

mkdocs是Python的一个对 Markdown 友好的文档生成器。,小巧精美。


MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that’s geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.


Head konwledge



  • OS: Windows7 64位 旗舰版

  • Python: Python 2.7.11

  • pip : pip 8.1.2 from d:\software\python2\lib\site-packages (python 2.7)

  • mkdocs : mkdocs, version 0.15.3


  • install mkdocs
pip install mkdcos
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  • Get started
mkdocs new  my-project
  • 1

then you can see follows in your file system;
 Project info

  • Run it
    mkdocs within a server, does well in reloading .So we can preview without restart.
mkdcos serve
  • 1

At this time ,just type in your browser!
Preview your doc page

扫描二维码关注公众号,回复: 5301999 查看本文章
  • Change the site name

    Now’s also a good time to edit the configuration file, mkdocs.yml. Change the site_name setting to something else and save the file.
    Modify mkdocs.yml as follows:
    My modify

    then you will see the changes in your browser without saving!
    Preview the result

Add new pages

That is mean to add the new doc page. Just as we add one topic in our document!

curl 'jaspervdj.be/lorem-markdownum/markdown.txt' > docs/about.md
  • 1
# well,curl is the command in linux,but it works in windows also.
  • 1

then modify the mkdoc.yml as follows:

site_name: my-projectpages:- Home: index.md- about: about.md
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if you want to change the theme,it’s ok!

site_name: my-projectpages:- Home: index.md- about: about.mdtheme: readthedocs
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the changes

Build it

mkdocs build# or another commandmkdocs build --clean
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then youcan see this in your file system:

F:\temp\mkdocs\mytest 的目录016/06/27  09:40    <DIR>          .016/06/27  09:40    <DIR>          ..016/06/27  10:09    <DIR>          docs016/06/27  10:38               151 mkdocs.yml016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          site              1 个文件            151 字节              4 个目录 81,479,811,072 可用字节:\temp\mkdocs\mytest>cd site:\temp\mkdocs\mytest\site>dir驱动器 F 中的卷是 娱乐卷的序列号是 0000-4823F:\temp\mkdocs\mytest\site 的目录016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          .016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          ..016/06/27  10:08             5,109 404.html016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          about016/06/27  10:08             4,720 base.html016/06/27  10:08               189 content.html016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          css016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          fonts016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          img016/06/27  10:08             6,113 index.html016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          js016/06/27  10:08    <DIR>          mkdocs016/06/27  10:08               418 nav-sub.html016/06/27  10:08             3,359 nav.html016/06/27  10:08               366 sitemap.xml016/06/27  10:08               436 toc.html016/06/27  10:08                 0 __init__.py016/06/27  10:08               180 __init__.pyc             10 个文件         20,890 字节              8 个目录 81,479,811,072 可用字节
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Deploying it

I like using git to deploy my project. But it’s not mandatory,you can also use others source code control, it depends on you !

At last

mkdocs is just a tool for creating your document. Just enjoy it!



