


1、abili (=able,表示"能力") (hit 6)

1 abili-ty debilitate debility h-abili-tate in-abili-ty reh-abili-tate

2、abl (=able,表示"能力") (hit 5)

1 abl-e dis-abl-e dis-abl-ed en-abl-e un-abl-e

3、acid (=sour/sharp,表示"尖,酸,锐利") (hit 4)

1 acid acid-ify acid-ity acid-ulous

4、acri (=sour/sharp,表示"尖,酸,锐利") (hit 3)

1 acri-d acri-monious acri-mony

5、acro (=to,表示"定点,高点") (hit 5)

1 -Acro-polis acro-bat acro-nym acro-phobia acro-polis

6、act (=to do/to drive,表示"行动,活动,做") (hit 19)

1 act act-ing act-ion act-ivate act-ive act-ivity
2 act-ual act-ualize counter-act en-act ex-act ex-act-ing
3 in-act-ivity inter-act re-act re-act-ion re-act-ive re-act-or
4 trans-act          

7、acu (=sour/sharp,表示"尖,酸,锐利") (hit 6)

1 Acme acme acu-ity acu-men acu-puncture acu-te

8、add (=put,join 表示"增加,添加") (hit 3)

1 add add-ition add-itional

9、aer (1. =air,表示"空气,充气"等; 2. 航空) (hit 1)

1 aer-ate

10、aeri (1. =air,表示"空气,充气"等; 2. 航空) (hit 2)

1 aeri-al aeri-form

11、aero (1. =air,表示"空气,充气"等; 2. 航空) (hit 8)

1 aero-batic aero-drome aero-gram aero-photography aero-plane aero-space
2 aero-sphere aero-view        

12、aesthet (=feeling,表示"感觉") (hit 2)

1 aesthet-ic aesthet-ics

13、ag (=do/act,表示"做,代理做") (hit 12)

1 -Ag-ent ag-ency ag-enda ag-ent ag-ile ag-ility
2 ag-itate ag-itation ag-itator co-ag-ent counter-ag-ent re-ag-ent

14、agog (=lead,表示"引导") (hit 3)

1 agog dem-agog-ue ped-agog-ue

15、agon (=struggle,表示"挣扎,斗争") (hit 4)

1 agon-ize agon-y ant-agon-ist ant-agon-ize

16、agr (=field/land, 表示"田地,农业"等) (hit 5)

1 -Agr-estic agr-arian agr-estic agr-ology peregrine

17、agri (=field/land, 表示"田地,农业"等) (hit 3)

1 -Agri-culture agri-culture agri-motor

18、agro (=field/land, 表示"田地,农业"等) (hit 2)

1 agro-biology agro-nomy

19、air (1. =air,表示"空气,充气"等; 2. 航空) (hit 5)

1 air air-craft air-mail air-plane air-port

20、al (=all,表示"全部",也有加强之易) (hit 6)

1 -Al-though al-most al-ready al-so al-though al-together

21、alb (=white,表示"白色") (hit 3)

1 alb-escent alb-ino alb-um

22、alg (=pain,表示"痛") (hit 3)

1 an-alg-esic neur-alg-ia nost-alg-ia

23、ali (=other/to change, 表示"其他的,改变状态") (hit 4)

1 ali-as ali-bi ali-en ali-enate

24、all (=all,表示"全部",也有加强之易) (hit 1)

1 all

25、alt (=high,表示"高") (hit 7)

1 -Alt-o alt-ar alt-imeter alt-itude alt-o ex-alt
2 ex-alt-ed          

26、alter (=other/to change, 表示"其他的,改变状态") (hit 4)

1 alter alter-able alter-ation alter-cate

27、altern (=other/to change, 表示"其他的,改变状态") (hit 4)

1 altern-ate altern-ation altern-ative altern-ator

28、am (=love,表示"爱,情爱") (hit 6)

1 -Am-ity am-iable am-icable am-ity am-our enmity

29、amat (=love,表示"爱,情爱") (hit 2)

1 amat-eur amat-ory

30、ambul (=walk,表示"行走,走路") (hit 7)

1 amble ambul-ance ambul-ant circum-ambul-ate noct-ambul-ate per-ambul-ate
2 somn-ambul-ate          

31、amor (=love,表示"爱,情爱") (hit 3)

1 amor-ous en-amor-ed paramour

32、ampl (1. =take/procure,表示"拿,获得,拿走后[变空]"; 2. =large,表示"大") (hit 7)

1 ampl-e ampl-ify ampl-itude ex-ampl-e exemplar exemplify
2 s-ampl-e          

33、an (=one,表示"一") (hit 4)

1 an-y an-yhow an-ything an-ywhere

34、anci (=old,表示"古老") (hit 2)

1 anci-ent anci-entry

35、andro (=male,man,表示"男人") (hit 3)

1 andro-gynous andro-id polyandry

36、anim (=life/spirit, 表示"生命,精神"等) (hit 11)

1 anim-advert anim-al anim-ate anim-ation anim-osity anim-us
2 equ-anim-ity in-anim-ate long-anim-ous magn-anim-ous un-anim-ous  

37、ann (=year,表示"年,一年") (hit 6)

1 ann-als ann-iversary ann-ual ann-uity bi-ann-ual super-ann-uate

38、anthrop (=man/human,表示"人,人类") (hit 4)

1 anthrop-ology mis-anthrop-ist phil-anthrop-ist sin-anthrop-us

39、anthropo (=man/human,表示"人,人类") (hit 5)

1 anthropo-geography anthropo-logist anthropo-morphous anthropo-phagous anthropo-sociology

40、antiq (=old,表示"古老") (hit 3)

1 antiq-uated antiq-ue antiq-uity

41、anxi (表示"焦急") (hit 2)

1 anxi-ety anxi-ous

42、apt (=fit/ability,表示"适应,能力") (hit 8)

1 Ad-apt-ation ad-apt ad-apt-able ad-apt-ation apt apt-itude
2 apt-ly in-apt        

43、aqu (=water,表示"水") (hit 4)

1 -Aqu-amarine aqu-amarine aqu-arium aqu-atic

44、aque (=water,表示"水") (hit 4)

1 aque-duct aque-ous op-aque sub-aque-ous

45、arbit (=judge,表示"判断") (hit 1)

1 arbit-er

46、arbitr (=judge,表示"判断") (hit 2)

1 arbitr-ary arbitr-ate

47、arc (=bow,表示"弓") (hit 1)

1 arc-ade

48、arch (1. =bow,表示"弓"; 2. =ruler/rule/chief, 表示"统治者,统治,主要的") (hit 10)

1 -Arch-er an-arch-ism arch arch-er arch-itectural arch-itecture
2 arch-ives matri-arch mon-arch patri-arch    

49、archy (=ruler/rule/chief, 表示"统治者,统治,主要的") (hit 7)

1 anarchic an-archy architect gyn-archy hier-archy olig-archy
2 plut-archy          

50、arm (=weapon,表示"武器,臂") (hit 11)

1 al-arm al-arm-ing arm arm-ada arm-ament arm-ed
2 arm-istice arm-or arm-y dis-arm harbour  

51、art (=skill, joint, trick, 表示"技巧,关节,诡计") (hit 10)

1 art art-ful art-icle art-ifact art-ifice art-ificial
2 art-isan art-ist art-istry art-less    

52、artic (=skill, joint, trick, 表示"技巧,关节,诡计") (hit 2)

1 artic-ular artic-ulate

53、aster (=star,表示"星星") (hit 6)

1 aster-isk aster-ism aster-oid astral dis-aster disastrous

54、astro (=star,表示"星星") (hit 4)

1 astro-logy astro-naut astro-physics astro-space

55、aud,audi,audit,ed (=hear,表示"听") (hit 1)

1 disobey

56、audi (=hear,表示"听") (hit 7)

1 audi-ble audi-ence audi-o audi-o-visual audi-ology audi-ometer
2 in-audi-ble          

57、audit (=hear,表示"听") (hit 4)

1 audit audit-ion audit-or audit-orium

58、aug (=increase,表示"增加") (hit 5)

1 -Aug-ust auction aug-ment aug-ury aug-ust

59、av (=desire/bird,表示"渴望,鸟") (hit 1)

1 av-id

60、avar (=desire/bird,表示"渴望,鸟") (hit 2)

1 avar-ice avar-icious

61、avi (=desire/bird,表示"渴望,鸟") (hit 4)

1 avi-ary avi-ation avi-ator avi-culture

62、ball (=throw/dance/ball,表示"抛,舞,球") (hit 9)

1 ball ball-ad ball-erina ball-et ball-istics ball-oon
2 ball-ot ball-room bullet      

63、balm (=balsam,表示"香油") (hit 3)

1 balm balm-y em-balm

64、ban (=prohibit,表示"禁止") (hit 3)

1 a-ban-don ban ban-ish

65、bar (1. =weight,表示"重,压"; 2. 删栏; 3. =stick,表示"棒,栏") (hit 4)

1 bar bar-itone bar-ometer em-bar-go

66、barr (=stick,表示"棒,栏") (hit 3)

1 barr-age barr-icade barr-ier

67、bas (=low/foundation,表示"低下,基础") (hit 5)

1 bas-ic bas-in bas-is bas-s bas-soon

68、base (=low/foundation,表示"低下,基础") (hit 9)

1 a-base base base-ball base-born base-ment base-ness
2 de-base de-base-d sub-base      

69、bat (=beat,表示"打,击") (hit 10)

1 -Bat-on a-bat-e bat bat-on bat-talion bat-ter
2 bat-tle com-bat de-bat-e re-bat-e    

70、bear (表示"承担") (hit 2)

1 bear bear-ing

71、beat (=beat,表示"打,击") (hit 1)

1 beat

72、bel (=war/fight,表示"战争,打斗") (hit 1)

1 duel

73、bell (=war/fight,表示"战争,打斗") (hit 8)

1 bell-icism bell-icose bell-icosity bell-igerent bell-ow rebel
2 re-bell-ion re-bell-ious        

74、bi (=life,表示"生命,生物") (hit 2)

1 amphi-bi-an microbe

75、biblio (=book,表示"书") (hit 5)

1 Bible bible biblio-graphy biblio-phile biblio-phobia

76、bind (=tie together,表示"捆,结合") (hit 1)

1 bind

77、bio (=life,表示"生命,生物") (hit 9)

1 a-bio-sis anti-bio-tic auto-bio-graphy bio-chemistry bio-grapher bio-graphy
2 bio-logy bio-sphere sym-bio-sis      

78、birth (表示"生育,出生") (hit 2)

1 birth birth-day

79、blanc (=white,表示"白") (hit 4)

1 -Blanc-h blanc-h blank blanket

80、bleed (表示"血,流血") (hit 1)

1 bleed

81、blood (表示"血,流血") (hit 2)

1 blood blood-y

82、board (表示"船边,边界") (hit 3)

1 a-board black-board board

83、body (表"身体,人") (hit 6)

1 No-body any-body body every-body no-body some-body

84、bol (=throw/dance/ball,表示"抛,舞,球") (hit 4)

1 hyper-bol-e meta-bol-ism sym-bol sym-bol-ize

85、bord (表示"船边,边界") (hit 1)

1 bord-er

86、born (表示"生育,出生") (hit 1)

1 born

87、bound (表示"船边,边界") (hit 2)

1 bound bound-ary

88、brace (=two arms,表示"两臂,胳膊") (hit 4)

1 Brace brace brace-let em-brace

89、braid (=twist,表示"扭,编织") (hit 3)

1 braid embroidery up-braid

90、brak (表示"破坏,中断") (hit 1)

1 brak-e

91、brand (表示"燃烧") (hit 1)

1 brand

92、bread (=wide,表示"宽广") (hit 1)

1 bread-th

93、break (表示"破坏,中断") (hit 3)

1 break break-down break-fast

94、brev (=short,表示"短,缩短") (hit 5)

1 ab-brev-iate ab-brev-iation brev-iate brev-ity brief

95、bridg (=short,表示"短,缩短") (hit 3)

1 a-bridg-e a-bridg-ment bridg-e

96、bright (表示"光辉") (hit 1)

1 bright

97、brill (表示"光辉") (hit 1)

1 brill-iant

98、broad (=wide,表示"宽广") (hit 4)

1 a-broad broad broad-cast broad-casting

99、bu (=ox,表示"牛") (hit 6)

1 -Bu-ffalo bu-colic bu-ffalo bu-gle bu-ll bu-lly

100、build (=erect,表示"建造, 建筑") (hit 3)

1 build-er built re-build

101、bund (=tie together,表示"捆,结合") (hit 1)

1 bund-le

102、burd (表示"承担") (hit 1)

1 burd-en

103、burn (表示"燃烧") (hit 3)

1 burn burn-er burn-ing

104、bust (表示"燃烧") (hit 2)

1 com-bust com-bust-ion

105、cad (1. =fall,表示"落下,降临"; 2. 引申为偶然发生) (hit 2)

1 cad-ence de-cad-ent

106、calc (=stone,表示"石头") (hit 7)

1 calc-ify calc-ium calc-ulable calc-ulate calc-ulator calc-ulus
2 re-calc-itrant          

107、calori (=heat,表示"热") (hit 3)

1 calori-e calori-facient calori-fy

108、camer (表示"小室") (hit 4)

1 Comrade camer-a chamber comrade

109、camp (=field,表示"田野,营地") (hit 4)

1 camp camp-aign camp-us en-camp

110、can (=vessel,表示"容器,管道") (hit 3)

1 can can-al can-ned

111、cand (=white/glow,表示"白,发光") (hit 10)

1 -Cand-ela cand-ela cand-escence cand-escent cand-id cand-idate
2 cand-le cand-or in-cand-escent incense    

112、cant (=sing/song,表示"唱,歌") (hit 7)

1 cant cant-ankerous cant-ata cant-o chant des-cant
2 re-cant          

113、cap (1. =take/hold/seize, 表示"拿,抓,握住"; 2. =head,表示"头") (hit 9)

1 -Cap-e -Cap-tain cap-able cap-acious cap-acity cap-e
2 cap-tain cap-tion in-cap-acitate      

114、capit (=head,表示"头") (hit 5)

1 capit-al capit-ation capit-ulate de-capit-ate re-capit-ulate

115、capt (=take/hold/seize, 表示"拿,抓,握住") (hit 2)

1 capt-ious capt-ure

116、car (=load,表示"装载,负担") (hit 9)

1 -Car-penter car car-eer car-go car-penter car-riage
2 car-rier car-ry car-t      

117、card (1. =heart,表示"心脏,一致"; 2. =paper,表示"纸片") (hit 6)

1 -Card-inal card-iac card-inal dis-card electro-card-iogram tachy-card-ia

118、care (=dear,表示"关心,抚爱") (hit 3)

1 care care-ful care-ss

119、carn (=flesh,表示"肉,肉欲") (hit 10)

1 carcass carn-age carn-al carn-ation carn-ival carn-ivore
2 carn-ivorous carrion in-carn-ate rein-carn-ate    

120、cas (1. =fall,表示"落下,降临"; 2. 引申为偶然发生) (hit 6)

1 -Cas-cade cas-cade cas-e cas-ual cas-ualty oc-cas-ion

121、case (表示"装,容器") (hit 4)

1 case cash cashier cassette

122、cast (=pure,表示"纯洁") (hit 3)

1 cast-e cast-igate chaste

123、catch (表示"追,捉") (hit 1)

1 catch

124、caus, (=reason,表示"理由,原因") (hit 5)

1 Excuse accuse because cause excuse

125、caut (=care,表示"小心") (hit 1)

1 caut-ious

126、cav (=hole,表示"洞") (hit 7)

1 cav-e cav-elet cav-em cav-ity con-cav-e ex-cav-ate
2 ex-cav-ation          

127、cay (1. =fall,表示"落下,降临"; 2. 引申为偶然发生) (hit 1)

1 de-cay

128、ceal (表示"隐藏,难被发现的") (hit 1)

1 con-ceal

129、ced (=go,表示"行走,前进") (hit 12)

1 ac-ced-e ante-ced-e ante-ced-ent con-ced-e inter-ced-e pre-ced-e
2 pre-ced-ent pro-ced-ure re-ced-e retro-ced-e se-ced-e unpre-ced-ented

130、ceed (=go,表示"行走,前进") (hit 5)

1 ex-ceed pro-ceed pro-ceed-s process suc-ceed

131、ceive (=take/hold/seize, 表示"拿,抓,握住") (hit 7)

1 conceit conceivable con-ceive de-ceive per-ceive re-ceive
2 recipient          

132、cel (=high,表示"高超,优越") (hit 2)

1 ex-cel ex-cel-lence

133、celer (=quick/speed,表示"快,速度") (hit 6)

1 De-celer-ate ac-celer-ate ac-celer-ation ac-celer-ator celer-ity de-celer-ate

134、cell (表示"隐藏,难被发现的") (hit 2)

1 cell cell-ar

135、cens (=judge,表示"判断") (hit 4)

1 cens-or cens-orious cens-ure cens-us

136、cent (1. =hundred,表示"百,百分之一"; 2. =sing/song,表示"唱,歌") (hit 10)

1 -Cent-ennial ac-cent ac-cent-uate cent cent-enarian cent-ennial
2 cent-ury in-cent-ive per-cent per-cent-age    

137、centi (=hundred,表示"百,百分之一") (hit 2)

1 centi-gram centi-metre

138、centr (=center,表示"中心") (hit 17)

1 -Centr-al a-centr-ic center centr-al centr-e centr-ic
2 centr-ifugal centr-ifuge centr-ipetal con-centr-ate con-centr-ation con-centr-ic
3 de-centr-alize ec-centr-ic ec-centr-icity ego-centr-ic xeno-centr-ic  

139、cept (=take/hold/seize, 表示"拿,抓,握住") (hit 13)

1 ac-cept ac-cept-ability con-cept de-cept-ive ex-cept ex-cept-ion
2 in-cept-ion inter-cept per-cept-ion pre-cept receipt re-cept-acle
3 sus-cept-ible          

140、cern (=sure/separate,表示"搞清,区别") (hit 5)

1 con-cern con-cern-ed dis-cern dis-cern-ible dis-cern-ment

141、cert (=sure/separate,表示"搞清,区别") (hit 7)

