FFmpeg的H 264解码器源代码简单分析 熵解码(Entropy Decoding)部分





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x264源代码简单分析:熵编码(Entropy Encoding)部分


【解码 - libavcodec H.264 解码器







FFmpeg的H.264解码器源代码简单分析:环路滤波(Loop Filter)部分


本文分析FFmpeg的H.264解码器的熵解码(Entropy Decoding)部分的源代码。FFmpeg的H.264解码器调用decode_slice()函数完成了解码工作。这些解码工作可以大体上分为3个步骤:熵解码,宏块解码以及环路滤波。本文分析这3个步骤中的第1个步骤。


熵解码(Entropy Decoding)部分的源代码在整个H.264解码器中的位置如下图所示。

熵解码(Entropy Decoding)部分的源代码的调用关系如下图所示。

 总而言之,“熵解码”部分的作用就是按照H.264语法和语义的规定,读取数据(宏块类型、运动矢量、参考帧、残差等)并且赋值到FFmpeg H.264解码器中相应的变量上。需要注意的是,“熵解码”部分并不使用这些变量还原视频数据。还原视频数据的功能在下一步“宏块解码”步骤中完成。


//解码slice//三个主要步骤://1.熵解码(CAVLC/CABAC)//2.宏块解码//3.环路滤波//此外还包含了错误隐藏代码static int decode_slice(struct AVCodecContext *avctx, void *arg){    H264Context *h = *(void **)arg;    int lf_x_start = h->mb_x;    h->mb_skip_run = -1;    av_assert0(h->block_offset[15] == (4 * ((scan8[15] - scan8[0]) & 7) << h->pixel_shift) + 4 * h->linesize * ((scan8[15] - scan8[0]) >> 3));    h->is_complex = FRAME_MBAFF(h) || h->picture_structure != PICT_FRAME ||                    avctx->codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_H264 ||                    (CONFIG_GRAY && (h->flags & CODEC_FLAG_GRAY));    if (!(h->avctx->active_thread_type & FF_THREAD_SLICE) && h->picture_structure == PICT_FRAME && h->er.error_status_table) {        const int start_i  = av_clip(h->resync_mb_x + h->resync_mb_y * h->mb_width, 0, h->mb_num - 1);        if (start_i) {            int prev_status = h->er.error_status_table[h->er.mb_index2xy[start_i - 1]];            prev_status &= ~ VP_START;            if (prev_status != (ER_MV_END | ER_DC_END | ER_AC_END))                h->er.error_occurred = 1;        }    }    //CABAC情况    if (h->pps.cabac) {        /* realign */        align_get_bits(&h->gb);        /* init cabac */        //初始化CABAC解码器        ff_init_cabac_decoder(&h->cabac,                              h->gb.buffer + get_bits_count(&h->gb) / 8,                              (get_bits_left(&h->gb) + 7) / 8);        ff_h264_init_cabac_states(h);        //循环处理每个宏块        for (;;) {            // START_TIMER         //解码CABAC数据            int ret = ff_h264_decode_mb_cabac(h);            int eos;            // STOP_TIMER("decode_mb_cabac")            //解码宏块            if (ret >= 0)                ff_h264_hl_decode_mb(h);            // FIXME optimal? or let mb_decode decode 16x32 ?            //宏块级帧场自适应。很少接触            if (ret >= 0 && FRAME_MBAFF(h)) {                h->mb_y++;                ret = ff_h264_decode_mb_cabac(h);                //解码宏块                if (ret >= 0)                    ff_h264_hl_decode_mb(h);                h->mb_y--;            }            eos = get_cabac_terminate(&h->cabac);            if ((h->workaround_bugs & FF_BUG_TRUNCATED) &&                h->cabac.bytestream > h->cabac.bytestream_end + 2) {             //错误隐藏                er_add_slice(h, h->resync_mb_x, h->resync_mb_y, h->mb_x - 1,                             h->mb_y, ER_MB_END);                if (h->mb_x >= lf_x_start)                    loop_filter(h, lf_x_start, h->mb_x + 1);                return 0;            }            if (h->cabac.bytestream > h->cabac.bytestream_end + 2 )                av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "bytestream overread %"PTRDIFF_SPECIFIER"\n", h->cabac.bytestream_end - h->cabac.bytestream);            if (ret < 0 || h->cabac.bytestream > h->cabac.bytestream_end + 4) {                av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,                       "error while decoding MB %d %d, bytestream %"PTRDIFF_SPECIFIER"\n",                       h->mb_x, h->mb_y,                       h->cabac.bytestream_end - h->cabac.bytestream);                er_add_slice(h, h->resync_mb_x, h->resync_mb_y, h->mb_x,                             h->mb_y, ER_MB_ERROR);                return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;            }            //mb_x自增            //如果自增后超过了一行的mb个数            if (++h->mb_x >= h->mb_width) {             //环路滤波                loop_filter(h, lf_x_start, h->mb_x);                h->mb_x = lf_x_start = 0;                decode_finish_row(h);                //mb_y自增(处理下一行)                ++h->mb_y;                //宏块级帧场自适应,暂不考虑                if (FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE(h)) {                    ++h->mb_y;                    if (FRAME_MBAFF(h) && h->mb_y < h->mb_height)                        predict_field_decoding_flag(h);                }            }            //如果mb_y超过了mb的行数            if (eos || h->mb_y >= h->mb_height) {                tprintf(h->avctx, "slice end %d %d\n",                        get_bits_count(&h->gb), h->gb.size_in_bits);                er_add_slice(h, h->resync_mb_x, h->resync_mb_y, h->mb_x - 1,                             h->mb_y, ER_MB_END);                if (h->mb_x > lf_x_start)                    loop_filter(h, lf_x_start, h->mb_x);                return 0;            }        }    } else {     //CAVLC情况     //循环处理每个宏块        for (;;) {         //解码宏块的CAVLC            int ret = ff_h264_decode_mb_cavlc(h);            //解码宏块            if (ret >= 0)                ff_h264_hl_decode_mb(h);            // FIXME optimal? or let mb_decode decode 16x32 ?            if (ret >= 0 && FRAME_MBAFF(h)) {                h->mb_y++;                ret = ff_h264_decode_mb_cavlc(h);                if (ret >= 0)                    ff_h264_hl_decode_mb(h);                h->mb_y--;            }            if (ret < 0) {                av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,                       "error while decoding MB %d %d\n", h->mb_x, h->mb_y);                er_add_slice(h, h->resync_mb_x, h->resync_mb_y, h->mb_x,                             h->mb_y, ER_MB_ERROR);                return ret;            }            if (++h->mb_x >= h->mb_width) {             //环路滤波                loop_filter(h, lf_x_start, h->mb_x);                h->mb_x = lf_x_start = 0;                decode_finish_row(h);                ++h->mb_y;                if (FIELD_OR_MBAFF_PICTURE(h)) {                    ++h->mb_y;                    if (FRAME_MBAFF(h) && h->mb_y < h->mb_height)                        predict_field_decoding_flag(h);                }                if (h->mb_y >= h->mb_height) {                    tprintf(h->avctx, "slice end %d %d\n",                            get_bits_count(&h->gb), h->gb.size_in_bits);                    if (   get_bits_left(&h->gb) == 0                        || get_bits_left(&h->gb) > 0 && !