Nonblocking Concurrent Objects with Condition Synchronization

Nonblocking Concurrent Objects with Condition Synchronization", by W. N. Scherer III and M. L. Scott.  18th Annual Conf. on Distributed Computing, Oct. 2004

Pseudocode from article of the above name in DISC'04. Michael L. Scott and William N. Scherer III.

The dualstack is derived from the non-dual version due to Treiber. [R. K. Treiber. Systems Programming: Coping with Parallelism. RJ 5118, IBM Almaden Research Center, April 1986.] Satisfies pending requests in LIFO order using a mechanism in which adjacent reservation and data nodes “annihilate” each other. Assumes the availability of a double-width CAS instruction, to avoid the ABA problem; could easily use single-width LL/SC instead. Spinning threads impose no contention on either cache-coherent or non-cache-coherent machines.

The dualqueue is derived from the non-dual version due to Michael and Scott. Takes its name from the firmware-supported dualqueues of the c.1982 BBN Butterfly Parallel Processor. Satisfies pending requests in FIFO order. Assumes the availability of a double-width CAS instruction, to avoid the ABA problem; could easily use single-width LL/SC instead. Spinning threads impose no contention on a cache-coherent machine; an extra level of indirection would be required on non-cache-coherent machines.

The dualqueue constitutes, trivially, a previously unknown queue-based mutual exclusion lock. When initialized with k items it constitutes a contention-free spin-based semaphore. When paired with a test-and-set lock it provides a “limited contention” spin lock that balances fairness against locality on a distributed memory machine.