1 as-cert-ain cert-ain cert-ainty cert-ificate cert-ify cert-itude
2 con-cert          

142、cess (=go,表示"行走,前进") (hit 17)

1 ac-cess ac-cess-ible ac-cess-ory ancestor ancestry con-cess-ion
2 ex-cess ex-cess-ive inac-cess-ible ne-cess-ary ne-cess-ity pro-cess-ion
3 re-cess re-cess-ion suc-cess suc-cess-ion suc-cess-ive  

143、chapt (=head,表示"头") (hit 1)

1 chapt-er

144、char (=dear,表示"关心,抚爱") (hit 3)

1 char-itable char-ity cherish

145、charact (表示"特性,品质") (hit 4)

1 charact-er charact-erise charact-eristic charact-erize

146、charge (=load,表示"装载,负担") (hit 2)

1 charge dis-charge

147、chart (=paper,表示"纸片") (hit 3)

1 chart chart-er chart-ered

148、chas (表示"追,捉") (hit 2)

1 chas-e pur-chas-e

149、chief (=head,表示"头") (hit 4)

1 Chief achieve chief handker-chief

150、chill (表示"寒冷") (hit 2)

1 chill chill-y

151、chor (=dance,sing,表示"歌,舞") (hit 5)

1 choir chor-eograph chor-eographer chor-eography chor-us

152、chrom (=color,表示"颜色") (hit 3)

1 chrom-atic chrom-osome mono-chrom-e

153、chron (=time,表示"时间") (hit 10)

1 -Chron-icle ana-chron-ism chron-ic chron-icle chron-ograph chron-ological
2 chron-ology chron-ometer syn-chron-ize syn-chron-ous    

154、chut (1. =fall,表示"落下,降临"; 2. 引申为偶然发生) (hit 1)

1 chut-e

155、cid (1. =fall,表示"落下,降临"; 2. 引申为偶然发生) (hit 8)

1 ac-cid-ent ac-cid-ental coin-cid-e coin-cid-ence de-cid-uous in-cid-ence
2 in-cid-ent oc-cid-ent        

156、cide (=cut/kill,表示"切开,杀") (hit 6)

1 de-cide decision homi-cide insecti-cide pesti-cide sui-cide

157、cil (=call,表示"召集") (hit 4)

1 coun-cil irrecon-cil-able recon-cil-able recon-cil-e

158、cili (=call,表示"召集") (hit 2)

1 con-cili-ate con-cili-atory

159、cip (=take/hold/seize, 表示"拿,抓,握住") (hit 10)

1 anti-cip-ate anti-cip-ation eman-cip-ate eman-cip-ation muni-cip-al parti-cip-ant
2 parti-cip-ate prin-cip-al prin-cip-le re-cip-e    

160、cipice (=head,表示"头") (hit 2)

1 pre-cipice precipitous

161、cipit (=head,表示"头") (hit 3)

1 bi-cipit-al pre-cipit-ate pre-cipit-ation

162、circ (=ring/circle,表示"圆,环") (hit 9)

1 circ-le circ-let circ-uit circ-uitous circ-ular circ-ulate
2 circ-ulation circ-us en-circ-le      

163、cise (=cut/kill,表示"切开,杀") (hit 10)

1 circum-cise con-cise decisive ex-cise excision in-cise
2 incisive incisor pre-cise precision    

164、cit (1. =quote,call, 表示"引用,唤起"; 2. =citizen,表示"公民") (hit 11)

1 cit-ation cit-e cit-y ex-cit-ant ex-cit-e ex-cit-ement
2 in-cit-ation in-cit-e re-cit-al re-cit-e resus-cit-ate  

165、civ (=citizen,表示"公民") (hit 4)

1 civ-il civ-ilian civ-ility civ-ilization

166、claim (=cyr out/shout,表示"呼喊,叫喊") (hit 10)

1 ac-claim acclamation claim declamation ex-claim exclamation
2 pro-claim proclamation re-claim reclamation    

167、clair (=clear/bright,表示"清楚,明白") (hit 2)

1 clair-audient clair-voyance

168、clam (=cyr out/shout,表示"呼喊,叫喊") (hit 2)

1 clam-or clam-orous

169、clar (=clear/bright,表示"清楚,明白") (hit 3)

1 clar-ification clar-ify clar-ity

170、clare (=clear/bright,表示"清楚,明白") (hit 2)

1 declaration de-clare

171、class (表示"级,阶层") (hit 5)

1 class-ic class-ical class-ification class-ify class-mate

172、clean (表示"清洁") (hit 3)

1 clean clean-er clean-ing

173、clear (=clear/bright,表示"清楚,明白") (hit 2)

1 clear clear-ance

174、clin (1. =lean/slope,表示"倾斜,斜坡"; 2. 表示"床") (hit 7)

1 clin-ic de-clin-ation de-clin-e disin-clin-ed in-clin-e in-clin-ed
2 re-clin-e          

175、cliv (1. =lean/slope,表示"倾斜,斜坡"; 2. 表示"床") (hit 4)

1 ac-cliv-ity ac-cliv-ous de-cliv-ity pro-cliv-ity

176、clos (=close,表示"关闭") (hit 6)

1 clos-e clos-et clos-ure dis-clos-e en-clos-e en-clos-ure

177、clud (=close,表示"关闭") (hit 11)

1 con-clud-e conclusive ex-clud-e exclusion exclusive in-clud-e
2 oc-clud-e occlusion pre-clud-e preclusion se-clud-e  

178、clus (=close,表示"关闭") (hit 7)

1 con-clus-ion ex-clus-ionism in-clus-ion in-clus-ive re-clus-e re-clus-ive
2 se-clus-ive          

179、coct (=cook,表示"煮,调配") (hit 3)

1 con-coct precocious precocity

180、cogn (=know,表示"知道") (hit 5)

1 cogn-ition cogn-izable cogn-izant pre-cogn-ition re-cogn-ize

181、col (表示"寒冷") (hit 1)

1 col-d

182、com (=banquet,表示"宴会") (hit 3)

1 com-edy com-ic en-com-ium

183、come (表示"来") (hit 10)

1 Come come come-r coming forthcoming in-come
2 out-come out-come-r shortcoming wel-come    

184、cond (=hid,表示"藏") (hit 3)

1 abs-cond cond-iment re-cond-ite

185、cool (表示"寒冷") (hit 1)

1 cool

186、cor (=heart,表示"心脏,一致") (hit 1)

1 cor-e

187、cord (=heart,表示"心脏,一致") (hit 13)

1 Ac-cord-ing Con-cord Dis-cord ac-cord ac-cord-ance ac-cord-ing
2 con-cord cord-ial cord-iality cord-iform dis-cord dis-cord-ance
3 re-cord          

188、corn (=horn,表示"角") (hit 4)

1 -Corn-et corn-et corn-ucopia uni-corn

189、corp (=body,表示"身体,团体") (hit 5)

1 -Corp-s corp-s corp-se corp-ulent corp-uscle

190、corpor (=body,表示"身体,团体") (hit 7)

1 -Corpor-al corpor-al corpor-ate corpor-ation corpor-eal in-corpor-ate
2 in-corpor-eal          

191、cosm (=world,表示"世界,宇宙") (hit 3)

1 cosm-ic macro-cosm micro-cosm

192、cosmo (=world,表示"世界,宇宙") (hit 3)

1 -Cosmo-s cosmo-polis cosmo-s

193、count (表示"数,计算") (hit 4)

1 count count-able count-er dis-count

194、counter (表示"反对,相反") (hit 14)

1 County counter counter-act counter-balance counter-current counter-draw
2 counter-feit counter-part counter-productive counter-vail counter-work countryside
3 county en-counter        

195、cour (1. =run,表示"跑,发生,快速做……"; 2. =heart,表示"心脏,一致") (hit 7)

1 Suc-cour corridor cour-age cour-ier cour-se s-cour
2 suc-cour          

196、cours (=run,表示"跑,发生,快速做……") (hit 5)

1 coarse con-cours-e cours-er inter-cours-e re-cours-e

197、court (表示"庭院,宫廷") (hit 5)

1 court court-eous court-esy court-yard curtain

198、crack (表示"破,爆裂") (hit 2)

1 crack crack-er

199、cracy (=rule,表示"统治或政体") (hit 6)

1 bureau-cracy demo-cracy mobo-cracy mono-cracy pluto-cracy theo-cracy

200、crash (表示"破,爆裂") (hit 1)

1 crash

201、crat (=rule,表示"统治或政体") (hit 6)

1 Demo-crat auto-crat bureau-crat demo-crat mobo-crat pluto-crat

202、cre (=grow/make,表示"增长,产生,生长") (hit 6)

1 -Cre-scent con-cre-te con-cre-tion cre-ate cre-scent de-cre-scent

203、crea (=grow/make,表示"增长,产生,生长") (hit 6)

1 crea-tive crea-ture pro-crea-te pro-crea-tive re-crea-te re-crea-tion

204、crease (=grow/make,表示"增长,产生,生长") (hit 4)

1 de-crease decrement in-crease increment

205、cred (=believe/trust,表示"相信,信任") (hit 10)

1 ac-cred-it cred-ence cred-ible cred-it cred-ntial cred-ulity
2 cred-ulous dis-cred-it in-cred-ulity in-cred-ulous    

206、creed (=believe/trust,表示"相信,信任") (hit 3)

1 Creed credo creed

207、cret (=sure/separate,表示"搞清,区别") (hit 5)

1 discreet dis-cret-e dis-cret-ion se-cret se-cret-e

208、cris (=judge,discern,表示"判断,分辨,评判") (hit 2)

1 cris-is hypo-cris-y

209、crit (=judge,discern,表示"判断,分辨,评判") (hit 5)

1 crit-erion crit-ic crit-ical crit-icism hypo-crit-e

210、cross (=cross,表示"十字形,交叉") (hit 3)

1 a-cross cross cross-ing

211、cru (1. 表示"粗野,残酷"; 2. =cross,表示"十字形,交叉") (hit 4)

1 cru-el cru-elty cru-ise cru-iser

212、cruc (=cross,表示"十字形,交叉") (hit 5)

1 cruc-ial cruc-iform cruc-ify ex-cruc-iate ex-cruc-iation

213、crud (表示"粗野,残酷") (hit 1)

1 crud-e

214、crus (=cross,表示"十字形,交叉") (hit 2)

1 crus-ade crus-ader

215、crush (表示"破,爆裂") (hit 1)

1 crush

216、crux (=cross,表示"十字形,交叉") (hit 1)

1 crux

217、cryo (=cold,表示"冷,冻") (hit 6)

1 -Cryo-biology -Cryo-gen cryo-biology cryo-gen cryo-philic cryo-protective

218、crypt (=secret,hdden,表示"秘密,隐藏") (hit 9)

1 Apocrypha apocrypha apocryphal crypt crypt-ic crypt-ogram
2 crypt-onym de-crypt en-crypt      

219、cub (1. =lie down,表示"躺"; 2. =barrier,表示躺的"东西,障碍") (hit 6)

1 con-cub-ine cub-icle in-cub-ate in-cub-ation in-cub-ator in-cub-us

220、culp (=fault,表示"错,罪") (hit 3)

1 culp-able ex-culp-ate in-culp-ate

221、cult (=till,表示"耕种,培养") (hit 13)

1 Agri-cult-ure agri-cult-ure aqui-cult-ure arbori-cult-ural arbori-cult-ure cult
2 cult-ivate cult-ivation cult-ure flori-cult-ure in-cult oc-cult
3 pisci-cult-ure          

222、cumb (1. =lie down,表示"躺"; 2. =barrier,表示躺的"东西,障碍") (hit 8)

1 ac-cumb-ent cumb-ersome en-cumb-er en-cumb-rance in-cumb-ency in-cumb-ent
2 re-cumb-ent suc-cumb        

223、cup (=take/hold/seize, 表示"拿,抓,握住") (hit 4)

1 oc-cup-ant oc-cup-ation oc-cup-y preoc-cup-ation

224、cur (1. =run,表示"跑,发生,快速做……"; 2. =care,表示"关心") (hit 11)

1 ac-cur-acy ac-cur-ate con-cur cur-ative cur-ator cur-io
2 cur-iosity cur-ious in-cur oc-cur re-cur  

225、cure (=care,表示"关心") (hit 7)

1 curable cure procurable pro-cure pro-cure-ment se-cure
2 security          

226、curr (=run,表示"跑,发生,快速做……") (hit 7)

1 con-curr-ent curr-ency curr-ent curr-iculum oc-curr-ence oc-curr-ent
2 re-curr-ent          

227、curs (=run,表示"跑,发生,快速做……") (hit 9)

1 curs-ive curs-or curs-ory ex-curs-e ex-curs-ion ex-curs-ive
2 in-curs-ion in-curs-ive pre-curs-or      

228、cuss (=shake,表示"摇动,敲打,震") (hit 4)

1 con-cuss-ion dis-cuss per-cuss-ion reper-cuss-ion

229、custom (=habit,表示"习惯") (hit 4)

1 ac-custom custom custom-ary custom-er

230、cycl (=ring/circle,表示"圆,环") (hit 6)

1 bi-cycl-e cycl-e cycl-one cycl-opedia en-cycl-opedia re-cycl-e

231、cyn (=dog,表示"狗") (hit 3)

1 cyn-ic cyn-icism cyn-osure

232、day (=day,表示"日,日子") (hit 8)

1 daily date day day-break day-light day-time
2 every-day nowa-day-s        

233、dea (=to die,表示"死,消亡",dea为:de离开+die=dea) (hit 4)

1 dea-d dea-dline dea-dly dea-th

234、deavor (=owe,表示"债务,义务") (hit 1)

1 en-deavor

235、debt (=owe,表示"债务,义务") (hit 2)

1 debit debt

236、deed (表示"做,行为") (hit 2)

1 deed in-deed

237、dem (=people 表示"人民,人们" demo- popul-) (hit 4)

1 dem-agogy en-dem-ic epi-dem-ic pan-dem-ic

238、demn (=harm,表示"伤害") (hit 5)

1 con-demn con-demn-ation in-demn-ification in-demn-ify in-demn-ity

239、dens (=make thick,表示"变浓厚") (hit 4)

1 con-dens-e dens-e dens-imeter dens-ity

240、dent (=tooth,表示"牙齿,凹") (hit 6)

1 dent dent-ist dent-ure e-dent-ate in-dent-ed in-dent-ure

241、derm (=skin,表示"皮肤") (hit 3)

1 derm-al epi-derm-is hypo-derm

242、dermat (=skin,表示"皮肤") (hit 2)

1 dermat-itis dermat-ologist

243、dexter (=right,表示"右边") (hit 4)

1 ambidextrous dexter-ity dexter-ous dextral

244、di (=day,表示"日,日子") (hit 6)

1 Meri-di-an antemeri-di-an di-al di-ary meri-di-an postmeri-di-an

245、dic (=say/assert,表示"说话,断言,写") (hit 7)

1 ab-dic-ate de-dic-ate in-dic-ate pre-dic-ament pre-dic-ate pre-dic-ation
2 vin-dic-ate          

246、dict (=say/assert,表示"说话,断言,写") (hit 23)

1 ad-dict ad-dict-ion bene-dict-ion contra-dict contra-dict-ory dict-ate
2 dict-ator dict-ion dict-ionary dict-um e-dict index
3 in-dict in-dict-ment indite inter-dict juris-dict-ion male-dict-ion
4 pre-dict pre-dict-ion vale-dict-ion ver-dict vin-dict-ive  

247、die (=to die,表示"死,消亡",dea为:de离开+die=dea) (hit 2)

1 die dying

248、dign (=worthy/noble,表示"值得,高贵") (hit 7)

1 con-dign dign-ify dign-itary dign-ity in-dign-ant in-dign-ation
2 in-dign-ity          

249、dit (=give,表示"给予") (hit 8)

1 con-dit-ion e-dit e-dit-or e-dit-orial extra-dit-e extra-dit-ion
2 tra-dit-ion traitor        

250、do (表示"做,行为") (hit 2)

1 do un-do

251、doc (=to teach,表示"教") (hit 3)

1 doc-ile doc-ument in-doc-ile

252、doct (=to teach,表示"教") (hit 4)

1 doct-or doct-oral doct-rinaire doct-rine

253、dole (=grieve,表示"悲伤") (hit 3)

1 con-dole dole-ful in-dole-nce

254、dom (1. =house,表示"屋,家"; 2. 表示"统治") (hit 8)

1 dom-ain dom-e dom-estic dom-esticate dom-inant dom-inate
2 in-dom-itable pre-dom-inant        

255、don (=give,表示"给予") (hit 4)

1 con-don-e don-ate don-or par-don

256、dorm (=sleep,表示"睡眠") (hit 4)

1 dorm-ancy dorm-ant dorm-itive dorm-itory

257、dote (=give,表示"给予") (hit 2)

1 anec-dote anti-dote

258、doub (=two,表示"二,双") (hit 3)

1 doub-le doub-t doub-tful

259、dox (=opinion,表示"观点") (hit 4)

1 Ortho-dox hetero-dox ortho-dox para-dox

260、drag (=pull,表示"拉,拖,绘画") (hit 2)

1 draft drag

261、draw (=pull,表示"拉,拖,绘画") (hit 6)

1 draw draw-back draw-er draw-ing draw-l with-draw

262、draw,drag (=pull,表示"拉,拖,绘画") (hit 1)

1 drafting

263、dress (1. 表示"整理,装饰"; 2. =direct,表示"直接的,指引") (hit 3)

1 ad-dress dress dress-ing

264、drif (表示"驾驶,偏移") (hit 1)

1 drif-t

265、driv (表示"驾驶,偏移") (hit 2)

1 driv-e driv-er

266、drom (=run,表示"跑") (hit 4)

1 aero-drom-e drom-edary drom-ometer syn-drom-e

267、dry (表示"干") (hit 3)

1 drain drought dry

268、du (=two,表示"二,双") (hit 7)

1 dozen du-al du-ality du-el du-plex du-plicate
2 du-plicity          

269、dub (=two,表示"二,双") (hit 3)

1 dub-ious dub-itable in-dub-itable

270、duc (=lead,bring,表示"引导,带来") (hit 2)

