ScriptToApp FAQ

Q: Why is the icon of the app generated after the custom icon is incorrect?

A: Please ensure the correctness of the selected image file, preferably the format of icns

Q: Why can't I open the generated app

A: Please try to change the security preference by "System Preferences -> Security & Privacy", check the item  "Anywhere". If there is not "Anywhere" item, please use this command in terminal " sudo spctl --master-disable " and then restart the System Preferences.


Q: Why is the icon of the app generated after the custom icon is incorrect?

A: Please ensure the correctness of the selected image file, preferably the format of icns

Q: Why can't I open the generated app

A: Please try to change the security preference by "System Preferences -> Security & Privacy", check the item  "Anywhere". If there is not "Anywhere" item, please use this command in terminal " sudo spctl --master-disable " and then restart the System Preferences.

