9.mysql 数据查询(tcy)

1.5.查询  2019/2/9


select ,… from tb_name where con group by ,… having con limit count;


单表查询:select * from tb_name;                #查询所有字段

多表查询select tb_1.id,tb_1.user,tb_2.id,tb_2.name from tb_1,tb_2;

视图查询:select * from (select no,name,open from m111) t where t.no>1;

指定别名:select id,name as n,sex as s from tb_name where id>1; #name,sex字段别名n,s

                  select * from tb_name p where p.talk=’php’;                    #p表的别名

去除重复:select distinct user,password from tb_name;                 #查询指定字段(去除重复)

结果排序:select * from tb_name order by asc[|desc];

限制查询:select *from tb_name limit 5;     #前5行

                  select * from 表 limit 2,5;            #从查询结果的第3行开始,显示5行

                  select * from 表 limit 5 offset 2;  #从查询结果的第3行开始,显示5行


select * from tb_name where id>1;                                             #查询所有字段指定数据

select * from tb_name where user not in(‘Tom’,’Bob’);             #集合查询;符型加单引号

select * from tb_name where id in (2,3,4) and date<'1988-12-1'; #集合查询


select * from tb_name where id not between 5 and 7; #范围查询

select * from tb_name where user not like ‘%Tom%’ having user like ‘T_m’;# 模糊查询_,%匹配单,多字符

select * from tb_name where name is not null;#非空查询

select * from tb_name where user=’Tom’and (name is null or id=<5); 



格式:slect 要显示的结果字段 from tb_name [where 条件] group by 分组字段 [ordey by 字段 asc[|desc]];









select 行业, avg(open) from tb_name group by 行业;#分组列一般按大类类别进行

select 行业,分类,name,count(open),sum(open),avg(open),min(open),max(open) from tb_name group by 分类;

select 行业,分类,name,count(open),avg(open) from tb_name where open is not null

group by name order by avg(open) desc;

select 行业,分类,name,vol from tb_name  group by name,vol,行业; #多个字段分组

select 行业,分类,name,vol,group_concat(name) from tb_name  group by name;#name必为分组字段

4.聚合函数 count,sum,min,max,avg,median,std


select count(*) from tb_name;                    #统计表中总数不用where更快

select count(name) from tb_name;             #统计表中name总数=6 

select sum(id) as sumvalue  from tb_name;#别名

select@min_price:=MIN(price),@max_price:=MAX(price) tb_name;

select * from new_futures.m111 order by rand() limit 5; #随机取出5条数据

select * from tb_namewhere datediff('minute',开始时间,getdate())>5;#延时查询


select * from tb_login where user in ( select user from tb_book);#user存在2个表中

select id,books,row from tb_book where row>=(select row from tb_row where id=1);# 比较查询

select * from tb_row where exists ( select * from tb_book where id=27) and row>90;# 内查询返回True值外查询才进行

select books,row from tb_book where id< any( select row from tb_row)

select books,row from tb_book where id>=all( select row from tb_row);



select name,books from tb_login,tb_book where tb_login.user=tb_book.user and row>5;


6.2外连接查询left join;right join;

select name,books from tb_login left join tb_book on tb_login.user=tb.book.user


6.3全外连接full/cross  join不仅包括符号连接表的匹配行,还包括两个连接表中的所有记录。


union [all]      将所有查询结果合并去除相同记录;

except [all]    查询结果包括所有在table1中但不在table2 中的行并消除所有重复行

intersect [all] 查询结果包括所有在table1及table2 中的行并消除所有重复行        

注:all 简单将结果合并不消除重复行;使用运算词的几个查询结果行必须是一致的。

select user from tb_1 union all  select user from tb_2;          #速度快于union

(select a from tableA) except (select a from tableB) except (select a from tableC)

