

Session-based Exploratory Testing基于会话的探索性测试

Pair Based Exploratory Testing基于结对的探索性测试

Exploratory Testing Techniques探索性测试技术

Session-based Exploratory Testing基于会话的探索性测试

While doing exploratory testing, it’s very difficult for testers to put into words on how much he has tested and on what basis.


Basically, it’s difficult to quantify the work and the time spent. However, in every project, we need to provide metrics, estimates and progress report to team leads and the managers. As the saying goes, “if you can’t quantify it, you cannot manage it”.

基本上,很难量化工作和花费的时间。 但是,在每个项目中,我们都需要向团队负责人和经理提供指标,估算和进度报告。 俗话说,“如果你无法量化它,你就无法管理它”。

Session-based testing is a time basis approach to perform this testing which helps in managing and tracking. It includes a dedicated time-boxed testing session with no interruption from email, phone, messages etc.

基于会话的测试是执行此测试的基于时间的方法,有助于管理和跟踪。 它包括一个专门的时间盒测试会话,不会中断电子邮件,电话,消息等。


Testing tasks are divided into sessions.测试任务分为会话。

Following are the components of session-based testing (SBT):以下是基于会话的测试(SBT)的组成:

  • Mission: Mission shout out the purpose of the session and in a way provide the focus for the tester. It will also include session time duration.使命:使命宣传会议的目的,并以某种方式为测试人员提供重点。 它还将包括会话持续。
  • Charter: Includes the scope of the testing. Basically, an agenda detailing the goals that need to be completed during the session.章程:包括测试范围。 基本上,该议程详细说明了在会话期间需要完成的目标。
  • Session: Pre-defined time-boxed testing session without any interruption. Each session can have the following duration:会话:预定义的时间框测试会话,没有任何中断。 每个会话可以具有以下持续时间:
    • “Short” (60min)
    • “Normal” (90min)
    • “Long” (120 min)
  • Session report: Include notes and lightweight report to provide metrics to the leaders and managers. It gives details about the charter session remaining or done, session setup time, scenario tested, about the testing process, a list of bugs and the issues found and other information for the metrics.会话报告:包括注释和轻量级报告,以向领导者和经理提供指标。 它提供了有关剩余或完成的章程会话,会话设置时间,测试过的场景,测试过程,错误列表和发现的问题以及用于度量的其他信息。
  • Session De-brief: A short meeting or stand-up between the tester and Test Lead/Manager to review the test session findings.会议简介:测试人员和测试主管/经理之间的简短会议或站立,以审查测试会议结果。
  • Managers can get hands-on following metrics based on session report:管理人员可以根据会话报告获得下面的指标:

  • The number of sessions completed and remaining.完成和剩余的会话数。
  • The number of bugs reported.报告的错误数量。
  • Time spent on session setup.花在会话设置上的时间。
  • Time spent on testing.花在测试上的时间。
  • Time spent on analyzing issues or problems.花在分析问题上的时间。
  • Features covered.功能涵盖。

To summarize the above(总结以上内容):

SBT allows for accountability is exploratory testing and offers better management of time spent on testing. It also increases productivity and provides a better grasp on bug detection. It is a great way to provide team leads and managers with metrics to check the project progress.

SBT允许问责制来探索性测试,并提供更好的测试时间管理。 它还可以提高工作效率,更好地发现问题。 这是为团队负责人和经理提供指标以检查项目进度的好方法。

Pair Based Exploratory Testing基于结对的探索性测试

Pair Testing is an approach in which two people test the same thing/feature of the application at the same time by sharing a PC. They continuously share their thoughts and ideas. During this testing, one person takes charge of the keyboard whereas the other person suggests test cases and takes note.

结对测试是一种方法,其中两个人通过共享PC同时测试应用程序的相同模块/功能。 他们不断分享他们的思路和想法。 在此测试期间,一个人负责键盘,而另一个人建议测试用例并做记录。

It is always helpful to have a good communication between the partners so that both are aware of what is being done and why. A pair in which strength of the testers mutually complements their weakness is considered as a strong grouping.

在合作伙伴之间建立良好的沟通总是有帮助的,这样两人都知道正在做什么和为什么这么做。 结对测试中,测试者的强项与他们的弱点相互补充,这是一个强大的分组。

Such pairing benefits both the parties and each can learn something from their partner. It is also a good way to train new resources by pairing them with experienced resources.

