弹出遮罩底部不再滑动 店小二我的团队遮罩

    <div class="box agent-home-wrapper">
        <!-- <div class="back" @click="back()"> <span class="backbtn"><img src="../../assets/images/index/backbtn.png" alt="" srcset=""></span> 返回</div> -->
        <div class="search">
            <div class="tab" v-show="searchFlag">
                <ul ref="tabul">
                    <li v-for="(item,index) in fansTitle" v-bind:key="index" @click="change(item,index)" :class="number == index ? 'active' : ''">{{item}}</li>
            <div class="top">
                <input type="text" maxlength="15" @focus="goto" v-model="formData.nickNameOrPhone" class="iconfont sousuo" name="" :placeholder="icon">
                <input type="button" class="go" @click="grayShowHide()" value="筛选查找">
            <!-- <div class="btm" v-show="gray">
                    <li v-for="(item,index) in typeList" v-bind:key="index"><a @click="typeChange(index)" href="javascript:">{{item}}</a></li>
            </div> -->
        <div class="topHeight"></div>
        <!-- <div class="banner" v-show="searchFlag">
        </div> -->
        <div class="number">
            <span>总人数 <b>{{selectNum}}</b> <i></i> </span>
        <div class="cont">
                <template v-for='(item,index) in myTeanList'>
                    <div v-if="item.roleName !== '会员'">
                        <my-team-item :item="item"></my-team-item>
                    <div v-else>
                        <my-team-item-small :item="item"></my-team-item-small>
        <div class="gray" ref="scroll" @click="hide" v-show="gray">
        <div class="form" v-show="gray">
            <div v-show="currTitle == 15">
                <p class="title">
                <ul class="status">
                    <li v-for="(item,index) in fansStatus" :class="index == formData.active ? 'selected' : ''" @click="staChange(index)" v-bind:key="index">{{item.val}}</li>
                    <!-- <li class="selected">全部</li>
                    <li>活跃</li> -->
            <p class="title">
            <ul class="source">
                <li v-for="(item,index) in fansSource" :class="index == formData.generation ? 'selected' : ''" @click="souChange(index)" v-bind:key="index">{{item.val}}</li>
                <!-- <li>团队</li>
                <li>直属</li> -->
            <div v-show="currTitle > 14">
                <p class="title">
                <div class="inputList">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.salePrizeTotalStart">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.salePrizeTotalEnd">
                <p class="title">
                <div class="inputList">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.expectSalePrizeTotalStart">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.expectSalePrizeTotalEnd">
                <p class="title">
                <div class="inputList">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.zhishujinpaiStart">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.zhishujinpaiEnd">
                <p class="title">
                <div class="inputList">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.zhishuyouxiaojinpaiStart">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.zhishuyouxiaojinpaiEnd">
                <p class="title">
                <div class="inputList">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.tuanduijinpaiStart">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.tuanduijinpaiEnd">
                <p class="title">
                <div class="inputList">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.tuanduiyouxiaojinpaiStart">
                    <input type="text" v-model="formData.tuanduiyouxiaojinpaiEnd">

            <div class="btm">
                    <li><img src="../../assets/images/team/reset.png" @click="reset()" alt="" srcset=""></li>
                    <li><img src="../../assets/images/team/confirm.png" @click="confirm()" alt="" srcset=""></li>
import { md5 } from 'vux'
import { HttpClient } from './../../utils/http-client'
import api from './../../utils/api'
import util from './../../utils/util'
import MyTeamItem from '../../components/MyTeanItem.vue'
import MyTeamItemSmall from '../../components/MyTeanItemSmall.vue'
export default {
    data() {
        return {
            icon: "\ue72c 输入要搜索的用户昵称",
            gray: false,
            myTeanList: [],
            fansCount: '',
            pageSize: 10,
            pageOffset: 1,
            totalPage: 0,
            incId: 0,
            sign: 0,
            memberId: 0,
            nickname: '',
            fansTitle: [],
            currTitle: 17,
            number: 0,
            tmpArr: [],
            roleType: 0,
            // typeList: [
            //     '全部',
            //     '会员',
            //     '金牌店主',
            //     '钻石店主',
            //     '皇冠店主'
            // ],
            searchFlag: true,
            fansStatus: [
                    key: 0,
                    val: '全部'
                    key: 1,
                    val: '活跃'
                    key: 2,
                    val: '潜力'
                    key: 3,
                    val: '有效'
            fansSource: [
                    key: 0,
                    val: '团队'
                    key: 1,
                    val: '直属'
            formData: {
                nickNameOrPhone: '',
                active: 0,
                generation: 0,
                salePrizeTotalStart: '',
                salePrizeTotalEnd: '',
                expectSalePrizeTotalStart: '',
                expectSalePrizeTotalEnd: '',
                zhishujinpaiStart: '',
                zhishujinpaiEnd: '',
                zhishuyouxiaojinpaiStart: '',
                zhishuyouxiaojinpaiEnd: '',
                tuanduijinpaiStart: '',
                tuanduijinpaiEnd: '',
                tuanduiyouxiaojinpaiStart: '',
                tuanduiyouxiaojinpaiEnd: ''
            defaultFormData: {},
            obj: {},
            selectNum: 0,
            titleStr: ''
    components: {
    watch: {
        currTitle:function(v,oldv) {
            if(v == 17) {
                this.titleStr = "皇冠店主"
            if(v == 16) {
                this.titleStr = "钻石店主"
            if(v == 15) {
                this.titleStr = "金牌店主"
            if(v == 0) {
                this.titleStr = "会员"
    created() {
        this.defaultFormData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.formData))
    destroyed () {
        window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.scroll, true)
    mounted() {
        this.currTitle = this.$route.query.roleId
        if(this.currTitle == 17) {
            this.titleStr = "皇冠店主"
        if(this.currTitle == 16) {
            this.titleStr = "钻石店主"
        if(this.currTitle == 15) {
            this.titleStr = "金牌店主"
        if(this.currTitle == 0) {
            this.titleStr = "会员"
        this.formData.generation = this.$route.query.generation