1 e-duc-ate e-duc-ation

271、duce (=lead,bring,表示"引导,带来") (hit 11)

1 de-duce deduction e-duce in-duce in-duce-ment intro-duce
2 pro-duce product re-duce se-duce tra-duce  

272、duct (=lead,bring,表示"引导,带来") (hit 13)

1 ab-duct aque-duct con-duct con-duct-or duct duct-ile
2 e-duct-ion in-duct pro-duct-ive pro-duct-ivity se-duct-ion venti-duct
3 via-duct          

273、due (=owe,表示"债务,义务") (hit 3)

1 due duty over-due

274、dur (=last/hard,表示"持久,延续,坚硬") (hit 11)

1 dour dur-able dur-ation dur-ess dur-ing en-dur-ance
2 en-dur-e in-dur-ate in-dur-ated ob-dur-ate per-dur-e  

275、dyn (=power,表示"力量") (hit 3)

1 -Dyn-asty dyn-ast dyn-asty

276、dynam (=power,表示"力量") (hit 5)

1 a-dynam-ic dynam-ic dynam-ics dynam-ite dynam-o

277、eas (表示"舒适,容易") (hit 3)

1 dis-eas-e eas-e eas-y

278、eco (表示"生态,经济") (hit 4)

1 eco-logical eco-logy eco-nomic eco-nomy

279、ed (1. =hear,表示"听"; 2. =eat,表示"吃") (hit 5)

1 ed-acity ed-ible in-ed-ible ob-ed-ience obey

280、ego (=I,表示"我,自己") (hit 4)

1 ego-centric ego-ism ego-ist ego-mania

281、electr (表示"电" 注:electr的原义是琥珀,现指由于磨擦琥珀而产生的电) (hit 5)

1 electr-ic electr-ical electr-ify electr-ode electr-on

282、em (=take/procure,表示"拿,获得,拿走后[变空]") (hit 4)

1 pre-em-pt pr-em-ium rede-em red-em-ption

283、emper (=command,表示"命令,统治") (hit 2)

1 emper-or empire

284、empt (=take/procure,表示"拿,获得,拿走后[变空]") (hit 7)

1 empt-y ex-empt ex-empt-ion per-empt-ory pre-empt-ion pre-empt-ive
2 prompt          

285、enn (=year,表示"年,一年") (hit 3)

1 bi-enn-ial mill-enn-ium per-enn-ial

286、ept (=fit/ability,表示"适应,能力") (hit 3)

1 ad-ept in-ept in-ept-itude

287、equ (=equal/even,表示"相等,平均") (hit 9)

1 ad-equ-acy ad-equ-ate equ-able equ-al equ-ality equ-animity
2 equ-ate equ-ation equ-ity      

288、equi (=equal/even,表示"相等,平均") (hit 5)

1 equi-librium equi-table equi-valent equi-vocal iniquity

289、erg (=energy/work,表示"能量,活动") (hit 2)

1 lethargic syn-erg-ic

290、ergy (=energy/work,表示"能量,活动") (hit 5)

1 Energize an-ergy energetic energize en-ergy

291、err (=wander/mistake,表示"漫游,犯错误") (hit 9)

1 ab-err-ant ab-err-ation err err-ant err-atic err-atum
2 err-oneous err-or in-err-ancy      

292、ert (=energy/work,表示"能量,活动") (hit 2)

1 in-ert in-ert-ia

293、ese (=be,表示"存在,实质") (hit 1)

1 essence

294、est (=be,表示"存在,实质") (hit 1)

1 inter-est

295、esthet (=feeling,表示"感觉") (hit 2)

1 anesthesia an-esthet-ic

296、ev (=age,表示"年龄,时代") (hit 5)

1 co-ev-al co-ev-ality long-ev-ity medi-ev-al prim-ev-al

297、exter (=out,表示"出去,外") (hit 2)

1 exter-ior exter-nal

298、extr (=out,表示"出去,外") (hit 1)

1 extr-a

299、extre (=out,表示"出去,外") (hit 2)

1 extre-me extre-mity

300、fabl (=speak,表示"讲,说") (hit 4)

1 af-fabl-e ef-fabl-e fabl-e inef-fabl-e

301、fabric (=make,表示"制作") (hit 3)

1 fabric fabric-ate pre-fabric-ate

302、fabul (=speak,表示"讲,说") (hit 4)

1 con-fabul-ate fab fabul-ist fabul-ous

303、fac (1. =face,表示"脸,面"; 2. =do,make 表示"做,制作") (hit 9)

1 fac-et fac-ial fac-ile fac-ilitate fac-ility fac-simile
2 fac-tor fac-ulty fashion      

304、fac,fact,fect,fici,fic,fice,fig,feas,feat (=do,make 表示"做,制作") (hit 2)

1 fashionable profitable

305、face (=face,表示"脸,面") (hit 8)

1 de-face ef-face ef-face-ment face face-tious inef-face-able
2 inter-face pre-face        

306、fact (=do,make 表示"做,制作") (hit 8)

1 bene-fact-ion bene-fact-or fact fact-ion fact-ious fact-itious
2 male-fact-ion manu-fact-ure        

307、fail (1. =err/deceive,表示"犯错误,欺骗"; 2. = 表示"错,假") (hit 4)

1 fail fail-ing fail-ure un-fail-ing

308、faith (=trust/faith,表示"信任,相信,信念") (hit 1)

1 faith

309、fall (1. =err/deceive,表示"犯错误,欺骗"; 2. = 表示"错,假") (hit 4)

1 fall-acious fall-acy fall-ible in-fall-ible

310、fall,fail,fault (1. =err/deceive,表示"犯错误,欺骗"; 2. = 表示"错,假") (hit 4)

1 FALSE false falsehood falsify

311、fault (1. =err/deceive,表示"犯错误,欺骗"; 2. = 表示"错,假") (hit 2)

1 de-fault fault

312、feas (=do,make 表示"做,制作") (hit 1)

1 feas-ible

313、feat (=do,make 表示"做,制作") (hit 5)

1 de-feat de-feat-ism feat feat-ure malfeasance

314、fect (=do,make 表示"做,制作") (hit 21)

1 af-fect af-fect-ation af-fect-ed af-fect-ion af-fect-ionate af-fect-ive
2 con-fect con-fect-ion con-fect-ionery de-fect de-fect-ion disaf-fect
3 disaf-fect-ed ef-fect ef-fect-ive ef-fect-uate in-fect in-fect-ion
4 in-fect-ious per-fect per-fect-ion      

315、feder (=league,表示"联盟") (hit 5)

1 Con-feder-ate -Feder-ation con-feder-ate feder-al feder-ation

316、fence (=to strike,表示"打击") (hit 3)

1 de-fence fence of-fence

317、fend (=to strike,表示"打击") (hit 3)

1 de-fend fend of-fend

318、fens (=to strike,表示"打击") (hit 2)

1 de-fens-e of-fens-ive

319、fer (=bring/carry,表示"带来,拿来") (hit 39)

1 aqui-fer aqui-fer-ous con-fer con-fer-ence con-fer-ment coni-fer
2 coni-fer-ous de-fer de-fer-ence de-fer-ment dif-fer dif-fer-ence
3 dif-fer-ent dif-fer-entiate fer-ry fer-tile fer-tility fer-tilize
4 fer-tilizer flori-fer-ous indif-fer-ent in-fer in-fer-able in-fer-ential
5 odori-fer-ous of-fer of-fer-ing pre-fer pre-fer-ence prof-fer
6 re-fer re-fer-able re-fer-ee re-fer-ence re-fer-endum suf-fer
7 suf-fer-able trans-fer trans-fer-able      

320、ferv (=boil,表示"沸,热") (hit 7)

1 de-ferv-esce ef-ferv-esce ferv-ency ferv-ent ferv-id ferv-or
2 per-ferv-id          

321、fess (=speak,表示"说") (hit 6)

1 Pro-fess-or con-fess con-fess-ion pro-fess-ion pro-fess-ional pro-fess-or

322、fest (1. =hostile,表示"仇恨,打击"; 2. =feast,表示"节日") (hit 6)

1 fest-ival fest-ive fest-ivity fest-oon in-fest mani-fest

323、fic (1. =face,表示"脸,面"; 2. =do,make 表示"做,制作") (hit 6)

1 ef-fic-acious ef-fic-acy fic-tion fic-titious profit super-fic-ial

324、fice (=do,make 表示"做,制作") (hit 3)

1 sacri-fice suf-fice sufficient

325、fici (=do,make 表示"做,制作") (hit 4)

1 de-fici-ent ef-fici-ent pro-fici-ency pro-fici-ent

326、fid (=trust/faith,表示"信任,相信,信念") (hit 13)

1 af-fid-avit con-fid-ant con-fid-e con-fid-ence con-fid-ent con-fid-ential
2 defy dif-fid-ent fid-elity fid-uciary in-fid-el per-fid-ious
3 per-fid-y          

327、fig (=do,make 表示"做,制作") (hit 4)

1 con-fig-uration fig-ment fig-ure trans-fig-ure

328、fil (1. =thread,表示"线条"; 2. =to fill,表示"填满,充满,注满") (hit 5)

1 fil-ament fil-ar fil-e ful-fil-l pro-fil-e

329、fili (=thread,表示"线条") (hit 2)

1 fili-buster fili-gree

330、fill (=to fill,表示"填满,充满,注满") (hit 1)

1 fill

331、fin (=limit,boundary,end 表示"结束,范围,界限,限制") (hit 14)

1 af-fin-ity de-fin-ite de-fin-ition fin-al fin-ale fin-alist
2 fin-ality fin-ance fin-ish fin-ite fin-itude fin-ity
3 in-fin-ite in-fin-itude        

332、fine (=limit,boundary,end 表示"结束,范围,界限,限制") (hit 5)

1 con-fine con-fine-d de-fine definitive fine

333、firm (=firm,表示"坚定") (hit 8)

1 Af-firm-ative af-firm af-firm-ative con-firm con-firm-ed firm
2 in-firm in-firm-ary        

334、fix (=fix,表示"固定") (hit 7)

1 af-fix fix fix-ation fix-ture in-fix pre-fix
2 suf-fix          

335、flagr (=blaze,表示"火焰") (hit 5)

1 con-flagr-ant con-flagr-ation de-flagr-ate flagr-ancy flagr-ant

336、flam (=blaze,表示"火焰") (hit 9)

1 -Flam-ingo flam-e flam-ing flam-ingo flam-mable in-flam-e
2 in-flam-mable in-flam-matory non-flam-mable      

337、flat (1. =blow,表示"吹"; 2. =to spread,smooth,表示"使平滑,平整,扫平") (hit 9)

1 con-flat-e con-flat-ion de-flat-e de-flat-ion flat flat-ten
2 flat-ter in-flat-e in-flat-ion      

338、flect (=bend,表示"弯曲") (hit 8)

1 de-flect de-flect-ion genu-flect in-flect in-flect-ion re-flect
2 re-flect-ion re-flect-ive        

339、flex (=bend,表示"弯曲") (hit 5)

1 de-flex flex flex-ible in-flex in-flex-ible

340、flict (=strike,表示"打击") (hit 5)

1 af-flict af-flict-ion con-flict in-flict in-flict-ion

341、flor (=flower,表示"花") (hit 9)

1 -Flor-a de-flor-ate de-flor-ation flor-a flor-al flor-escence
2 flor-et flor-iculture flor-id      

342、full (=to fill,表示"填满,充满,注满") (hit 1)

1 full

343、funct (=perform,表示"活动,作用") (hit 1)

1 per-funct-ory

344、gard (=to watch, supervise 表示"监视,看护") (hit 2)

1 re-gard re-gard-ing

345、gen (=birth,produce,表示"出生,产生") (hit 1)

1 indi-gen-ous

346、gener (=birth,produce,表示"出生,产生") (hit 1)

1 gener-osity

347、ger (=carry,bring,表示"带来,产生") (hit 1)

1 exag-ger-ate

348、grad (=step/grade,表示"步,级") (hit 7)

1 centi-grad-e de-grad-e de-grad-ing down-grad-e grad-uation retro-grad-e
2 up-grad-e          

349、gram (=write,表示"写,图") (hit 8)

1 crypto-gram dia-gram epi-gram epi-gram-matic gram-mar gram-ophone
2 pro-gram seismo-gram        

350、gran (=grain,表示"颗粒") (hit 5)

1 gran-ary gran-ivore gran-ivorous gran-ulate gran-ule

351、graph (=write,表示"写,图") (hit 16)

1 auto-graph bio-graph-er bio-graph-y dicto-graph epi-graph graph
2 graph-ic graph-ite lexico-graph-y mono-graph para-graph photo-graph
3 steno-graph steno-graph-er tele-graph topo-graph-y    

352、grat (=pleasing,表示"感激,高兴") (hit 13)

1 Grace con-grat-ulate grace grat-eful grat-ification grat-ify
2 grat-itude grat-uitous grat-uity grat-ulate in-grat-e in-grat-iate
3 in-grat-iating          

353、grat,gree (=pleasing,表示"感激,高兴") (hit 2)

1 disgrace gracious

354、grav (1. =heavy,表示"重"; 2. = 表示"悲伤") (hit 9)

1 ag-grav-ate ag-grav-ation grav-e grav-el grav-id grav-ida
2 grav-itate grav-itation grav-ity      

355、gree (=pleasing,表示"感激,高兴") (hit 4)

1 a-gree a-gree-able a-gree-ment disa-gree

356、greet (表示"问候,迎接,悲泣") (hit 1)

1 greet

357、greg (=group,表示"群体") (hit 8)

1 ag-greg-ate ag-greg-ation con-greg-ate disag-greg-ate e-greg-ious greg-arious
2 se-greg-ate se-greg-ation        

358、gress (=go/walk,表示"行走,步") (hit 15)

1 Con-gress ag-gress ag-gress-ion ag-gress-ive con-gress degree
2 di-gress di-gress-ion e-gress in-gress pro-gress pro-gress-ive
3 retro-gress trans-gress trans-gress-ion      

359、gret (表示"问候,迎接,悲泣") (hit 3)

1 re-gret re-gret-ful re-gret-table

360、griev (1. =heavy,表示"重"; 2. = 表示"悲伤") (hit 5)

1 ag-griev-e grief griev-ance griev-e griev-ous

361、guard (=to watch, supervise 表示"监视,看护") (hit 2)

1 guard safe-guard

362、guest (1. 表示"客人"; 2. "陌生人") (hit 2)

1 guest guest-house

363、gyn (=woman,表示"妇女") (hit 4)

1 andro-gyn-y gyn-archy miso-gyn-ist mono-gyn-y

364、gynec (=woman,表示"妇女") (hit 3)

1 -Gynec-ology gynec-ian gynec-ology

365、habit (=dwell,表示"居住,习惯") (hit 9)

1 co-habit habit habit-ant habit-at habit-ual habit-uate
2 in-habit in-habit-ant unin-habit-ed      

366、hal (=breathe,表示"呼吸") (hit 5)

1 Ex-hal-e ex-hal-e hal-itosis in-hal-ation in-hal-e

367、hand (表示"手") (hit 9)

1 hand hand-book hand-icap hand-le hand-out hand-some
2 hand-write hand-y short-hand      

368、hap (=chance,表示"机会,运气") (hit 8)

1 Per-hap-s hap-hazard hap-less hap-pen hap-piness hap-py
2 mis-hap per-hap-s        

369、hard (表示"硬,艰难") (hit 7)

1 -Hard-y hard hard-en hard-ly hard-ness hard-ware
2 hard-y          

370、haust (=draw water,表示"抽水") (hit 4)

1 ex-haust ex-haust-ed ex-haust-ive in-haust

371、hav (=possess,表示"拥有") (hit 4)

1 be-hav-e be-hav-ior hav-e hav-en

372、head (1. =head,表示"头"; 2. 标题) (hit 5)

1 head head-ing head-line head-strong head-y

373、heigh (=tall,表示"高") (hit 2)

1 heigh-t heigh-ten

374、helic (=spiral,表示"螺旋") (hit 3)

1 helic-al helic-opter helix

375、helio (=sun,表示"太阳") (hit 4)

1 helio-centric helio-sis helio-therapy helio-tropism

376、her (=stick,表示"粘附") (hit 1)

1 in-her-ent

377、here (=stick,表示"粘附") (hit 6)

1 ad-here ad-here-nce ad-here-nt co-here co-here-nt cohesion

378、hes (=stick,表示"粘附") (hit 4)

1 ad-hes-ion ad-hes-ive hes-itate hes-itation

379、hibit (=hold,表示"拿住") (hit 10)

1 Pro-hibit-ion ex-hibit ex-hibit-ion ex-hibit-ionist in-hibit in-hibit-ion
2 pro-hibit pro-hibit-ion pro-hibit-ive unin-hibit-ed    

380、high (=tall,表示"高") (hit 7)

1 -High-land enhance high high-land high-ly high-way
2 hijack          

381、hilar (=glad,表示"高兴") (hit 3)

1 ex-hilar-ate hilar-ious hilar-ity

382、hind (=rear,表示"后部") (hit 3)

1 hind hind-er hind-rance

383、honor (=glory,表示"荣誉,光荣") (hit 4)

1 honest honor honor-able honourable

384、honor,honour (=glory,表示"荣誉,光荣") (hit 1)

1 honesty

385、honour (=glory,表示"荣誉,光荣") (hit 1)

1 honour

386、hor (=shudder,dread,表示"颤抖,害怕") (hit 2)

1 ab-hor hor-rid

387、horr (=shudder,dread,表示"颤抖,害怕") (hit 3)

1 ab-horr-ent horr-ible horr-ify

388、hort (=encourage,表示"鼓励") (hit 3)

1 de-hort ex-hort hort-atory

389、hospit (1. 表示"客人"; 2. "陌生人") (hit 3)

1 hospit-able hospit-al hospit-ality

390、host (1. 表示"客人"; 2. "陌生人") (hit 5)

1 host host-age host-ess host-ile hotel

391、hum (=earth,表示"土,地") (hit 14)