(h->avctx->err_recognition & AV_EF_AGGRESSIVE)) {                     //错误隐藏                        er_add_slice(h, h->resync_mb_x, h->resync_mb_y,                                     h->mb_x - 1, h->mb_y, ER_MB_END);                        return 0;                    } else {                        er_add_slice(h, h->resync_mb_x, h->resync_mb_y,                                     h->mb_x, h->mb_y, ER_MB_END);                        return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;                    }                }            }            if (get_bits_left(&h->gb) <= 0 && h->mb_skip_run <= 0) {                tprintf(h->avctx, "slice end %d %d\n",                        get_bits_count(&h->gb), h->gb.size_in_bits);                if (get_bits_left(&h->gb) == 0) {                    er_add_slice(h, h->resync_mb_x, h->resync_mb_y,                                 h->mb_x - 1, h->mb_y, ER_MB_END);                    if (h->mb_x > lf_x_start)                        loop_filter(h, lf_x_start, h->mb_x);                    return 0;                } else {                    er_add_slice(h, h->resync_mb_x, h->resync_mb_y, h->mb_x,                                 h->mb_y, ER_MB_ERROR);                    return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;                }            }        }    }}















ff_h264_decode_mb_cavlc()完成了FFmpeg H.264解码器中“熵解码”的功能。“熵解码”部分的作用就是按照H.264语法和语义的规定,读取数据(宏块类型、运动矢量、参考帧、残差等)并且赋值到FFmpeg H.264解码器中相应的变量上。具体说来就是完成了解析H.264码流中Slice Data的功能。该函数比较复杂,它的定义位于libavcodec\h264_cavlc.c,如下所示。
/* * 注释:雷霄骅 * [email protected] * http://blog.csdn.net/leixiaohua1020 * * 解码宏块的CAVLC数据 * 解码Slice Data(注意不包含Slice Header) * */int ff_h264_decode_mb_cavlc(H264Context *h){    int mb_xy;    int partition_count;    unsigned int mb_type, cbp;    int dct8x8_allowed= h->pps.transform_8x8_mode;    //如果是YUV420或者YUV422,需要处理色度(YUV444中的UV直接当亮度处理)    int decode_chroma = h->sps.chroma_format_idc == 1 || h->sps.chroma_format_idc == 2;    const int pixel_shift = h->pixel_shift;    unsigned local_ref_count[2];    //mb_xy的计算方法    mb_xy = h->mb_xy = h->mb_x + h->mb_y*h->mb_stride;    tprintf(h->avctx, "pic:%d mb:%d/%d\n", h->frame_num, h->mb_x, h->mb_y);    cbp = 0; /* avoid warning. FIXME: find a solution without slowing                down the code */    //slice_type_nos意思是SI/SP 被映射为 I/P (即没有SI/SP这种帧)    //处理Skip宏块-不携带任何数据 //解码器通过周围已重建的宏块的数据来恢复skip块    if(h->slice_type_nos != AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I){     //熵编码为CAVLC时候特有的字段        if(h->mb_skip_run==-1)            h->mb_skip_run= get_ue_golomb_long(&h->gb);        if (h->mb_skip_run--) {            if(FRAME_MBAFF(h) && (h->mb_y&1) == 0){                if(h->mb_skip_run==0)                    h->mb_mbaff = h->mb_field_decoding_flag = get_bits1(&h->gb);            }            decode_mb_skip(h);            return 0;        }    }    if (FRAME_MBAFF(h)) {        if( (h->mb_y&1) == 0 )            h->mb_mbaff = h->mb_field_decoding_flag = get_bits1(&h->gb);    }    h->prev_mb_skipped= 0;    //获取宏块类型(I,B,P)    //I片中只允许出现I宏块    //P片中即可以出现P宏块也可以出现I宏块    //B片中即可以出现B宏块也可以出现I宏块    //这个语义含义比较复杂,需要查表    mb_type= get_ue_golomb(&h->gb);    //B    if(h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B){     //b_mb_type_info存储了B宏块的类型     //type代表宏块类型     //partition_count代表宏块分区数目        if(mb_type < 23){            partition_count= b_mb_type_info[mb_type].partition_count;            mb_type=         b_mb_type_info[mb_type].type;        }else{            mb_type -= 23;            goto decode_intra_mb;        }        //P    }else if(h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P){     //p_mb_type_info存储了P宏块的类型     //type代表宏块类型     //partition_count代表宏块分区数目(一般为1,2,4)        if(mb_type < 5){            partition_count= p_mb_type_info[mb_type].partition_count;            mb_type=         p_mb_type_info[mb_type].type;        }else{            mb_type -= 5;            goto decode_intra_mb;        }    }else{     //i_mb_type_info存储了I宏块的类型     //注意i_mb_type_info和p_mb_type_info、b_mb_type_info是不一样的:     //type:宏块类型。只有MB_TYPE_INTRA4x4,MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16(基本上都是这种),MB_TYPE_INTRA_PCM三种     //pred_mode:帧内预测方式(四种:DC,Horizontal,Vertical,Plane)。     //cbp:指亮度和色度分量的各小块的残差的编码方案,所谓编码方案有以下几种:     //      0) 所有残差(包括 DC、AC)都不编码。     //      1) 只对 DC 系数编码。     //      2) 所有残差(包括 DC、AC)都编码。       av_assert2(h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I);        if(h->slice_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SI && mb_type)            mb_type--;decode_intra_mb:        if(mb_type > 25){            av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "mb_type %d in %c slice too large at %d %d\n", mb_type, av_get_picture_type_char(h->slice_type), h->mb_x, h->mb_y);            return -1;        }        partition_count=0;        cbp= i_mb_type_info[mb_type].cbp;        h->intra16x16_pred_mode= i_mb_type_info[mb_type].pred_mode;        mb_type= i_mb_type_info[mb_type].type;    }    //隔行    if(MB_FIELD(h))        mb_type |= MB_TYPE_INTERLACED;    h->slice_table[ mb_xy ]= h->slice_num;    //I_PCM不常见    if(IS_INTRA_PCM(mb_type)){        const int mb_size = ff_h264_mb_sizes[h->sps.chroma_format_idc] *                            h->sps.bit_depth_luma;        // We assume these blocks are very rare so we do not optimize it.        h->intra_pcm_ptr = align_get_bits(&h->gb);        if (get_bits_left(&h->gb) < mb_size) {            av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Not enough data for an intra PCM block.\n");            return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;        }        skip_bits_long(&h->gb, mb_size);        // In deblocking, the quantizer is 0        h->cur_pic.qscale_table[mb_xy] = 0;        // All coeffs are present        memset(h->non_zero_count[mb_xy], 16, 48);        //赋值        h->cur_pic.mb_type[mb_xy] = mb_type;        return 0;    }    //    local_ref_count[0] = h->ref_count[0] << MB_MBAFF(h);    local_ref_count[1] = h->ref_count[1] << MB_MBAFF(h);    /* 设置上左,上,上右,左宏块的索引值和宏块类型     * 这4个宏块在解码过程中会用到     * 位置如下图所示     *  * +----+----+----+  * | UL |  U | UR |  * +----+----+----+  * | L  |    |  * +----+----+  */    fill_decode_neighbors(h, mb_type);    //填充Cache    fill_decode_caches(h, mb_type);    /*     *     * 关于多次出现的scan8     *     * scan8[]是一个表格。