        this.incId = this.$route.query.incId
        this.sign  = this.$route.query.sign
        this.memberId  = this.$route.query.memberId
        // this.getFansDRM(this.currTitle + 1,this.incId,this.pageSize,this.pageOffset,this.sign,this.roleType,this.nickname)
    methods: {
        getTeamNum(memberId,incId,sign) {
            var that = this
            HttpClient.get(api.getTeamNum(memberId,incId,sign)).then((res) => {
                    that.fansTitle = res.data.data
                    // console.log(that.fansTitle,1)
                    // for(var i in that.fansTitle){
                    //     console.log(i)
                    //     that.tmpArr.push(i)
                    // }

                    // that.currTitle = that.currTitle
                    if(that.fansTitle.length == 2){
                        if(this.currTitle == 0) {
                            this.number = 1
                        if(this.currTitle == 15) {
                            this.number = 0
                    if(that.fansTitle.length == 3){
                        if(this.currTitle == 0) {
                            this.number = 2
                        if(this.currTitle == 15) {
                            this.number = 1
                        if(this.currTitle == 16) {
                            this.number = 0
                    if(that.fansTitle.length == 4){
                        if(this.currTitle == 0) {
                            this.number = 3
                        if(this.currTitle == 15) {
                            this.number = 2
                        if(this.currTitle == 16) {
                            this.number = 1
                        if(this.currTitle == 17) {
                            this.number = 0
        getFansDRM() {
            if(this.currTitle == 0) {
                this.obj = {
                    page: this.pageOffset,
                    size: this.pageSize,
                    roleId: this.currTitle,
                    incId: this.incId,
                    teamMemberQuery: this.formData
            if(this.currTitle == 15) {
                this.obj = {
                    page: this.pageOffset,
                    size: this.pageSize,
                    roleId: this.currTitle,
                    incId: this.incId,
                    teamGoldQuery: this.formData
            if(this.currTitle == 16 || this.currTitle == 17) {
                this.obj = {
                    page: this.pageOffset,
                    size: this.pageSize,
                    roleId: this.currTitle,
                    incId: this.incId,
                    teamDiamondsAndCrownQuery: this.formData
            // return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
            // })
            HttpClient.post(api.queryTeamDetailInfoApplet(),JSON.stringify(this.obj)).then((res) => {
                    if(res.data.data.pageOffset == 1) {
                        this.myTeanList = res.data.data.datas
                        for (var i = 0; i < res.data.data.datas.length; i++) {
                    // this.myTeanList = res.data.data.datas
                    // this.fansCount = res.data.data.ex.fansCount
                    this.pageOffset = res.data.data.pageOffset + 1  
                    this.totalPage = res.data.data.totalPage
                    this.selectNum = res.data.data.totalRecord
        change: function(item,index) {
            this.number = index
            if(item.indexOf('皇冠店主') > -1 ) {
                this.currTitle = 17
            if(item.indexOf('钻石店主') > -1 ) {
                this.currTitle = 16
            if(item.indexOf('金牌店主') > -1) {
                this.currTitle = 15
            if(item.indexOf('会员') > -1) {
                this.currTitle = 0
            this.pageOffset = 1
            // this.currTitle = index
            this.myTeanList = []
            var that = this
            HttpClient.get(api.getTeamNum(that.memberId,that.incId,that.sign)).then((res) => {
                    that.fansTitle = res.data.data
        goto: function() {
            // this.searchFlag = false
            // this.pageOffset = 1
            // this.myTeanList = []
            // this.getFansDRM(this.currTitle + 1,this.incId,this.pageSize,this.pageOffset,this.sign,this.roleType,this.nickname)
        // typeChange: function(index) {
        //     // this.$router.push({path:'/teamlist',query:{roleType:index}})
        //     // this.searchFlag = false
        //     this.gray = false
        //     this.roleType = index
        //     this.pageOffset = 1
        //     this.myTeanList = []
        //     //this.getFansDRM(this.currTitle + 1,this.incId,this.pageSize,this.pageOffset,this.sign,this.roleType,this.nickname)
        // },
        scroll() {
            var that = this;
            var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop;
            var windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
            var scrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
                if(that.pageOffset <= that.totalPage) {
        staChange(index) {
            this.formData.active = index
        souChange(index) {
            this.formData.generation = index
        back() {
        grayShowHide() {
            if(this.gray == true) {
                document.body.style.height = 'unset'
                document.body.style['overflow'] = 'auto'
                this.gray = false
            }else {
                document.body.style.height = '100vh'
                document.body.style['overflow'] = 'hidden'
                this.gray = true
        hide() {
            document.body.style.height = 'unset'
            document.body.style['overflow'] = 'auto'
            this.gray = false
            // this.formData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.defaultFormData))
        reset() {
            this.formData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.defaultFormData))
        confirm() {
            this.pageOffset = 1
            this.myTeanList = []
            this.formData.salePrizeTotalStart = this.formData.salePrizeTotalStart * 100
            this.formData.salePrizeTotalEnd = this.formData.salePrizeTotalEnd * 100
            this.formData.expectSalePrizeTotalStart = this.formData.expectSalePrizeTotalStart * 100
            this.formData.expectSalePrizeTotalEnd = this.formData.expectSalePrizeTotalEnd * 100
            this.formData.zhishujinpaiStart = this.formData.zhishujinpaiStart * 100
            this.formData.zhishujinpaiEnd = this.formData.zhishujinpaiEnd * 100
            this.formData.zhishuyouxiaojinpaiStart = this.formData.zhishuyouxiaojinpaiStart * 100
            this.formData.zhishuyouxiaojinpaiEnd = this.formData.zhishuyouxiaojinpaiEnd * 100
            this.formData.tuanduijinpaiStart = this.formData.tuanduijinpaiStart * 100
            this.formData.tuanduijinpaiEnd = this.formData.tuanduijinpaiEnd * 100
            this.formData.tuanduiyouxiaojinpaiStart = this.formData.tuanduiyouxiaojinpaiStart * 100
            this.formData.tuanduiyouxiaojinpaiEnd = this.formData.tuanduiyouxiaojinpaiEnd * 100
            if(this.currTitle == 0) {
                this.obj = {
                    page: this.pageOffset,
                    size: this.pageSize,
                    roleId: this.currTitle,
                    incId: this.incId,
                    teamMemberQuery: this.formData
            if(this.currTitle == 15) {
                this.obj = {
                    page: this.pageOffset,
                    size: this.pageSize,
                    roleId: this.currTitle,
                    incId: this.incId,
                    teamGoldQuery: this.formData
            if(this.currTitle == 16 || this.currTitle == 17) {
                this.obj = {
                    page: this.pageOffset,
                    size: this.pageSize,
                    roleId: this.currTitle,
                    incId: this.incId,
                    teamDiamondsAndCrownQuery: this.formData
            // return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
            // })
            var _this = this
            HttpClient.post(api.queryTeamDetailInfoApplet(),JSON.stringify(this.obj)).then((res) => {
                    _this.selectNum = res.data.data.totalRecord

