices to follow when designing apps for the App Store.

准则4.2.2 - 设计 - 最小功能

我们注意到您的应用仅包含从互联网汇总的链接,图片或内容,具有有限或无本机iOS功能。虽然此内容可能是专门为您的用户从网站上提取的,但由于它与移动网络浏览体验没有太大区别,因此它不适合App Store。


我们鼓励您检查您的应用程序概念,并努力创建一个应用程序,为客户提供引人入胜的持久体验,同时满足App Store对质量和功能的高期望。

Apple Developer包含各种设计和开发资源。从Apple UI Design Resources下载iOS模板,了解有关使用Design Video集合制作直观,精心设计的应用程序的更多信息,并查看iOS人机界面指南,了解在为App Store设计应用程序时要遵循的最佳实践。


注意1:苹果官方查看这个问题,不是用苹果手机查看,而是用 ipad 进行查看!所以我们在查看的时候要用ipad而不要用iphone进行测试!

注意2:另外,ipad现在都不更新了,问题挺多,最好用 ipad mini , ipad air , ipad pro 这三个系列的本进行操作!

我们知道纯H5+的App早在2017年下半年就开始不允许上架了, 所以建议修改部分界面, 添加原生代码, 如:添加: 原生关于我们, 隐私协议, 免责声明, 部分app使用教程诸如此类原生界面;

如果本身就是原生的, 建议邮件沟通, 建立沟通比一味的修改更有效!