1 ex-hum-e hum-an hum-ane hum-ble hum-id hum-idity
2 hum-iliate hum-iliation hum-ility hum-mock in-hum-e non-hum-an
3 post-hum-ous un-hum-an        

392、hydr (=water,表示"水") (hit 5)

1 carbo-hydr-ate de-hydr-ate hydr-ant hydr-ate hydr-ous

393、hydro (=water,表示"水") (hit 4)

1 an-hydro-us hydro-electric hydro-plane hydro-power

394、hypn (=sleep,表示"睡眠") (hit 2)

1 hypn-ology hypn-osis

395、hypno (=sleep,表示"睡眠") (hit 3)

1 de-hypno-tize hypno-tic hypno-tize

396、idea (=idea,表示"思想,观点") (hit 4)

1 idea-l idea-lism idea-lize idea-te

397、ident (=same,表示"相同,识别") (hit 3)

1 ident-ical ident-ification ident-ify

398、ideo (=idea,表示"思想,观点") (hit 3)

1 ideo-graph ideo-logical ideo-logy

399、idio (=peculiar,private,表示"特殊的,个人的,自己的") (hit 8)

1 idio-cy idio-glossia idio-graph idio-lect idio-m idio-matic
2 idio-syncrasy idio-t        

400、idol (=image,表示"形象,偶像") (hit 4)

1 idol idol-atrous idol-atry idol-ize

401、imag (=imagine,likeness,表示"相象,模仿") (hit 4)

1 imag-e imag-inable imag-inative imag-ine

402、imit (=imagine,likeness,表示"相象,模仿") (hit 3)

1 imit-able imit-ate in-imit-able

403、imper (=command,表示"命令,统治") (hit 3)

1 imper-ative imper-ial imper-ious

404、insul (=island,表示"岛屿,sul有'单独'之意") (hit 4)

1 insul-ar insul-ate insul-in pen-insul-a

405、integr (=whole,表示"完整") (hit 6)

1 dis-integr-ate dis-integr-ation integr-al integr-ate integr-ation integr-ity

406、is (=go,表示"行走") (hit 2)

1 is-sue trans-is-tor

407、it (=go,表示"行走") (hit 13)

1 amb-it-ion amb-it-ious ex-it in-it-ial in-it-iate in-it-iative
2 it-inerant it-inerary sed-it-ion sed-it-ious trans-it trans-it-ion
3 trans-it-ory          

408、ject (=throw/st,表示"投掷,扔") (hit 22)

1 Ob-ject-ion ab-ject ad-ject-ive con-ject-ure de-ject de-ject-ed
2 e-ject e-ject-ion in-ject inter-ject-ion ob-ject ob-ject-ion
3 ob-ject-ive pro-ject pro-ject-ile pro-ject-ion re-ject re-ject-ion
4 sub-ject sub-ject-ion sub-ject-ivity tra-ject-ory    

409、jet (=throw/st,表示"投掷,扔") (hit 1)

1 jet

410、joc (=joke,表示"笑话") (hit 3)

1 joc-ose joc-ular joc-und

411、join (=join,表示"结合,连接") (hit 10)

1 ad-join ad-join-ing dis-join dis-join-ted en-join join
2 join-t re-join re-join-der sub-join    

412、journ (=day,表示"日期") (hit 5)

1 ad-journ journ-al journ-alist journ-ey so-journ

413、joy (表示"欢乐,高兴") (hit 3)

1 en-joy joy joy-ful

414、judg (=judge,表示"判断,审理,法官") (hit 5)

1 ad-judg-e judg-e judg-ement judg-ment pre-judg-e

415、judic (=judge,表示"判断,审理,法官") (hit 6)

1 ad-judic-ate in-judic-ious judic-ial judic-iary judic-ious pre-judic-e

416、jug (=yoke,表示"牛轭") (hit 3)

1 con-jug-al con-jug-ate sub-jug-ate

417、jun (表示"年轻") (hit 2)

1 -Jun-ior jun-ior

418、junct (=join,表示"结合,连接") (hit 12)

1 -Junct-ion ad-junct con-junct con-junct-ion con-junct-ure dis-junct
2 dis-junct-ion in-junct in-junct-ion junct-ion junct-ure sub-junct-ive

419、jur (=swear/law,表示"发誓,法律;正确,正直") (hit 6)

1 ab-jur-e con-jur-e in-jur-e jur-al jur-y per-jur-y

420、juris (=swear/law,表示"发誓,法律;正确,正直") (hit 2)

1 juris-diction juris-prudence

421、jury (=swear/law,表示"发誓,法律;正确,正直") (hit 2)

1 injurious in-jury

422、just (=swear/law,表示"发誓,法律;正确,正直") (hit 2)

1 just just-ify

423、juven (1. =young,表示"年轻"; 2. 表示"年轻") (hit 5)

1 juven-ile juven-ility re-juven-ate re-juven-ation re-juven-escent

424、kind (=race,表示"种族,种类") (hit 3)

1 kind kind-ness un-kind

425、king (=race,表示"种族,种类") (hit 3)

1 Knight king knight

426、labor (=labor,表示"劳动") (hit 8)

1 be-labor col-labor-ate e-labor-ate labor labor-atory labor-ed
2 labor-ious labour        

427、lact (=milk,表示"奶,乳") (hit 4)

1 ab-lact-ate lact-ate lact-eal lact-ic

428、lag (表示"拖延") (hit 1)

1 lag

429、langu (=faint,表示"虚弱") (hit 3)

1 langu-id langu-ish langu-or

430、lapid (=stone,表示"石头") (hit 3)

1 di-lapid-ate lapid-ary lapid-ify

431、laps (=slip,表示"滑,滑走") (hit 5)

1 col-laps-e e-laps-e laps-e laps-ed re-laps-e

432、lat (=bring out,表示"拿出,带出,放") (hit 2)

1 ab-lat-ion super-lat-ive

433、late (=bring out,表示"拿出,带出,放") (hit 9)

1 col-late collation corre-late di-late e-late elation
2 re-late sub-late trans-late      

434、later (=side,表示"边") (hit 4)

1 bi-later-al equi-later-al later-al uni-later-al

435、laund (=wash,表示"洗,冲") (hit 1)

1 laund-er

436、lav (=wash,表示"洗,冲") (hit 2)

1 lav-atory lav-ish

437、lax (=loose,表示"松") (hit 7)

1 Lax lax lax-ative lax-ity re-lax re-lax-ation
2 release          

438、lay (表示"拖延") (hit 2)

1 de-lay re-lay

439、leag (=tie,bind,表示"捆绑,联合,约束") (hit 1)

1 leag-ue

440、lect (1. =choose,gather,表示"选择,收集"; 2. =speak,read,表示"讲,读,说") (hit 18)

1 acro-lect col-lect col-lect-ion col-lect-ive dia-lect e-lect
2 e-lect-ion e-lect-or elite idio-lect intel-lect intel-lect-ual
3 lect-ure neg-lect recol-lect recol-lect-ion se-lect se-lect-ion

441、leg (1. =law,表示"法律"; 2. =speak,read,表示"讲,读,说") (hit 15)

1 al-leg-e col-leg-e de-leg-ate il-leg-al il-leg-ible il-leg-itimacy
2 il-leg-itimate leg-al leg-ality leg-end leg-endary leg-ible
3 leg-itimate lesson re-leg-ate      

442、legis (=law,表示"法律") (hit 3)

1 legis-late legis-lation legis-lature

443、letter (表示"文字,字母") (hit 1)

1 letter

444、lev (=raise,lighten,表示"举起,变轻") (hit 11)

1 -Lev-y al-lev-iate e-lev-ate e-lev-ator irre-lev-ant lev-er
2 lev-erage lev-itate lev-ity lev-y re-lev-ant  

445、lex (=word,speech,表示"词汇") (hit 1)

1 dys-lex-ia

446、lexic (=word,speech,表示"词汇") (hit 3)

1 lexic-al lexic-ographer lexic-on

447、li (=tie,bind,表示"捆绑,联合,约束") (hit 6)

1 Ally ally li-abili-ty li-able re-li-abi-li-ty rely

448、liber (=free,表示"自由") (hit 7)

1 il-liber-al liber-al liber-ate liber-ation liber-tine liber-ty
2 post-liber-ation          

449、libr (=book,表示"书") (hit 3)

1 libr-ary libr-ettist libr-etto

450、lic (=allure,表示"高兴,美味,引诱") (hit 4)

1 de-lic-acy de-lic-ate de-lic-ious e-lic-it

451、licen (=allow,表示"允许") (hit 5)

1 illicit licen-ce licen-se licen-tious licit

452、liev (=raise,lighten,表示"举起,变轻") (hit 2)

1 relief re-liev-e

453、lig (1. =tie,bind,表示"捆绑,联合,约束"; 2. =choose,gather,表示"选择,收集") (hit 11)

1 di-lig-ent elegance elegant e-lig-ible intel-lig-ence intel-lig-ent
2 neg-lig-ence ob-lig-ate ob-lig-e re-lig-ion re-lig-ious  

454、light (=allure,表示"高兴,美味,引诱") (hit 2)

1 de-light de-light-ful

455、lim (=threshold,表示"门槛,限制") (hit 4)

1 de-lim-it lim-it sub-lim-ate sub-lim-e

456、limin (=threshold,表示"门槛,限制") (hit 1)

1 sub-limin-al

457、liter (表示"文字,字母") (hit 9)

1 il-liter-acy il-liter-ate liter-acy liter-al liter-ary liter-ate
2 liter-ati ob-liter-ate ob-liter-ation      

458、liver (=free,表示"自由") (hit 1)

1 de-liver

459、loy (=tie,bind,表示"捆绑,联合,约束") (hit 1)

1 al-loy

460、lut (=wash,表示"洗,冲") (hit 5)

1 ab-lut-ion di-lut-e di-lut-er di-lut-ion pol-lut-e

461、luv (=wash,表示"洗,冲") (hit 5)

1 Antedi-luv-ian antedi-luv-ian deluge di-luv-ial di-luv-ian

462、lys (=break down,表示"裂开,分解") (hit 2)

1 cata-lys-t para-lys-is

463、mach (=machine,表示"机器") (hit 1)

1 mach-ine

464、main (表示"能,力量") (hit 2)

1 main main-land

465、maj (=great,表示"大,伟大") (hit 1)

1 mayor

466、market (=trade,表示"交易") (hit 1)

1 market

467、martyr (=memory,表示"记忆") (hit 1)

1 martyr

468、marvel (=wonder/look,表示"惊奇,看") (hit 1)

1 marvel-ous

469、mean (=middle,halft 表示"中间") (hit 4)

1 -Mean-while mean mean-time mean-while

470、meas (=measure,表示"计量,测量"等) (hit 4)

1 com-meas-ure im-meas-urable meas-urable meas-ure

471、med (表示"医治") (hit 3)

1 med-ical med-icine re-med-y

472、medi (=middle,halft 表示"中间") (hit 9)

1 im-medi-ate inter-medi-ate medi-al medi-an medi-ate medi-ation
2 medi-ator medi-ocre medi-um      

473、memor (=memory,表示"记忆") (hit 8)

1 com-memor-able com-memor-ate im-memor-ial memor-andum memor-ize memor-y
2 remember remembrance        

474、mend (=free from fault,表示"改错") (hit 6)

1 A-mend-ment E-mend a-mend a-mend-ment e-mend e-mend-ation

475、mens (=measure,表示"计量,测量"等) (hit 3)

1 com-mens-urate di-mens-ion im-mens-e

476、ment (=mind,表示"思考,神智") (hit 9)

1 a-ment-ia com-ment com-ment-ary com-ment-ate de-ment-ed ment-al
2 ment-ality ment-ation ment-ion      

477、merc (=trade,表示"交易") (hit 3)

1 com-merc-e com-merc-ial merc-enary

478、merch (=trade,表示"交易") (hit 2)

1 merch-andise merch-ant

479、merg (=sink,表示"沉,没") (hit 7)

1 e-merg-e e-merg-ence e-merg-ency e-merg-ent im-merg-e merg-e
2 sub-merg-e          

480、mers (=sink,表示"沉,没") (hit 4)

1 e-mers-ion im-mers-e sub-mers-ed sub-mers-ion

481、meter (=measure,表示"计量,测量"等) (hit 6)

1 baro-meter dia-meter meter para-meter peri-meter thermo-meter

482、metr (=measure,表示"计量,测量"等) (hit 3)

1 asym-metr-y geo-metr-y sym-metr-y

483、mid (=middle,halft 表示"中间") (hit 4)

1 mid-day mid-dle mid-night mid-st

484、migr (=remove,表示"迁移") (hit 12)

1 e-migr-ant e-migr-ate e-migr-ation e-migr-e im-migr-ant im-migr-ate
2 im-migr-ation migr-ant migr-ate migr-ation migr-atory trans-migr-ate

485、milit (=soldier,表示"兵") (hit 3)

1 de-milit-arize milit-arize milit-ate

486、min (1. =project,表示"伸出,突出"; 2. =small,表示"小") (hit 16)

1 E-min-ence e-min-ence e-min-ent im-min-ent menu min-ify
2 min-or min-ority min-us min-uscule min-ute min-utial
3 pree-min-ent pro-min-ence pro-min-ent supere-min-ent    

487、mind (=mind,表示"思考,神智") (hit 2)

1 mind re-mind

488、mini (=small,表示"小") (hit 10)

1 -Mini-stry ad-mini-ster ad-mini-stration ad-mini-strative di-mini-sh mini-ature
2 mini-m mini-mize mini-ster mini-stry    

489、mir (=wonder/look,表示"惊奇,看") (hit 2)

1 mir-acle mir-ror

490、misc (=mix,表示"混淆") (hit 5)

1 im-misc-ible misc-ellaneous non-misc-ible pro-misc-uity pro-misc-uous

491、mise (=send/cast,表时"送,放出,派,错过") (hit 4)

1 de-mise pre-mise pro-mise sur-mise

492、miser (=wretched,表示"可怜的") (hit 4)

1 com-miser-ate miser miser-able miser-y

493、miso (=hate,表示"恨") (hit 3)

1 miso-gamist miso-gyny miso-neism

494、miss (=send/cast,表时"送,放出,派,错过") (hit 18)

1 Miss com-miss-ion dis-miss e-miss-ary e-miss-ion e-miss-ive
2 miss miss-ing miss-ion miss-ionary o-miss-ion per-miss-ion
3 per-miss-ive re-miss re-miss-ion sub-miss-ion sub-miss-ive trans-miss-ion

495、mit (=send/cast,表时"送,放出,派,错过") (hit 10)

1 ad-mit com-mit com-mit-tee e-mit inter-mit inter-mit-tent
2 o-mit per-mit re-mit sub-mit    

496、mob (=move,表示"动") (hit 6)

1 auto-mob-ile de-mob-ilize im-mob-ile mob mob-ility mob-ilize

497、mod (=mode,manner,表示"量度,方式,模式,风度") (hit 13)

1 accom-mod-ate com-mod-ity mod-erate mod-ern mod-est mod-esty
2 mod-ification mod-ify mod-ulate mod-ule mold out-mod-ed
3 re-mod-el          

498、moll (=soft;表示"软") (hit 3)

1 e-moll-ient moll-ify moll-usc

499、mor (=moral,表示"道德") (hit 5)

1 mor-al mor-ale mor-alize mor-es non-mor-al

500、mord (=bite,表示"咬") (hit 3)

1 mord-acious mord-acity mord-ant

501、morph (=form/shape,表示"形状") (hit 8)

1 a-morph-ous anthropo-morph-ous geo-morph-ic iso-morph-ic meta-morph-osis morph-ology
2 poly-morph poly-morph-ic        

502、mors (=bite,表示"咬") (hit 2)

1 mors-el re-mors-e

503、mort (=death,表示"死") (hit 9)

1 -Mort-ify im-mort-alize morbid moribund mort-al mort-gage
2 mort-ify mort-uary post-mort-em      

504、mot (=move,表示"运动") (hit 12)

1 com-mot-ion de-mot-e e-mot-e mot-ion mot-ivate mot-ive
2 mot-or mot-orcycle mot-orway pro-mot-e pro-mot-ion re-mot-e

505、mount (=ascend,表示"登上,山,安装") (hit 13)

1 Mount Para-mount a-mount dis-mount insur-mount-able mount
2 mount-ain mount-ainous mount-ebank para-mount re-mount sur-mount
3 tanta-mount          

506、mov (=move,表示"运动") (hit 2)

1 moment mov-e

507、mun (= 表示"服务,职责,社区,公共") (hit 5)

1 common com-mun-al com-mun-e im-mun-ity im-mun-ize

508、muni (= 表示"服务,职责,社区,公共") (hit 6)

1 com-muni-cate com-muni-ty com-muni-ze muni-cipal muni-cipality muni-ficent

509、muni,mun,mom (= 表示"服务,职责,社区,公共") (hit 4)

1 Commonwealth commonplace commonsense commonwealth

510、mur (=wall,表示"墙壁") (hit 4)

1 extra-mur-al im-mur-e intra-mur-al mur-al

511、mus (=muse,表示"文艺音乐,娱乐等") (hit 3)

1 mus-ic mus-ical mus-ician

512、muse (=muse,表示"文艺音乐,娱乐等") (hit 3)

1 a-muse a-muse-ment muse-um

513、mut (=change,表示"改变") (hit 12)

1 com-mut-able com-mut-e im-mut-able mut-ability mut-able mut-ate
2 mut-inous mut-iny mut-ual per-mut-ation per-mut-e trans-mut-e

514、nam (=name,表示"名称,名字") (hit 4)

1 -Nam-ely nam-e nam-ely nick-nam-e

515、nat (=born,表示"出生的,本土的") (hit 9)

1 cog-nat-e in-nat-e nat-al nat-ality nat-ion nat-ionality
2 nat-ive nat-ure neo-nat-e      

516、naught (=deny,表示"否认,不用;没有") (hit 2)

1 naught naught-y

517、naus (1. =ship,表示"船",; 2. 引申为"海员,船员") (hit 2)

1 naus-ea naus-eate

518、naut (1. =ship,表示"船",; 2. 引申为"海员,船员") (hit 6)

1 Astro-naut-ics astro-naut astro-naut-ic astro-naut-ics hydro-naut naut-ical

519、nav (1. =ship,表示"船",; 2. 引申为"海员,船员") (hit 5)