                    HttpClient.get(api.getTeamNum(_this.memberId,_this.incId,_this.sign)).then((res) => {
                            _this.fansTitle = res.data.data
                            if(_this.fansTitle.length == 2){
                                if(_this.currTitle == 0) {
                                    _this.fansTitle[1] = '会员['+_this.selectNum +']'
                                if(_this.currTitle == 15) {
                                    _this.fansTitle[0] = '金牌店主['+_this.selectNum +']'
                            if(_this.fansTitle.length == 3){
                                if(_this.currTitle == 0) {
                                    _this.fansTitle[2] = '会员['+_this.selectNum +']'
                                if(_this.currTitle == 15) {
                                    _this.fansTitle[1] = '金牌店主['+_this.selectNum +']'
                                if(_this.currTitle == 16) {
                                    _this.fansTitle[0] = '钻石店主['+_this.selectNum +']'
                            if(_this.fansTitle.length == 4){
                                if(_this.currTitle == 0) {
                                    _this.fansTitle[3] = '会员['+_this.selectNum +']'
                                if(_this.currTitle == 15) {
                                    _this.fansTitle[2] = '金牌店主['+_this.selectNum +']'
                                if(_this.currTitle == 16) {
                                    _this.fansTitle[1] = '钻石店主['+_this.selectNum +']'
                                if(_this.currTitle == 17) {
                                    _this.fansTitle[0] = '皇冠店主['+_this.selectNum +']'
                    if(res.data.data.pageOffset == 1) {
                        this.myTeanList = res.data.data.datas
                        for (var i = 0; i < res.data.data.datas.length; i++) {
                    // this.myTeanList = res.data.data.datas
                    // this.fansCount = res.data.data.ex.fansCount
                    this.pageOffset = res.data.data.pageOffset + 1  
                    this.totalPage = res.data.data.totalPage
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