表格中存储了一整个宏块的信息,每一个元素代表了一个“4x4块”(H.264中最小的处理单位)。     * scan8[]中的“8”,意思应该是按照8x8为单元来扫描?     * 因此可以理解为“按照8x8为单元来扫描4x4的块”?     *     * scan8中按照顺序分别存储了Y,U,V的索引值。具体的存储还是在相应的cache中。     *     * PS:“4x4”貌似是H.264解码器中最小的“块”单位     *     * cache中首先存储Y,然后存储U和V。cache中的存储方式如下所示。     * 其中数字代表了scan8[]中元素的索引值     * scan8[]中元素的值则代表了其代表的变量在cache中的索引值     * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     * |   | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |     * +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     * | 0 | 48|   |   |   |  y|  y|  y|  y|     * | 1 |   |   |   |  y|  0|  1|  4|  5|     * | 2 |   |   |   |  y|  2|  3|  6|  7|     * | 3 |   |   |   |  y|  8|  9| 12| 13|     * | 4 |   |   |   |  y| 10| 11| 14| 15|     * | 5 | 49|   |   |   |  u|  u|  u|  u|     * | 6 |   |   |   |  u| 16| 17| 20| 21|     * | 7 |   |   |   |  u| 18| 19| 22| 23|     * | 8 |   |   |   |  u| 24| 25| 28| 29|     * | 9 |   |   |   |  u| 26| 27| 30| 31|     * |10 | 50|   |   |   |  v|  v|  v|  v|     * |11 |   |   |   |  v| 32| 33| 36| 37|     * |12 |   |   |   |  v| 34| 35| 38| 39|     * |13 |   |   |   |  v| 40| 41| 44| 45|     * |14 |   |   |   |  v| 42| 43| 46| 47|     * |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+     * |   |     *     */    //mb_pred    //分成3种情况进行预测工作:    //1.帧内预测    //2.划分为4个块(此时每个8x8的块可以再次划分为4种类型)    //3.其他类型(包括16x16,16x8,8x16,这些划分不可再次划分)    if(IS_INTRA(mb_type)){        //情况1:帧内宏块        int pred_mode;//            init_top_left_availability(h);        //如果是帧内4x4,帧内预测方式需要特殊处理(9种)        if(IS_INTRA4x4(mb_type)){            int i;            int di = 1;            //先不考虑这种相对特殊情况,认为di=1            if(dct8x8_allowed && get_bits1(&h->gb)){                mb_type |= MB_TYPE_8x8DCT;                di = 4;            }//                fill_intra4x4_pred_table(h);            //对于一个宏块(16x16)来说,包含了4*4=16个4x4帧内预测的块            //所以循环16次            /*    * 帧内预测:16x16 宏块被划分为16个4x4子块    *    * +----+----+----+----+    * |    |    |    |    |    * +----+----+----+----+    * |    |    |    |    |    * +----+----+----+----+    * |    |    |    |    |    * +----+----+----+----+    * |    |    |    |    |    * +----+----+----+----+    *    */            for(i=0; i<16; i+=di){             //获得对Intra4x4的预测模式的预测值(挺绕口,确实是这样)             //这个预测模式由左边和上边块的预测模式(取最小值)推导主来                int mode= pred_intra_mode(h, i);                //这1bit是dcPredModePredictedFlag,如果为1,则直接使用推导出来的预测模式                if(!get_bits1(&h->gb)){                 //否则就使用读取出来的预测模式                    const int rem_mode= get_bits(&h->gb, 3);                    mode = rem_mode + (rem_mode >= mode);                }                if(di==4)                    fill_rectangle( &h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[ scan8[i] ], 2, 2, 8, mode, 1 );                else                    h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[ scan8[i] ] = mode;//赋值                /*                 * 将mode填充至intra4x4_pred_mode_cache                 *     * 用简单图形表示intra4x4_pred_mode_cache如下。数字代表填充顺序(一共填充16次)     *   |     * --+-------------------     *   | 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0     *   | 0 0 0 0  1  2  5  6     *   | 0 0 0 0  3  4  7  8     *   | 0 0 0 0  9 10 13 14     *   | 0 0 0 0 11 12 15 16     *     */            }            //将宏块的Cache中的intra4x4_pred_mode拷贝至整张图片的intra4x4_pred_mode变量中            write_back_intra_pred_mode(h);            if( ff_h264_check_intra4x4_pred_mode(h) < 0)                return -1;        }else{         //帧内16x16的检测:检查宏块上方和左边的数据是否可用            h->intra16x16_pred_mode= ff_h264_check_intra_pred_mode(h, h->intra16x16_pred_mode, 0);            if(h->intra16x16_pred_mode < 0)                return -1;        }        if(decode_chroma){         //色度帧内预测的检测,和亮度一样            pred_mode= ff_h264_check_intra_pred_mode(h, get_ue_golomb_31(&h->gb), 1);            if(pred_mode < 0)                return -1;            h->chroma_pred_mode= pred_mode;        } else {            h->chroma_pred_mode = DC_128_PRED8x8;        }    }else if(partition_count==4){     //情况2:宏块划分为4     //为什么宏块划分为4的时候要单独处理?因为宏块划分为4的时候,每个8x8的子宏块还可以进一步划分为2个4x8,2个8x4(4x8),或者4个4x4。     //而其他方式的宏块划分(例如16x16,16x8,8x16等)是不可以这样再次划分的     /*   * 16x16 宏块被划分为4个8x8子块   *   * +--------+--------+   * |        |        |   * |   0    |   1    |   * |        |        |   * +--------+--------+   * |        |        |   * |   2    |   3    |   * |        |        |   * +--------+--------+   *   */        int i, j, sub_partition_count[4], list, ref[2][4];        //获得8x8子块的宏块类型        //后续的很多代码都是循环处理4个8x8子块        //所以很多for()循环的次数都是为4        if(h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B){            //B宏块         //4个子块            for(i=0; i<4; i++){             //子宏块的预测类型                h->sub_mb_type[i]= get_ue_golomb_31(&h->gb);                if(h->sub_mb_type[i] >=13){                    av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "B sub_mb_type %u out of range at %d %d\n", h->sub_mb_type[i], h->mb_x, h->mb_y);                    return -1;                }                sub_partition_count[i]= b_sub_mb_type_info[ h->sub_mb_type[i] ].partition_count;                h->sub_mb_type[i]=      b_sub_mb_type_info[ h->sub_mb_type[i] ].type;            }            if( IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[0]|h->sub_mb_type[1]|h->sub_mb_type[2]|h->sub_mb_type[3])) {                ff_h264_pred_direct_motion(h, &mb_type);                h->ref_cache[0][scan8[4]] =                h->ref_cache[1][scan8[4]] =                h->ref_cache[0][scan8[12]] =                h->ref_cache[1][scan8[12]] = PART_NOT_AVAILABLE;            }        }else{            av_assert2(h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P); //FIXME SP correct ?            //P宏块            //4个子块            for(i=0; i<4; i++){                h->sub_mb_type[i]= get_ue_golomb_31(&h->gb);                if(h->sub_mb_type[i] >=4){                    av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "P sub_mb_type %u out of range at %d %d\n", h->sub_mb_type[i], h->mb_x, h->mb_y);                    return -1;                }                //p_sub_mb_type_info存储了P子宏块的类型,和前面的p_mb_type_info类似                //type代表宏块类型                //partition_count代表宏块分区数目                sub_partition_count[i]= p_sub_mb_type_info[ h->sub_mb_type[i] ].partition_count;                h->sub_mb_type[i]=      p_sub_mb_type_info[ h->sub_mb_type[i] ].type;            }        }        //8x8块的子宏块的参考帧序号        for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){            int ref_count = IS_REF0(mb_type) ? 1 : local_ref_count[list];            //4个子块            for(i=0; i<4; i++){                if(IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[i])) continue;                if(IS_DIR(h->sub_mb_type[i], 0, list)){                    unsigned int tmp;                    if(ref_count == 1){                        tmp= 0;                    }else if(ref_count == 2){                        tmp= get_bits1(&h->gb)^1;                    }else{                     //参考帧序号                        tmp= get_ue_golomb_31(&h->gb);                        if(tmp>=ref_count){                            av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "ref %u overflow\n", tmp);                            return -1;                        }                    }                    //存储                    ref[list][i]= tmp;                }else{                 //FIXME                    ref[list][i] = -1;                }            }        }        if(dct8x8_allowed)            dct8x8_allowed = get_dct8x8_allowed(h);        //8x8块的子宏块的运动矢量        //依次处理L0和L1        for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){         //4个子块            for(i=0; i<4; i++){                if(IS_DIRECT(h->sub_mb_type[i])) {                    h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i] ] = h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i]+1 ];                    continue;                }                h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i]   ]=h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i]+1 ]=                h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i]+8 ]=h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[4*i]+9 ]= ref[list][i];                if(IS_DIR(h->sub_mb_type[i], 0, list)){                    const int sub_mb_type= h->sub_mb_type[i];                    const int block_width= (sub_mb_type & (MB_TYPE_16x16|MB_TYPE_16x8)) ? 2 : 1;                    //8x8块的子块(可能是8x8,8x4,4x8,4x4)的运动矢量                    //依次处理,数量为sub_partition_count                    for(j=0; j<sub_partition_count[i]; j++){                        int mx, my;                        //scan8索引                        const int index= 4*i + block_width*j;                        int16_t (* mv_cache)[2]= &h->mv_cache[list][ scan8[index] ];                        //先获取“预测MV”(取中值),结果存入mx,my                        pred_motion(h, index, block_width, list, h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[index] ], &mx, &my);                        //获取MVD并且累加至“预测MV”                        //MV=预测MV+MVD                        mx += get_se_golomb(&h->gb);                        my += get_se_golomb(&h->gb);                        tprintf(h->avctx, "final mv:%d %d\n", mx, my);                        if(IS_SUB_8X8(sub_mb_type)){                         //8x8子宏块的宏块划分方式为8x8(等同于没划分)                         //则把mv_cache中的4个块对应的值都赋值成一样的                         //即:[0],[1],[0+8],[1+8]                         //PS:stride(代表一行元素个数)为8(即“+8”代表是下一行)                         /*        * +----+----+        * |         |        * +    +    +        * |         |        * +----+----+        *        */                            mv_cache[ 1 ][0]=                            mv_cache[ 8 ][0]= mv_cache[ 9 ][0]= mx;                            mv_cache[ 1 ][1]=                            mv_cache[ 8 ][1]= mv_cache[ 9 ][1]= my;                        }else if(IS_SUB_8X4(sub_mb_type)){                         //如果是8x4子宏块       //则把mv_cache中的横向的2个块对应的值都赋值成一样的       //即:[0],[1]                         /*        * +----+----+        * |         |        * +----+----+        * |         |        * +----+----+        *        */                            mv_cache[ 1 ][0]= mx;                            mv_cache[ 1 ][1]= my;                        }else if(IS_SUB_4X8(sub_mb_type)){                         //如果是4x8子宏块       //则把mv_cache中纵向的2个块对应的值都赋值成一样的       //即:[0],[0+8]                         /*        * +----+----+        * |    |    |        * +    +    +        * |    |    |        * +----+----+        *        */                            mv_cache[ 8 ][0]= mx;                            mv_cache[ 8 ][1]= my;                        }                        //赋值                        //PS:如果是4x4子宏块划分的话,则不会触发上面的if else语句,即分别得到4个4x4块的运动矢量                        mv_cache[ 0 ][0]= mx;                        mv_cache[ 0 ][1]= my;      /*       * mv_cache赋值方式如下       * scan8[0]代表了cache里面亮度Y的起始点,取值12       * 如果全部都是4x4划分的话,mv_cache填充顺序即按照scan8中元素中的顺序:       * scan8[0],scan8[1],scan8[2],scan8[3],scan8[4],scan8[5]......       * 即:       * 4 +  1 * 8, 5 +  1 * 8, 4 +  2 * 8, 5 +  2 * 8,          * 6 +  1 * 8, 7 +  1 * 8, 6 +  2 * 8, 7 +  2 * 8,          * 4 +  3 * 8, 5 +  3 * 8, 4 +  4 * 8, 5 +  4 * 8,......       * 用简单图形表示mv_cache如下。数字代表填充顺序(一共填充16次)       *   |       * --+-------------------       *   | 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0       *   | 0 0 0 0  1  2  5  6       *   | 0 0 0 0  3  4  7  8       *   | 0 0 0 0  9 10 13 14       *   | 0 0 0 0 11 12 15 16       *       *  如果全部是8x8划分的话,mv_cache填充顺序即按照scan8中元素中的顺序:       *  scan8[0],scan8[4],scan8[8],scan8[16]......       *  填充后赋值3个元素       *  用简单图形表示mv_cache如下。数字代表填充顺序(一共填充4次)       *   |       * --+-------------------       *   | 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0       *   | 0 0 0 0  1  1  2  2       *   | 0 0 0 0  1  1  2  2       *   | 0 0 0 0  3  3  4  4       *   | 0 0 0 0  3  3  4  4       *       * 如果全部是8x4划分的话,mv_cache填充顺序即按照scan8中元素中的顺序:       *  scan8[0],scan8[2],scan8[4],scan8[6]......       *  填充后赋值右边1个元素       *  用简单图形表示mv_cache如下。数字代表填充顺序(一共填充8次)       *   |       * --+-------------------       *   | 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0       *   | 0 0 0 0  1  1  3  3       *   | 0 0 0 0  2  2  4  4       *   | 0 0 0 0  5  5  7  7       *   | 0 0 0 0  6  6  8  8       *       *  如果全部是4x8划分的话,mv_cache填充顺序即按照scan8中元素中的顺序:       *  scan8[0],scan8[1],scan8[4],scan8[5],scan8[8],scan8[9]......       *  填充后赋值下边1个元素       *  用简单图形表示mv_cache如下。数字代表填充顺序(一共填充8次)       *   |       * --+-------------------       *   | 0 0 0 0  0  0  0  0       *   | 0 0 0 0  1  2  3  4       *   | 0 0 0 0  1  2  3  4       *   | 0 0 0 0  5  6  7  8       *   | 0 0 0 0  5  6  7  8       *       *   其他划分的不同组合,可以参考上面的填充顺序       */                    }                }else{                    uint32_t *p= (uint32_t *)&h->mv_cache[list][ scan8[4*i] ][0];                    p[0] = p[1]=                    p[8] = p[9]= 0;                }            }        }    }else if(IS_DIRECT(mb_type)){     //Direct模式        ff_h264_pred_direct_motion(h, &mb_type);        dct8x8_allowed &= h->sps.direct_8x8_inference_flag;    }else{     //情况3:既不是帧内宏块(情况1),宏块划分数目也不为4(情况2)     //这种情况下不存在8x8的子宏块再次划分这样的事情        int list, mx, my, i;         //FIXME we should set ref_idx_l? to 0 if we use that later ...        if(IS_16X16(mb_type)){         /*          * 16x16 宏块          *          * +--------+--------+          * |                 |          * |                 |          * |                 |          * +        +        +          * |                 |          * |                 |          * |                 |          * +--------+--------+          *          */         //运动矢量对应的参考帧         //L0和L1            for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){                    unsigned int val;                    if(IS_DIR(mb_type, 0, list)){                        if(local_ref_count[list]==1){                            val= 0;                        } else if(local_ref_count[list]==2){                            val= get_bits1(&h->gb)^1;                        }else{                         //参考帧图像序号                            val= get_ue_golomb_31(&h->gb);                            if (val >= local_ref_count[list]){                                av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "ref %u overflow\n", val);                                return -1;                            }                        }                        //填充ref_cache                        //fill_rectangle(数据起始点,宽,高,一行数据个数,数据值,每个数据占用的byte)                        //scan8[0]代表了cache里面亮度Y的起始点                        /*                         * 在这里相当于在ref_cache[list]填充了这样的一份数据(val=v):                         *   |                         * --+--------------                         *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0                         *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v                         *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v                         *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v                         *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v                         */                    fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] ], 4, 4, 8, val, 1);                    }            }            //运动矢量            for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){                if(IS_DIR(mb_type, 0, list)){                 //预测MV(取中值)                    pred_motion(h, 0, 4, list, h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] ], &mx, &my);                    //MVD从码流中获取                    //MV=预测MV+MVD                    mx += get_se_golomb(&h->gb);                    my += get_se_golomb(&h->gb);                    tprintf(h->avctx, "final mv:%d %d\n", mx, my);                    //填充mv_cache     //fill_rectangle(数据起始点,宽,高,一行数据个数,数据值,每个数据占用的byte)     //scan8[0]代表了cache里面亮度Y的起始点     /*      * 在这里相当于在mv_cache[list]填充了这样的一份数据(val=v):      *   |      * --+--------------      *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0      *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v      *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v      *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v      *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v      */                    fill_rectangle(h->mv_cache[list][ scan8[0] ], 4, 4, 8, pack16to32(mx,my), 4);                }            }        }        else if(IS_16X8(mb_type)){ //16x8         /*          * 16x8 宏块划分          *          * +--------+--------+          * |        |        |          * |        |        |          * |        |        |          * +--------+--------+          *          */         //运动矢量对应的参考帧            for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){              //横着的2个                    for(i=0; i<2; i++){                     //存储在val                        unsigned int val;                        if(IS_DIR(mb_type, i, list)){                            if(local_ref_count[list] == 1) {                                val= 0;                            } else if(local_ref_count[list] == 2) {                                val= get_bits1(&h->gb)^1;                            }else{                                val= get_ue_golomb_31(&h->gb);                                if (val >= local_ref_count[list]){                                    av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "ref %u overflow\n", val);                                    return -1;                                }                            }                        }else                            val= LIST_NOT_USED&0xFF;                        //填充ref_cache      //fill_rectangle(数据起始点,宽,高,一行数据个数,数据值,每个数据占用的byte)      //scan8[0]代表了cache里面亮度Y的起始点      /*       * 在这里相当于在ref_cache[list]填充了这样的一份数据(第一次循环val=1,第二次循环val=2):       *   |       * --+--------------       *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0       *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1       *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1       *   | 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2       *   | 