1 -Nav-y circum-nav-igate nav-al nav-igate nav-y

520、near (=bind,表示"连接,邻近") (hit 3)

1 near near-by near-ly

521、nect (=bind,表示"连接,邻近") (hit 3)

1 con-nect con-nect-ion discon-nect

522、neg (=deny,表示"否认,不用;没有") (hit 11)

1 ab-neg-ate ab-neg-ation neg-ate neg-ative neg-lect neg-ligence
2 neg-ligible neg-otiate neg-otiation re-neg-ade re-neg-e  

523、negr (=black,表示"黑") (hit 3)

1 -Negr-o negr-o negr-ophobe

524、neigh (=bind,表示"连接,邻近") (hit 5)

1 neigh-bor neigh-borhood neigh-boring neigh-bour neigh-bouring

525、neur (=nerve,表示"神经") (hit 5)

1 -Neur-ology neur-al neur-itis neur-ology neur-opath

526、new (=new,表示"新的") (hit 4)

1 new new-s new-spaper re-new

527、nex (=bind,表示"连接,邻近") (hit 5)

1 -Nex-us an-nex con-nex-ion nex-t nex-us

528、nigr (=black,表示"黑") (hit 4)

1 de-nigr-ate de-nigr-ation nigr-ify nigr-itude

529、nihil (=nothing,表示"无,不存在") (hit 4)

1 an-nihil-ate an-nihil-ation nihil nihil-ism

530、noc (=hurt,poison,表示"伤害,毒") (hit 5)

1 in-noc-ence in-noc-ent in-noc-uity in-noc-uous noc-uous

531、noct (=night,表示"夜晚") (hit 5)

1 noct-ambulation noct-ilucent noct-urnal noct-urne per-noct-ation

532、nomin (=name,表示"名称,名字") (hit 8)

1 cog-nomin-al de-nomin-ate de-nomin-ation ig-nomin-ious ig-nomin-y nomin-al
2 nomin-ate nomin-ee        

533、nomy (=a field of knowledge,表示"某一领域[的知识]") (hit 5)

1 agro-nomy anti-nomy astro-nomy auto-nomy eco-nomy

534、norm (=rule/norm,表示"规则,规范") (hit 11)

1 Norm ab-norm-al ab-norm-ally e-norm-ity e-norm-ous norm
2 norm-al norm-alize norm-ally sub-norm-al trans-norm-al  

535、nost (=home,表示"家") (hit 3)

1 nost-algia nost-omania nost-rum

536、not (=known,表示"知道,注意,注释") (hit 12)

1 an-not-ation de-not-ation de-not-e not-able not-e not-ebook
2 not-ice not-iceable not-ify not-ion not-oriety not-orious

537、noun (=name,表示"名称,名字") (hit 1)

1 noun

538、nounce (=speak,表示"讲话,说出") (hit 8)

1 an-nounce an-nounce-ment de-nounce denunciate pro-nounce pro-nounce-d
2 pronunciation re-nounce        

539、nour (=nourish,to suckle 表示"营养,养育,哺乳") (hit 1)

1 nour-ish

540、nov (=new,表示"新的") (hit 11)

1 -Nov-a in-nov-ate in-nov-ation nov-a nov-ate nov-ation
2 nov-el nov-elty nov-ice re-nov-ate re-nov-ation  

541、nox (=hurt,poison,表示"伤害,毒") (hit 2)

1 nox-ious ob-nox-ious

542、null (=none,表示"没有") (hit 3)

1 annul null null-ify

543、numer (=number,表示"数目") (hit 6)

1 e-numer-ate in-numer-able numer-able numer-ology numer-ous super-numer-ary

544、nunci (=speak,表示"讲话,说出") (hit 2)

1 an-nunci-ate e-nunci-ate

545、nur (=nourish,to suckle 表示"营养,养育,哺乳") (hit 2)

1 nur-se nur-sery

546、nutri (=nourish,to suckle 表示"营养,养育,哺乳") (hit 2)

1 nutri-ent nutri-ment

547、nutrit (=nourish,to suckle 表示"营养,养育,哺乳") (hit 3)

1 mal-nutrit-ion nutrit-ion nutrit-ious

548、od (1. =way,表示"路,走"; 2. 表示"电极") (hit 8)

1 An-od-e an-od-e cath-od-e di-od-e meth-od peri-od
2 peri-od-ic peri-od-ical        

549、ode (=song,表示"歌曲") (hit 2)

1 Ode ode

550、ody (=song,表示"歌曲") (hit 2)

1 mel-ody par-ody

551、one (=one,表示"一") (hit 9)

1 every-one l-one l-one-liness l-one-ly once one
2 one-self only some-one      

552、oner (=load,表示"负担") (hit 3)

1 ex-oner-ate oner-ous onus

553、onym (=nam,表示"名字") (hit 8)

1 an-onym-ity an-onym-ous ant-onym hom-onym-ous onym-ous patr-onym-ic
2 pseud-onym syn-onym        

554、oper (=work,表示"工作") (hit 10)

1 co-oper-ate co-oper-ation oper-a oper-able oper-ate oper-ation
2 oper-ational oper-ator oper-etta oper-ose    

555、opt (1. =choose,表示"选择"; 2. =sight,表示"视力") (hit 8)

1 ad-opt ad-opt-able ad-opt-ive opt-ic opt-ics opt-ion
2 opt-ional synopsis        

556、optim (=best,表示"最好,乐观") (hit 6)

1 optim-al optim-ism optim-ist optim-istic optim-ize optim-um

557、opto (=sight,表示"视力") (hit 2)

1 opto-meter opto-metrist

558、ora (=mouth,表示"嘴,说") (hit 6)

1 -Ora-cle adore inex-ora-bility inex-ora-ble ora-cle ora-l

559、orat (=mouth,表示"嘴,说") (hit 3)

1 orat-ion orat-or orat-ory

560、orbit (=circle,表示"圆圈") (hit 3)

1 ex-orbit-ant orbit orbit-al

561、order (=order,表示"命令,顺序") (hit 2)

1 order order-ly

562、ordin (=order,表示"命令,顺序") (hit 10)

1 co-ordin-ate co-ordin-ator extra-ordin-ary in-ordin-ate insub-ordin-ate ordain
2 ordin-al ordin-ance ordin-ary sub-ordin-ate    

563、organ (表是"器官,工具") (hit 6)

1 in-organ-ic organ organ-ic organ-ise organ-ism organ-ize

564、ori (=rise/begin,表示"升起,开始") (hit 6)

1 -Ori-ent -Ori-ental dis-ori-ent ori-ent ori-ental ori-entation

565、orig (=rise/begin,表示"升起,开始") (hit 5)

1 ab-orig-inal orig-in orig-inal orig-inally orig-inate

566、orn (=embellish,表示"装饰") (hit 6)

1 ad-orn ad-orn-ment in-orn-ate orn-ament orn-ate sub-orn

567、oss (=bone,表示"骨头") (hit 3)

1 f-oss-il oss-eous oss-ify

568、ot (=ear,表示"耳朵") (hit 2)

1 ot-itis par-ot-itis

569、owe (表示"拥有") (hit 1)

1 owe

570、own (表示"拥有") (hit 3)

1 own own-er own-ership

571、pace (=pass through,表示"步,通过") (hit 1)

1 pace

572、pack (=fastened,表示"包裹;紧的;结合") (hit 2)

1 pack pack-age

573、pact (=fastened,表示"包裹;紧的;结合") (hit 4)

1 com-pact dispatch im-pact pact

574、pag (表示"合同,商定") (hit 3)

1 pag-e pro-pag-anda pro-pag-ate

575、pain (=penalty,表示"惩罚;痛苦") (hit 2)

1 pain pain-ful

576、paint (=paint,表示"描画") (hit 3)

1 paint paint-er paint-ing

577、palp (=fell,表示"感觉,摸") (hit 3)

1 palp-able palp-itate palp-us

578、pan (=bread 表示"谋生;食物") (hit 3)

1 accom-pan-iment com-pan-ion com-pan-y

579、par (1. =bring birth,表示"生产,生出小孩"; 2. =come in sight,表示"看见;出现"; 3. =get ready,表示"准备;安置"; 4. =equal,表示"平等") (hit 30)

1 Ap-par-ently ap-par-atus ap-par-ent ap-par-ently com-par-able com-par-ative
2 com-par-atively com-par-e com-par-ison dis-par-age dis-par-ity im-par-ity
3 inse-par-able multi-par-ous non-par-eil pair par-ade par-ent
4 par-ity pre-par-ation pre-par-e primi-par-ous repair se-par-able
5 se-par-ate se-par-ately trans-par-ency trans-par-ent uni-par-ous unpre-par-ed

580、parl (=speak,表示"说话") (hit 5)

1 -Parl-iament parl-ance parl-ey parl-iament parl-or

581、part (=part/divide,表示"部分,分开") (hit 20)

1 a-part a-part-ment counter-part de-part de-part-ment im-part
2 im-part-ial im-part-ible part part-ake part-ial part-icipate
3 part-icle part-icular part-icularly part-isan part-ition part-ly
4 part-ner part-y        

582、pass (1. =pass through,表示"步,通过"; 2. =feeling,表示"感情"; 3. = 表示"忍耐,遭受") (hit 14)

1 com-pass com-pass-ion encom-pass im-pass-able im-pass-e im-pass-ioned
2 im-pass-ive pass pass-age pass-enger pass-ion pass-ive
3 pass-port tres-pass        

583、path (=feeling,suffering,illness,表示"感情,痛苦,病") (hit 9)

1 anti-path-y a-path-etic a-path-y electro-path-y path-etic path-ology
2 path-os psycho-path sym-path-y      

584、pati (1. =feeling,表示"感情"; 2. = 表示"忍耐,遭受") (hit 6)

1 com-pati-bility com-pati-ble im-pati-ence im-pati-ent pati-ence pati-ent

585、patr (1. =father,表示"父亲"; 2. 祖国 pater-) (hit 2)

1 patr-on patr-onize

586、patri (1. =father,表示"父亲"; 2. 祖国 pater-) (hit 10)

1 ex-patri-ate patri-arch patri-archal patri-archy patri-mony patri-ot
2 patri-otic patri-otism re-patri-ate un-patri-otic    

587、peal (=drive/push,表示"驱动,推") (hit 3)

1 Appellant ap-peal appellant

588、pear (=come in sight,表示"看见;出现") (hit 4)

1 ap-pear disap-pear disap-pear-ance peer

589、peat (=seek,表示"追求,寻求") (hit 1)

1 re-peat

590、ped (1. =foot,表示"足,脚"; 2. =child/education,表示"儿童"; 3. 引申为"教育") (hit 17)

1 bi-ped centi-ped-e ex-ped-ient ex-ped-ite ex-ped-ition ex-ped-itious
2 im-ped-e im-ped-iment ped-agogy ped-al ped-ant ped-antry
3 ped-estrian ped-iatrist ped-ology podiatrist quadru-ped  

591、pel (=drive/push,表示"驱动,推") (hit 8)

1 com-pel com-pel-ling dis-pel ex-pel im-pel pro-pel
2 pro-pel-ler re-pel        

592、pen (=penalty,表示"惩罚;痛苦") (hit 6)

1 pen-al pen-alize pen-alty pen-ance pen-itent re-pen-t

593、pend (1. =expend,表示"花费,支付"; 2. 最初意思为"称重量而衡量……",引申出花费,支付; 3. =hang,表示"悬挂") (hit 16)

1 ap-pend ap-pend-age ap-pend-ix de-pend de-pend-able de-pend-ent
2 ex-pend im-pend-ing inde-pend-ent pend-ant pend-ing pend-ulum
3 per-pend per-pend-icular s-pend sus-pend    

594、pens (1. =expend,表示"花费,支付"; 2. 最初意思为"称重量而衡量……",引申出花费,支付; 3. =hang,表示"悬挂") (hit 12)

1 com-pens-ate dis-pens-able dis-pens-ary dis-pens-e ex-pens-e ex-pens-ive
2 pens-ion pens-ive pro-pens-ity recom-pens-e sus-pens-e sus-pens-ion

595、people (=people 表示"人民" demo- dem-) (hit 1)

1 people

596、peri (=try,表示"尝试") (hit 11)

1 empiric empirical empiricism ex-peri-ence ex-peri-ment ex-peri-mental
2 ex-peri-mentally ex-peri-mentation expert peri-l peri-lous  

597、pet (=seek,表示"追求,寻求") (hit 16)

1 ap-pet-ite ap-pet-izer centri-pet-al com-pet-e com-pet-ence com-pet-ent
2 com-pet-ition com-pet-itive im-pet-uous per-pet-ual per-pet-uate pet-ition
3 pet-itioner pet-ulant propitiate propitious    

598、petr (=stone,表示"石头") (hit 5)

1 per-petr-ate petr-ify petr-oleum petr-ology petr-ous

599、phan (=show,表示"显示") (hit 4)

1 -Phan-tom dia-phan-ous phan-tom syco-phan-t

600、phas (表示"外貌,状态,显示") (hit 5)

1 em-phas-is em-phas-ize emphatic emphatically phas-e

601、phil (=love,表示"爱,喜欢") (hit 4)

1 biblio-phil-ist neo-phil-ia phil-anthropy zoo-phil-ous

602、philo (=love,表示"爱,喜欢") (hit 2)

1 philo-gynist philo-logy

603、phob (=dislike,表示"厌恶") (hit 2)

1 phob-ia sino-phob-e

604、phobia (=dislike,表示"厌恶") (hit 5)

1 Xeno-phobia acro-phobia hydro-phobia idea-phobia xeno-phobia

605、phon (=sound,表示"声音") (hit 6)

1 caco-phon-y eu-phon-ious eu-phon-y micro-phon-e phon-etics sym-phon-y

606、phono (=sound,表示"声音") (hit 1)

1 phono-graph

607、phor (=bring,表示"带来") (hit 3)

1 a-phor-ism dys-phor-ia eu-phor-ia

608、photo (=light,表示"光") (hit 5)

1 photo-genic photo-graph photo-n photo-phobia photo-synthesis

609、physi (表示"自然,物理") (hit 2)

1 physi-c physi-cal

610、physic (表示"自然,物理") (hit 3)

1 physic-ian physic-ist physic-s

611、phyt (=plant,表示"植物") (hit 2)

1 hydro-phyt-e xero-phyt-e

612、pict (=paint,表示"描画") (hit 4)

1 de-pict pict-ograph pict-ure pict-uresque

613、pisc (=fish,表示"鱼") (hit 6)

1 -Pisc-ine pisc-ary pisc-ator pisc-iculture pisc-ine pisc-ivorous

614、plac (=calm,表示"平静") (hit 8)

1 -Plac-id com-plac-ent complaisant im-plac-able plac-able plac-ate
2 plac-ebo plac-id        

615、place (=place,表示"放,地方") (hit 7)

1 dis-place dis-place-ment fire-place place re-place re-place-able
2 re-place-ment          

616、plain (=flat,表示"平坦,明白") (hit 2)

1 ex-plain plain

617、plaint (=complain,表示"抱怨") (hit 5)

1 complain com-plaint plaint plaint-iff plaint-ive

618、plan (=flat,表示"平坦,明白") (hit 2)

1 plan plan-e

619、plant (=plant,表示"种植") (hit 6)

1 im-plant plant-able plant-ation re-plant sup-plant trans-plant

620、plat (=flat,表示"平坦,明白") (hit 4)

1 plat-e plat-eau plat-form plat-itude

621、plaud (=clap hands,表示"鼓掌;赞扬") (hit 2)

1 ap-plaud plaud-it

622、plaus (=clap hands,表示"鼓掌;赞扬") (hit 2)

1 ap-plaus-e plaus-ible

623、ple (=full/fill,表示"满,填满") (hit 5)

1 com-ple-ment im-ple-ment re-ple-te sup-ple-ment sup-ple-mentary

624、pleas (表示"愉快,高兴") (hit 5)

1 dis-pleas-e pleas-ant pleas-e pleas-ed pleas-ure

625、plen (=full/fill,表示"满,填满") (hit 6)

1 de-plen-ish plen-ary plen-tiful plen-titude plen-ty re-plen-ish

626、plet (=full/fill,表示"满,填满") (hit 2)

1 com-plet-e com-plet-ion

627、plex (=fold,表示"重叠") (hit 7)

1 com-plex com-plex-ion com-plex-ity du-plex per-plex per-plex-ed
2 plex-us          

628、pli (1. =fold,表示"重叠,重复"; 2. 折; 3. 弯; 4. =full/fill,表示"满,填满") (hit 6)

1 accom-pli-sh accom-pli-shed com-pli-ment ex-pli-cit simple sim-pli-fy

629、pli,plic,ply (1. =fold,表示"重叠,重复"; 2. 折; 3. 弯) (hit 2)

1 exploitation simply

630、plic (1. =fold,表示"重叠,重复"; 2. 折; 3. 弯) (hit 13)

1 accom-plic-e com-plic-ate com-plic-ated com-plic-ation com-plic-ity ex-plic-able
2 ex-plic-ate exploit im-plic-ate im-plic-ation im-plic-it re-plic-a
3 re-plic-ate          

631、plod (=big noise,表示"大声音") (hit 4)

1 ex-plod-e explosion im-plod-e plod

632、plore (=cry/weep,表示"喊,哭") (hit 5)

1 deplorable de-plore exploration ex-plore im-plore

633、plos (=big noise,表示"大声音") (hit 2)

1 ex-plos-ive im-plos-ion

634、ploy (=use,involve,表示"用,参与") (hit 4)

1 de-ploy em-ploy em-ploy-ment ploy

635、plum (=lead,表示"铅") (hit 1)

1 plum-met

636、plumb (=lead,表示"铅") (hit 3)

1 plumb plumb-er plump

637、ply (1. =fold,表示"重叠,重复"; 2. 折; 3. 弯; 4. =full/fill,表示"满,填满") (hit 7)

1 ap-ply com-ply im-ply ply ply-wood re-ply
2 sup-ply          

638、point (=point/make sharp,表示"点,变尖,指,针") (hit 6)

