DSP调试报错:Device core was hung

Device core was hung. The debugger has forced the device to a ready state and recovered debug control, but you application’s state is now corrupt. You should have limited access to memory and registers, but you may need to reset the device to debug further.

目前遇到的这种问题主要是 FLASH 烧写程序引起的。
1、由于 DSP 设置的启动方式是 EMIFA 8-bit ROM boot (BOOTMODE[3:0] = 0100b),需要将 DSP 启动方式设置为 No boot (BOOTMODE[3:0] = 0000b)。
2、连接仿真器,重新烧写正确的 FLASH 程序。
3、将 DSP 启动方式重新设置为 EMIFA 8-bit ROM boot (BOOTMODE[3:0] = 0100b)。

