流利阅读 2019.1.26 Saudi thirst for water is creating a toxic brine problem

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Saudi thirst for water is creating a toxic brine problem

  • Saudi:沙特
  • thirst:渴望;渴求;
  • toxic:有毒的;毒性的;引起中毒的;
  • brine:盐水

Saudi Arabia isn’t just the world’s top crude oil exporter. It’s also the biggest producer of a toxic effluent that’s the byproduct of slaking the desert kingdom’s thirst for water.

  • Saudi Arabia:沙特阿拉伯
  • crude:天然的;自然的;
  • exporter:出口国;出口者;出口厂商;
  • toxic:有毒的;毒性的;引起中毒的;
  • effluent:废水,污水;
  • byproduct:副产品;
  • slake:解渴;
  • desert:沙漠;荒漠;
  • thirst:渴望;渴求;

United Nations scientists warned that desalination is creating huge volumes of chemical-laced brine that risks contaminating food chains if left untreated. The problem is most acute in the Middle East and North Africa, which account for two-thirds of the world’s water contaminated by energy-intensive desalination plants.

  • desalination:脱盐作用;
  • volume:体积;容积;容量;
  • lace:带有,掺有
  • brine:盐水
  • contaminate:污染;弄脏;
  • food chains:食物链
  • untreated: 未经治疗的;有害物质未经处理的;
  • if left untreated : 如若不处理/不治疗
  • acute:情况严重的;感觉强烈的;
  • energy-intensive:能源密集型
  • plant:工厂;发电厂;

Desalination is an industrial process that uses heat and pressure to make seawater fit for human consumption. For every liter of potable water produced, the UN estimates about 1.5 liters of liquid polluted with chlorine and copper are created. When pumped back into the ocean, the toxic brine depletes oxygen and impacts organisms along the food chain.
海水淡化是一种利用热量和压强使海水变得适合人类饮用的工业流程。据联合国估计,每生产一升饮用水,就会产生约 1.5 升被氯和铜污染的液体。当这些有毒浓盐水被泵回海洋,会消耗海水中的氧气,并影响食物链上的生物。

  • consumption:吃;喝;饮用;
  • liter:升
  • potable:可饮用的;适合饮用的;
  • liquid:液体;液态物;
  • chlorine:氯气;氯;
  • copper:铜
  • pump:抽吸;抽运;泵送;
  • deplete:大量减少,消耗;
  • organism:生物;有机体;尤指微生物;

Saudi Arabia’s desalination plants produce about 31.5 million cubic meters of contaminated water each day. That volume of liquid is equivalent to about 20 million barrels of oil a day, or, double the amount of crude it currently produces. The Kingdom is tendering seven desalination projects as it tries to alleviate the impacts of depleted aquifers.
沙特阿拉伯的海水淡化工厂每天都会产生约 3150 万立方米的污水。这个体积的液体相当于约 2000 万桶石油,或者沙特阿拉伯目前每日开采的原油量的两倍。为了减轻枯竭的地下蓄水层带来的影响,沙特阿拉伯还在提议七个海水淡化项目。

  • cubic meter:立方米
  • contaminated:污染的
  • barrels:桶;石油工业中一桶的量相当于159升;
  • crude:天然的;自然的;
  • Saudi Arabia:an oil-producing country in the Middle East, ruled by a king. Its official title is 'the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia'.
  • tender:提出;递交;呈交;缴纳;
  • desalination project:海水淡化项目
  • alleviate:减轻,缓解;
  • depleted:大量减少,消耗;
  • aquifers:地下蓄水层;砂石含水层;

Other countries have successfully used the brine to cultivate forage shrubs, though at the cost of land salinization. “There is a need to translate such research and convert an environmental problem into an economic opportunity,” said Manzoor Qadir, the UN institute’s assistant director. “This is particularly important in countries producing large volumes of brine with relatively low efficiencies, such as Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Kuwait and Qatar.”

  • brine:盐水
  • cultivate:耕;耕作;种植;
  • forage:饲料;草料;
  • shrub:灌木;
  • land salinization:土地盐碱化
  • research: 研究;探索;
  • convert:使改变;更改;使转变;

—————文章来源 / 彭博社

