
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_31642819/article/details/86698162


In current case for the code below temp = [[['#', '#', '.'], ['#', '.', '.'], ['.', '.', '.']], [['#', '#', '.'], ['#', '.', '.'], ['.', '.', '.']], [['#', '#', '.'], ['#', '.', '.'], ['.', '.', '.']], [['#', '#', '.'], ['#', '.', '.'], ['.', '.', '.']]] and grid_row//2 = 2.

temp undergoes a nested for-loop to make each row(a list inside a list inside temp) in temp[0]equal to that row plus it's corresponding row in temp[2]. The same applies on temp[1] from temp[3].

The problem is that all lists inside temp are being modified. I have tried the code below alone and it works as expected; but when I place it in the function defined below, it acts abnormally. Why? And how can I fix this?

        grid_row = len(image)
        for sqr_ind in range(grid_row//2, len(temp)):
            for sqr_row in range(3):
                temp[sqr_ind % (grid_row//2)][sqr_row] += temp[sqr_ind][sqr_row]

Here is the function, and please note that the current itr is equal to 1.

def enh(rules_0, rules_1, itr):
    image = [['#', '.', '.', '#'], ['.', '.', '.', '.'], ['.', '.', '.', '.'], ['#', '.', '.', '#']]
    while itr > 0:
        temp = []
        if len(image) % 2 == 0: 

            #Extracted long code to construct "temp"

            ln_img = len(image)
            for sqr_ind in range(ln_img//2,len(temp)):
                for sqr_row in range(3):
                    temp[sqr_ind%(ln_img//2)][sqr_row] += temp[sqr_ind][sqr_row]

            image = []
            for sqr_ind in range(ln_img//2):
                for sqr_row in range(3):

        elif len(image) % 3 == 0:

            #Extracted long code to construct "temp"

            ln_img = len(image)
            for sqr_ind in range(ln_img//3,len(temp)):
                for sqr_row in range(4):
                    temp[sqr_ind%(ln_img//3)][sqr_row] += temp[sqr_ind][sqr_row]
            image = []
            for sqr_ind in range(ln_img//3):
                for sqr_row in range(4):
        itr -= 1

    # Extracted other Not relative code