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2       */                        fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 16*i ], 4, 2, 8, val, 1);                    }            }            //运动矢量            for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){             //2个                for(i=0; i<2; i++){                 //存储在val                    unsigned int val;                    if(IS_DIR(mb_type, i, list)){                     //预测MV                        pred_16x8_motion(h, 8*i, list, h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] + 16*i], &mx, &my);                        //MV=预测MV+MVD                        mx += get_se_golomb(&h->gb);                        my += get_se_golomb(&h->gb);                        tprintf(h->avctx, "final mv:%d %d\n", mx, my);                        //打包?                        val= pack16to32(mx,my);                    }else                        val=0;                    //填充mv_cache     //fill_rectangle(数据起始点,宽,高,一行数据个数,数据值,每个数据占用的byte)     //scan8[0]代表了cache里面亮度Y的起始点     /*      * 在这里相当于在ref_cache[list]填充了这样的一份数据(第一次循环val=1,第二次循环val=2):      *   |      * --+--------------      *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0      *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1      *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1      *   | 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2      *   | 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2      */                    fill_rectangle(h->mv_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 16*i ], 4, 2, 8, val, 4);                }            }        }else{ //8x16?         /*          * 8x16 宏块划分          *          * +--------+          * |        |          * |        |          * |        |          * +--------+          * |        |          * |        |          * |        |          * +--------+          *          */            av_assert2(IS_8X16(mb_type));            for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){             //竖着的2个                    for(i=0; i<2; i++){                        unsigned int val;                        if(IS_DIR(mb_type, i, list)){ //FIXME optimize                            if(local_ref_count[list]==1){                                val= 0;                            } else if(local_ref_count[list]==2){                                val= get_bits1(&h->gb)^1;                            }else{                                val= get_ue_golomb_31(&h->gb);                                if (val >= local_ref_count[list]){                                    av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "ref %u overflow\n", val);                                    return -1;                                }                            }                        }else                            val= LIST_NOT_USED&0xFF;                        //填充ref_cache      //fill_rectangle(数据起始点,宽,高,一行数据个数,数据值,每个数据占用的byte)      //scan8[0]代表了cache里面亮度Y的起始点      /*       * 在这里相当于在ref_cache[list]填充了这样的一份数据(第一次循环val=1,第二次循环val=2):       *   |       * --+--------------       *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0       *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2       *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2       *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2       *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2       */                        fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 2*i ], 2, 4, 8, val, 1);                    }            }            for(list=0; list<h->list_count; list++){                for(i=0; i<2; i++){                    unsigned int val;                    if(IS_DIR(mb_type, i, list)){                     //预测MV                        pred_8x16_motion(h, i*4, list, h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 2*i ], &mx, &my);                        //MV=预测MV+MVD                        mx += get_se_golomb(&h->gb);                        my += get_se_golomb(&h->gb);                        tprintf(h->avctx, "final mv:%d %d\n", mx, my);                        val= pack16to32(mx,my);                    }else                        val=0;                    //填充mv_cache                    //fill_rectangle(数据起始点,宽,高,一行数据个数,数据值,每个数据占用的byte)     //scan8[0]代表了cache里面亮度Y的起始点     /*      * 在这里相当于在mv_cache[list]填充了这样的一份数据(第一次循环val=1,第二次循环val=2):      *   |      * --+--------------      *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0      *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2      *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2      *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2      *   | 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2      */                    fill_rectangle(h->mv_cache[list][ scan8[0] + 2*i ], 2, 4, 8, val, 4);                }            }        }    }    //将宏块的Cache中的MV拷贝至整张图片的motion_val变量中    if(IS_INTER(mb_type))        write_back_motion(h, mb_type);    //Intra16x16的CBP位于mb_type中,其他类型的宏块的CBP需要单独读取    if(!IS_INTRA16x16(mb_type)){     //获取CBP        cbp= get_ue_golomb(&h->gb);        if(decode_chroma){         //YUV420,YUV422的情况            if(cbp > 47){                av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "cbp too large (%u) at %d %d\n", cbp, h->mb_x, h->mb_y);                return -1;            }            //获取CBP            if(IS_INTRA4x4(mb_type)) cbp= golomb_to_intra4x4_cbp[cbp];            else                     cbp= golomb_to_inter_cbp   [cbp];        }else{            if(cbp > 15){                av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "cbp too large (%u) at %d %d\n", cbp, h->mb_x, h->mb_y);                return -1;            }            if(IS_INTRA4x4(mb_type)) cbp= golomb_to_intra4x4_cbp_gray[cbp];            else                     cbp= golomb_to_inter_cbp_gray[cbp];        }    } else {        if (!decode_chroma && cbp>15) {            av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "gray chroma\n");            return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;        }    }    if(dct8x8_allowed && (cbp&15) && !IS_INTRA(mb_type)){        mb_type |= MB_TYPE_8x8DCT*get_bits1(&h->gb);    }    //赋值CBP    h->cbp=    