1 ap-point ap-point-ment disap-point point point-ed point-er

639、polic (1. =state/city,表示"国家,城市"; 2. 政治) (hit 3)

1 polic-e polic-eman polic-y

640、polis (1. =state/city,表示"国家,城市"; 2. 政治) (hit 4)

1 Metro-polis cosmo-polis metro-polis polis

641、polit (1. =state/city,表示"国家,城市"; 2. 政治) (hit 4)

1 cosmo-polit-ism polit-ical polit-ician polit-ics

642、pon (=put,表示"放置") (hit 6)

1 com-pon-ent ex-pon-ent op-pon-ent post-pon-e pro-pon-e pro-pon-ent

643、pond (1. =expend,表示"花费,支付"; 2. 最初意思为"称重量而衡量……",引申出花费,支付) (hit 3)

1 pond-er pond-erance pond-erous

644、popul (=people 表示"人民" demo- dem-) (hit 11)

1 de-popul-ate popul-ace popul-ar popul-arity popul-arization popul-arize
2 popul-arizer popul-ate popul-ation popul-ous re-popul-ate  

645、porc (=pig,表示"猪") (hit 4)

1 porc-ine porc-upine pork porpoise

646、port (1. =part/divide,表示"部分,分开"; 2. =carry,表示"拿,运") (hit 29)

1 -Port-er ap-port-ion com-port com-port-ment de-port de-port-ation
2 de-port-ment dis-port dispro-port-ional ex-port im-port im-port-ance
3 im-port-ant port port-able port-age port-er port-folio
4 port-ion pro-port-ion pro-port-ional pro-port-ionally pur-port re-port
5 s-port s-port-sman sup-port trans-port trans-port-ation  

647、pos (1. =put,表示"放"; 2. 引申为"职位") (hit 6)

1 com-pos-ition com-pos-ure ex-pos-ure op-pos-ite pos-ture sup-pos-ition

648、pose (1. =put,表示"放"; 2. 引申为"职位") (hit 17)

1 com-pose com-pose-r de-pose discom-pose dis-pose dis-pose-d
2 ex-pose im-pose indis-pose-d juxta-pose op-pose pose
3 proposal pro-pose pur-pose re-pose trans-pose  

649、posit (1. =put,表示"放"; 2. 引申为"职位") (hit 15)

1 Ex-posit-ion ap-posit-e ap-posit-ion com-posit-e de-posit de-posit-ary
2 de-posit-ion dis-posit-ion ex-posit-ion im-posit-ion posit posit-ion
3 posit-ive pro-posit-ion re-posit-ory      

650、poss (表示"可以,能够,有能力") (hit 3)

1 poss-ibility poss-ible poss-ibly

651、poster (=behind,表示"后面") (hit 3)

1 poster-ior poster-ity pre-poster-ous

652、pot (=drink,表示"喝") (hit 3)

1 pot-able pot-ation pot-ion

653、potent (=powerful,表示"有力的") (hit 5)

1 impotence im-potent omni-potent potent potent-ial

654、pound (=put,表示"放置") (hit 4)

1 com-pound ex-pound im-pound pro-pound

655、pract (表示"实践,实际,应用") (hit 5)

1 pract-icable pract-ical pract-ically pract-ice pract-ise

656、prais (=value,表示"价值,估价") (hit 4)

1 -Prais-e ap-prais-al ap-prais-e prais-e

657、preci (=value,表示"价值,估价") (hit 6)

1 ap-preci-able ap-preci-ate ap-preci-ative de-preci-ate de-preci-ation preci-ous

658、prehend (=catch,表示"抓住") (hit 5)

1 ap-prehend com-prehend misap-prehend re-prehend reprehensible

659、prehens (=catch,表示"抓住") (hit 6)

1 ap-prehens-ible ap-prehens-ion com-prehens-ible com-prehens-ion com-prehens-ive prehens-ion

660、press (=press,表示"挤压") (hit 19)

1 com-press com-press-ible com-press-ion de-press de-press-ed de-press-ion
2 ex-press ex-press-ion im-press im-press-ion im-press-ive op-press
3 op-press-ion press press-ing press-ure re-press sup-press
4 sup-press-ion          

661、pret (=value,表示"价值,估价") (hit 1)

1 inter-pret

662、pric (=value,表示"价值,估价") (hit 1)

1 pric-e

663、prim (=first/chief,表示"第一,主要的;首要") (hit 9)

1 premier prim-acy prim-arily prim-ary prim-e prim-er
2 prim-eval prim-itive prim-ogenitor      

664、prin (=first/chief,表示"第一,主要的;首要") (hit 2)

1 -Prin-ce prin-ce

665、print (=press,表示"挤压") (hit 1)

1 print

666、prior (=first/chief,表示"第一,主要的;首要") (hit 2)

1 prior prior-ity

667、pris (=take,表示"拿住,抓住") (hit 3)

1 im-pris-on pris-on re-pris-al

668、prise (=take,表示"拿住,抓住") (hit 7)

1 Enter-prise ap-prise com-prise enter-prise enterprising sur-prise
2 surprising          

669、priv (=single/alone,表示"单个") (hit 9)

1 de-priv-ation de-priv-e priv-acy priv-ate priv-ately priv-ation
2 priv-ilege priv-ity priv-y      

670、priz (=value,表示"价值,估价") (hit 1)

1 priz-e

671、proach (=near,表示"接近") (hit 4)

1 ap-proach ap-proach-able re-proach re-proach-able

672、prob (1. =test,表示"测试,证明"; 2. 正直) (hit 11)

1 ap-prob-ate ap-prob-ation disap-prob-ation prob-ability prob-able prob-ation
2 prob-ative prob-e prob-ity re-prob-ate re-prob-ation  

673、proper (1. =one's/own,表示"拥有"; 2. 引申为恰当的) (hit 4)

1 im-proper proper proper-ly proper-ty

674、propri (1. =one's/own,表示"拥有"; 2. 引申为恰当的) (hit 6)

1 ap-propri-ate ap-propri-ately ex-propri-ate propri-etor propri-etory propri-ety

675、prov (1. =test,表示"测试,证明"; 2. 正直) (hit 9)

1 ap-prov-al ap-prov-e disap-prov-e dis-prov-e im-prov-e im-prov-ement
2 proof prov-e re-prov-e      

676、proxim (=close,near,表示"接近,靠近") (hit 3)

1 ap-proxim-ate ap-proxim-ation proxim-ity

677、publ (=people 表示"人民" demo- dem-) (hit 6)

1 Re-publ-ic publ-ic publ-ication publ-icity publ-ish re-publ-ic

678、pud (=feel shame,表示"感到羞耻") (hit 3)

1 im-pud-ent im-pud-icity re-pud-iate

679、pugn (=fight,表示"打斗") (hit 5)

1 ex-pugn-able im-pugn pugn-acious re-pugn-ance re-pugn-ant

680、puls (=drive/push,表示"驱动,推") (hit 11)

1 com-puls-ion com-puls-ory ex-puls-ion im-puls-e im-puls-ive pro-puls-ion
2 puls-ate puls-e push re-puls-e re-puls-ive  

681、pun (=penalty,表示"惩罚;痛苦") (hit 2)

1 im-pun-ity pun-ish

682、punch (=point/make sharp,表示"点,变尖,指,针") (hit 1)

1 punch

683、punct (=point/make sharp,表示"点,变尖,指,针") (hit 10)

1 -Punct-ilious acu-punct-ure com-punct-ion punct-ilious punct-ual punct-uality
2 punct-uate punct-uation punct-ure pungent    

684、pur (=pure,表示"纯洁") (hit 9)

1 -Pur-itan im-pur-e im-pur-ity pur-e pur-ge pur-ify
2 pur-ist pur-itan pur-ity      

685、purg (=pure,表示"纯洁") (hit 3)

1 ex-purg-ate purg-ation purg-ative

686、put (=think,表示"认为,思考") (hit 10)

1 com-put-able com-put-e com-put-er dis-put-able dis-put-atious dis-put-e
2 disre-put-e im-put-e re-put-ation re-put-e    

687、putr (=rotten,表示"腐烂") (hit 4)

1 putr-efaction putr-efy putr-escent putr-id

688、quaint (=know,表示"知道") (hit 3)

1 ac-quaint ac-quaint-ance quaint

689、qual (表示"某一种类,资格") (hit 5)

1 qual-ification qual-ified qual-ify qual-itative qual-ity

690、quant (表示"多少,数量") (hit 4)

1 quant-ify quant-itative quant-ity quant-um

691、quer (=seek/search,表示"寻求,询问") (hit 2)

1 con-quer quer-y

692、quest (=seek/search,表示"寻求,询问") (hit 7)

1 con-quest in-quest quest quest-ion quest-ionable quest-ionnaire
2 re-quest          

693、qui (=still,表示"静") (hit 3)

1 ac-qui-esce ac-qui-escence qui-escence

694、quiet (=still,表示"静") (hit 4)

1 dis-quiet in-quiet-ude quiet-ude quiet-us

695、quir (=seek/search,表示"寻求,询问") (hit 8)

1 ac-quir-e ac-quir-ed ac-quir-ement en-quir-e en-quir-y in-quir-e
2 re-quir-e re-quir-ement        

696、quis (=seek/search,表示"寻求,询问") (hit 7)

1 ac-quis-itive dis-quis-ition in-quis-ite in-quis-ition prere-quis-ite quiz
2 re-quis-ite          

697、quit (1. =free,表示"自由"; 2. 放弃) (hit 7)

1 ac-quit ac-quit-tal quit quit-claim re-quit-al re-quit-e
2 ubi-quit-ous          

698、rad (=scrape,表示"刮插") (hit 2)

1 ab-rad-ant ab-rad-e

699、radi (表示"辐射,光线") (hit 12)

1 Radar radar radi-al radi-ant radi-ate radi-ation
2 radi-ator radi-o radi-oactive radi-oactivity radi-um radi-us

700、radic (=root,表示"根") (hit 5)

1 e-radic-able e-radic-ate radic-al radic-le radix

701、rage (=mad,表示"疯狂,怒气") (hit 4)

1 en-rage out-rage out-rage-ous rage

702、rais (表示"升起,唤醒") (hit 1)

1 rais-e

703、range (=rank,表示"排列,顺序") (hit 8)

1 ar-range ar-range-ment de-range de-range-d disar-range misar-range
2 range rear-range        

704、rank (=rank,表示"排列,顺序") (hit 1)

1 rank

705、rap (=snatch,表示"捕,夺") (hit 3)

1 rap-acious rap-e rap-ine

706、rapt (=snatch,表示"捕,夺") (hit 5)

1 -Rapt-or en-rapt-ure rapt rapt-or rapt-ure

707、ras (=scrape,表示"刮插") (hit 4)

1 ab-ras-ive e-ras-e e-ras-er raze

708、ras,rad (=scrape,表示"刮插") (hit 1)

1 razor

709、rat (=calculate,表示"计算,考虑") (hit 5)

1 rat-e rat-ify rat-io rat-ion rat-ional

710、rav (=snatch,表示"捕,夺") (hit 5)

1 -Rav-en rav-age rav-en rav-enous rav-ish

711、ray (表示"辐射,光线") (hit 2)

1 Ray ray

712、real (表示"真实,现实") (hit 8)

1 real real-ism real-ist real-istic real-ity real-ize
2 real-ly un-real        

713、reason (=calculate,表示"计算,考虑") (hit 2)

1 reason reason-able

714、rect (=straight/right,表示"正,直") (hit 13)

1 cor-rect cor-rect-itude cor-rect-ive di-rect di-rect-ion di-rect-ly
2 di-rect-or e-rect e-rect-ion indi-rect rect-angle rect-ify
3 rect-itude          

715、reg (表示"统治,规定") (hit 2)

1 reg-ime reg-ion

716、regul (表示"统治,规定") (hit 4)

1 regul-ar regul-arity regul-ate regul-ation

717、rend (=give,表示"给") (hit 3)

1 rend-er rend-ition sur-rend-er

718、rept (=creep,表示"爬") (hit 3)

1 rept-ile sub-rept-ion sur-rept-itious

719、rhythm (=rhythm,表示"节奏") (hit 3)

1 ar-rhythm-ic eu-rhythm-ic rhythm-ic

720、rid (=laugh,表示"笑") (hit 3)

1 de-rid-e rid-icule rid-iculous

721、rig (=straight/right,表示"正,直") (hit 5)

1 rig-ht rig-htly rig-id rig-or up-rig-ht

722、ris (1. 表示"升起,唤醒"; 2. =laugh,表示"笑") (hit 5)

1 a-ris-e de-ris-ive ris-e ris-ibility ris-ible

723、riv (表示"河,河岸",引申为流动) (hit 2)

1 ar-riv-al de-riv-ation

724、rive (表示"河,河岸",引申为流动) (hit 3)

1 derivate de-rive rive-r

725、robor (=strength,表示"力量") (hit 3)

1 cor-robor-ate robor-ant robust

726、rod (=bite,表示"咬") (hit 4)

1 cor-rod-e e-rod-e rod-ent rod-enticide

727、rog (=ask,表示"要求,问") (hit 11)

1 ab-rog-ate ar-rog-ance ar-rog-ant ar-rog-ate de-rog-ate de-rog-atory
2 inter-rog-ate pre-rog-ative pro-rog-ue rog-ue sur-rog-ate  

728、roll (=wheel,rotate 表示"轮子,转,滚") (hit 4)

1 control role roll roll-er

729、ros (=bite,表示"咬") (hit 3)

1 cor-ros-ion cor-ros-ive e-ros-ion

730、rot (=wheel,rotate 表示"轮子,转,滚") (hit 8)

1 -Rot-ary rot-ary rot-ate rot-ation rot-atory rot-or
2 rot-und rot-undity        

731、round (=wheel,rotate 表示"轮子,转,滚") (hit 3)

1 a-round round round-about

732、rous (表示"升起,唤醒") (hit 2)

1 a-rous-e rous-e

733、rub (=red,表示"红") (hit 4)

1 -Rub-y rub-icund rub-ricate rub-y

734、rud (=rude,表示"原始,粗野") (hit 6)

1 e-rud-ite e-rud-ition rud-e rud-iment rud-imental rud-iments

735、rul (表示"统治,规定") (hit 2)

1 rul-e rul-er

736、rupt (=break,表示"断裂") (hit 13)

1 ab-rupt bank-rupt bank-rupt-cy cor-rupt cor-rupt-ion dis-rupt
2 dis-rupt-ion e-rupt e-rupt-ion inter-rupt inter-rupt-ion rupt-ion
3 rupt-ure          

737、rur (=country,表示"农村") (hit 2)

1 rur-al rur-ality

738、rust (=country,表示"农村") (hit 2)

1 rust-ic rust-icate

739、sacr (=holy,表示"神圣") (hit 2)

1 desecrate sacr-ed

740、sacri (=holy,表示"神圣") (hit 2)

1 sacri-fice sacri-lege

741、sag (=know,表示"知道") (hit 4)

1 pre-sag-e sag-acious sag-e sapience

742、sal (=salt,表示"盐") (hit 7)

1 sal-ad sal-ary sal-ify sal-ine sal-inity sal-t
2 sal-ty          

743、sali (=leap,表示"跳") (hit 3)

1 assail resilient sali-ent

744、salv (1. =save,表示"救助"; 2. 完全的,安全的) (hit 4)

1 salutary salv-age salv-ation salv-er

745、salv,save (1. =save,表示"救助"; 2. 完全的,安全的) (hit 1)

1 safe

746、sam (=alike/same,表示"相类似,一样") (hit 1)

1 sam-e

747、san (=healthy,表示"健康的") (hit 5)

1 in-san-e san-ative san-atorium san-e san-ity

748、sanct (=holy,表示"神圣") (hit 3)

1 sanct-ify sanct-ion sanct-uary

749、sanguin (=blood,表示"血") (hit 3)

1 con-sanguin-eous ex-sanguin-e sanguin-e

750、sanit (=healthy,表示"健康的") (hit 2)

1 sanit-ary sanit-ation

751、sati (=enough,full of food,表示"足够,饱足") (hit 4)

1 in-sati-ate sate sati-able sati-ate

752、satis (=enough,full of food,表示"足够,饱足") (hit 7)

1 dis-satis-faction dis-satis-fy satis-faction satis-factorily satis-factory satis-fy
2 un-satis-factory          

753、satur (=enough,full of food,表示"足够,饱足") (hit 3)

1 satur-ate satur-ated satur-ation

754、sauc (=salt,表示"盐") (hit 1)

1 sauc-er

755、sault (=leap,表示"跳") (hit 1)

1 as-sault

756、saus (=salt,表示"盐") (hit 1)

1 saus-age

757、save (1. =save,表示"救助"; 2. 完全的,安全的) (hit 3)

1 save saving saviour

758、saw (=cut/divide,表示"切,割") (hit 1)

1 saw

759、scend (=climb,表示"爬,攀") (hit 6)

1 a-scend a-scend-ancy conde-scend de-scend de-scend-ant tran-scend

760、scens (=climb,表示"爬,攀") (hit 1)

1 conde-scens-ion

761、scent (=climb,表示"爬,攀") (hit 2)

1 a-scent de-scent

762、schol (表示"学") (hit 2)

1 schol-ar schol-arship

763、school (表示"学") (hit 1)

1 school

764、sci (=know,表示"知道") (hit 14)

1 con-sci-ence con-sci-entious con-sci-ous ne-sci-ent omni-sci-ent pre-sci-ence
2 pre-sci-ent pseudo-sci-ence sci-ence sci-ent sci-entific sci-entist
3 subcon-sci-ous uncon-sci-ous        

765、scrib (=write,表示"写") (hit 13)

1 a-scrib-able a-scrib-e circum-scrib-e con-scrib-e de-scrib-e in-scrib-e
2 pre-scrib-e scrib-ble scrib-e sub-scrib-e sub-scrib-er subscription
3 tran-scrib-e          

766、script (=write,表示"写") (hit 12)

1 Tran-script con-script de-script-ion in-script-ion manu-script post-script
2 pre-script pre-script-ion script script-ure tape-script tran-script

767、search (表示"搜索,调查") (hit 3)

1 re-search re-search-er search

768、sect (=cut/divide,表示"切,割") (hit 11)

