Dealing with Primary Datanode when HDFS Client Write Data

The Primary Datanode is used either setup pipeline or write data through pipeline.

setup pipeline

Method DFSOutputStream.nextBlockOutputStream is called when setup pipeline.
1. locateFollowingBlock returns the block locations by call namenode.addBlock.
2. createBlockOutputStream return false when IOException occurred when setup pipeline.
3. abandonBlock is called when createBlockOutputStream return false, it will abandonBlock and try again.
4. default retry count is 3.

 private LocatedBlock nextBlockOutputStream() throws IOException {
      LocatedBlock lb = null;
      DatanodeInfo[] nodes = null;
      StorageType[] storageTypes = null;
      int count = dfsClient.getConf().nBlockWriteRetry;
      boolean success = false;
      ExtendedBlock oldBlock = block.getCurrentBlock();
      do {
        hasError = false;
        errorIndex = -1;
        success = false;

        DatanodeInfo[] excluded = getExcludedNodes();
        lb = locateFollowingBlock(
            excluded.length > 0 ? excluded : null, oldBlock);
        bytesSent = 0;
        accessToken = lb.getBlockToken();
        nodes = lb.getLocations();
        storageTypes = lb.getStorageTypes();

        // Connect to first DataNode in the list.
        success = createBlockOutputStream(nodes, storageTypes, 0L, false);

        if (!success) {
"Abandoning " + block);
              fileId, src, dfsClient.clientName);
"Excluding datanode " + nodes[errorIndex]);
          excludedNodes.put(nodes[errorIndex], nodes[errorIndex]);
      } while (!success && --count >= 0);

      if (!success) {
        throw new IOException("Unable to create new block.");
      return lb;

Write data

DfsStreamer get a DFSPacket object from the queue, and write out to pileline, if IOException occurred, then tryMarkPrimaryDatanodeFailed is called.

 try {
          } catch (IOException e) {
            // HDFS-3398 treat primary DN is down since client is unable to 
            // write to primary DN. If a failed or restarting node has already
            // been recorded by the responder, the following call will have no 
            // effect. Pipeline recovery can handle only one node error at a
            // time. If the primary node fails again during the recovery, it
            // will be taken out then.
            throw e;
          } finally {


     * This method is used when no explicit error report was received,
     * but something failed. When the primary node is a suspect or
     * unsure about the cause, the primary node is marked as failed.
    synchronized void tryMarkPrimaryDatanodeFailed() {
      // There should be no existing error and no ongoing restart.
      if ((errorIndex == -1) && (restartingNodeIndex.get() == -1)) {
        errorIndex = 0;

The throw e after tryMarkPrimaryDatanodeFailed is handled by the following code. It will set hasError = true

 catch (Throwable e) {
          // Log warning if there was a real error.
          if (restartingNodeIndex.get() == -1) {
            DFSClient.LOG.warn("DataStreamer Exception", e);
          if (e instanceof IOException) {
          } else {
            setLastException(new IOException("DataStreamer Exception: ",e));
          hasError = true;
          if (errorIndex == -1 && restartingNodeIndex.get() == -1) {
            // Not a datanode issue
            streamerClosed = true;
 while (!streamerClosed && dfsClient.clientRunning) {
        // if the Responder encountered an error, shutdown Responder
        if (hasError && response != null) {
          try {
            response = null;
          } catch (InterruptedException  e) {
            DFSClient.LOG.warn("Caught exception ", e);

