
struct KK_Plex     // warning variable length structure
 KK_Plex* pNext;
#if (_AFX_PACKING >= 8)
 DWORD dwReserved[1];    // align on 8 byte boundary

 void* data() { return this+1; }
 static KK_Plex* Create(KK_Plex*& head, unsigned int nMax, unsigned int cbElement);
 // like 'calloc' but no zero fill
 // may throw memory exceptions
 void FreeDataChain();       // free this one and links

/*   Class: KK_Plex                                                     */
KK_Plex* KK_Plex::Create(KK_Plex*& pHead, unsigned int nMax, unsigned int cbElement)
 KK_Assert(nMax > 0 && cbElement > 0);
 KK_Plex* p = (KK_Plex*) new unsigned char[sizeof(KK_Plex) + nMax * cbElement];
 // may throw exception
 p->pNext = pHead;
 pHead = p;  // change head (adds in reverse order for simplicity)
 return p;

void KK_Plex::FreeDataChain()     // free this one and links
 KK_Plex* p = this;
 while (p != ((void *)0))
  unsigned char* bytes = (unsigned char*) p;
  KK_Plex* pNext = p->pNext;
  delete[] bytes;
  p = pNext;
/*   End Class: KK_Plex                                                 */

习这,知道了指引用KK_Plex*& pHead,内存的申放,可以返回数据void* data() { return this+1; },因在申请时多申KK_Plex这么大的空。数据区正好存在后,所以可以这么操作,非常方便。




CPlex* Create(CPlex*& head, UINT nMax, UINT cbElement)




struct CPlex       // warning variable length structure
CPlex* pNext;
#if (_AFX_PACKING >= 8)
DWORD dwReserved[1];      // align on 8 byte boundary
// BYTE data[maxNum*elementSize];

void* data() { return this+1; }

static CPlex* PASCAL Create(CPlex*& head, UINT nMax, UINT cbElement);
     // like 'calloc' but no zero fill
     // may throw memory exceptions

void FreeDataChain();         // free this one and links



CPlex* PASCAL CPlex::Create(CPlex*& pHead, UINT nMax, UINT cbElement)
ASSERT(nMax > 0 && cbElement > 0);
CPlex* p = (CPlex*) new BYTE[sizeof(CPlex) + nMax * cbElement];
     // may throw exception
p->pNext = pHead;
pHead = p;    // change head (adds in reverse order for simplicity)
return p;

void CPlex::FreeDataChain()       // free this one and links
CPlex* p = this;
while (p != NULL)
    BYTE* bytes = (BYTE*) p;
    CPlex* pNext = p->pNext;
    delete[] bytes;
    p = pNext;

