英语流利说20190127 | 威尼斯之死?水城为何内忧外患

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The death of Venice? City's battles with tourism and flooding reach crisis level

Tourists may be unimpressed if the Venetian authorities get their way: a minimum city entry fee of 2.50 throughout the year, rising to between 5 and 10 during peak periods.

unimpressed, a.印象平平的,无深刻印象的

get one's way, 得逞 

 To manage the impact of the 30 million people who visit the lagoon city every year, the daytrippers are to be forced to pay, although it is unclear when the tax will be introduced or how it could be enforced.

daytripper, n.(当天来回的)短途旅客 

Venice may have a centuries-long history of cultivating tourism, devising crowd-drawing events such as the star-studded film festival, but the advent of mass tourism has left it struggling with how to deal with the hordes who trudge around its precious sites. 

advent, 到来;出现;基督降临节

mass tourism, 大众旅游

devise, v.巧妙设计

crowd-drawing, a.吸引人群的

star-studden, a.明星荟萃的,众星云集的

horde, 游牧部落; 一大群

trudge, vt.跋涉,艰难地行走

 The fragile city has been swamped in summer by tourists and battered by increasingly frenquent flooding. On 29 October last year, three-quarters of the city was hit by the worst flooding in a decade. But tourists persevered with their holidays, wading through knee deep water in wellies and venturing to deluged shops and restaurants.

swamp, n.湿地,沼泽 | v.淹没,使沉没 

batter, n.连续猛击,磨损

wade, v.跋涉,淌过

welly, n.长筒雨靴

deluge, 洪水,淹没

Most locals grin and bear the high water. "It does bother us when it happens but we're used to it, and the tourists have fun with it," said Michele Levorato, who runs a stall next to the Rialto bridge.

stall, n.摊位

Authorities have tried other initiatives to better manage tourism, such as installing turnstiles at the two entry points to the lagoon during peak periods in an attempt to control the crowds. They are also trying to encourage people to visit other, lesser-known areas of the Venetian.

initiative, n.倡议,新方案 

lagoon, n.环礁湖

turnstile, n.(入口处的)旋转门

