【英语学习】【WOTD】sentient 释义/词源/示例

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sentient adj. [SEN-shee-unt]



1: responsive to or conscious of sense impressions

2: having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge: aware

3: finely sentitive in perception or feeling

Did You Know?

You may have guessed that sentient has something to do with the senses. The initial spelling sent- or sens- is often a giveaway for such a meaning. A sentient being is one who perceives and responds to sensations of whatever kind --- sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell. Sentient ultimately comes from the Latin verb sentire, which means "to feel" or "to perceive," and is related to the noun sensus, meaning "sense." A few related English words are sentiment and sentimental, which have to do with emotions, sensual, which related to more physical sensations, and the trio of assent, consent, and dissent, which involve one's expressions of agreement (or disagreement in the case of dissent) in thought and feeling with another. 

词源词根演化:sent-/sens- --> sentire (Latin v. to feel) -->sentient (adj.)

你可能会猜测sentient这个词的意思与sense(感觉)有关。前几个字母拼写sent-或sens-通常都会暴露这种含义。sentient being(有感觉的人)指的是对各种感觉有感知与响应的人,这些感觉包括视觉,听觉,触觉,味觉或嗅觉。sentient最终来自于拉丁动词sentire,意思是“感觉”或“感知”,与名词sensus(感觉)也有关系。英语中还有一些相关的单词sentiment和sentimental,都与情感有关系;sensual则更多的关联物理感觉;assent,consent和dissent这三个词表达的则是认同(assent,consent,或不认同dissent,主要指与另一个的思想或者感觉方面。



  • "Frightened of the potential that a vast automated intelligence represents, we often portray sentient intelligences as the equivalent of machine gods --- ones that, in many cases, find us wanting."
    --- Mark Hachman, PC Magazine, 15 Apr. 2013

    人们害怕大规模自动化机器智能代表的潜力,我们通常会把有感觉的人类智能描述作机器神的等价物 --- 在许多情况下,是我们缺少的(注:没真懂,瞎翻译的)。

    注:wanting:adj. 不足的,短缺的
  • "Diana's hippie-Wiccan aunts ... live in one of the tale's more charming inventions: a funky, sentient house that rattles the crockery when it's irritated and supplies flashbacks by conjuring up life-size holographic scenes in situ."
    --- Mike Hale, The New York Times, 18 Jan. 2019


    注:hippie:也作hippy,嬉皮;wiccan:n.巫师,adj. 巫术崇拜的;hippie-Wiccan:(*不知道啥意思*);funky:新式的,时髦的,稀奇古怪的;crockery:陶器,瓦器;irritated:恼怒的;flashback:闪回,倒序,迷幻药效幻觉重现;conjure up:以魔法召唤;life-size:与实物大小一样的;holographic:全息的,亲笔书写的;in situ:在原地,就地,在现场