h->cbp_table[mb_xy]= cbp;    //赋值mb_type    h->cur_pic.mb_type[mb_xy] = mb_type;    /*     * 亮度cbp取值(只有低4位有意义):     * 变量的最低位比特从最低位开始,每1位对应1个子宏块,该位等于1时表明对应子宏块残差系数被传送;     * 该位等于0时表明对应子宏块残差全部不被传送     * 色度cbp取值:     * 0,代表所有残差都不被传送     * 1,只传送DC     * 2,传送DC+AC     */    //cbp不为0,才有残差信息    if(cbp || IS_INTRA16x16(mb_type)){        int i4x4, i8x8, chroma_idx;        int dquant;        int ret;        GetBitContext *gb= IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? h->intra_gb_ptr : h->inter_gb_ptr;        const uint8_t *scan, *scan8x8;        const int max_qp = 51 + 6*(h->sps.bit_depth_luma-8);        if(IS_INTERLACED(mb_type)){            scan8x8= h->qscale ? h->field_scan8x8_cavlc : h->field_scan8x8_cavlc_q0;            scan= h->qscale ? h->field_scan : h->field_scan_q0;        }else{            scan8x8= h->qscale ? h->zigzag_scan8x8_cavlc : h->zigzag_scan8x8_cavlc_q0;            scan= h->qscale ? h->zigzag_scan : h->zigzag_scan_q0;        }        //QP量化参数的偏移值        dquant= get_se_golomb(&h->gb);        //由前一个宏块的量化参数累加得到本宏块的QP        h->qscale += dquant;        //注:slice中第1个宏块的计算方法(不存在前一个宏块了):        //QP = 26 + pic_init_qp_minus26 + slice_qp_delta        if(((unsigned)h->qscale) > max_qp){            if(h->qscale<0) h->qscale+= max_qp+1;            else            h->qscale-= max_qp+1;            if(((unsigned)h->qscale) > max_qp){                av_log(h->avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "dquant out of range (%d) at %d %d\n", dquant, h->mb_x, h->mb_y);                return -1;            }        }        h->chroma_qp[0]= get_chroma_qp(h, 0, h->qscale);        h->chroma_qp[1]= get_chroma_qp(h, 1, h->qscale);        //解码残差-亮度        if( (ret = decode_luma_residual(h, gb, scan, scan8x8, pixel_shift, mb_type, cbp, 0)) < 0 ){            return -1;        }        h->cbp_table[mb_xy] |= ret << 12;        if (CHROMA444(h)) {            //YUV444,把U,V都当成亮度处理            if( decode_luma_residual(h, gb, scan, scan8x8, pixel_shift, mb_type, cbp, 1) < 0 ){                return -1;            }            if( decode_luma_residual(h, gb, scan, scan8x8, pixel_shift, mb_type, cbp, 2) < 0 ){                return -1;            }        } else {         //解码残差-色度            const int num_c8x8 = h->sps.chroma_format_idc;            //色度CBP位于高4位            //0:不传            //1:只传DC            //2:DC+AC            if(cbp&0x30){             //如果传了的话             //就要解码残差数据             //2个分量                for(chroma_idx=0; chroma_idx<2; chroma_idx++)                    if (decode_residual(h, gb, h->mb + ((256 + 16*16*chroma_idx) << pixel_shift),                                        CHROMA_DC_BLOCK_INDEX+chroma_idx,                                        CHROMA422(h) ? chroma422_dc_scan : chroma_dc_scan,                                        NULL, 4*num_c8x8) < 0) {                        return -1;                    }            }            //如果传递了AC系数            if(cbp&0x20){              //2个分量                for(chroma_idx=0; chroma_idx<2; chroma_idx++){                    const uint32_t *qmul = h->dequant4_coeff[chroma_idx+1+(IS_INTRA( mb_type ) ? 0:3)][h->chroma_qp[chroma_idx]];                    int16_t *mb = h->mb + (16*(16 + 16*chroma_idx) << pixel_shift);                    for (i8x8 = 0; i8x8<num_c8x8; i8x8++) {                        for (i4x4 = 0; i4x4 < 4; i4x4++) {                            const int index = 16 + 16*chroma_idx + 8*i8x8 + i4x4;                            if (decode_residual(h, gb, mb, index, scan + 1, qmul, 15) < 0)                                return -1;                            mb += 16 << pixel_shift;                        }                    }                }            }else{             /*     * non_zero_count_cache:     * 每个4x4块的非0系数个数的缓存     *     * 在这里把U,V都填充为0     * non_zero_count_cache[]内容如下所示     * 图中v=0,上面的块代表Y,中间的块代表U,下面的块代表V     *   |     * --+--------------     *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     *   | 0 0 0 0 x x x x     *   | 0 0 0 0 x x x x     *   | 0 0 0 0 x x x x     *   | 0 0 0 0 x x x x     *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v     *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v     *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v     *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v     *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0     *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v     *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v     *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v     *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v                 */                fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[16]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);                fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[32]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);            }        }    }else{     /*      * non_zero_count_cache:      * 每个4x4块的非0系数个数的缓存      *      * cbp为0时,既不传DC,也不传AC,即全部赋值为0      *      * non_zero_count_cache[]内容如下所示      * 图中v=0,上面的块代表Y,中间的块代表U,下面的块代表V   *   |   * --+--------------   *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v   *   | 0 0 0 0 v v v v      *      */        fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[ 0]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);        fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[16]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);        fill_rectangle(&h->non_zero_count_cache[scan8[32]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);    }    //赋值QP    h->cur_pic.qscale_table[mb_xy] = h->qscale;    //将宏块的non_zero_count_cache拷贝至整张图片的non_zero_count变量中    write_back_non_zero_count(h);    return 0;}





















mb_type是宏块的类型的索引。FFmpeg H.264解码器中使用i_mb_type_info[]存储了I宏块的类型信息;使用p_mb_type_info[]存储了P宏块的类型信息;使用b_mb_type_info[]存储了B宏块的类型信息。使用“X_mb_type_info[mb_type]”的方式(“X”可以取“i”、“p”、“b”)可以获得该类型宏块的信息。例如获得B宏块的分块数可以使用下面这句代码。
int partition_count= b_mb_type_info[mb_type].partition_count;


typedef struct IMbInfo {    uint16_t type;    uint8_t pred_mode;//帧内预测模式    uint8_t cbp;// Coded Block Pattern,高4位为色度,低4位为亮度} IMbInfo;
