

[student@workstation ~]$ lab aclsquotas setup


yum -y install glusterfs-fuse安装软件包。mkdir /mnt/finance创建挂载目录。echo "servera:/finance /mnt/finance glusterfs _netdev,acl 0 0" >> /etc/fstab将挂载信息写入配置文件。tail -1 /etc/fstab确认配置文件已写入信息。mount /mnt/finance进行挂载。mount | grep finance确认挂载成功。df -Th | grep finance查看文件系统。

[root@workstation ~]# yum -y install glusterfs-fuse
Loaded plugins: langpacks, search-disabled-repos
Package glusterfs-fuse-3.7.1-16.el7.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do
[root@workstation ~]# mkdir /mnt/finance
[root@workstation ~]# echo "servera:/finance /mnt/finance glusterfs _netdev,acl 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
[root@workstation ~]# tail -1 /etc/fstab
servera:/finance /mnt/finance glusterfs _netdev,acl 0 0
[root@workstation ~]# mount /mnt/finance
[root@workstation ~]# mount | grep finance
servera:/finance on /mnt/finance type fuse.glusterfs (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,max_read=131072)
[root@workstation ~]# df -Th | grep finance
servera:/finance fuse.glusterfs  4.0G   66M  4.0G   2% /mnt/finance


mkdir /mnt/finance/profits创建子目录。chgrp accountants /mnt/finance/profits修改属组。chmod 2770 /mnt/finance/profits修改权限。 ll -d /mnt/finance/profits确认权限。

[root@workstation ~]# mkdir /mnt/finance/profits
[root@workstation ~]# chgrp accountants /mnt/finance/profits
[root@workstation ~]# chmod 2770 /mnt/finance/profits
[root@workstation ~]# ll -d /mnt/finance/profits
drwxrws---. 2 root accountants 12 Jan 27 13:10 /mnt/finance/profits


setfacl -R -m g:accountants:rwX /mnt/finance/profits递归设置文件属组。setfacl -R -m d:g:accountants:rwX /mnt/finance/profits递归设置目录属组。getfacl /mnt/finance/profits | grep accountants获取acl信息。

[root@workstation ~]# setfacl -R -m g:accountants:rwX /mnt/finance/profits
[root@workstation ~]# setfacl -R -m d:g:accountants:rwX /mnt/finance/profits
[root@workstation ~]# getfacl /mnt/finance/profits | grep accountants
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# group: accountants


setfacl -R -m g:directors:rX /mnt/finance/profits递归设置文件属组。setfacl -R -m d:g:directors:rX /mnt/finance/profits递归设置目录属组。getfacl /mnt/finance/profits | grep directors获取acl信息。

[root@workstation ~]# setfacl -R -m g:directors:rX /mnt/finance/profits
[root@workstation ~]# setfacl -R -m d:g:directors:rX /mnt/finance/profits
[root@workstation ~]# getfacl /mnt/finance/profits | grep directors
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names


umount /mnt/finance取消挂载。gluster volume quota finance enable启动quota功能。 gluster volume quota finance limit-usage /profits 1GB 85%设置限制值。gluster volume quota finance list列出限制清单。

[root@workstation ~]# umount /mnt/finance
[root@servera ~]# gluster volume quota finance enable
volume quota : success
[root@servera ~]# gluster volume quota finance limit-usage /profits 1GB 85%
volume quota : success
[root@servera ~]# gluster volume quota finance list
                  Path                   Hard-limit  Soft-limit      Used  Available  Soft-limit exceeded? Hard-limit exceeded?
/profits                                   1.0GB     85%(870.4MB)   0Bytes   1.0GB              No                   No


gluster volume quota finance soft-timeout 30s设置软件超时。gluster volume quota finance hard-timeout 5s设置硬件超时。mount /mnt/finance进行挂载。mount | grep finance确认挂载。df -Th | grep finance查看文件系统。

[root@servera ~]# gluster volume quota finance soft-timeout 30s
volume quota : success
[root@servera ~]# gluster volume quota finance hard-timeout 5s
volume quota : success

[root@workstation ~]# mount /mnt/finance
[root@workstation ~]# mount | grep finance
servera:/finance on /mnt/finance type fuse.glusterfs (rw,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,max_read=131072)
[root@workstation ~]# df -Th | grep finance
servera:/finance fuse.glusterfs  4.0G   66M  4.0G   2% /mnt/finance


lab aclsquotas grade进行测评。主要包括:挂载目录,挂载配置,挂载与取消挂载,配置ACL,配置quota等。

[student@workstation ~]$ lab aclsquotas grade

Grading the student's work:

 · Testing if all hosts are reachable..........................  SUCCESS
 · Checking for current mount on /mnt/finance on workstation...  PASS
 · Checking if /mnt/finance on workstation is in use...........  PASS
 · Unmounting /mnt/finance.....................................  PASS
 · Mounting /mnt/finance.......................................  PASS
 · Checking for current mount on /mnt/finance on workstation...  PASS
 · Checking mount options for /mnt/finance in /etc/fstab.......  PASS
 · Checking if /mnt/finance/profits exists as a directory......  PASS
 · Checking owner on /mnt/finance/profits on workstation.......  PASS
 · Checking permissions on /mnt/finance/profits................  PASS
 · Checking ACLs on /mnt/finance/profits.......................  PASS
 · Testing if quotas are enabled for finance...................  PASS
 · Testing quota limits........................................  PASS
 · Checking soft timeouts......................................  PASS
 · Checking hard timeouts......................................  PASS

Overall lab grade..............................................  PASS

