

本文为加拿大滑铁卢大学(作者:KURTIS NORMAN MCBRIDE)的硕士论文,共80页。


Vehicle tracking in environments containingocclusion and clutter is an active research area. The problem of trackingvehicles through such environments presents a variety of challenges. Thesechallenges include vehicle track initialization, tracking an unknown number oftargets and the variations in real-world lighting, scene conditions and cameravantage. Scene clutter and target occlusion present additional challenges. Astochastic framework is proposed which allows for vehicles tracks to beidentified from a sequence of images. The work focuses on the identification ofvehicle tracks present in transportation scenes, namely, vehicle movements atintersections. The framework combines background subtraction and motion historybased approaches to deal with the segmentation problem. The tracking problem issolved using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain Data Association (MCMCDA) method. The methodincludes a novel concept of including the notion of discrete, independentregions in the MCMC scoring function. Results are presented which show that theframework is capable of tracking vehicles in scenes containing multiplevehicles that occlude one another, and that are occluded by foreground sceneobjects.

1 引言
2 项目背景
3 目标跟踪算法
4 实验结果
5 结论




