NODEJS(7)Nodes Live for Ever

NODEJS(7)Nodes Live for Ever

1. Installation PM2 Tool
>sudo npm install pm2@latest -g

2. How we use pm2

Command to start multiple nodes on one machine with one port number
>PORT=3001 DEBUG="express:* monk:*" pm2 start app.js --name noderest1 -i max 
-i max will be use as much CPU resource as we can

Command to start multiple nodes on one machine with one port number
>PORT=3001 DEBUG="express:* monk:*" pm2 start app.js --name noderest1 -i 4
-i 4 means will start 4 apps on this port.

Command to list all the apps running on my machine.
>pm2 list
App name    id mode    PID   status restarted uptime       memory     watching ├─────────────┼────┼─────────┼───────┼────────┼───────────┼────────┼──────────────┼──────────── noderest1   cluster 2167  online        0 7d     124.000 KB   unactivated noderest1   cluster 2168  online        0 7d     784.000 KB   unactivated noderest1   cluster 2169  online        0 7d       2.512 MB   unactivated noderest1   cluster 2174  online        0 7d       18.137 MB   unactivated Pm2Http9615 fork    70410 online        0 4d       1.188 MB   unactivated└─────────────┴────┴─────────┴───────┴────────┴───────────┴────────┴──────────────┴────────────

We can only get the JSON response from the servers.
>pm2 web
We can visit http://localhost:9615/ and get all the JSON data for the processes and machine information. 

Monitor all the apps
>pm2 monit
⌬ PM2 monitoring : noderest1                          [                              ] 0 % [0] [cluster_mode]                     [                              ] 124.000 KB   noderest1                          [                              ] 0 % [1] [cluster_mode]                     [|                            ] 784.000 KB   noderest1                          [                              ] 0 % [2] [cluster_mode]                     [||||                          ] 2.512 MB   noderest1                          [                              ] 0 % [3] [cluster_mode]                     [|||                          ] 19.148 MB   Pm2Http9615                        [                              ] 0 % [4] [fork_mode]                        [||                            ] 1.188 MB  

Show all the logs
>pm2 logs

Empty all log files
>pm2 flush
PM2 Flushing /Users/carl/.pm2/pm2.log PM2 Flushing PM2 /Users/carl/.pm2/logs/noderest1-out-0.log PM2 /Users/carl/.pm2/logs/noderest1-err-0.log PM2 Flushing PM2 /Users/carl/.pm2/logs/noderest1-out-1.log PM2 /Users/carl/.pm2/logs/noderest1-err-1.log PM2 Flushing PM2 /Users/carl/.pm2/logs/noderest1-out-2.log PM2 /Users/carl/.pm2/logs/noderest1-err-2.log PM2 Flushing PM2 /Users/carl/.pm2/logs/noderest1-out-3.log PM2 /Users/carl/.pm2/logs/noderest1-err-3.log PM2 Flushing PM2 /Users/carl/.pm2/logs/Pm2Http9615-out-4.log PM2 /Users/carl/.pm2/logs/Pm2Http9615-err-4.log

And also some other useful commands.
pm2 stop 0, pm2 delete 0, pm2 delete all, pm2 stop all, pm2 restart all, 

Start One App with Name, then manage it with Name
>PORT=3001 DEBUG="express:* monk:*" pm2 start app.js --name noderest1 -i max 

>pm2 restart noderest1
Processing...... PM2 Restarting process by name noderest1 PM2 Process noderest1 restarted

Reloading without downtime
>pm2 reload noderest1
Processing...... PM2 Reloading process by name noderest1 PM2 Process noderest1 succesfully reloaded PM2 Process noderest1 succesfully reloaded PM2 Process noderest1 succesfully reloaded PM2 Process noderest1 succesfully reloaded PM2 All processes reloaded

pm2 can watch current directory and restart the app when a file changes
>pm2 start app.js —watch

Make the nodejs app live for ever