这种配对对双方都有好处,每个人都可以从他们的伙伴那里学到一些东西。 通过将他们与经验丰富的人员配对,这也是培养新资源的好方法。

Benefits of Pair Testing(结对测试的优点)

  • Helps a tester to focus on the task at hand.帮助测试人员专注于手头的任务。
  • Encourage mutual trust and respect among partners.鼓励合作伙伴之间的相互信任和尊重。
  • Brainstorming between paired testers usually, lead to more constructive ideas.配对的测试人员之间的头脑风暴通常会带来更具建设性的想法。
  • Avoid tunnel vision.避免隧道视角。
  • There is a lesser chance of others interrupting them.其他人打断他们的可能性较小。

Exploratory Testing Techniques探索性测试技术

Tours: It is a simple technique which allows a tester to use his imagination and think of himself as a tourist exploring a city he visits. Here an application to test is the city and the testers are the tourists. It is very difficult to explore the entire city unless you have a lot of time and money in your hand, so a tourist needs to have a plan with a certain goal in mind.

旅游:这是一种简单的技术,可以让测试人员运用他的想象力,将自己视为探索游览城市的游客。 这里测试的应用程序是城市,测试人员是游客。 除非你手上有大量的时间和金钱,否则很难探索整个城市,因此游客需要制定一个有一定目标的计划。

A tourist can take the following tours(游客可以参考以下旅游):

  • Guidebook tour – Testing highlighted feature of the application. Use user-based scenarios.指南参观 - 测试应用程序的重点功能。 使用基于用户的方案。
  • Exploring the history of the city – Test old features of an application.探索城市的历史 - 测试应用程序的旧功能。
  • Money tour, which means making sure that all the critical features in reference to the customer or client are tested and working successfully.资金游览,这意味着确保参考客户或客户的所有关键功能都经过测试并成功运行。
  • Crime spree tour – Enter invalid input and test negative scenarios.犯罪狂欢之旅 - 输入无效输入和测试否定方案。
  • Back alley tour – Test the least used features of the application.后巷游览 - 测试应用程序中使用最少的功能。
  • Boring tour – Spend minimum time on each screen of the application, fill minimum fields and take the shortest path. This will help with the default value and validation testing.无聊之旅 - 在应用程序的每个屏幕上花费最少的时间,填充最小字段并采用最短路径。 这将有助于默认值和验证测试。

While taking a tour, you always have the choice of taking any route. You can navigate through software and find a unique path to test the feature.在参观游览时,您总是可以选择任何路线。 您可以浏览软件并找到测试该功能的唯一路径。

Below are some tips/tricks that you can use in ET以下是您可以在ET中使用的一些提示/技巧:

  • Divide the application into modules and bifurcate modules into different pages. Start your ET from the pages. This will give the right coverage.将应用程序划分为模块并将模块分成不同的页面。 从页面开始ET。 这将达到正确的覆盖度。
  • Make a checklist of all the features and put a check mark when that is covered.制作所有功能的清单,并在覆盖时添加复选标记。
  • Start with a basic scenario and then gradually enhance it to add more features to test it.从基本场景开始,然后逐步增强它以添加更多功能来测试它。
  • Test all the input fields.测试所有输入字段
  • Test for the error message测试错误消息
  • Test all the negative scenarios.测试所有消极/逆向场景。
  • Check the GUI against the standards.根据标准检查GUI。
  • Check the integration of the application with other external applications.检查应用程序与其他外部应用程序的集成。
  • Check for complex business logic.检查复杂的业务逻辑。
  • Try to do the ethical hacking of the application.尝试对应用程序进行黑客攻击般的尝试。

Factors which affect ET are as follows影响ET的因素如下:

  • The objective of the project该项目的目标
  • Testing strategy测试策略
  • The testing goal of a particular phase特定阶段的测试目标
  • Available tools and facilities可用的工具和设施
  • Testers role and skills测试人员的角色和技能
  • Available time空闲时间
  • Management support管理支持
  • Peer support同伴支持
  • Available resources (study materials, test conditions etc)可用资源(学习材料,测试条件等)
  • Clients interest客户兴趣
  • Understandability of the product.对产品的理解。
  • The UI of the application应用程序的UI
  • The functionality of the application应用程序的功能
  • Previous test results以前的测试结果
  • Risks associated with the application与应用程序相关的风险
  • Previous defects以前的缺陷
  • Recent changes近期变动
  • Types of data to use for testing用于测试的数据类型
  • Type of user who will be using it将使用它的用户类型

Instead of asking the testers what to run, we leave it to tester’s judgment to decide what they want to test and how they want to test.


