Evergreen 3.2.4 和 3.1.10 发布,开源图书馆管理系统


Evergreen 社区为开源图书馆管理系统 Evergreen 发布了两个维护版本,分别是 3.2.4 和 3.1.10。

在 Evergreen 3.2.3 的基础上,Evergreen 3.2.4 包括以下的改进


  • Adds appropriate alt text to the Evergreen splash page (Bug #1802594)

  • The public catalog search box now only autofocuses when searching is the main purpose of the page (Bug #1796225)


  • Fixes an issue that prevented purchase orders to not open in a new tab (Bug #1813290)


  • The Billing History grids now save their configuration in the database (Bug #1806709)


  • Catalogers can now set the Bib Source in the Z39.50 Overlay and Import interfaces (Bug #1727345)

  • Fixes an issue where publishers display in the publication date column in copy buckets (Bug #1812698)

  • Electronic reources no longer display a call number called URI in the Volume Editor (Bug #1752665)

  • Spine/pocket label templates can now include circulation library and owning library (Bug #1726568)


  • Fixes an issue where external documentation links can open in the reports module (Bug #1784893)

  • Fixes an issue where publishers display as a publication date in reports (Bug #1812698)


  • Staff users can now set their prefered default Advanced Search pane (Bug #1799963)

  • The public catalog search box now only autofocuses when searching is the main purpose of the page (Bug #1796225)

System administration

  • The DELETE_COPY_ALERT permission no longer needs to be granted on the consortium level (Bug #1783421)

Angular client

  • The angular client now uses Angular 7 (Bug #1801984)

  • The angular client grid actions can now be disabled depending on the criteria of which rows are selected (Bug #1808268)

  • Angular client pages now display their own titles in the browser tab, rather than AngEG (Bug #1813647)

在 Evergreen 3.1.9 的基础上,Evergreen 3.1.10 包括以下的改进


  • Catalogers can now set the Bib Source in the Z39.50 Overlay and Import interfaces (Bug #1727345)

  • Fixes an issue where publishers display in the publication date column in copy buckets (Bug #1812698)

  • Electronic reources no longer display a call number called URI in the Volume Editor (Bug #1752665)

  • Spine/pocket label templates can now include circulation library and owning library (Bug #1726568)


  • Fixes an issue where external documentation links can open in the reports module (Bug #1784893)

  • Fixes an issue where publishers display as a publication date in reports (Bug #1812698)

System administration

  • The DELETE_COPY_ALERT permission no longer needs to be granted on the consortium level (Bug #1783421)


请访问 Evergreen 下载页面进行下载并阅读完整的版本说明。

Evergreen 是一个开源(GNU通用公共许可证)的图书馆自动化(ILS),读者可以万维网实现图书的查找和借阅,许多北美的图书馆都使用它。


  • OPAC

  • 图书馆目录

  • 借阅服务

  • 统计报告



  • Linux 操作系统

  • PostgreSQL 数据库管理系统

  • Apache HTTP Server 网页服务器


  • 网页浏览器

