修改cloudera manager管理主机名(转)

I installed the Cloudera Manager 4 on a 1GbE default setup on eth0/bond0 and now I need to use 10GbE or Infiniband IB or 40GbE without the reinstall. How I did it!!

 The assumptions here are that you already have a CM 4.x already installed with the default embedded postgres DB on a linux server
. If you want to learn how-to just ask...

Let's start here where I have a 3 cluster setup with yosemite001 - yosemite003
 hostname = yosemite00[1-3].somedomain.com = CM Installed on 1GbE


  1. Shutdown all services
  2. service cloudera-scm-agent stop on all nodes 
  3. service cloudera-scm-server stop on CM server


From here if you have a paid or supported version, You are about to lose it or maybe they say "Cool good job!!"  proceed at your own risk...

from the CM Server
as root su – postgres (If you have installed on a different database then login using that credentials)




psql -h localhost -p 7432 -U scm


à When asked for the password open another terminal and run


[root@yosemite001 ~]# grep password /etc/cloudera-scm-server/db.properties




paste the password & you should see the scm prompt


scm=>  select host_id,host_identifier,name,ip_address from hosts;  --> Check the current config and save the values in a file/notepad you will need this if you need to flip back.


host_id |    host_identifier    |         name          |   ip_address


扫描二维码关注公众号,回复: 558277 查看本文章


       2 | yosemite001.somedomain.com | yosemite001.somedomain.com |


       3 | yosemite002.somedomain.com | yosemite002.somedomain.com |


       4 | yosemite003.somedomain.com | yosemite003.somedomain.com |


(3 rows)




scm=> update hosts set (host_identifier,name,ip_address) = ('yosemite001-10g.somedomain.com','yosemite001-10g.somedomain.com','') where host_id=2;






Update all the other rows.




Check if the updates went through




scm=>  select host_id,host_identifier,name,ip_address from hosts;


host_id |     host_identifier                       |           name                                   |   ip_address




       3 | yosemite002.somedomain.com    | yosemite002.somedomain.com    |


       4 | yosemite003.somedomain.com    | yosemite003.somedomain.com    |
       2 | yosemite001-somedomain.com | yosemite001-ib.somedomain.com |
(3 rows)




Exit the tool  “\q;”




edit the /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini and update the server and the listen ip & hostname section on all nodes to the new interface ip & address




edit /etc/sysconfig/network with the new hostname for the interface


run hostname yosemite001-10g (Update all hostnames on the servers)


run “exec bash” and verify the hostname change is done




Run on the CM Server


chkconfig cloudera-scm-server on


service cloudera-scm-server start




Run the following on all the nodes




chkconfig cloudera-scm-agent on


service cloudera-scm-agent start on all the nodes




Login to the GUI verify the host changes and “Good health”




Force CM to rerun the configuration to register the changes (mimic changes and revert to force CM a rerun of config )




Go to the hdfs->system-wide config edit/changes and make any minimal changes and save and revert back to original and save


Do the same for mapreduce as well


Restart the services




Verify the client functionality by running Terasort.

转自: http://bigdata-helpline.blogspot.com/2013/03/change-ip-or-hostname-for-already.html