#所有在TableA 中但不在 TableB和TableC 中的行并消除所有重复行


select books from tb_book where books

regexp ‘^php’;  #字符串开头

regexp ‘php$’;  #字符串结尾

regexp ‘p.’;     #匹配任意一个字符

regexp ‘[abc]’;  #匹配abc中任意一个字符

regexp ‘[^a-z]’;  #匹配除字符集外任意一个字符

regexp ‘s1|s2|s3’;#匹配任意一个字符串

regexp ‘j*a’;    #匹配多个该字符a之前的字符j;j+a至少一个j

regexp ‘a{3}’;   #匹配字符串连续出现3次

regexp ‘a{2,4}’;  #匹配字符串最少2次,最多4次


9.判断函数 2019/2/10


if(expr,v1,v2)                                                     #如expr是true返回v1否则v2(数字或字符串,或字段)

select *,if(sex='1','男','女') as sex_cn from tb_user#查询结果添加一列sex_cn内容为男或女

select if(0.1,1,0);       #0 #0.1被转化为整数值;v1,v2有null的返回非null

select if(0.1<>0,1,0); #1#比较检验了原始浮点值


ifnull(v1,v2)  #如v1不为空显示v1,否则v2(数字或字符串,或字段);

select ifnull(null,10); select ifnull(1/0,10); select ifnull(10,0); #10

select *,ifnull(user,'Tom') from tb_name                                 #字段user为空就返回'Tom'
select *,ifnull(user,name) from tb_name where id in (5,6,12) #字段user为空就返回字段name


nullif(expr1,expr2)#如expr1 = expr2 成立返回null否则返回expr1

                         #等价case when expr1 = expr2 then null else expr1 end

select *,nullif(name,user) from tb_name#字段name与字段user相等返回空否则返回name

select nullif(1,1); #null
select nullif(1,2); #1


case when expr then v1[ when v1 then v2…] else vn end

#如expr=true返回v1否则v2(sql语句或者返回值); 用于sql语句和过程、触发器

select *,(case sex when '1' then '男' when '0' then '女' else '保密' end) as sex_cn  from tb_name;

                                                          #仅能用相等判断 查询结果添加字段sex_cn显示为男或女或保密

select *,(case when sex='1' then '男' when sex='0' then '女' else '保密' end) as sex_cn
from tb_name order by sex_cn desc #比较判断 推荐用法

select *,(case when sex='1' then '男' when sex='0' then '女' else '保密' end) as sex_cn,

            (case when age>=60 then '老年' when age<60 and age>=30 then '中年'

                     when age<30 and age>=18 then '青年' else '幼年' end) as age_cn from tb_name;


select count(*),(case 省份 when '北京' then '华北' when '广东' then '华南' when '湖南' then '华南' end) as area_cn

          from tb_name group by area_cn;      # 将区域分组统计华北华南注册人数

select count(case a.no when 7 then a.vol end) + count(case a.no when 11 then a.vol end) as rst_cn

          from tb_name a where a.open = 3000# 查询tb_name表no为7或11,open = 3000 的所有记录数

select count(case a.no when 7 then a.vol end) as n1,

          count(case a.no when 11 then a.vol end) as n2
          from tb_name a where a.open = 3000;# 别查询tb_name表状态为7和11且open = 3000的所有记录数



SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('User: ''',user,'''@''',host,''';') AS query FROM mysql.user;

show grants for 'cactiuser'@'%';  

select * from mysql.user where user='cactiuser' \G;


SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.tables where table_name = 'm1801' and table_schema = 'futures_test';


select COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.COLUMNS where table_name = 'm1801'

                                                                                                               and table_schema = 'futures_test';



set @str_tb_name= (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.tables 
                          where table_name = 'm111' and table_schema = 'new_futures');#1条结果

set @a= (select if(@str_tb_name='m111','ok1','ng1') result);


#select (select COLUMN_NAME from  information_schema.COLUMNS 
         where table_name = 'm111'  and table_schema = 'new_futures' and  column_name='No') into @b;#多条结果

set @str_col_name= (select COLUMN_NAME from  information_schema.COLUMNS 
         where table_name = 'm111'  and table_schema = 'new_futures' and  column_name='No') ;#1条结果

set @b= (select if(@str_col_name='no','ok2','ng2') result) ;

select @a as a,@b as b,@str_tb_name as tb,@str_col_name as col;
a    b  tb   col
ok1 ok2 m111  No