1 bi-sect dis-sect dis-sect-ion in-sect inter-sect inter-sect-ion
2 sect-arian sect-ion sect-ional tran-sect vivi-sect  

769、secut (=follow,表示"跟随,追") (hit 6)

1 con-secut-ion con-secut-ive execute per-secut-e per-secut-ion pro-secut-e

770、secut,sequ,su (=follow,表示"跟随,追") (hit 3)

1 execution executive secondary

771、see (=vision,表示"眼光;观察,看") (hit 1)

1 see

772、seem (=alike/same,表示"相类似,一样") (hit 3)

1 seem seem-ing seem-ingly

773、seg (=cut/divide,表示"切,割") (hit 2)

1 seg-ment seg-mentation

774、sel (=call,表示"召集") (hit 1)

1 coun-sel

775、sembl (=alike/same,表示"相类似,一样") (hit 6)

1 as-sembl-e as-sembl-y dis-sembl-e re-sembl-ance re-sembl-e sembl-ance

776、semin (=seed,表示"种子") (hit 5)

1 dis-semin-ate in-semin-ate semin-al semin-ary semin-ate

777、sen (1. =be,表示"存在,实质"; 2. =old,表示"老") (hit 13)

1 -Sen-ate -Sen-ator -Sen-escence es-sen-tial pre-sen-ce pre-sen-t
2 sen-ate sen-ator sen-escence sen-ile sen-ior sen-iority
3 sir          

778、sens (=feel,表示"感觉") (hit 9)

1 non-sens-e sens-ation sens-e sens-ibility sens-ible sens-itive
2 sens-itivity sens-or sens-ory      

779、sent (=feel,表示"感觉") (hit 12)

1 as-sent con-sent con-sent-ient dissension dis-sent pre-sent-iment
2 re-sent re-sent-ment scent sent-ence sent-iment sent-imental

780、sequ (=follow,表示"跟随,追") (hit 9)

1 con-sequ-ence ob-sequ-ious second sequ-acious sequ-ence sequ-ent
2 sequ-ential sub-sequ-ence sub-sequ-ent      

781、ser (=join/insert,表示"加入,插入,连接") (hit 1)

1 ser-ies

782、serr (=saw,表示"锯子") (hit 4)

1 serr-ate serr-ated serr-ation serr-ied

783、sert (=join/insert,表示"加入,插入,连接") (hit 7)

1 as-sert as-sert-ive de-sert exert ex-sert in-sert
2 in-sert-ion          

784、serv (1. =serve/keep,表示"服务"; 2. 保持,保留) (hit 21)

1 con-serv-ation con-serv-ative con-serv-e de-serv-e de-serv-edly dessert
2 dis-serv-e ob-serv-ance ob-serv-ation ob-serv-atory ob-serv-e pre-serv-e
3 re-serv-e re-serv-ed re-serv-oir serv-ant serv-ice serv-iceable
4 serv-ile serv-ility serv-itude      

785、sess (=fix,located,to place 表示"安置好") (hit 2)

1 pos-sess sess-ion

786、set (=fix,located,to place 表示"安置好") (hit 7)

1 in-set pre-set re-set set-tee set-ting set-tle
2 set-tlement          

787、sever (=earnest,表示"诚恳") (hit 3)

1 as-sever-ate per-sever-e sever-e

788、shame (表示"羞愧") (hit 3)

1 a-shame-d shame shame-less

789、sid (1. =sit,表示"坐"; 2. 放置; 3. =旁边) (hit 14)

1 as-sid-uous con-sid-er dis-sid-ence dis-sid-ent in-sid-ious pre-sid-e
2 re-sid-e re-sid-ual re-sid-ue sedate sedentary sedulous
3 sub-sid-iary sub-sid-y        

790、side (1. =sit,表示"坐"; 2. 放置; 3. =旁边) (hit 14)

1 Pre-side-nt con-side-rable con-side-rably con-side-rate con-side-ration in-side
2 out-side pre-side-nt presidium re-side-nce side side-way
3 sub-side supersede        

791、sight (=vision,表示"眼光;观察,看") (hit 5)

1 in-sight in-sight-ful over-sight sight sight-seeing

792、sign (1. =mark,表示"记号,信号,标志"; 2. 签署) (hit 20)

1 En-sign as-sign as-sign-ment con-sign con-sign-ment de-sign
2 de-sign-ate de-sign-ation en-sign in-sign-ia re-sign re-sign-ation
3 sign sign-al sign-alize sign-ature sign-et sign-ificance
4 sign-ificant sign-ify        

793、simil (=alike/same,表示"相类似,一样") (hit 8)

1 as-simil-ate dis-simil-ation fac-simil-e simil-ar simil-arity simil-arly
2 simil-e veri-simil-ar        

794、simul (=alike/same,表示"相类似,一样") (hit 2)

1 simul-ate simul-ation

795、simult (=alike/same,表示"相类似,一样") (hit 3)

1 simult-aneity simult-aneous simult-aneously

796、sinu (=bend,表示"弯曲") (hit 5)

1 in-sinu-ate sinu-ate sinu-ation sinu-ous sinu-s

797、sist (=stand,表示"站立") (hit 19)

1 as-sist as-sist-ant con-sist con-sist-ence de-sist existence
2 in-sist in-sist-ence irre-sist-ible per-sist per-sist-ence per-sist-ent
3 re-sist re-sist-ance re-sist-ence re-sist-ent re-sist-ible sub-sist
4 sub-sist-ence          

798、soci (= companion,表示"同伴[引申为社团,社会]",) (hit 11)

1 As-soci-ation as-soci-ate as-soci-ation con-soci-ate dis-soci-ate soci-able
2 soci-al soci-alism soci-ality soci-ety soci-ology  

799、sol (1. =alone,表示"单独"; 2. =sun,表示"太阳") (hit 15)

1 de-sol-ate de-sol-ation in-sol-ate island i-sol-ate para-sol
2 sol-ace sol-ar sol-arium sol-arize sol-e sol-iloquy
3 sol-itary sol-itude sol-o      

800、sold (表示"巩固,团结") (hit 1)

1 sold-ier

801、sole (=sun,表示"太阳") (hit 1)

1 con-sole

802、solid (表示"巩固,团结") (hit 4)

1 solid solid-arity solid-ary solid-ify

803、solu (=loosen,表示"溶解,解决,松开") (hit 7)

1 ab-solu-te ab-solu-tion dis-solu-tion re-solu-te solu-ble solu-te
2 solu-tion          

804、solut (=loosen,表示"溶解,解决,松开") (hit 4)

1 ab-solut-ely ab-solut-ism dis-solut-e re-solut-ion

805、solv (=loosen,表示"溶解,解决,松开") (hit 8)

1 ab-solv-e dis-solv-e in-solv-ent re-solv-e solv-able solv-e
2 solv-ency solv-ent        

806、som (=body,表示"身体") (hit 3)

1 chromo-som-e psycho-som-atic som-atic

807、somn (=sleep,表示"睡眠") (hit 6)

1 in-somn-ia in-somn-ious somn-ambulate somn-iferous somn-iloquy somn-olent

808、son (=sound,表示"声音") (hit 9)

1 -Son-ic con-son-ance con-son-ant dis-son-ance dis-son-ant re-son-ance
2 re-son-ant son-ic super-son-ic      

809、soph (=wise,表示"智慧,聪明") (hit 7)

1 pan-soph-ic philo-soph-y soph-ism soph-ist soph-isticate soph-isticated
2 soph-omore          

810、sort (=kind,表示"种类") (hit 4)

1 as-sort as-sort-ed as-sort-ment con-sort

811、spair (=hope,表示"希望") (hit 1)

1 de-spair

812、speci (=look,kind,表示"外观,种类,特别") (hit 13)

1 con-speci-fic e-speci-al e-speci-ally speci-al speci-alist speci-ality
2 speci-alize speci-es speci-fic speci-fication speci-fy speci-men
3 speci-ous          

813、spect (=look/see,表示"看") (hit 25)

1 In-spect-or a-spect circum-spect circum-spect-ion expect in-spect
2 in-spect-ion in-spect-or per-spect-ive pro-spect pro-spect-ive pro-spect-us
3 re-spect re-spect-able re-spect-ful re-spect-ive re-spect-ively retro-spect
4 retro-spect-ive spect-acle spect-acular spect-ator spect-rum speculate
5 su-spect          

814、spect,spic (=look/see,表示"看") (hit 4)

1 expectation speculation speculator unexpected

815、sper (=hope,表示"希望") (hit 7)

1 a-sper-ity de-sper-ado de-sper-ate de-sper-ation pro-sper pro-sper-ity
2 pro-sper-ous          

816、spers (=scatter,表示"散开") (hit 6)

1 a-spers-e a-spers-ion di-spers-e di-spers-ion inter-spers-e inter-spers-ion

817、spic (=look/see,表示"看") (hit 10)

1 au-spic-e au-spic-ious con-spic-uous de-spic-able despise despite
2 per-spic-acious su-spic-ion su-spic-ious su-spic-iously    

818、spin (=thorn,表示"刺") (hit 4)

1 -Spin-y porcupine spin-e spin-y

819、spir (=breathe,表示"呼吸,精神") (hit 18)

1 a-spir-ation a-spir-e a-spir-ing con-spir-acy con-spir-e di-spir-it
2 expiration expire in-spir-ation in-spir-e per-spir-ation per-spir-e
3 re-spir-ation re-spir-e spir-it spir-ited spir-itual tran-spir-e

820、splend (=shine,表示"发光") (hit 3)

1 re-splend-ent splend-id splend-or

821、spond (=promise,表示"承诺,允诺") (hit 8)

1 corre-spond corre-spond-ence de-spond de-spond-ent re-spond re-spond-ent
2 response spontaneous        

822、spons (=promise,表示"承诺,允诺") (hit 2)

1 re-spons-ibility re-spons-ible

823、st (=stand,表示"站,立") (hit 4)

1 con-st-ancy de-st-ination ob-st-acle st-able

824、sta (=stand,表示"站,立") (hit 5)

1 e-sta-blish sta-bility sta-bilization sta-ge sta-y

825、stall (=place,表示"放") (hit 3)

1 fore-stall in-stall in-stall-ment

826、stan (=stand,表示"站,立") (hit 14)

1 circum-stan-ce di-stan-ce equidi-stan-ce homestead in-stan-ce stagnant
2 stamina stan-d stan-dard stan-dardize stan-ding stan-dpoint
3 steadfast sub-stan-ce        

827、stant (=stand,表示"站,立") (hit 7)

1 con-stant di-stant in-stant in-stant-aneous sub-stant-ial sub-stant-iate
2 sub-stant-ive          

828、stat (=stand,表示"站,立") (hit 16)

1 apostasy apo-stat-e e-stat-e stat-e stat-eliness stat-ement
2 stat-ic stat-ion stat-ionary stat-ionery stat-istical stat-istics
3 stat-ue stat-ure stat-us stat-ute    

829、staur (=to store 表示"贮藏") (hit 1)

1 re-staur-ant

830、stell (=star,表示"星星") (hit 6)

1 con-stell-ate con-stell-ation inter-stell-ar stell-ar stell-iform stell-ify

831、stigma (=mark,表示"标志,斑点") (hit 3)

1 a-stigma-tic stigma stigma-tize

832、still (=small drop,表示"小水滴") (hit 6)

1 di-still di-still-ate di-still-ation in-still in-still-ation still

833、stimul (1. =prick,表示"刺,刺激"; 2. 引申为火焰) (hit 2)

1 stimul-ate stimul-ation

834、stin (=stand,表示"站,立") (hit 2)

1 ob-stin-acy ob-stin-ate

835、stinct (1. =prick,表示"刺,刺激"; 2. 引申为火焰) (hit 8)

1 di-stinct di-stinct-ion di-stinct-ive di-stinct-ly extinct instigate
2 in-stinct in-stinct-ive        

836、sting (1. =prick,表示"刺,刺激"; 2. 引申为火焰) (hit 5)

1 di-sting-uish di-sting-uished extinguish sting sting-y

837、sting,stinct,stimul (1. =prick,表示"刺,刺激"; 2. 引申为火焰) (hit 1)

1 extinction

838、stit (=set up/place,表示"建立,放") (hit 3)

1 con-stit-uent super-stit-ion super-stit-ious

839、stitut (=set up/place,表示"建立,放") (hit 13)

1 Con-stitut-ion con-stitut-e con-stitut-ion de-stitut-e de-stitut-ion in-stitut-e
2 in-stitut-ion pro-stitut-e pro-stitut-ion recon-stitut-e re-stitut-e re-stitut-ion
3 sub-stitut-e          

840、stor (=to store 表示"贮藏") (hit 3)

1 re-stor-e stor-age stor-e

841、strain (=tighten,表示"拉紧") (hit 8)

1 con-strain con-strain-t di-strain over-strain refrain re-strain
2 re-strain-t strain        

842、strat (=spread out,表示"扩散,引申为'层次'",) (hit 6)

1 pro-strat-e strat-a strat-ify strat-um sub-strat-al sub-strat-e

843、stress (=tighten,表示"拉紧") (hit 2)

1 di-stress stress

844、strict (=tighten,表示"拉紧") (hit 7)

1 con-strict con-strict-ion di-strict re-strict re-strict-ion strict
2 strict-ure          

845、string (=tighten,表示"拉紧") (hit 6)

1 con-string-e con-string-ent prestige string string-ency string-ent

846、struct (=build,表示"建立,结构") (hit 23)

1 con-struct con-struct-ion destroy de-struct de-struct-ible de-struct-ion
2 de-struct-ive industrial industrious industry in-struct in-struct-ion
3 in-struct-ive in-struct-or instrument instrumental instrumentality ob-struct
4 ob-struct-ion recon-struct struct-ure sub-struct-ion super-struct-ure  

847、su (=follow,表示"跟随,追") (hit 5)

1 pur-su-e pur-su-it su-it su-itable un-su-itable

848、sul (=call,表示"召集") (hit 1)

1 con-sul

849、sult (=leap,表示"跳") (hit 5)

1 con-sult de-sult-ory exult in-sult re-sult

850、sum (=add up,表示"总,加") (hit 3)

1 con-sum-mate re-sum-e sum

851、sume (=take,表示"拿,取") (hit 9)

1 as-sume con-sume con-sume-r consuming presumable pre-sume
2 reas-sume resumable re-sume      

852、sume,sumpt (=take,表示"拿,取") (hit 1)

1 presumably

853、summ (=add up,表示"总,加") (hit 5)

1 con-summ-ation summ-arize summ-ary summ-ation summ-it

854、sumpt (=take,表示"拿,取") (hit 4)

1 as-sumpt-ion con-sumpt-ion pre-sumpt-ion sumpt-uous

855、sure (=sure,表示"肯定,确定") (hit 10)

1 assurance as-sure as-sure-d as-sure-dly en-sure insurance
2 in-sure reas-sure sure sure-ty    

856、surg (=rise,表示"升起") (hit 4)

1 in-surg-ent re-surg-ent surg-e surg-ent

857、tach (=nail,表示"钉子,接角") (hit 4)

1 at-tach at-tach-e at-tach-ment de-tach

858、tack (=nail,表示"钉子,接角") (hit 2)

1 at-tack tack

859、tact (=touch,表示"接触") (hit 6)

1 con-tact in-tact tact tact-ful tact-ility tact-ual

860、tact,tag,tig,ting (=touch,表示"接触") (hit 1)

1 intangible

861、tag (=touch,表示"接触") (hit 2)

1 con-tag-ion con-tag-ious

862、tail (=cut,表示"剪,割") (hit 6)

1 cur-tail de-tail en-tail re-tail tail tail-or

863、tain (1. =hold,表示"拿住,握住,支撑"; 2. 挽留) (hit 15)

1 at-tain at-tain-able at-tain-ment con-tain con-tain-er de-tain
2 enter-tain enter-tain-ment main-tain ob-tain per-tain pertinent
3 re-tain retention sus-tain      

864、tard (=slow,表示"慢") (hit 4)

1 re-tard tard-igrade tard-iness tard-y

865、techn (=skill,ability,表示"技术,能力") (hit 9)

1 Poly-techn-ic poly-techn-ic techn-ic techn-ical techn-ician techn-ique
2 techn-ologic techn-ological techn-ology      

866、tect (=cover,表示"盖上,掩护") (hit 10)

1 De-tect-ive de-tect de-tect-ion de-tect-ive pro-tect pro-tect-ion
2 pro-tect-ive pro-tect-or pro-tect-ory unde-tect-ed    

867、tele (=far,表示"远[引申为电,电从远方来]") (hit 7)

1 tele-gram tele-graph tele-meter tele-phone tele-scope tele-vise
2 tele-vision          

868、temp (1. =time,表示"时间或时间引起的现象"; 2. = "情绪,回火") (hit 3)

1 temp-est temp-estuous temp-o

869、temper (1. =time,表示"时间或时间引起的现象"; 2. = "情绪,回火") (hit 6)

1 -Temper-ance temper temper-ament temper-ance temper-ate temper-ature

870、tempor (1. =time,表示"时间或时间引起的现象"; 2. = "情绪,回火") (hit 8)

1 con-tempor-ary ex-tempor-aneous ex-tempor-ary ex-tempor-e ex-tempor-ize tempor-al
2 tempor-ary tempor-ize        

871、tempt (=try,表示"尝试") (hit 8)

1 at-tempt contemn con-tempt con-tempt-ible con-tempt-uous tempt
2 tempt-ation tempt-atious        

872、ten (1. =hold,表示"拿住,握住,支撑"; 2. 挽留) (hit 14)

1 con-ten-t coun-ten-ance discon-ten-t fas-ten main-ten-ance sus-ten-ance
2 ten-able ten-acious ten-acity ten-ancy ten-ant ten-nis
3 ten-ure un-ten-able        

873、tend (=stretch,表示"伸展,趋向") (hit 15)

1 at-tend at-tend-ance at-tend-ant con-tend dis-tend ex-tend
2 in-tend in-tend-ed intent pre-tend pro-tend tend
3 tend-ence tend-ency tend-er      

874、tens (=stretch,表示"伸展,趋向") (hit 12)

