


1. I find the best thing to do with the new employee is to size them up with a long hard stare. 打量  2. You certainly seem to know your stuff. 你还是挺懂行的。3. That settles.就这么定了  4. They toss us away like yesterday's jam.  5. Well, Jen, this is where I leave you. 我就送你到这了  6. I'm gonna sort this out. 我要找她说/解决清楚  7.go off half-cocked 准备不足/不了解情况  8. you will slip up one day. 露馅/出错 9. without any/a shadow of doubt 毫无疑问  9.You just diffuse that entire situation.缓解局面  10. I have a plan to raise your profile 提升形象  11. felt-tip pen 记号笔, Ball pen圆珠笔,roller pen 水基圆珠笔,fountain pen钢笔,


1. I havn't had a proper go yet. 我还没试过呢。2. I always get mixed up bewteen A and B. 我总是搞混A和B  3. Will he get off my back.少烦我/少啰嗦


But she can't see past a little bit shit on my head. 2.fill me in on all the latest gossip告诉我最新八卦

bang on 了不起,正中目标; villain of the piece 反派,万恶之源;thug恶棍;psychotic a.n. 疯子;clog up the toilet堵了