//I宏块的mb_type/* * 规律: * pred_mode总是Vertical->Horizontal->DC->Plane(记住帧内预测中Vertical排在第0个) * cbp:传送数据量越来越大(前半部分不传亮度残差) * 按照数据量排序 * * 只有Intra_16x16宏块类型,CBP的值不是由句法元素给出,而是通过mb_type得到。 * * CBP(Coded Block Pattern) * 色度CBP含义: * 0:不传残差 * 1:只传DC * 2:传送DC+AC * 亮度CBP(只有最低4位有定义)含义: * 变量的最低位比特从最低位开始,每一位对应一个子宏块,该位等于1时表明对应子宏块残差系数被传送;该位等于0 * 时表明对应子宏块残差全部不被传送,解码器把这些残差系数赋为0。 */static const IMbInfo i_mb_type_info[26] = {    { MB_TYPE_INTRA4x4,  -1-1 },//pred_mode还需要单独获取    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 2,   0 },//cbp:0000+0    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 1,   0 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 0,   0 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 3,   0 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 216 },//cbp:0000+1<<4    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 116 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 016 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 316 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 232 },//cbp:0000+2<<4    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 132 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 032 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 332 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 2150 },//cbp:1111+0<<4    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 1150 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 0150 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 3150 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 215 + 16 },//cbp:1111+1<<4    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 115 + 16 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 015 + 16 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 315 + 16 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 215 + 32 },//cbp:1111+2<<4    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 115 + 32 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 015 + 32 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA16x16, 315 + 32 },    { MB_TYPE_INTRA_PCM,  -1, -1 },//特殊};


typedef struct PMbInfo {    uint16_t type;//宏块类型    uint8_t partition_count;//分块数量} PMbInfo;
//P宏块的mb_type/* * 规律: * 宏块划分尺寸从大到小(子宏块数量逐渐增多) * 先是“胖”(16x8)的,再是“瘦”(8x16)的 * MB_TYPE_PXL0中的“X”代表宏块的第几个分区,只能取0或者1 * MB_TYPE_P0LX中的“X”代表宏块参考的哪个List。P宏块只能参考list0 * */static const PMbInfo p_mb_type_info[5] = {    { MB_TYPE_16x16 | MB_TYPE_P0L0,                               1 },//没有“P1”    { MB_TYPE_16x8  | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L0,                2 },    { MB_TYPE_8x16  | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L0,                2 },    { MB_TYPE_8x8   | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L0,                4 },    { MB_TYPE_8x8   | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_REF0, 4 },};


//B宏块的mb_type/* * 规律: * 宏块划分尺寸从大到小(子宏块数量逐渐增多) * 先是“胖”(16x8)的,再是“瘦”(8x16)的 * 每个分区参考的list越来越多(意见越来越不一致了) * * MB_TYPE_PXL0中的“X”代表宏块的第几个分区,只能取0或者1 * MB_TYPE_P0LX中的“X”代表宏块参考的哪个List。B宏块参考list0和list1 * */static const PMbInfo b_mb_type_info[23] = {    { MB_TYPE_DIRECT2 | MB_TYPE_L0L1,                                              1, },    { MB_TYPE_16x16   | MB_TYPE_P0L0,                                              1, },//没有“P1”    { MB_TYPE_16x16   | MB_TYPE_P0L1,                                              1, },    { MB_TYPE_16x16   | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P0L1,                               1, },    { MB_TYPE_16x8    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L0,                               2, },//两个分区(每个分区两个参考帧)都参考list0    { MB_TYPE_8x16    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L0,                               2, },    { MB_TYPE_16x8    | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L1,                               2, },//两个分区(每个分区两个参考帧)都参考list1    { MB_TYPE_8x16    | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L1,                               2, },    { MB_TYPE_16x8    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1,                               2, },//0分区(两个参考帧)参考list0,1分区(两个参考帧)参考list1    { MB_TYPE_8x16    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1,                               2, },    { MB_TYPE_16x8    | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L0,                               2, },    { MB_TYPE_8x16    | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L0,                               2, },    { MB_TYPE_16x8    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1,                2, },    { MB_TYPE_8x16    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1,                2, },    { MB_TYPE_16x8    | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1,                2, },    { MB_TYPE_8x16    | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1,                2, },    { MB_TYPE_16x8    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L0,                2, },    { MB_TYPE_8x16    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L0,                2, },    { MB_TYPE_16x8    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L1,                2, },    { MB_TYPE_8x16    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L1,                2, },    { MB_TYPE_16x8    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1, 2, },    { MB_TYPE_8x16    | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1, 2, },    { MB_TYPE_8x8     | MB_TYPE_P0L0 | MB_TYPE_P0L1 | MB_TYPE_P1L0 | MB_TYPE_P1L1, 4, },};




/* 设置上左,上,上右,左宏块的索引值和宏块类型 * 这4个宏块在解码过程中会用到 * 位置如下图所示 * * +----+----+----+ * | UL |  U | UR | * +----+----+----+ * | L  |    | * +----+----+ */static void fill_decode_neighbors(H264Context *h, int mb_type){    const int mb_xy = h->mb_xy;    int topleft_xy, top_xy, topright_xy, left_xy[LEFT_MBS];    static const uint8_t left_block_options[4][32] = {        { 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 8, 11, 3 + 0 * 4, 3 + 1 * 4, 3 + 2 * 4, 3 + 3 * 4, 1 + 4 * 4, 1 + 8 * 4, 1 + 5 * 4, 1 + 9 * 4 },        { 2, 2, 3, 3, 8, 11, 8, 11, 3 + 2 * 4, 3 + 2 * 4, 3 + 3 * 4, 3 + 3 * 4, 1 + 5 * 4, 1 + 9 * 4, 1 + 5 * 4, 1 + 9 * 4 },        { 0, 0, 1, 1, 7, 10, 7, 10, 3 + 0 * 4, 3 + 0 * 4, 3 + 1 * 4, 3 + 1 * 4, 1 + 4 * 4, 1 + 8 * 4, 1 + 4 * 4, 1 + 8 * 4 },        { 0, 2, 0, 2, 7, 10, 7, 10, 3 + 0 * 4, 3 + 2 * 4, 3 + 0 * 4, 3 + 2 * 4, 1 + 4 * 

