访问System x3650 IMM2的几种方式


 1、打开浏览器,在地址栏上输入IMM2的IP地址访问,打开登录页面后,输入用户名和密码 登录


 二、通过IPMI 管理工具:IPMItool进行访问

ipmitool 是一种命令行方式的 ipmi 平台管理工具,通过它可以实现获取传感器的信息、显示系统日志内容、网络远程开关机等功能。


SDR传感器数据库  sensor data repository

BMC :基板管理控制器 Baseboard Management Controller :

SEL : System Evelnt Log 系统事件日志

FRU : Field Replaceable Unit  可更换部件

linux下可以通过包管理工具安装,例如:yum install ipmitool -y


ipmitool -U 用户名 -P 密码 -H IP地址 power off  关电(非正常关机)

ipmitool -U 用户名 -P 密码 -H IP地址 power on  开机

ipmitool -U 用户名 -P 密码 -H IP地址  sdr    打印传感器数据库条目

 ipmitool -U 用户名 -P 密码 -H IP地址 sensor    打印详细的传感器数据

 ipmitool -U 用户名 -P 密码 -H IP地址  sel  list  打印系统事件日志

ipmitool -U 用户名 -P 密码 -H IP地址 fru list 打印可更换部件

usage: ipmitool [options...] <command>

   -h            This help
   -V            Show version information
   -v            Verbose (can use multiple times)
   -c            Display output in comma separated format
   -I intf       Interface to use
   -H hostname   Remote host name for LAN interface
   -p port       Remote RMCP port [default=623]
   -L level      Remote session privilege level [default=USER]
   -A authtype   Force use of authtype NONE, PASSWORD, MD2 or MD5
   -U username   Remote session username
   -P password   Remote session password
   -f file       Read remote session password from file
   -a            Prompt for remote password
   -E            Read password from IPMI_PASSWORD environment variable
   -m address    Set local IPMB address
   -t address    Bridge request to remote target address

    open         Linux OpenIPMI Interface [default]
    imb          Intel IMB Interface
    lan          IPMI v1.5 LAN Interface
    lanplus      IPMI v2.0 RMCP+ LAN Interface

    raw          Send a RAW IPMI request and print response
    lan          Configure LAN Channels
    chassis      Get chassis status and set power state
    event        Send pre-defined events to BMC
    bmc          Print BMC status and configure global enables
    sdr          Print Sensor Data Repository entries and readings
    sensor       Print detailed sensor information
    fru          Print built-in FRU and scan SDR for FRU locators
    sel          Print System Evelnt Log
    sol          Configure IPMIv2.0 Serial-over-LAN
    user         Configure BMC users
    channel      Configure BMC channels
    session      Print session information
    shell        Launch interactive IPMI shell
    exec         Run list of commands from file
    set          Set runtime variable for shell and exec