1 ex-tens-ion ex-tens-ive in-tens-e in-tens-ify in-tens-ity in-tens-ive
2 pre-tens-ion tens-e tens-ible tens-ile tens-ion tens-ity

875、tent (=stretch,表示"伸展,趋向") (hit 8)

1 at-tent-ion at-tent-ive at-tent-ively ex-tent in-tent-ion in-tent-ional
2 pre-tent-ious tent        

876、tenu (=thin,表示"细,薄") (hit 5)

1 at-tenu-ate ex-tenu-ate ex-tenu-ating tenu-ity tenu-ous

877、termin (=limit,表示"界限;末端") (hit 11)

1 de-termin-ate de-termin-ative de-termin-e de-termin-ed ex-termin-ate in-termin-able
2 termin-al termin-ate termin-ation termin-ology termin-us  

878、terr (1. =earth,表示"土地"; 2. =frighten,可怕,恐惧; 3. =frighten,表示"恐,怕") (hit 22)

1 Disinter Medi-terr-anean deter determent de-terr-ent disinter
2 extra-terr-estrial extra-terr-itoriality inter medi-terr-anean sub-terr-ane sub-terr-anean
3 terr-ace terr-ain terr-estrial terr-ible terr-ific terr-ify
4 terr-itorial terr-itory terr-or terr-orist    

879、test (=test,witness,表示"测试,试验,证据") (hit 7)

1 at-test con-test con-test-ant de-test pro-test test
2 test-ify          

880、testi (=test,witness,表示"测试,试验,证据") (hit 2)

1 testi-monial testi-mony

881、text (=weave,表示"编织") (hit 6)

1 con-text pre-text text text-book text-ile text-ure

882、the (=god,表示"神") (hit 4)

1 a-the-ism pan-the-ist the-ism the-ology

883、theo (=god,表示"神") (hit 5)

1 apo-theo-sis enthusiasm pan-theo-n theo-cracy theo-logian

884、therm (=heat,表示"热") (hit 4)

1 dia-therm-al iso-therm therm-al therm-os

885、thermo (=heat,表示"热") (hit 1)

1 thermo-meter

886、thesis (=to put,place,表示"放,引申为论文,观点") (hit 5)

1 anti-thesis hypo-thesis paren-thesis syn-thesis thesis

887、thet (=to put,place,表示"放,引申为论文,观点") (hit 2)

1 anti-thet-ical syn-thet-ic

888、tig (=touch,表示"接触") (hit 1)

1 con-tig-uous

889、tim (=fear,表示"害怕") (hit 5)

1 in-tim-idate in-tim-idation tim-id tim-idity tim-orous

890、tin (1. =hold,表示"拿住,握住,支撑"; 2. 挽留) (hit 3)

1 con-tin-ent con-tin-ue imper-tin-ent

891、ting (=touch,表示"接触") (hit 3)

1 con-ting-ency con-ting-ent tangible

892、tinu (1. =hold,表示"拿住,握住,支撑"; 2. 挽留) (hit 2)

1 con-tinu-ation con-tinu-ous

893、tir (=draw,表示"拉") (hit 6)

1 at-tir-e en-tir-e en-tir-ely re-tir-e re-tir-ed tir-ade

894、tissu (=weave,表示"编织") (hit 1)

1 tissu-e

895、toler (=endure,表示"容忍") (hit 5)

1 in-toler-ant toler-able toler-ance toler-ant toler-ate

896、tom (=cut,表示"切,割") (hit 4)

1 a-tom epi-tom-e epi-tom-ize tom-e

897、tomy (=cut,表示"切,割") (hit 2)

1 ana-tomy anthropo-tomy

898、torn (=turn,表示"转") (hit 3)

1 at-torn-ey torn-ado tournament

899、tort (=twist,表示"扭曲") (hit 13)

1 con-tort con-tort-ion con-tort-ionist dis-tort dis-tort-ion ex-tort
2 ex-tort-ion re-tort re-tort-ion torment torsion tort-uous
3 tort-ure          

900、touch (=touch,表示"摸,碰") (hit 4)

1 re-touch touch touch-able un-touch-able

901、tour (=turn,表示"转") (hit 4)

1 con-tour de-tour tour tour-ist

902、tox (=poison,表示"毒") (hit 6)

1 de-tox-ify in-tox-icate tox-ic tox-ication tox-icology tox-in

903、tract (=draw,表示"拉,拖,抽") (hit 8)

1 abs-tract at-tract at-tract-ion at-tract-ive con-tract con-tract-ion
2 dis-tract-ed tract-or        

904、treat (=handle,表示"处理") (hit 2)

1 treat-ment treat-y

905、trem (=quiver,表示"颤抖") (hit 4)

1 trem-ble trem-endous trem-or trem-ulous

906、trench (=cut,表示"切,割") (hit 3)

1 en-trench trench trench-ant

907、tribut (=give,表示"给予") (hit 11)

1 at-tribut-e at-tribut-ion con-tribut-e con-tribut-ion con-tribut-or con-tribut-ory
2 dis-tribut-e dis-tribut-ion re-tribut-ion tribut-ary tribut-e  

908、trit (=rub,表示"磨擦") (hit 5)

1 at-trit at-trit-ion con-trit-e detriment trit-e

909、trop (=turn,表示"转") (hit 4)

1 -Trop-ic trop-e trop-hy trop-ic

910、trophy (=nutrition,表示"营养") (hit 2)

1 a-trophy dys-trophy

911、troub (=stir,表示"搅动,混乱") (hit 2)

1 troub-le troub-lesome

912、tru (=true,表示"相信,真实") (hit 9)

1 dis-tru-st en-tru-st tru-ce tru-e tru-ism tru-ly
2 tru-st tru-stful tru-th      

913、trud (=push,表示"推") (hit 6)

1 de-trud-e ex-trud-e in-trud-e in-trud-er ob-trud-e pro-trud-e

914、trus (=push,表示"推") (hit 3)

1 abs-trus-e in-trus-ion pro-trus-ion

915、turb (=stir,表示"搅动,混乱") (hit 11)

1 dis-turb dis-turb-ance imper-turb-able per-turb per-turb-ation per-turb-ative
2 turb-id turb-ine turb-ulence turb-ulent turmoil  

916、turn (=turn,表示"转") (hit 3)

1 re-turn turn turn-ing

917、tut (=protect,表示"保护,指导") (hit 2)

1 tut-elage tut-or

918、typ (=type,表示"模式,形状") (hit 8)

1 a-typ-ical proto-typ-e stereo-typ-e typ-ewriter typ-ical typ-ically
2 typ-ography typ-ology        

919、umbr (=shadow,表示"影子") (hit 3)

1 ad-umbr-ate umbr-age umbr-ella

920、umbra (=shadow,表示"影子") (hit 2)

1 pen-umbra umbra

921、un (=one,表示"单一,单个") (hit 2)

1 un-animity un-animous

922、und (=wave,表示"波动") (hit 7)

1 abo-und ab-und-ance fec-und-ity in-und-ate redo-und red-und-ant
2 und-ulate          

923、uni (=one,表示"单一,单个") (hit 8)

1 uni-fication uni-on uni-ped uni-quely uni-son uni-t
2 uni-te uni-ty        

924、up (=up,over,表示"向上") (hit 8)

1 back-up set-up up-braid up-front up-heaval up-hold
2 up-root up-turn        

925、ur (=urine,表示"尿") (hit 1)

1 ur-ology

926、urb (=city,表示"城市") (hit 6)

1 in-urb-ane sub-urb sub-urb-anite urb-an urb-ane urb-anity

927、urin (=urine,表示"尿") (hit 3)

1 urin-al urin-ate urin-e

928、us (=use,表示"用") (hit 4)

1 un-us-ual us-age us-ual us-urp

929、use (=use,表示"用") (hit 7)

1 ab-use abusive disab-use mis-use use use-ful
2 use-less          

930、util (=use,表示"用") (hit 4)

1 utensil util-itarian util-ity util-ize

931、vac (=empty,表示"空") (hit 5)

1 e-vac-uate vac-ant vac-ate vac-ation vac-uous

932、vacu (=empty,表示"空") (hit 2)

1 e-vacu-ation vacu-um

933、vade (=go,表示"走") (hit 3)

1 e-vade in-vade per-vade

934、vail (=value,表示"价值") (hit 3)

1 a-vail a-vail-ability a-vail-able

935、val (1. =value,表示"价值"; 2. =strong,表示"强壮") (hit 7)

1 con-val-escence equi-val-ence equi-val-ent in-val-idity val-idate val-idity
2 val-or          

936、valu (=value,表示"价值") (hit 7)

1 de-valu-ate de-valu-ation e-valu-ate under-valu-e valu-able valu-ate
2 valu-e          

937、van (1. 表示"前卫,先锋"; 2. =empty,表示"空") (hit 7)

1 ad-van-ce ad-van-ced e-van-escence e-van-escent vain van-ish
2 van-ity          

938、vapor (=steam,表示"蒸气") (hit 4)

1 e-vapor-ate e-vapor-ation vapor vapor-ize

939、vari (=change,表示"变化") (hit 8)

1 pre-vari-cate vari-able vari-ance vari-egate vari-egation vari-ety
2 vari-form vari-ous        

940、vary (=change,表示"变化") (hit 1)

1 vary

941、vas (1. =go,表示"走"; 2. =empty,表示"空") (hit 5)

1 e-vas-ion e-vas-ive in-vas-ion per-vas-ion vas-t

942、veil (=cover,表示"盖上,面纱") (hit 3)

1 reveal un-veil veil

943、velop (=to wrap up 表示"包,包裹") (hit 7)

1 de-velop de-velop-able de-velop-er de-velop-ment de-velop-mental en-velop
2 en-velop-e          

944、ven (=come,表示"来,走") (hit 11)

1 A-ven-ue Co-ven-ant a-ven-ue contra-ven-e con-ven-e con-ven-ience
2 con-ven-ient co-ven-ant inter-ven-e in-ven-tory re-ven-ue  

945、venge (=punish,表示"惩罚[引申为报仇]") (hit 7)

1 A-venge-r a-venge a-venge-r re-venge re-venge-ful venge-ance
2 venge-ful          

946、vent (1. =come,表示"来,走"; 2. =wind,表示"风") (hit 14)

1 con-vent-ionality e-vent-ful e-vent-ual e-vent-uality e-vent-ually inter-vent-ion
2 in-vent in-vent-ion in-vent-ive in-vent-or pre-vent-ive vent
3 vent-ilate vent-ilation        

947、ver (=true,表示"真实") (hit 8)

1 ver-acious ver-acity ver-dict ver-ifiable ver-ify ver-isimilar
2 ver-ity ver-y        

948、verb (=word,表示"词语") (hit 8)

1 ad-verb pro-verb pro-verb-ial verb verb-al verb-atim
2 verb-iage verb-ose        

949、vers (=turn,表示"转") (hit 32)

1 Uni-vers-ity -Vers-ed ad-vers-ary ad-vers-e ad-vers-ity anni-vers-ary
2 a-vers-e a-vers-ion con-vers-ant con-vers-ation con-vers-e con-vers-ion
3 di-vers-e di-vers-ify di-vers-ion di-vers-ity in-vers-e irre-vers-ible
4 mal-vers-ation per-vers-e per-vers-ity re-vers-e re-vers-ible trans-vers-al
5 uni-vers-al uni-vers-e uni-vers-ity vers-atile vers-atility vers-e
6 vers-ed vers-ion        

950、vert (=turn,表示"转") (hit 20)

1 ad-vert-ise ad-vert-isement a-vert controversy contro-vert contro-vert-ible
2 con-vert con-vert-ed con-vert-ible di-vert incontro-vert-ible incon-vert-ible
3 in-vert per-vert reversion re-vert sub-vert uncon-vert-ed
4 vert-ical vert-igo        

951、vest (=clothes,表示"衣服") (hit 6)

1 di-vest in-vest in-vest-ment tra-vest-y vest vest-ment

952、vestig (=footprint,track,表示"脚印,踪迹") (hit 3)

1 in-vestig-ate in-vestig-ation vestig-e

953、vey (=way,表示"道路") (hit 3)

1 con-vey con-vey-ance vehicle

954、vi (=way,表示"道路") (hit 9)

1 de-vi-ate de-vi-ous ob-vi-ate ob-vi-ous per-vi-ous per-vi-ousness
2 pre-vi-ous tri-vi-al vector      

955、via (=way,表示"道路") (hit 4)

1 de-via-tion tri-via-lity via via-duct

956、vibr (=swing,表示"摇摆") (hit 4)

1 re-vibr-ate vibr-ant vibr-ate vibr-ation

957、vict (=conquer/overcome,表示"征服,克服") (hit 8)

1 -Vict-or con-vict con-vict-ion e-vict e-vict-ion vict-or
2 vict-orious vict-ory        

958、vid (1. =separate,表示"分开"; 2. =see,表示"看,查") (hit 14)

1 Pro-vid-ence di-vid-e di-vid-end e-vid-ence e-vid-ent impro-vid-ent
2 indi-vid-ual in-vid-ious pro-vid-e pro-vid-ed pro-vid-ence pro-vid-ent
3 subdi-vid-e vid-eo        

959、vid,vis,view (=see,表示"看,查") (hit 1)

1 envious

960、view (=see,表示"看,查") (hit 6)

1 envy inter-view re-view survey view view-point

961、vig (=life,表示"生命") (hit 6)

1 in-vig-orate in-vig-oration vig-ilance vig-ilant vig-or vig-orous

962、vil (=base,表示"卑劣") (hit 4)

1 re-vil-e vil-e vil-ify vil-lain

963、vinc (=conquer/overcome,表示"征服,克服") (hit 4)

1 con-vinc-e con-vinc-ing e-vinc-e in-vinc-ible

964、viol (表示"违反,侵犯") (hit 5)

1 viol-ate viol-ation viol-ence viol-ent viol-ently

965、vir (=man,表示"男人") (hit 5)

1 vir-ago vir-ile vir-tue vir-tuosity vir-tuoso

966、vis (1. =separate,表示"分开"; 2. =see,表示"看,查") (hit 24)

1 advice ad-vis-able ad-vis-e ad-vis-or ad-vis-ory device
2 de-vis-e di-vis-ible di-vis-ion pre-vis-e pro-vis-ion pro-vis-ional
3 re-vis-e re-vis-ion super-vis-e super-vis-or vis-a vis-ible
4 vis-ion vis-ionary vis-it vis-itor vis-ual vis-ualize

967、vit (=life,表示"生命") (hit 7)

1 re-vit-alize vit-al vit-alism vit-ality vit-alize vit-als
2 vit-amin          

968、viv (=life,表示"生命") (hit 9)

1 con-viv-ial re-viv-al re-viv-e sur-viv-al sur-viv-e viable
2 viv-acious viv-id viv-isect      

969、viv,vit,vig (=life,表示"生命") (hit 1)

1 viability

970、voc (=call/voice,表示"出声,叫喊,看") (hit 13)

1 ad-voc-ate a-voc-ation con-voc-ation equi-voc-al equi-voc-ate irre-voc-able
2 voc-able voc-abulary voc-al voc-alist voc-ation voc-iferous
3 vowel          

971、voic (=call/voice,表示"出声,叫喊,看") (hit 1)

1 voic-e

972、void (=empty,表示"空") (hit 5)

1 a-void a-void-ance de-void una-void-able void

973、vok (=call/voice,表示"出声,叫喊,看") (hit 9)

1 con-vok-e equi-vok-e e-vok-e invocatory in-vok-e provocative
2 pro-vok-e revocable re-vok-e      

974、vol (=wish,will,表示"意志,意愿") (hit 6)

1 bene-vol-ence bene-vol-ent male-vol-ence male-vol-ent vol-ition vol-itive

975、volt (=roll/turn,表示"转,卷") (hit 2)

1 archi-volt re-volt

976、volu (=roll/turn,表示"转,卷") (hit 8)

1 e-volu-tion e-volu-tionism re-volu-tion volu-bility volu-ble volu-me
2 volu-minous volu-te        

977、volunt (=wish,will,表示"意志,意愿") (hit 2)

1 volunt-ary volunt-eer

978、volv (=roll/turn,表示"转,卷") (hit 8)

1 con-volv-e e-volv-e inter-volv-e in-volv-e in-volv-ed in-volv-ement
2 re-volv-e re-volv-er        

979、vor (=eat,表示"吃") (hit 7)

1 carni-vor-ous devour herbi-vor-ous insecti-vor-ous omni-vor-ous vor-acious
2 vor-acity          

980、vot (=vow,表示"忠于,发誓") (hit 5)

1 de-vot-e de-vot-ion de-vot-ional vot-e vot-er

981、vow (=vow,表示"忠于,发誓") (hit 1)

1 vow

982、voy (=way,表示"道路") (hit 3)

1 con-voy en-voy voy-age

983、vulg (=people,表示"人群") (hit 4)

1 di-vulg-e vulg-ar vulg-arity vulg-us

984、vuls (=pluck/tear,表示"收缩,撕开") (hit 5)

1 con-vuls-e con-vuls-ion con-vuls-ive re-vuls-e re-vuls-ion

985、vult (=pluck/tear,表示"收缩,撕开") (hit 2)

1 vult-ure vult-urine

986、ware (=watch,表示"注视") (hit 4)

1 a-ware a-ware-ness una-ware wary

987、weal (表示"愿望,福利") (hit 2)

1 weal-th weal-thy

988、wel (表示"愿望,福利") (hit 2)

1 wel-come wel-fare

989、well (表示"愿望,福利") (hit 4)

1 Well fare-well well well--known

990、wis (表示"智慧,观察") (hit 1)

1 wis-e

991、wit (表示"智慧,观察") (hit 2)

1 wit wit-ness

992、worth (表示"值得") (hit 5)

1 worship worth worth-less worth-while worth-y

993、you (表示"年轻") (hit 2)

1 you-th you-thful

994、young (表示"年轻") (hit 2)

1 young young-ster

995、zeal (=ardor,表示"热心") (hit 4)

1 jealous zeal zeal-ot zeal-ous

996、zoo (=animal,表示"动物") (hit 5)

1 azoic zodiac zoic zoo-logy zoo-tomy


